Sarah's Crew (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever), page 1

Sarah’s Crew
Sarah Lowen is leaving her past for a fresh start, but when fate has other ideas she finds herself with six rescuers that need her just as much as she needs them. When Sarah wakes up from her accident to see that she’s been rescued by beautiful alien men she thinks she must be dreaming; but her imagination couldn’t have prepared her for the reality of what they need from her.
Daegan was relieved that they had found a suitable female to bond with, fearing he had condemned his bond-mates and crew to certain death by trusting the wrong woman. Tristan, Vaughn, Rykken, and Callen seem to be more than content with sweet little Sarah, but Zane seems determined to keep his distance. Will Zane’s unwillingness to love Sarah cost them all their future?
Genre: Futuristic, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Science Fiction
Length: 23,156 words
* D P G R O U P *
Sarah Marsh
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever
Copyright © 2014 by Sarah Marsh
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-704-6
First E-book Publication: December 2014
Cover design by Harris Channing
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.
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All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.
Siren Publishing, Inc.
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Amanda Hilton, Publisher
To my wonderful friend Marissa, who has always been there to support me no matter what I get up to. Thank you for all of your help and support, but thanks most of all for keeping a straight face no matter how many men I add!
Table of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
About the Author
Copyright © 2014
“Just freaking great,” Sarah muttered to herself as she drove down the gravel road. “I have absolutely no idea where I am and the turn off to the highway should have been twenty minutes ago.”
She was already trying her hardest to keep the tears welling in her eyes from falling and getting lost was yet another cruel joke by the universe. After spending the last four years in a broken relationship with Robbie, during which the last eight months he hadn’t even kissed her goodnight, she had finally found the courage to pack up her meager belongings. Finding one more woman’s phone number while doing his disgusting laundry had just been the final straw. All she could be thankful for was that when she had gotten the desperate idea last year to go off of her birth control injection to try and have a baby that her BFF had yelled at her until she came to her senses. Leaving late at night before he got home from whatever bar he would have been at, to drive three hours to her best friend’s house might not have been her greatest idea after all, but she just couldn’t bear the thought of spending one more night alone in that crappy apartment.
She stopped the car to attempt to turn around on the narrow secluded road, which was a little difficult with the pitch-black woods on one side of her and the high cliff off the other side, the darkness seeming to melt into the side of the road. Hearing her cell phone ringing on the seat beside her, she turned to dig through the bag to grab it and just as she was turning back to look ahead again, a light blinded her and then everything went dark.
Sarah was having the most incredibly erotic dream, the feel of hands caressing all over her body. Soothing voices were all around her, although she could seem to make out what they were saying, she didn’t so much care because all she felt was pure bliss. When she opened her eyes everything around her was so fuzzy, but she could see the outline of two men standing beside her bed. As she looked at them she decided it was most definitely a dream, she’d never seen men so beautiful. They looked like warrior gods sent straight from Olympus. The one closest to her had the most amazing long hair that was a pewter color. As he knelt down closer to her she ran her hands through it and sighed. He smiled at her and looked up to the other man, who was watching her closely. She heard him ask in a deep low whisper, “Will you accept us, Sarah Lowell?”
“Daegan? How do I know your name?” she murmured to herself confused.
The other male she knew instinctively as Tristan cupped her cheek in his hand. “We gave you a data download with all of our clan and species information when I was healing you, Sarah. That’s why you know us, little one.”
“Oh,” she answered softly, and as she thought more about them a wealth of information swirled through her head. She knew that there were four more men in their clan, all about life and customs on their planet of Zorn. Sarah was trying to make sense of the fact that she knew all about an alien race when she was pretty sure she didn’t even believe in aliens in the first place. What a strange dream this was.
At the confused look on Sarah’s face, Tristan began to explain, “Sarah, yes this is a dream in your mind, but we are here because we need to discuss something very important with you. You know about our species and the need for a female bond mate in our clan?”
“Of course,” she said, still absently stroking her hand through Tristan’s silky hair.
This time Daegan began to speak. “We are in desperate need of you, Sarah. We are far from Zorn and without a female bond mate. Our youngest is already feeling the effects, and we rescued you from death on your planet in hopes that you would agree to help us.”
“Help you?” Sarah was still feeling the slow dreamlike drag on her thoughts. “Wait, death? What do you mean?”
“Your personal transport was crushed by another and we brought you here at the time of your death and healed you. It was the only way we could remove you from your planet within the realm of our laws,” Daegan answered.
Sarah just looked at them both for a moment, stunned. Was this really happening?
“Will you be our bond mate for a contract of five years, Sarah? We will take care of your every need, and once the contract is up we will help you to decide what you’d like to do next,” said the stoic captain.
“I can’t go home again, can I?” she said quietly as she looked at the two men who stood before her.
Tristan looked sad as he shook his head no. Daegan looked like he wanted to reach out and comfort her, but instead she saw his fists clench as he held himself back. She reached into her mind and went through the new information about the
Immediately erotic visions swam through her head of what she could do with the two beautiful men and she nodded slowly at them.
“Yes, I will bond with you,” she said, reaching out to take their hands.
She could instantly see the relief on both men’s faces, especially Daegan’s as the tension left his very large shoulders like he could breathe for the first time in ages.
“So how do we do this then?” she said, smiling up at them.
“We will need to keep you sedated while we initiate the bond, Sarah,” Tristan said tentatively. “This has never been attempted with one of your species and others of a similar physiology have been known to react to the bonding pheromones aggressively when it’s initiated. I’ve almost finished healing your body and I don’t want you to damage yourself. Are you all right with that?”
“You mean I’ll be sleeping through the entire thing?” she asked, sounding disappointed.
“You’ll be dreaming much like you are now. We’re not certain how much of the memory you will retain with the added hormones running rampant in your body. It’s just safer for us all this way,” Daegan answered.
“Okay, I understand,” she answered quietly.
“Well then, little one, we will see you soon once again in your dreams,” Tristan said with a charming smile and a wink. Daegan took her hand and kissed the back of it before both men turned and walked back into the darkness.
Moments later Sarah’s body began to come alive. She saw the other men step up around the bed from the shadows. They were all so different and so very beautiful, and the only thing in common was the hunger in their faces as they reached for her. Sarah’s body felt like it was in sensation overload, every inch of her was being kissed or stroked. Both of her breasts felt like they were being sucked hard, her neck was being nibbled, and her clit was being sucked and licked in the most teasingly delicious way.
But she was still so tired, and as she tried her hardest to stay she slowly slipped back into the darkness with a smile on her face.
Chapter One
“Well,” Tristan said to the other men, “now that you’ve satisfied your curiosities can you please leave me to tend to the rest of her injuries?”
His five other shipmates looked up at him with annoyed expressions. Tristan noticed that Daegan’s expression was quickly checked and he addressed the others.
“You heard the doc, get back to work. He’ll update us as soon as she’s ready for us I’m sure. We all want her well as soon as possible.”
The others grumbled, “Yes, Captain,” before they left the medical bay to get back to the repairs needed on the ship.
The captain turned to Tristan and released a tense breath, “How long before she’s ready? Calla’s been gone now for six cycles. Much longer and even I will begin to feel the effects. We need to bond her quickly. I know you’ve been treating Vaughn already for his symptoms, but you know Callen and Zane aren’t that much older than he is and we don’t want to exhaust our supplies while we make it back to United space.”
Tristan felt his Captain’s stress and guilt from across the room. Since he was their leader it was only natural that he would feel to blame for allowing Calla to convince them that she was the woman they should choose for their ship bond to travel with them on their five-year assignment. They were cautious at first due to the fact that she wasn’t Zornan like they were, but there were many Kriloks living on Zorn and they were known to be trustworthy. Biologically they were suitable. All six of them found her extremely attractive and she was eager to take on the role. Who could have imagined that she would leave the ship at the final outlying station abandoning them all to bond starve and die?
She had left a video log explaining that if they left messages for their families she would forward them once the ship had been recovered and sold, that it was nothing personal, but their ship was worth a fortune and she couldn’t find a pirate crew that was willing to attempt the theft while they were still alive to fight for it. Zorn was known for its fierce battle training and Zornans were stronger and larger than most humanoid species, therefore rarely confronted directly.
What a bitch, leaving them just as soon as she knew they were too far away to make it back to Zorn to dissolve their bond with her before they would succumb to bond withdrawal. So Daegan had to make a tough decision. They had to find a wormhole that would give them a shortcut home, as the longest a bonded Zornan male had ever been recorded to survive without his bond mate was thirteen cycles. The younger males would sicken first, but without his full crew it would be a struggle home in any case. So they jumped a wormhole that was rumored to end up close to the second United station from their home planet and hoped for the best.
Unfortunately it dropped them even further than they had been, but there was a habitable planet not far where they would be forced to look for a replacement bond mate. He felt little remorse thinking about yesterday when they had all sensed Calla succumb and die from bond withdrawal. She was a shabby pirate indeed for not doing her research better on a known bonding species before jumping in with both feet. Zornans didn’t share much about the bonding process with outsiders, but since she had approached them, they assumed she knew the basics, that a bond mate, even one not of Zorn blood, would be bound until death or released at the sacred temples on Zorn. Her lack of Zorn blood had been a detriment because Kriloks were a much weaker species, and why she had died so quickly. Fortunately, now that meant they were free to find another bond mate immediately. He shuddered. Evil as Calla was, he would not wish death by bond withdrawal on his worst enemy. The things it caused one to do with desperation to feel release were horror stories for all Zornans.
Daegan looked back up at Tristan and said before he left the room, “I trust you’ll call me when she’s ready and we’ll begin.”
Chapter Two
After pulling off the last remaining bandage and seeing her skin perfectly regenerated and pink underneath, Tristan allowed himself to look at their new bond mate as the beautiful woman she was instead of as the patient he’d just spent the last two weeks repairing from near death. By the Gods she was enticing—shiny long black hair, unusual yet captivating features, curvy lush body that had his cock painfully erect. But her scent, it was her scent since she had healed which had made it painful to resist claiming her while she slept. He knew he could not touch her that way until he and Daegan initiated the bond. Being the two eldest in their group it was their responsibility to ensure the bond was open and linked correctly or all seven of them would suffer for it. A hasty or incorrect bonding could result in anything from death to genetic abnormalities in any offspring. Sarah smelled like pure lani fruit with a subtle difference which reminded him of standing on the shores of the ocean back on Zorn. She had an effect on him which he had never experienced before and after researching it he had begun to hope that what it meant was that they had found their permanent bond partner. Finding a true permanent bond female was so rare these days on Zorn that he knew of only one other bond group in the last fifty years that had. And if he was right about why his people couldn’t seem to find them anymore then this discovery of Sarah would help so many others.