Hidden cargo alien capto.., p.1
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Hidden Cargo (Alien Captors Book 2), page 1


Hidden Cargo (Alien Captors Book 2)
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Hidden Cargo (Alien Captors Book 2)



  Copyright© 2018 Sarah Marsh

  ISBN: 978-1-77339-809-9

  Cover Artist: Jay Aheer

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  To all those readers whose imaginations run as wild as my own. Thank you for reading.


  Alien Captors, 2

  Sarah Marsh

  Copyright © 2018

  Chapter One

  “What the heck?” Cassie squinted against the setting sun that was shining through the windshield of her car. “What are you doing, pup? You’re going to get yourself killed!”

  She immediately pulled over to the side of the road. Luckily there wasn’t much traffic on her route home, as she’d just gotten done with a shift at the bakery and was looking forward to the start of her weekend. The puppy she had spotted was darting all over the pavement like a maniac, and she now saw that a woman was chasing after it, trying to catch the cute little bastard.

  “Do you need some help with him?” she called out as she got out of her car and approached them. The woman seemed to be cursing a blue-streak … but not in any language Cassie recognized. The German Shepherd pup was barking and growling back at his pursuer as he leaped and dodged away.

  The woman seemed startled for a moment when she noticed Cassie there, so she smiled, not wanting the stranger to think she was a threat or anything—not that this particular woman should have been threatened by Cassie. When she got up close, she was surprised at how large the lady actually was, not to mention muscular. There was something a little … off about the way she looked, but Cassie couldn’t quite put her finger on it.

  “Yes, that would be helpful.” Her voice had a strange timbre to it. It was scratchy and low. “These Earth vermin are exceedingly vexing. Come here, you beastie!”

  Cassie put her arms out wide and began to corral the dog from the opposite side of the strange woman, but when the puppy looked up at her with its huge pleading eyes, almost as if to ask her why she was betraying him, all the hairs on the back of her neck stood at attention. When the pup’s growls turned into whimpering and it was now looking past her, she realized that she’d made a grave miscalculation.

  As she turned her head to look over her shoulder, a huge man was looming behind her. Cassie gasped as she finally realized why the woman had struck her as so strange looking, for the man’s eyes were just the same—they were an eerie, sickening, yellow color, the odd pupils shaped like a reptile’s. This was obviously terrifying in itself. In fact, Cassie didn’t think she’d ever been so scared … until the man smiled at her and revealed an off-white set of pointed teeth that reminded her of a shark. She screamed as his hands grabbed her around the back of the neck, and the sting of something sharp against her skin pulled a gasp out of her before everything began to blur around her, sucking her into a dark abyss.


  Her mouth was parched when she began to rouse. Cassie cringed when her muscles screamed in protest. Her knees were folded up against her chest, and she couldn’t stretch her legs out at all.

  Where in the hell did I fall asleep that is so damned uncomfortable?

  Cassie’s ass felt like she’d been sitting on a stone bench for hours, and pins and needles erupted at the site when she shifted and blood rushed back to her much-abused cheeks. A tiny whimper sounded out right before a wet nose bumped her face and a warm tongue licked her cheek. She opened her eyes to see the sweetest furry face of the maniac puppy, his tail thumping against her thigh as she got her bearings and sat up fully—well, as fully as she could, considering she now realized that they were both inside some kind of metal cage.

  What the fuck is going on? Where am I?

  Her memories were a foggy mess, and her brain felt like it was floating around loose in her head. Whatever she’d been drugged with sure packed a punch. The small dog had now made itself at home on her lap, and she tensed when his whimpers got louder and he tried to hide his head against her neck. Seconds later she knew why he’d been cowering. Two voices were coming closer, and they were arguing about something.

  “We can’t land on Dolak, you oaf!” The woman’s voice sounded somewhat familiar to Cassie, though she couldn’t pinpoint from where. “They will confiscate all of our cargo, and we don’t have permits for any of it! Not to mention that if they find the woman, we’ll be arrested for slave trafficking from a restricted planet.”

  “The power cells are shot—it’s a miracle we made it through the last two wormholes at all. If we don’t land and make repairs the cargo won’t matter … because we’ll all be dead!” the deep male voice bellowed. “We can take the female in our luggage and get rid of her there. If the port authorities don’t get suspicious and do a full search, we may yet get away with most of our bounty.”

  When the two beings finally walked into her field of vision, everything came rushing back to Cassie, though she didn’t remember her two abductors looking quite so … yellow. While their skin color was different, the rest of their faces were mostly the same. Abnormally tall and with lanky limbs, sharp teeth and angular features—and those eyes… Yikes, it’s as if someone took them right out of a snake and plopped them into these two. Good grief! One of two things had happened here; either she had finally snapped her bolt and was in a full-on hallucination—or Cassie had been abducted by aliens. With her luck? Neither possibility was really that much of a surprise.

  The puppy in her lap began to whine louder, and the female alien turned to look at them, a scowl on her face. “They are both awake. Sedate them again and as many of the others that you can fit into our personal luggage. I’ll see if I can hide the rest.”

  Oh God. What was she going to do? Panic was in full bloom, and Cassie’s brain was running a mile a minute. What did they mean when they said “get rid of her”? Did they intend to kill her and bury the body on some random planet? Why would they even have taken her in the first place if that was the case? On the other hand, what if they had some other nefarious plans for kidnapping her? Perhaps death might be the better option. What did Cassie know about it? She’d never been kidnapped by aliens before.

  Still, it had never been in Cassie’s nature to keep her mouth shut, even if she was terrified. Maybe this weird looking dude would have some mercy on her?

  “Hey, wait a min—” Cassie began to protest when the male approached the cage and sprayed something right in their faces. Her vision began to blur, and she heard the man grunt as she swayed, unable to keep her balance.

  “Pets don’t talk,” was all he said before once again, everything slowly faded to black.

  Chapter Two

  This time when Cassie woke, it was to what felt like an entire army of puppies wiggling on top of her, and the container that she found herself stuffed into was smaller than the previous cage. It tipped and bumped, causing her to swear in the darkness. Those bastards seemed to have put her into some kind of rolling suitcase—who did that? There was a lot of noise outside. It had to be loud if she could hear it over the sound of the whimpering, so she tried to calm the pups stuck inside with her.

  “Shhh, it’ll be okay, guys,” she whispered, hoping that it wasn’t a lie.

  When the movement stopped, she held her breath, scared at what might come next. Her vision was momentarily blinded when the top of the container popped opened and soft light came streaming in. Cassie covered her face and heard another feminine voice.

  “What is this?” the woman’s tone was almost a growl. “Where did this female come from? Did you think to come to Dolak and sell a slave? I should kill you for this.”

  “No! Please … we were forced to come here,” the voices of her captors pleaded. “We didn’t plan on taking the female. We… we found her with the beasts.”

  What a bunch of bullshit!

  “They did not find me with the dogs. I stopped on the side of the road to help them and they kidnapped me!” Cassie spat out as her eyes finally adjusted to the light, but she was not prepared to see the beings who were standing in front of her. A huge green face peered back at her, and Cassie was shocked into silence at the sheer size of the woman. She had to be almost seven feet tall. Her dark green hair was in a stylish up-do, and she looked regal in the dark purple dress she wore. The woman was actually very pretty … in an alien kind of way. Her eyes were a vibrant green, and they held a kindness that made some of the fear Cassie was experiencing dissipate.

  “You can speak?” The green woman smiled, her tone now soft.

  “Of course, I can speak,” Cassie answered back, looking around her to see where she’d ended up. The landscape was bizarre, to say the least. It looked like a burnt-out field of some kind, and everything was in shades of black or grey. There was a similar huge green man standing off to the side, with some kind of weapon pointed at the two beings who had abducted her.

  “You are so small. I thought perhaps you might be a child still.”

all? Maybe compared to you two, but I’m a full-grown adult, trust me, lady.” Cassie tried to stand, but her legs wouldn’t cooperate after sitting in the container for so long, “Can someone please help me out of here?”

  “Of course, my dear.” The huge woman grabbed her under the arms and lifted her with ease. The puppies tumbled around her back into the container, and Cassie finally saw that there were only six of them. “What is your name? I am Tash, and this is my mate, Loro.”

  “I’m Cassie.” Damn, it almost hurt to stretch out her legs on the soft ground. The container rocked, and she saw the fuzzy head of the German Shepherd pop up and bark.

  “Goddess, Loro! Look at these little poppets. We simply must take them home!” Tash laughed and picked up Cassie’s cell mate, cuddling him close. “He is worried about you, Cassie. He says that you belong to him. That you’re his hu—man.”

  “Yeah, well that seems to be going around, a lot of people claiming things that don’t belong to them, right?” Cassie scowled at the two aliens being watched by Loro with suspicion, then back to Tash as she seemed to be having an all-out conversation with the puppy in her arms, complete with waiting for his answers before responding once again. It was decidedly odd.

  “My, aren’t you feisty for a little thing! It’s wonderful, isn’t it, Loro?” Tash smiled back at her husband. “Where are your people from, Cassie?”

  “Umm, I’m from Earth … but I assumed you knew that since you are speaking English.”

  The laugh that came from Tash had the strangest quality to it, just like the rest of this huge alien, and Cassie found her rather soothing somehow.

  “Oh, sweet Cassie, I’m afraid not. You were simply given a universal translator when you were taken by these … animals.” Tash’s sweet tone turned vicious as she looked back at the two prisoners.

  “Well thank you for rescuing me. Can you help me get home?”

  “Ha! Earth is a class one restricted planet—no one can get you back home you, silly female.” The reptilian woman sneered, rewarded for her cruelty when Cassie’s hopeful look fell. “The authorities would probably euthanize you if they found you. Unauthorized species are not welcome on Dolak.”

  All the blood left Cassie’s face at that declaration. Would the government here really kill me because of someone else’s greed? It’s not like she was here of her own choice after all. The puppy in Tash’s arms must have felt her distress, as he began to whimper.

  “Hush now, he is worried, but he says he’ll protect you, Cassie.” Tash offered her the pup, and Cassie took him. “While Dolak has historically been rather stringent with their immigration policies, things are changing here. But to be safe, you shall come home with us and I will investigate whether it is safe or not to declare you to the authorities.”

  “Which means you have to let us go!” The reptile woman’s eyes narrowed as a smile crept onto her face. “If you turn us in, I will tell them exactly what we brought with us, and they will take the female anyway.”

  “…or I could rip you apart with my bare hands and plant the pieces in the ground for fertilizer.”

  “Now, Tash, let’s not do anything hasty.” Loro seemed concerned, which in turn, scared the crap out of Cassie because he looked as if he believed that his wife would really begin ripping body parts off.

  “Fine. You two will leave my island immediately and not say a word to anyone—and don’t think I won’t know—the land will tell me if you linger, and that would be very bad for you.” Tash’s voice became low and almost seemed to echo around them, causing a shiver to go down Cassie’s spine.

  Loro lowered his weapon, and the two abductors dashed off at a full run in the other direction. The puppy in Cassie’s arms struggled to chase after them, barking like mad.

  “He is also feisty! I see why he has claimed you, Cassie.” Just like that, the darkness in Tash’s face disappeared and the calm, soothing presence had returned with her smile. “Are you able to walk, or can Loro help you?”

  “I think I’m okay to walk.” Cassie gingerly stood, wincing at the pain in her body from being in that cramped position for so long.

  Loro gently reached into the container and put the other five puppies on the ground next to them.

  “Come along now, little ones. You need to stretch those legs,” the large woman addressed the dogs, “and when we get home, we’ll have a delicious dinner of warm stew.”

  Cassie’s mouth dropped open when Tash walked away and there was a neat procession of puppies following in her wake.

  Chapter Three

  “Are you certain you’re fit to walk, dear?” Loro lingered behind and waited for Cassie as she gawked at the scene in front of her.

  “Did she really just talk to those dogs?” All the previous mentions that Tash made about what her puppy was “saying” made her wonder. “Holy shit, did those bastards put the translator thingies in those poor puppies, too?”

  The rich booming laughter that burst from the large green man startled her. It was a good thing that both Loro and Tash emitted such a calming aura, for they truly were huge beings. They reminded her of those old Jolly Green Giant commercials—except they were real and not cartoons.

  “Of course not, Cassie. Tash and I are Gorians. We are not native to Dolak. My mate was offered a place on the island of Ilya because of what our species can do. We can communicate with all living things, and Tash’s particular strengths lie with plants.” He gestured for her to continue following behind Tash and the animals. “Ilya is not like other places on Dolak. This island produces non-native fruits and vegetables that would not be able to normally grow here. You may have noticed that the sunlight is not very strong.”

  “I just assumed it was late afternoon.” She looked around once again, realizing that the dark landscape wasn’t some kind of ruined disaster area, after all. It was what the natural plants and environment actually looked like on this alien planet. “Sheesh, it looks like everything has been burnt.”

  “No, this is just the nature of Dolak. The suns here are far away so the flora and fauna had to adapt to survive. You will see in the village as well. The natives here have skin pigmentations in similar color ranges of grey and black. Everything on the surface has evolved to soak up as much heat as possible. Many of the plants here are used for research and medicinal purposes, and without my mate’s help, they would not be able to grow them at all. Tash is able to help the farmers here give the plants exactly what they need to flourish. She speaks to them, and they answer back.”

  “Wow—so this is really happening. I’m on an alien planet, and I’m never going back to Earth … am I?” Cassie tried to stay angry. Angry at the two assholes who’d abducted her. Angry at the Universe for doing this to her. Angry was better than being hysterical, and she knew that if she started to feel sorry for herself that a full-on breakdown would not be far behind.

  “I am truly sorry, little one, but no.” Loro’s face held the sorrow she was trying to bury inside. “You will not be permitted to return to your planet. Once anyone or anything has been removed from a class one restricted planet, it can never be returned, or you risk a catastrophic contamination event. Our leaders here would never risk the inhabitants of an entire planet.”

  Oh. Shit. The realization that she couldn’t ever go home again was horrible, but it was nothing compared to imagining everyone she knew getting sick from some kind of alien virus all because of her. Cassie could feel the panic and grief welling up inside of her, threatening to bubble over and escape, but she’d dealt with this feeling before. When her fiancé Peter’s accident had first happened, she’d been broken for so long—until she’d learned how to turn the pain into a barrier. She had distanced herself from most of her friends. It had seemed easier that way. Grief couldn’t bring back things that were taken from you, no matter how many tears you cried, or prayers you said. Anger was easier to feel rather than pain and regret, and it had been her companion for years now. Cassie closed her eyes and counted back from twenty, pushing away her fear and sadness; weakness was best left for when she was safe and alone. Her instincts were telling her that Tash and Loro didn’t mean her any harm, but there was a lot she needed to find out about this new planet and these beings before she would feel anywhere near secure.

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