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Beauty and the Brooding Lord
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Beauty and the Brooding Lord

  Ruined by a rake

  Rescued by the reclusive baron!

  Following the death of his fiancée, Lord Quinn swore off all matters of the heart.

  But when he happens upon an innocent lady being assaulted, his sense of honor insists he step in and rescue her…even if that means marriage to protect Serena’s reputation!

  But his new wife remains distant, a stranger to his bed. Can Quinn help Serena fight her demons, and finally defeat his own?

  “A tender, emotionally satisfying love story that deserves a recommendation.”

  —All About Romance on The Ton’s Most Notorious Rake

  “A charming tale of a cautious widow and the libertine who wins her heart.”

  —RT Book Reviews on The Ton’s Most Notorious Rake

  “Damn, damn, damn.”

  Quinn shut the drawing room door and leaned against it. He closed his eyes, but all he could see was Serena looking more beautiful than he had ever seen her, with her eyes sparkling and the flawless skin of her shoulders rising from the deep dusk-pink silk gown.

  By heaven how much he wanted her, but he had given her his word that he would not make love to her until she was ready. When that lecher Dineley had leered at Serena, he had seen the panic in her eyes. The woman she had once been would have laughed it off, sent the fellow on his way, but she had lost her confidence and he had stepped in, carrying her off to dance with him.

  And his efforts had been rewarded. By the end of the evening, she had regained much of her sparkle and self-assurance. That pleased him but it had also roused his desire. He shook his head. Much as he wanted to make love to Serena, he dare not rush her.

  Upstairs was his wife, the most desirable woman in London. And he could not have her.

  Sarah Mallory

  Beauty and the Brooding Lord

  Sarah Mallory was born in the West Country, UK, but now lives on the beautiful Yorkshire moors. She has been writing for more than three decades, mainly historicals set in the Georgian and Regency period. She has won several awards for her writing, most recently the Romantic Novelists’ Association RoNA Rose Award in 2012 (The Dangerous Lord Darrington) and 2013 (Beneath the Major’s Scars).

  Books by Sarah Mallory

  Harlequin Historical

  The Scarlet Gown

  Never Trust a Rebel

  The Duke’s Secret Heir

  Pursued for the Viscount’s Vengeance

  Saved from Disgrace

  The Ton’s Most Notorious Rake

  Beauty and the Brooding Lord

  The Infamous Arrandales

  The Chaperon’s Seduction

  Temptation of a Governess

  Return of the Runaway

  The Outcast’s Redemption

  Brides of Waterloo

  A Lady for Lord Randall

  Visit the Author Profile page at for more titles.

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  To L.F., my lovely editor. Your patience, help and guidance have been invaluable


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Excerpt from The Viscount's Runaway Wife by Laura Martin

  Chapter One


  Serena stepped out on to the terrace. It was a warm night and the earlier rain had passed, leaving only a few small clouds scudding across the sky. She hesitated, her heart beating rapidly. She knew she was risking her reputation, but how could she know if Sir Timothy was the man for her unless they kissed? She ran lightly down the steps at the end of the terrace, where a path led away from the house to a leafy arch set between high hedges. A slight breeze ruffled her skirts and she gave a little shiver as she stepped through the arch. Surely there could be no danger in one little embrace?

  The rose garden looked very different from when she had been here a few days ago with her brother and sister-in-law, Lord and Lady Hambridge. Henry had been keen to see the paintings Lord Grindlesham was selling and, while the gentlemen went off to the gallery, his wife had shown Serena and Dorothea the gardens. Now, in the moonlight the paths gleamed pale silver and the roses themselves ranged from near black to pale blue-grey. But if the flowers had lost their colour, their scent was enhanced and Serena breathed in the heady fragrance as she made her way along the path, but when she reached the turn in the path she was aware of something else besides rose scent in the night air. A faint hint of tobacco.

  Ahead she saw an arbour surrounded by climbing roses and her heart gave a little skip. There, in the shadows, was the unmistakable figure of a man. His upper body was hidden, but his crossed legs in their light-coloured knee breeches and white silk stockings were plainly visible in the gloom. Serena had expected to find her swain pacing up and down, impatient for her to arrive, but here he was, sitting at his ease. She quashed the faint ripple of disappointment and hurried up to him, smiling.

  ‘Forgive me, I was delayed. I—’ She broke off with a gasp as she peered into the shadows. ‘You are not Sir Timothy.’

  ‘No, I am not.’

  The reply was an irritable growl. The figure rose from the seat and Serena took a hasty step backwards. She realised now that he was nothing like Sir Timothy Forsbrook. This man was much larger, for a start, although his upper body was so broad that he did not look overly tall. Where Sir Timothy’s glossy black locks were carefully styled about his head, the stranger’s hair was lighter and too long to be fashionable. And as he stepped out of the arbour she thought he was not at all handsome. In the moonlight his craggy face appeared harsh, as if he was scowling at her.

  He towered over her and she took another step away.

  ‘Excuse me—’ She would have walked on but his next words stopped her.

  ‘There was a fellow here, but he has gone.’


  ‘Aye. He had the impudence to suggest I should vacate the seat, so I kicked him out.’

  She swallowed. ‘Literally?’

  His great shoulders lifted in a shrug. ‘No. Mere jostling. He retreated rather than have my fist spoil his face.’

  She sucked in a long, indignant breath. ‘That is disgraceful behaviour. Quite boorish.’

  ‘I suppose you would have preferred me to give way. But why should I? I came out here to enjoy a cigarillo in peace. You two will have to find some other place for your lovemaking.’

  His voice dripped scorn. Serena’s face burned with mortification.

  ‘How dare you! It is nothing like that.’


  Knowing she was in the wrong did nothing for Serena’s temper. She drew herself up and said angrily, ‘You are odiously rude!’

  ‘If it’s soft words you want I suggest you go and find your lover.’

  ‘Oh, I shall go,’ she told him in a shaking voice,’ and he is not my lover.’

  He grinned, his teeth gleaming white in the moonlight. ‘No need to be coy on my account, madam.’

  Serena gasped. ‘Oooh,’

  He folded his arms and looked down at her. ‘Yes?’

  For a moment she glared at him, her hands closing into fists as she tried to control her rage. It would be most undignified to rip up at him. Resisting the urge to stamp her foot, she turned and swept off, muttering angrily under her breath all the insults she would like to hurl at the odious creature.

  * * *

  Serena hurried back to the ballroom. It was half-empty, most of the guests having gone in to supper. Those who remained were talking in little groups and she prayed no one had noticed her entry, for her agitation must be evident. She slipped away to the small room set aside for the ladies, where she had earlier left her cloak and outdoor shoes. The looking glass showed that her cheeks were still flushed and her brown eyes sparkled with anger. She made a pretence of tidying her hair, although in truth her honey-gold curls were remarkably in place.

  Really, she thought indignantly, it was most frustrating. All she wanted to do was to find an interesting husband, one who would not bore her silly within a week, like the exceedingly correct suitors her half-brothers insisted upon presenting to her. These respectable gentlemen were to be her dancing partners for the whole evening, which was the reason Henry and Dorothea had thought it safe to go off to the card room and allow Serena out of their sight. But a short break in the dancing had given Serena the opportunity to slip out and meet one whom she knew to be a rake and who was therefore much more interesting.

  Serena remained in the retiring room until her indignation had died away, then she shook out her skirts, put up her head and sailed downstairs to the supper room where she found her brother and sister
-in-law enjoying a cold collation in the far corner. Nearer at hand, Elizabeth Downing and her brother were part of a lively group gathered about one of the larger tables. Elizabeth waved and Serena walked over. Immediately Jack Downing sprang up and pulled out a chair for her, then he proceeded to hover solicitously until Serena had been provided with a plate of delicacies and a glass of wine.

  After the incident in the rose garden such attention was balm to Serena’s spirits. Mr Downing was a serious young man whom she had previously apostrophised as stuffy, but at least he was not rude. She now thanked him prettily and allowed him to engage her in conversation until the musicians could be heard tuning up again and everyone began to drift back to the ballroom.

  The dancing recommenced and Serena looked around for Sir Timothy. Imagining his ignominious departure from the rose garden, she was not surprised to learn that he had gone home, but she felt no sympathy for him. She wished he had come to blows with the rude stranger and knocked him down rather than walking off and leaving her to endure a most unpleasant encounter. However, when she recalled the size of the stranger, she doubted Sir Timothy would have got the better of him.

  * * *

  The evening was proving to be exceedingly tedious and after a couple of dances Serena excused herself and went in search of her sister-in-law.

  ‘What, you wish to leave, before the dancing is ended?’ Lady Hambridge gave the loud, irritating laugh that announced she had enjoyed too much wine this evening. She shook her head at Serena and said playfully, ‘This is most unlike you, Serena! No, no, we cannot go yet, for you are engaged to stand up with Lord Afton. I should be failing in my duty if I were to take you away before he has danced with you.’

  Viscount Afton was the highest-ranking bachelor at this evening’s ball. Serena thought him dull, pompous and old enough to be her grandfather, but it would do no good to say as much to her sister-in-law, so when the time came she pinned on a smile and went off to dance the quadrille. As the dance ended she spotted a familiar figure at the side of the room. She touched Lord Afton’s arm.

  ‘Tell me, my lord, do you know that gentleman, the large man talking to Lord Grindlesham?’

  ‘What’s that, m’dear?’ The Viscount looked about him and gave a disdainful grunt. ‘Do you mean that great bear of a man? That’s Lord Quinn. Damned unpleasant fellow. No one likes him.’

  She was pleased that Lord Afton shared her opinion of the stranger from the rose garden, but curious, too.

  ‘If that is the case, why is he invited?’

  ‘Rich as Croesus,’ he replied shortly. ‘He don’t often show his face in town, but Grindlesham is selling off his art collection and that will be the reason he is come. Rufus Quinn is considered to be something of a connoisseur, I believe.’ He huffed. ‘Well, he can afford to indulge himself.’

  There was a bitter note in the viscount’s tone, but since it was well known that Lord Afton had little fortune, it did not surprise Serena. As he led her back to join Dorothea and Henry, she took the opportunity to study Lord Quinn from a safe distance. In the blaze of candlelight, it was clear to see that he was no arbiter of fashion. His coat of dark blue superfine fitted well enough across his impressive shoulders, but no servant was needed to ease him into it and the simple arrangement of his neckcloth would not rouse envy in the breast of any aspiring dandy. His brown hair was not brushed into artful disorder; it was positively untidy. His face was rugged, his nose not quite straight and his brow fierce. He looked impatient and she already knew his manners were abominable. All in all, Serena decided, he was a man not worthy of her attention.

  * * *

  At last the evening was over and Serena accompanied her brother and sister-in-law to the hall. It was crowded and noisy, and the servants announcing whose carriage was at the door were obliged to bellow over the chatter of the guests. There was much pushing and shoving and Henry guided his ladies to one side, away from the throng.

  ‘It’s like a dashed cattle market,’ he muttered. ‘Whatever persuaded Grindlesham to invite so many? And that reminds me.’ He turned a frowning gaze upon Serena. ‘I saw you talking to Forsbrook earlier. Who introduced you to him?’

  Serena spread her hands. ‘I really cannot recall, but it is impossible to avoid such introductions in town.’

  ‘I suppose you are right,’ he agreed grudgingly, ‘but he’s a dashed Lothario and you’d be advised to stay away from him.’

  ‘Indeed, you would,’ added Dorothea. ‘He has the most unsavoury reputation.’

  ‘What of it?’ Serena countered. ‘Most gentlemen in London have an unsavoury reputation. Even Russ, before his marriage.’

  Henry scowled. ‘That was different. Forsbrook is an out-and-out libertine. Russ was never that.’

  ‘The pity of it is that such men are so attractive to a large number of our sex,’ declared Dorothea repressively.

  ‘Well, they would have to be,’ reasoned Serena. ‘One can only conclude that they are experts at making love to a woman.’

  Henry spluttered and Dorothea said in a scandalised voice, ‘Serena, hush. You cannot say such a thing—it is most unladylike.’

  Serena begged pardon and closed her lips upon any more unwise utterances. Clearly it would not do to admit that she thought she might like to marry just such a man. She had been out for two years and was still unmarried. Oh, she had had offers, but all the men Henry and Russ considered eligible were so very dull. In fact, Serena was finding life in town rather dull, too.

  It had not been so bad when she had been staying with Russ, for although he was ten years her senior both he and his wife were lively and quick-witted. But Russ had taken Molly to the north to await the birth of their second child and Serena was now living in Bruton Street with Henry, who was her guardian and eldest half-brother. Having married off their own daughter very successfully two years ago, he and Dorothea were keen to find a respectable husband for Serena.

  She understood perfectly the reason for this. The Russington family history was tainted by scandal and they were anxious to avoid adding to it. Good birth was considered essential, a title an advantage, but respectability was prized higher than a fortune and Serena was kept well away from any gentleman whose reputation was less than spotless, with the result that she had not yet met any man whose company she enjoyed for more than a very short time. Naturally, she wanted her husband to be handsome, but she also wanted a man of wit and intelligence. An educated man with a sense of humour, with whom she might enjoy lively conversation.

  Finally, she wanted him to be skilled at pleasuring a woman. Not that she knew a great deal about what went on in the marriage bed, because young ladies were not supposed to be interested in such things. What she had learned was all very confusing. If Dorothea was to be believed, it was a wife’s duty to accept her husband’s attentions with fortitude, whereas Molly had told her that the union, when a husband and wife truly loved one another, could be beyond wonderful. It seemed that love was the answer, but none of the suitors presented to Serena had roused the faintest flicker of interest. She had therefore decided she must take a hand in her own destiny. Russ had been considered a rake before he had married his beloved Molly and Serena thought such a man would suit her very well.

  Therefore, whenever she could escape Henry and Dorothea’s watchful eyes at any ball, breakfast or assembly, she sought out the rakes and gentlemen of more dubious reputation. The problem was that it was so difficult to be alone with any gentleman in town. Her flirtation with the dashing Lord Fyfield, for example, had been going well until they were spotted by one of Dorothea’s bosom friends in Green Park and Serena had to account very quickly for being alone with a gentleman. Word of the assignation had soon reached Bruton Street and Henry had lost no time in putting an end to Lord Fyfield’s attentions before he had even kissed her.

  It was all most unsatisfactory and Serena’s spirit rebelled against being so confined. She wanted to marry, but not one of the milk-and-water sops that her family put forward. No, she wanted a man who could hold her interest. One who knew how to make love to a woman. Was that too much to ask? Her musing ended when a servant announced Lord Hambridge’s carriage.

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