Cowboys and curves, p.1
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Cowboys & Curves, page 1

 part  #1 of  Lone Wolf Ranch Series


Cowboys & Curves
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Cowboys & Curves

  Table of Contents

  Cowboys and Curves

  Thomas (Chapter 1)

  Dana (Chapter 2)

  Thomas (Chapter 3)

  Dana (Chapter 4)

  Thomas (chapter 5)

  Dana (Chapter 6)

  Thomas (Chapter 7)

  Dana (Chapter 8)

  Epilogue — Dana

  My Newest Books

  More Books By Sara Hazel

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  Cowboys and Curves

  Lone Wolf Ranch #1


  Sara Hazel

  Copyright 2019 Sara Hazel

  Cover designed by Sara Hazel

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced

  in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Sara Hazel and Holly Pinke

  Visit my website at

  All characters are eighteen years of age or older.

  Thomas (Chapter 1)


  I remove my hat and hang it on the fence as I watch my six-year-old daughter Jenna trot around the track on Little Bear, her pony. The pony neighs and dutifully walks slow enough around the track so as not to startle the little girl. But Jenna’s an expert now. I’ve been teaching her to ride since last year, and she does it every day now. I’ll have myself a little cowgirl soon enough.

  The sun beats against my brow and sweat rolls down my skin. I look around the ranch and see my guys baling hay over by the barn. I bought this place a few years ago in hopes of escaping from my life at the time, and it has worked. I used to be an upper management corporate drone, but now I’m a full-time rancher.

  I hear a car squealing through the dirt behind me. I turn around to see a small vehicle pulling up. This has got to be the new nanny that I hired last week. I put my hat back on and head towards her car. It’s a tiny little thing—a Kia Sorento. If she stays here long enough, I just might buy her a proper American vehicle like a Ford truck or a Jeep. Just so I don’t have to worry about her driving my daughter around in this thing all the time.

  I call out to one of my guys by the barn. “Kevin, get over here and watch Jenna for me a bit.” The young man stops his work and runs over.

  “Sure thing, boss,” he says as he wipes sweat from his forehead.

  I run over to the car and stand by the trunk. I signal the girl to pop it open. She does and I pull out six giant bags of luggage. She comes around to the back of the car looking red and flustered.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know where to park. Is this ok for now?” She asks.

  She is wearing tight jeans and a tight pink t-shirt that clings to her large breasts. She’s a thick curvy girl, and I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t one of the reasons I hired her. Her long blonde hair is pulled back in a ponytail and she’s wearing a cowboy hat, but it’s on backwards.

  I chuckle and flip the hat around.

  “You can park here for now, sweetheart. But the one thing I need from you is for you to wear your hat proper.”

  “I’m sorry, sir. I hope I didn’t offend—”

  I smile. “Oh, sweetheart, you didn’t offend me. I’m a cranky old bastard sometimes, sure enough, but it takes a helluva lot to offend me. And I don’t think you’ll be able to.”

  “That’s good,” she says softly.

  “You’re gonna like it here, Dana, I promise you.”

  She looks around wide eyed. “Well, it’s not what I’m used to, that’s for sure. But it must be really peaceful,” she says.

  “Sure is. Let me get your bags inside the house and then I’ll introduce you to Jenna. Sound good?”

  Dana nods.

  I take a good long look at her. She turns even redder and looks down at the ground. She wipes her hand across her cheek.

  “Do I have something on my face?” She asks.

  I’m staring at her because she’s so damn beautiful. Striking, really. And just the sight of her is making me feel more excited than I ought to around one of my employees. But I can’t help myself. I need to get her settled in so I can get away from her long enough to shake these thoughts from my mind. But right now, all I can think of is carrying her inside to one of the bedrooms and making sweet love to her as I sink into her soft body.

  Get a grip, Thomas. She’s too young for you. Not a day over nineteen. You gave up chasing young women a long time ago. Find one your own age if you really wanna get caught up in all that relationship drama again!

  But I haven’t felt this attracted to a woman in a long time. I can tell that I’ll be drawn to Dana, and there might not be anything I can do about it. My attraction to her is beyond anything I think I’ve ever felt!

  I finally manage to speak again to answer her question. “No, sweetheart. You don’t have anything on your face. I was just admiring you was all.”

  “Oh,” she whispers. She grabs a suitcase and I watch her struggle as she pulls it behind her. The wheels are stuck in the sand.

  I grab her large suitcase with one hand, and then gently pry her fingers off the handle of the one that’s stuck.

  “I can do it. I’m not helpless, sir,” she says.

  “I didn’t think you were, but I’m still gonna help you. If you’re gonna be on this ranch, then I’m gonna help you with whatever you need. I want you to be relaxed and ready to take care of my daughter. You shouldn’t worry about a thing besides doing your job.”

  “Yes, sir,” she says. She reluctantly allows me to take the suitcase from her. I turn around for a moment and see her grab a smaller one. Then we bring them on up to the house.

  I show Dana to her small, but comfortable room. There’s a full-sized bed, an antique wooden dresser, and a desk. We finish hauling the other suitcases in, and I gotta laugh at the sight of all the suitcases shoved into that small room. She sure did bring a lot with her, but that’s a city girl for you.

  “You think I have too much stuff, don’t you?” She asks.

  “Well, maybe a little. Life around here is pretty darn simple. You’ll see.”

  I lead Dana back outside and we watch Jenna ride her pony around for one more lap. “Jenna, come and meet your new nanny!” I shout.

  Jenna guides the small horse towards us. Dana pets the pony who whinnies appreciatively.

  “What’s your pony’s name?” Dana asks.

  “Little Bear,” says Jenna.

  “That’s a great name,” Dana replies.

  I watch for a bit longer as the two girls talk about the pony and get to know each other. Just watching them I can tell that they’ll be a great fit for each other, which is a giant relief for me. Jenna needs a good woman in her life. And since her old dad has been in no hurry to get married, I had to bring in Dana for the job. Seems like everything is going to work out great though.

  I sneak away from the girls and head back inside. My heart is racing from standing so close to Dana. I splash water on my face and try to calm myself down. But I can’t seem to do it. The bulge in my pants grows uncomfortable. Damn, this girl is gonna take me some getting used to!

  Dana (Chapter 2)


  I don’t see Thomas for the rest of the day. I spend time talking and playing with Jenna. The little girl shows me around the ranch, but of course there isn’t much to see as far as I’m concerned. Lone Wolf Ranch has wide open spaces, plenty of sand, quite a few horses and other animals, but aside from that — nothing.

  I’m used to the city, but I took this job to get away for a bit before I go to College. I figured I’d take a year in between high school and college to “find myself”. I’m not sure at all what I want to do yet. This ranch seems like as good a place as any to figure that out at though.

  And it doesn’t hurt that the owner of the ranch, Thomas Jensen, is super-hot for an older man. He’s twice my age at least, so I know I should only look and not touch. He wouldn’t want me anyway, I’m sure. He’s probably looking for a tiny little cowgirl he can roll around in the sand with. I wouldn’t mind rolling around in the sand with him, except I’m a nineteen-year-old virgin and intend to stay that way till I meet Mr. Right. I’m sure that Thomas Jensen is not my Mr. Right, even though I can’t stop thinking about what he looks like — um, without his cowboy hat on. And the rest of his clothes.

  After dinner (sandwiches made by Thomas), I hang out with Jenna some more till it’s her bedtime. As I’m leaving her room, I’m not watching where I’m going, and I run straight into the tall, muscular body of Thomas Jensen. It feels like I’ve run right into a rock.

  “She down for the night?” He asks.

  I nod. “Yep, and I think I am too. She wore me out.”

  “Now you can see why I needed to hire a new nanny to take care of her. The old one grew tired of life on the ranch and decided to move back to the city. Seems to happen to all of them,” he says with a chuckle. “City girls ain’t used to the country life.”

  “You’re not a country boy yourself though, sir,” I reply. I’ve done my research on Thomas. A quick google search revealed that he was upper management at a tech company. He’s had quite t
he transition though and seems to have fully embraced life on the ranch.

  “Very good, Ms. Powers,” he says. He grins down at me and I realize I still haven’t backed up. I take a few steps backwards, and he takes one forwards.

  My heart goes into overdrive. A warm tingling sensation travels down my body. I’m sure I’m blushing, and I can feel my gushing wetness between my legs.

  “I should get some sleep,” I reply softly.

  “Are you sure that you don’t want to sit down and keep me company for a while?” He asks. “I’m tired of talking to my guys all the time. I could use some female company that isn’t a six-year-old.”

  My throat becomes very dry suddenly, and I can’t seem to get my words out. I’m alarmed at my body’s reaction to this man. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before. I’m normally in control of myself. But not around Thomas Jensen, it seems.

  “Uh, yeah, I can stay awake for a little while more,” I stammer.

  “Good,” he replies. “I’ll pour you a glass of honey wine I made myself.”

  We sit on the porch. The sun is starting to set, and the ranch is quiet except for the laughter of some ranch staff coming from somewhere.

  “Guess the boys are out back for their nightly drinking ritual. They can get a little rowdy, but they’re all nice guys. You just let me know if one of them ever bothers you and I’ll set him straight with my fist.”

  “Oh, I don’t think that will be necessary. I’m sure I’ll be fine,” I reply.

  I am sitting on an outdoor love seat, and Thomas is in a nearby chair. But he gets up and sits down next to me. I start to feel that familiar awkward tingle again as the blood rushes to my face.

  Thomas is so big that there’s hardly any room for me on the love seat anymore. So, I am pressed right up against him.

  “I hope you don’t mind. I thought I’d sit beside you while we talked.”

  “Oh, I don’t mind.” And I don’t. Even though there’s not much room now, I’m getting my wish to be closer to him and that makes me happy. But I haven’t decided yet whether I should run from this man or give in to whatever his plan is for me. He definitely seems to have one.

  “So, tell me what you’re running from, sweetheart. Why did you leave the city?”

  Thomas (Chapter 3)


  “I’m just looking for a place to fit in,” she says. “Sometimes I think that’s the city, and at other times I dream of a place like this — somewhere I won’t have to try to keep up with everyone else.”

  “That’s exactly why I’m here,” I reply. “I think you’re gonna find this is the place for you.”

  She stands up and moves to the empty chair. I’m a little sad she doesn’t want to sit next to me anymore, but I get it. I’m a big guy who takes up too much damn room.

  Dana laughs and looks around the front of the ranch. “I don’t know. This place is nothing but sand, and it smells like horse manure. It has its charms, but I’m not sure I can handle it for more than a while.”

  “That seems to happen to all my nannies,” I reply. “They get attached to my kid, but not the place. But you’re different. I can tell that this place is in your soul. You’ll see.”

  “Sir, you are really trying to sell me on this place, aren’t you?”

  “Don’t call me sir, sweetheart. It’s Thomas. And second—you haven’t even gotten my hard sell yet. This is just the beginning.”

  Dana yawns and stretches as she rises from the chair.

  “I think that’s my cue to go to bed.”

  “You’re running from me now, but you’ll see soon enough.” I chuckle and throw my head back to yawn myself.

  “Goodnight, sir,” she says. “Your confidence is truly inspiring. And by the way—I’m not running from you.”

  “You could have fooled me. Breakfast is at six,” I reply. “Goodnight, Ms. Powers.”

  She winks at me and heads into the house. She’s a sweet and subtle little flirt, that one. I just know it. It’s going to be hard to keep myself from just throwing her down on my bed and making her scream my name. But I might need a gentle approach with Dana. The way to her heart isn’t obvious to me yet, but I’ll find it.

  THE NEXT MORNING, I wake up at my usual 5 a.m. and as I pass the bathroom closest to Dana’s room, the door swings open and Dana comes out humming softly with nothing but a towel around her body. She screams as she sees me standing there with a big grin on my face.

  “Turn around!” She shouts.

  “You’re all covered up,” I reply. “I’m glad to see you’re an early bird too, huh?”

  “Um, yes, I mean—sometimes,” she stutters as she holds the towel tighter against those sweet curves. “And I don’t care if I’m covered up. It’s not appropriate.”

  “There is nothing inappropriate about it to me, sweetheart,” I growl.

  Her blonde hair is wet and lying straight against her back. She’s shivering as she tiptoes back towards her room.

  “I’ll see you at breakfast, sweetheart,” I say with a chuckle.

  Dana shuts herself up in her room and I shake my head. I hope she’s not too embarrassed. I definitely enjoyed the sight. I’m rock hard as I stand there and imagine her before me again. Damn, I need to get close to this girl. She’s got me all obsessed after only one day. Her honey scent clings to the air even though she’s no longer standing here, and I don’t think I can make it to the kitchen.

  So, I head back to my room and lay down in bed. Wearing pants has grown too uncomfortable thanks to the bulge in them that has grown courtesy of Dana. I open my jeans and set my cock free. I tighten my grip around it right away and slide it up and down as my breathing picks up. I go straight from zero to one hundred on this one, because that’s just how turned on this girl makes me. Soon I’m erupting all over my hand, and the whole thing only took five minutes. Damn.

  I HEAD DOWN TO THE kitchen feeling much more relaxed, and ready to start the day. My six ranch hands — Bobby, Kevin, Darryl, Luke, Billy, and Michael are all seated at the table. Darryl is our usual chef. It’s what I pay him to do. But today he’s just sitting at the table with bug eyes as he watches Dana do the cooking. It smells fantastic and as I approach the stove; I see she’s got bacon, eggs, and French toast all going at once. But despite all that, she’s managing to keep it all under control. It’s like she’s done this many times before.

  “Now, honey, why are you doing the cooking for Darryl?”

  She jolts and whips around to face me with a fork in hand. She aims it at me as if it were a deadly weapon.

  “I just thought it would be nice if I gave Darryl a day off on my first morning here. I assume you don’t have a problem with that, boss?”

  “I don’t have a problem at all, sweetheart. I’m just saying. It ain’t your job.”

  “I come from a big family. I’m used to it. I love cooking,” she says.

  “Alright, well, I guess that’s a free morning off for Darryl then. But D., you better not let her do your job for every meal. And I want all six of you to put your damn eyeballs back in their sockets and stick your tongues in your mouth.”

  “Boss, we’re not—,” Darryl starts.

  “I’m not an idiot, D. Y’all haven’t taken your eyes off her since I walked in the kitchen.”

  My guys all shamefully turn in the other direction.

  I watch as Dana plates the food as if this were some kind of fancy restaurant. She then loads up another plate and hands it to me. “I’ll go get Jenna up for breakfast and then get her ready for her morning horseback riding lesson,” she says.

  “Your main job is to take care of Jenna. Don’t worry about these fools. And if I catch them giving you any trouble or leering at you again, I’m gonna cut their tongues off.”

  I stick a piece of French toast in my mouth. Damn if it isn’t the best French toast I’ve ever had in my life. “Mmmmm” is the only sound I can make.

  “Relax, boss. I’ve got this covered. I’ll show you.”

  As I finish chewing, I smile wide for her. “I have no doubt in my mind about that, little lady.”

  Dana throws her head back and laughs. “Little lady? Ok. Whatever you say, boss.”

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