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Tamed by the Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 9), page 1


Tamed by the Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 9)
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Tamed by the Alien: A Sci-Fi Alien Romance (Rebels of Sidyth Book 9)

  Tamed by the Alien

  Rebels of Sidyth

  Book Nine

  She's so cold they call her robot…

  … but he's got the hardware to make her core overheat.

  Sabrina Kade




  Copyright ©2019 by Sabrina Kade


  Cover Illustration by Cosmic Letterz

  Typography & formatting by Sabrina Kade

  Editing services provided by Moonlight Proofreading

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the copyright holder.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two



  About the Author

  Sabrina Kade’s other books

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  Twenty human women have their reasons for selling their bodies to aliens for money, and no two stories are the same. It’s these women who find themselves together on an assignment with some of the most feared aliens in the universe. And the circumstances for this are most unusual. Most alien races don’t bring in twenty women at once. Most aliens don’t say they’re looking for a Chosen mate or promise they can stay with them forever. And while most women are relieved of carrying the new title of equal, some believe it’s too good to be true. After all, aliens aren’t kind to humans. And what little known history they have about their new buyers – the Sidyths – isn’t promising.

  Sidyths originate on Sidetha and are known throughout the galaxy for disrespecting females. They say they’re weak. They’re impulsive. They need to be tamed. If females on their homeworld don’t measure up, males throw them into something referred to as “the hunt.” There are a few who know the true meaning of this word, but they remain silent.

  Luckily, Hethdiss isn’t their homeworld, and this group of Sidyths claim they’re different.

  Exiled from home for refusing to follow Sidyth customs and sent to an out of the way world to fade into obscurity, their numbers are hard to guess, and their motivations are more opaque. While some aliens claim they’re different, there are often homesick whisperings of the fatherland and traditions.

  Sidyths are somewhat humanoid in shape, but that’s where the similarities end. They’re seven feet tall, blue, covered in scales, and continuously freezing without the constant presence of sun rayers or heat. They have a surprising amount of comfort, considering their exiled status. The women have a former Sidyth royal, Prince Korben, to thank for that.

  Despite hospitable circumstances, however, there are still expectations.

  Prince Korben didn’t have twenty human females brought to Hethdiss for fun. He longed for a mate. He wanted his most trusted brothers to find mates as well. He wants to create a utopia where males and females are treated equally. Most of Prince Korben’s brothers are thrilled at the idea of having a mate, (even an alien one) but most of the humans were not nearly as enthusiastic. Prince Korben promises the human females will be safe and welcome to stay if they’re happy on Hethdiss, but most women have worked far too long to take the promise of an alien seriously.

  Over a year has passed.

  Prince Korben has his mate Blythe, the busty, feisty de facto leader of the group and the two of them now have a daughter, Kyeth. There are other successful pairings, some with children, and some without children. The Sidyths care for their mates, and most of the females accept that this is their life for the time being. There’s even a real belief that they may be done working as Call-Girls forever.

  But is that what everyone wants?

  Life is going well at the central lair, but in comparison, the secondary seems to be at a standstill. Many of the younger, more rambunctious Sidyths have pleasure mates but aren’t necessarily sure they want an alien as a Chosen mate. The women over here include what’s known throughout the galaxy as State Girls; Arizona, Alaska, Dakota, and Kansas. Arizona – the leader – used to not believe in love, but Drozass has changed all that. She’s still desperate to keep her family together, but she wants the rest of her companions to find happiness the same way she did.

  Alaska, however, isn’t looking to follow Arizona’s orders. Which is odd for her, because she’s so used to doing whatever Arizona tells her. Alaska doesn’t believe choosing a mate will lead to happiness. After all, even back on Earth when she did follow orders, she ended up as an Intergalactic Call-Girl. She’s willing to have a pleasure mate – Taylis – but doesn’t think it’s a good idea to expect anything more than that. However, she’s shocked when out of nowhere, Taylis suggests they become official mates. She’s almost excited… until she realizes the only being more professional than her, may be Taylis.

  This is where Tamed by the Alien begins.



  I don’t like change. Let me reiterate. I. Do. Not. Like. Change. Once I’m on a schedule, I don’t care what it is; I’m into it. It can be something I love. Something I loathe. Doesn’t matter. As an Intergalactic Call-Girl, I don’t expect to practice mindfulness or to appreciate the little victories in life. And honestly, I don’t mind not being in charge. I’m twenty-seven, and I’m damn proud to have made it this long with someone I trust with my life – even if I don’t necessarily agree with all her decisions. Arizona has always been known to take charge. She’s always told me, Kansas, and Dakota to never fall in love. Open your legs but close off your hearts. It made sense to me. It still does, honestly.

  Except now Arizona has done the unthinkable and fallen in love with a client – a Sidyth.

  She’s happy. Honestly, I barely understand the concept. From what I know, a lot of terrible things happened to her – including being tricked by another Sidyth. But lately, she’s all smiles. It seems like a joke to me because Arizona is telling Dakota and Kansas that she wants to see them as happy as she is with her alien mate. I don’t know how either of them feels about the situation, and I’m not even sure if I care because I’m sure as shit not going to fall in love.

  I should have known it was only a matter of time that Arizona would let me down. After all, everyone else has. My stepdad’s friend took me away and forced me to sign a contract – giving my life aliens. I didn’t bother fighting. My stepdad’s friends were mean. It was easier not to fight. So I signed the papers to get away from them.

  And now, here I am on Hethdiss with nineteen other Intergalactic Call-Girls.

  Arizona’s the one person I thought I could trust to guide me, and she’s changed the rules. If I ever get out of this assignment, I’ll never trust another person again.

  As it is, however, I have nowhere else to go. As far as anyone knows, this assignment could go on for another few months, years, or forever. The leader of these Sidyths? Prince Korben? He says we can stay here if we find a mate. Choosing is what they call it. Talk about some grade A Avatar shit. I’m not Choosing a mate. I don’t want to.

  But I guess if Arizona forced me to… I wouldn’t have a choice. She’s the one who’s always called the shots, after all.

  When we first arrived on Hethdiss, I remember keeping close to Arizona, Dakota, and Kansas. We were all looking around after the Todas dropped us off. I dealt with whatever came my way because that’s what the look on Arizona’s face told me to do after I left her on the ship with a Todas alien. I kept close to the back of the group, not wanting to interact with anyone, and biding my time until I received the next order from Arizona.

  We were introduced to the Sidyths – who don’t exactly have an excellent reputation across the stars, especially when it comes to females. On their planet Sidetha, females cannot refuse a male. In any way. If they want pleasure, they can steal it. If they want a mate, they can force a female to squeeze them. (Yes, to claim a mate, females squeeze their males until they pass out. Yum.) If males don’t want a female’s attention, they can have her sent to something called a ‘hunt.’ I had a friend sent there. Washington. I don’t want to talk about it.

  But the Sidyths away from their homeworld weren’t terrible. Their prince took a liking to Blythe, one of the bustiest chicks I’ve ever seen in my life. He kept her in his room, while the rest of the females were sent to the Gathering Room. I guess it wasn’t terrible, either. No one took advantage, or tried to steal pleasure, and after a few days, Blythe finally convinced her little prince that human females weren’t cattle he could keep cooped up until we decided we would fuck one of his supposed brothers.

  By the time I reunited with the rest of the girls, I started to think that maybe things on Hethdiss wouldn’t be so bad. I couldn’t remember the last time an alien hadn’t tried to fuck me within the first twenty-four hours of an assignment, let alone a week, so I was open to seeing what was up. Arizona didn’t give us many orders, anyway. Some alien named Drozass already paid way close attention to her. She was fucking him. Dakota and Kansas were fucking aliens, too. And one look from Arizona let me know that I better fall in line and do what I’m supposed to do.

  That night, we were separated once again; and it hurt more than usual. I didn’t enjoy the company of York or Ellis, the workout twins, or even Krista. I just wanted my State Girls – Arizona, Dakota, or even Kansas in a pinch. I missed Arizona telling me what to do. I didn’t like freedom. So honestly, I was looking to take the edge off when I felt something – or rather – someone staring at me. I lifted my head.

  A Sidyth was guarding the opening to the Gathering Room, but it wasn’t one of the usual suspects. I was used to the old one with silver streaks in his dark hair or the one with a mask over his mouth. Even the large, overly muscled one wasn’t there. This one was different. Leaner. Younger. Unable to help myself, I lifted my head higher, trying to put a name to the face. His hair was longer in the front than in the back, and his chin surprising prominent.

  And he looked right back at me.

  A few of the other females in the room must have noticed the difference as well because they chatted loudly behind me. But for some reason, I couldn’t pull my attention away from the new Sidyth. His skin was lighter blue than most of the others, and though he was lean, it didn’t mean he was any less muscular. There was an intensity in his golden cat-like eyes that didn’t let me look away. Arizona wouldn’t have wanted me to, anyway.

  He cocked his head to the side slightly, almost as though acknowledging the fact that he’s staring at me. And I at him, I guess. But I notice he still didn’t look away. I assumed he wanted me to fuck him. More and more of the females were pairing off with the Sidyths at the time. I remembered how much I desperately didn’t want to fall behind. I rose up from the floor and smoothed out my tiny black skirt and sauntered in his direction.

  Finally, he blinked. He crossed his thick arms tightly over his broad chest, and part of me wondered if he was going to walk away. I almost couldn’t picture it at the time, but I swear now, looking back on it, he looked as though he considered walking away. His golden eyes dipped down to my toes and then flicked back up to my blonde hair in an instant, and then he blinked again.

  He didn’t leave from his spot.

  My heart thudded heavily against my thin, black top, and I did everything to calm it, remembering Arizona’s words. Keep calm. Don’t be desperate. Give the client what he wants — nothing else.

  I stopped a few inches away from the alien, tilting my chin to meet his eyes. He’s tall, but not overly so. I allowed myself the liberty of drifting my attention up and down his frame just as he did to me. He licked his lips, slicking a long, and shockingly thin-forked tongue across the surface.

  “What is your name?” he asked. He attempted to sound disinterested, but I’m the queen of disinterest, so I didn’t believe for a second that he didn’t already want me.


  “What is your real name?”

  His question took me off-guard. My real name. That’s something I never spoke about with anyone. My girls know – Arizona, Dakota, Kansas, and Washington, but no one else. And I intended to keep things that way. “My real name is whatever you want it to be.”

  A frown flickered across his sharp features, and a forked, scaled tongue worked out from his lips once again. He thought he could catch me off-guard. And I suppose that he did. But I’m already back to my composed self. Clients like it when I’m composed. Or that’s what Arizona drilled into me.

  “You want to come to my lair?” he asked next.

  I shrugged and glanced over my shoulder. Krista, Rhyan, and the workout twins were in one corner. They didn’t care what I did. Layla, Celeste, Sloane, and Phoebe were in another corner. They sure as shit didn’t care what happened to me. And Blythe was off with her alien mate. Ellis and York might have been, too. Either way, they wouldn’t have cared.

  No one cares about me here.

  “Do you want pleasure?” I asked the alien.

  “Prince Korben says we’re supposed to ask.”

  “You don’t have to ask me.”

  His golden eyes widened. Now I’m the one who’s caught him off guard. He lifted a hand to his mouth and coughed quietly into it before lowering it back to his side. “We are supposed to ask.”

  I hummed to myself but shrugged. “If you are asking if you’re allowed to fuck me, the answer is yes.”

  He hissed under his breath, flicking his attention back to my eyes. “You are not going to ask my name? Who am I? What I am like?”

  I shrugged again. “I don’t think it matters, does it?”

  He frowned. “No. I suppose it does not.”

  He turned around then, glancing once over his shoulder as though expecting me to follow him. And of course, I did.

  His lair wasn’t anything unusual. A single bed with a single blanket. A dirt opening with a dusty, off-white curtain for privacy. The scent of a lonely male jerking himself off one too many times before sleeping. And the heat. Fuck, the temperature was incredible. Sun rayers in every corner – basically acting as fans, only instead of emitting fresh air, they emitted heat and light. I broke out into a sweat within moments and wiped at my brow.

  “It is hot for humans, yes?” the male asked.

  “Doesn’t matter.”

  “Why?” He cocked an eyebrow at me, but his expression quickly relaxed when I immediately stripped off my skirt and tank.

  I stood naked before him, waiting for his next move. But for a while, he merely stood in front of me. Almost as though he was unsure about what to do. I allowed my mind to drift. I wondered if Arizona was fucking her alien. I wondered if Dakota and Kansas were doing the same.

  I wondered if Washington was still alive, having somehow survived the hunt.

  “Do you not like what you see?” I asked.

  He swallowed hard. “I did not realize alien females would be so easy.”

  “They’re not. But I am.”

  The male frowned. “When I touched one of your companions, she grew upset. I thought humans were afraid of us. You appear fragile.” He stepped up closer. “Aren’t you afraid that I’m going to hurt you?”

  “You can hurt me if it pleases you.”

  A strangled sound escaped his lips. “You are not serious.”

  “Try me.” I threw out my arms, daring him to do something. Throw me around. Bite me. Squeeze me. I didn’t care. I still don’t. Not really.

  My closest friends say I’m like a robot. They say it like it’s supposed to be an insult, but I don’t think they could be further from the truth. I take it as a compliment. I’m not as good as Arizona, but I am a damn good star hussy. I let aliens do what they want with me. They tip me well when I do. That’s what I like — making extra credits and giving them to Arizona. Seeing that pleased look on her face. But I guess she was also confused.

  “I can’t believe you let him do that to you,” she’d say, shaking her head at my bruises after a particularly rough assignment with pre-pubescent Drakens.

  “Are you happy about the money?” I’d ask. She’d nod.

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