The Wonder Island Boys: Adventures on Strange Islands
Roger Thompson Finlay
Roger Thompson Finlay
THE WONDER ISLAND BOYSBy ROGER T. FINLAY A new series of books, each complete in itself, relating the remarkable experiences of two boys and a man, who are cast upon an island in the South Seas with absolutely nothing but the clothing they wore. By the exercise of their ingenuity they succeed in fashioning clothing, tools and weapons and not only do they train nature\'s forces to work for them but they subdue and finally civilize neighboring savage tribes. The books contain two thousand items of interest that every boy ought to know. THE WONDER ISLAND BOYSThe CastawaysTHE WONDER ISLAND BOYSExploring the IslandTHE WONDER ISLAND BOYSThe Mysteries of the CavernsTHE WONDER ISLAND BOYSThe TribesmenTHE WONDER ISLAND BOYSThe Capture and PursuitTHE WONDER ISLAND BOYSThe Conquest of the SavagesTHE WONDER ISLAND BOYSAdventures on Strange IslandsTHE WONDER ISLAND BOYSTreasures of the IslandsLarge 12mo, cloth. Many illustrations.60 cents per vol., postpaid.PUBLISHED BYTHE NEW YORK BOOK COMPANY147 Fourth Avenue New York ADVENTURES ON STRANGE ISLANDS The Wonder Island Boys ADVENTURES ONSTRANGE ISLANDS BY ROGER T. FINLAY ILLUSTRATED N Y B Co. THE NEW YORK BOOK COMPANY New York Copyright, 1915, byTHE NEW YORK BOOK COMPANY CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I. The charted island. Previous history of the boys. The professor. Mysteries. The strange oars and ropes. Experiments. The various trips through the Island. Meeting the natives. The caves. Finding metals and ores. A strange village. II. The Town of Unity. Enterprises on the island. Building a ship. Homesick. Considering the question of other islands. Treasure hunting. The Krishnos. Their beliefs and practices. The comparison of customs with the white people. Preparing to launch the vessel. The professor decides to remain. Angel. The message. Blakely. A scrap of paper with illegible words. The V-shaped tracing. Guessing the contents of the note. III. Deciphering the discolored paper. The arrow on the sheet. The first Walter letter. The comparison. Dimensions of the vessel. The engine. The professor and John\'s error. Pointing to an island. Convinced of the correctness of the boys\' views. Launching of the vessel. The feast day. Putting up the rigging. Selecting a crew. Preliminary trials. The day for departure. The trip to Valparaiso. Reshipping to New York. Telegrams home after three years. Angels and the wonders of New York. The great change in the boys. The return to Wonder Island. Reaching Valparaiso. Meeting Blakely. The new steamer. Installation of a line to Wonder Island. The return trip. IV. Steaming up Enterprise River. Unity in sight. The natives at the wharf. The enthusiasm. The chiefs witness the arrival. A "Grand Homecoming." The boys visit the natives. Contemplating voyages to discover other islands. Native sailors. Sutoto captain of the Pioneer....
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