The Beast: alien dragon shifter romance (Mate Hunt Book 1), page 1

The Beast
Riley Onyx
Copyright © 2021 by Riley Onyx
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Created with Vellum
The Beast
1. Bleiz
2. Zoe
3. Bleiz
4. Zoe
5. Bleiz
6. Zoe
7. Bleiz
8. Zoe
9. Bleiz
10. Zoe
11. Bleiz
12. Zoe
13. Bleiz
14. Zoe
15. Bleiz
Also by Riley Onyx
About the Author
The Beast
I volunteered for the long trip to check on our borders because a mate is promised from the worlds the Merlzhen protect. Earth is one of our last stops. I won’t be denied just because I can shift fully to dragon.
When the sky fills with falling stars, and they’re landing not far from me, I drop everything to take a look. I hope to grab one so I can sell it for a fortune. But I don’t find a meteorite, or even a piece of space junk. It’s a dragon…or is it a man?
Whatever he is, we’re now on the run.
Steamy dragon shifter alien romance with a twist of mythology and magic.
The screen in the mess flickers to life. It’s blank until the ship reaches its destination, or there’s a bulletin, or an important status update. This time a planet appears on the screen, a small blue dot in the dark of space. Like everyone else in the unmated men’s mess, I stop eating and stare. I’ve lost count of the number of planets we’ve visited on this tour.
I volunteered for the trip because every Merlzhen who does is guaranteed a mate from one of the worlds we protect. But so far, my name has not been listed.
I know why, but that doesn’t make it any easier to bear. Even among my kind I’m considered a freak, a throwback to the old times before we learned how to portal jump. On the planet I come from every Merlzhen can fully shift.
I wanted to get off world and explore the stars the first time I’d realized it was possible. I love flying on my own wing, but the allure of space was more than I could resist. There are so many worlds out here—and I’ve only seen the ones we protect. As soon as I was old enough, I joined the crew of a trading vessel that hopped between local planets. After proving myself, I joined the protection force so I could see more of the galaxy. At the time I didn’t care about getting a mate. I wanted adventure.
This long-range trip takes years, even with the portal jumps to shorten the distance, but it is a part of our duty to the planets we protect from the Fomuri. In return, those planets allow the Merlzhen to claim mates.
The little blue planet is our next stop.
I’m not holding my breath that I’ll be selected this time either. The previous two worlds didn’t allow Merlzhen who can fully shift to claim mates. Even those aliens call people like me beasts. That’s the main reason people from my world never leave—we are a throwback colony who’s largely shunned space travel—they do not want the sneers from those who think us little more than animals for shifting fully.
However, my world hasn’t suffered from the dramatic loss of women that the others have. Scientists claim that portal jumping damages space farers DNA meaning only male children are born.
My DNA is now damaged. Without an alien mate, I’ll never be able to have children. When I’d first left home, that hadn’t mattered. Now it did. Even if I went home tomorrow, I wouldn’t be allowed a Merlzhen mate because of the damage done.
I bite back a growl. Being left until the end of the mission is a slight, and if I’m not selected this time, I don’t know what I’ll do. There is still one more stop…but to be left until the very end? What does that say about me?
I glance around the mess.
If those that are unable fully shift, don’t find alien mates, they will die out. At least the Merlzhen on my world will go on, even if they are mocked by the partial shifters who’ve given up their animal side.
Around me my crew mates shovel in their meal, all watching the screen as it displays information about Earth. Those who already have mates, eat in a separate mess. There are close to fifty men without mates. Half of us will miss out and have to wait for the last planet.
Those who will go down to the planet’s surface to claim a mate, will see their names on the screen very soon. I close my eyes and dream of feeling dirt beneath my feet again, and of finding my mate. All those that have been successful say they knew as soon as they saw their mate that she was the one they had to have. In reality, it’s little more than pheromones that are activated when around a compatible female.
I want that rush and to feel something deeper than lust.
Over the centuries Merlzhen have visited the worlds not every woman has been taken for a mate and often Merlzhen remain on world depending on the agreement, meaning some alien women have a Merlzhen bloodline.
How does Earth prepare for the mate hunt?
Do they test the women for Merlzhen blood and line them up for us to choose from?
Or do the women volunteer?
Maybe they give us free rein to hunt and choose.
Every planet has different rules and different treaties. Those selected to pick a mate will be given the information required.
Around me the unmated gossip about what the race that live on this planet looks like. They’re called human, and while they have two arms and two legs, like us, they lack a tail.
I eat without tasting. I can tell we are five days into the cycle from the flavor of the food dished out of the automatic dispenser. Only officers received actual food.
I glance at the screen again and promise myself that I will eat real food when I’m grounded. I’ll try whatever local cuisine I’m offered. Anything other than sludge will be amazing. It doesn’t matter how nutritious this is, it’s boring, and I crave more.
The intercom system pings in preparation for an announcement, and I tilt my head. The room falls silent as every man stops eating to listen.
“This is your captain. We have reached the outer limits of a planet known as Earth. From here we will enter orbit and prepare for the mate hunt.” The captain and officers were allowed to choose the planet they wanted to take a mate from. I think at least one has been waiting for Earth.
I have no doubt that those who already have a mate are eager to return home.
We all are after so many years away.
“The names of those who are to be released to hunt shall appear on the screen. This is our second last stop, so if your name does not appear, you’ll be granted permission at the next planet, barring any infractions.” The captain continued. “If you are on the list, you will report for briefing and language assimilation.”
I’ve made sure to obey every rule, to avoid any fights and to generally keep my tail clean. The other men still waiting for a mate have at least one infraction against their name. It burns that I’m lumped in with them because of my genetics.
The planet disappears off the screen and is replaced with a list of twenty-five names. I hold my breath and lean forward even though I can read the screen perfectly well. Several men curse, their names clearly not on the list.
I read each name carefully, instead of scanning the screen for my own. Who is going and who is missing out?
“How is the beast on the list before me?” Budog snarls and stands, shoving away the table.
I grit my teeth at the use of the nickname they’ve given me as my gaze jumps to my name near the end of the list. Second last. I’m not surprised. But I am relieved. I’ve finally made it. I will be going on a mate hunt. Excitement floods my veins.
Budog keeps snarling like I somehow stole his place. I turn to stare at him. Scales ripple over his skin as he fails to control his anger and indulges in a partial shift. If he’s not careful, his wings will pop out and smack someone in the face.
I don’t move. I’m not about to be drawn into a fight when my name is on the list.
“I should be on the list!” Budog shouts. He has three warnings for fighting that I know about. I do not know how he even got on the trip—not everyone who volunteers is selected. His frequent fights are the reason he hasn’t been put on the list.
And if he keeps up the bad behavior, he won’t be allowed to claim a mate at all. Budog stalks over to me, tail lashing, blue scales splashing up his arms and disappearing into the short sleeves of his black uniform.
I watch him, spoon held loosely in my fingers. If I were to act so uncontrolled, and shift when having a temper tantrum, there’d be a dragon sitting at the table. None of these Merlzhen like to be reminded that over a thousand years ago shifting to dragon had been normal.
One of Budog’s friends puts a hand on his chest. “Settle, you’ll get your turn. We all will.”
Maden, opposite me, leans on the table. “I don’t know
Maden took the warning for me because he knew I’d face worse punishment than him. To be fair, I hadn’t wanted to be involved in sneaking up to look at the already claimed mates, but my curiosity had gotten the better of me and I had joined Maden. I’m glad he is on this hunt with me.
Budog snarls and storms out of the mess. We’ve all been waiting a long time for this.
Too long.
The list of names is replaced with information about the people who live on the planet. A picture of a man and woman fills the screen. Down the sides of the screen is information, so it will be easy to identify the women. The women are curvy, with breasts. They are not unlike some of the other species I have seen. The skin tones change, showing the full range from pale to dark, but all shades of brown. Whichever mate I choose will have dull skin. The last planet we visited was inhabited by people with jewel toned skin. Vibrant purples and greens that shimmered like my own. I hadn’t been the only one disappointed to miss out.
I stare up at the screen and the scrolling information about Earth, trying to take it all in. I don’t mind the dull, mud colored skin.
I smile and pride swells in my chest. I’ve finally been chosen, and my mate will be an Earth woman.
All I can smell is the pizza in my car. I’m not sure the scent of pepperoni and cheese ever leaves. I’ve been delivering pizzas for the last three months and all my clothes, and my car, and my hair smell of pizza. If I thought I could find another job, I’d quit. But jobs are few and far between, so I took the first job I was offered.
But that doesn’t mean I like it. Or that I have forgiven my ex for getting me fired and forcing me to leave London. Some days I manage to frame this forced new start as a good thing, other days I seethe with so much resentment that I’m surprised I don’t explode.
Today is one of those days.
Acid rage simmers, breaking free only when I yell at another driver who has the misfortune of being on the road with me. I hate my job. I hate my life. I hate my ex for being a complete and utter wanker after I caught him cheating. And then he had the nerve to blame me. My knuckles whiten as my grip tightens on the steering wheel. I take a couple of slow deep breaths, relax my jaw, and ease my foot off the accelerator. The last thing I need is a speeding ticket.
However, delivering the pizzas late, to what has to be a party given the quantity, will only get me in trouble as well. I need this job until I can find something better.
I stop at the red light and watch the clock counting down and getting far too close to the pizzas are late mark. Something streaks through the sky. A falling star?
I should make a wish.
The traffic signal is still red.
Don’t be a dill.
My ex would call me a dickhead for being such a child. But he’s not here, so I don’t care. I close my eyes and wish for a change. No, I take it back. Not change, because not all changes are good. I open my eyes to check on the star. It’s still there. I close my eyes again and this time wish for a change of luck, for something to go my way.
When I open my eyes, there’s more than one falling star in the sky. The inky night is filled with streaking white lights. I stare up in awe, realizing I am a fool because I wasted time wishing on a meteorite shower, or returning space junk, not a falling star.
I sigh. Typical.
The light goes green and I go through the intersection. But I’m watching the sky more than the traffic. There’s a dozen. No, two dozen. Some of them are blinding white others are gold and yet others blue. And while they seem to come from a single point, they are now spreading out.
I glance at the clock. Three minutes until the pizzas are cold. Then I glance at the sky. I miss my turn off. I should turn around, but I don’t. So I wished on a meteorite shower? Maybe this is my change of luck and they are made of something valuable. Or if it’s space junk, maybe a collector will pay to have it. Whatever it is, I could sell it. A grand would be life changing.
All I have to do is find a piece.
My gaze tracks the one falling in front of me. It seems to be leading me somewhere. My gut twists, I should deliver the pizza and get on with my life. But I hate it, so why not have a little fun?
I know the answer, I’ll be fired and then I’ll have no job which will make my life suck even harder. But if I deliver the pizza, everything will stay the same. Something needs to change. I drive on and hook a left as soon as I can.
The meteorite is lower in the sky now; it seems to be just above roof height. And I know where it’s going to land. It seems to be heading for the stadium, which will be deserted this time of night. I hope it doesn’t land inside the locked grounds… For a brief moment I consider breaking into the grounds to claim it. Would it be worth it?
No, if it’s inside I’ll turn around, deliver the pizzas, and blame the traffic.
There’re very few cars on the road, and none of them seem to be tracking the meteorite like me. Can they not see the lights in the sky?
Of course they can…they just have better things to do with their evening.
The meteorite drops below roof height and for a moment, I can’t see it. I trust my gut and head toward the stadium. I turn another corner, in time to see it land in the car park.
“Yes!” My heart gives a happy patter of excitement and I do a little dance in my seat.
I swing into the car park without bothering to indicate. For a moment I can’t see anything despite the light from the street and my headlights. Then I see a faint glow coming from the darkest corner. I drive toward it, bouncing over speed bumps and barely missing the curbing. I stop the car and stare.
The meteorite is glowing blue, I’m pretty sure that means it’s really hot.
I’m not going to be able to pick it up with my bare hands.
“Damn it.” I didn’t think this through.
Then I glance at the pizzas on the seat next to me in their big, insulated bags. There are ten pizzas, in two giant bags. I wonder how much heat the bags will be able to hold. Or will the meteorite burn straight through them?
I realize I’ve already stopped thinking of it as space junk. Junk would’ve burned up and this is big. Or at least the glow is.
No one else has followed me into the car park. This discovery is all mine if I can grab it. How long will it take to cool? My phone rings, the pizza shop probably wondering where I am. I almost answer, but what am I going to say? That I decided to chase a meteorite?
I’m going to have to answer eventually and return to the shop with my cold pizzas.
Is it too late to deliver them?
I stare at the blue glow. It’s fading fast, cooling.
I’ve already fucked up, so I might as well keep going. All in. Commit to the error and make the best of it…that could also describe my last relationship. I knew it was heading south, but I’d pressed on hoping that something would change. It had only gotten worse.
I have to stop settling and making do.
I tip the pizzas out of one bag and get out of the car with my oversized, improvised oven mitt. I leave the head lights on and the door open, though the engine is off. If I pull out the keys, the headlights will switch off and I’ll be in the dark. Hopefully, no one will come and steal my car, although then I’d receive the insurance money. Though it would also be super inconvenient as I wouldn’t be able to deliver food or drive people around.
Having my own car, fully paid for, is the one thing that saved my ass.
I keep the lights to my left as I walk toward the soft blue glow, my pizza bag held in front like a shield. My footsteps crunch over the gravel.
The glow dims to almost nothing and I quicken my pace, not wanting to lose the rock in the shadows. From where I stand, the glow is about the size of a large dog. My breathing is fast from nerves and excitement.