Red Devil: LitRPG Gamelit Harem Men's Adventure, page 1

Red Devil
Demon King - Book 1
Written by Rex Mahon
Original Cover Graphic Courtesy of Pixabay
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
All Rights Reserved
Copyright © 2024 Goldenfire Media, LLC
Books written by Rex Mahon
The Goblin King
Into the Darkness
Blood and Madness
Tortured Silence
Blood of the Fae
Swallow the Bones
Bury the Ashes Deep
Midnight’s Broken Promise
Touch Me Bloody
Take Another Bite
The Dragons of Nagon
Conquering Her Darkness
Master No More
Broken By Pride
The Bloody Road to Heaven
The Coldness Within
My Lady of Bones
Lost in the Dark
Murdering Her Light
Blood in the Sky
Tormented Desires
Other Novels
Awakening Her Beast
Becoming Evil
Blood Covered Kisses
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter One
“What in the seven hells is that?”
I fought to open my eyes. Everything hurt. My skin itched and my bones ached. I had the worst headache. It felt like someone had pounded nails into my skull.
“It’s a Nephilim, brother,” a gruff voice grumbled. “A devil-kin, one of the Lost.”
“Do we… abort it?”
Clenching my fist, I forced my eyes to open.
Darkness shrouded the world around me. Flashes of light flickered to my left. They looked like stained glass windows, all reds and yellows.
“No,” the gruff, raspy voice grunted. “No, it has a soul. Our mandate states that if it is viable, then we will allow it to live. Like us, the beast has free will. It can still choose good.”
Rubbing a hand across my face, I wiped drool away.
Staring at my ruddy, red fingers, I felt a hint of panic. What the fuck? Sitting up, I stared at both of my hands. They were fucking red? The color was deep and rich, but muted on my hands to an almost rust-like color in the creases.
“What’s going on?” I mumbled.
My fingernails were jet black. Squeezing my fists, I had the urge to punch someone, hard. Why was my skin fucking red?
And it had a leathery feel to it.
Frowning, I looked up and saw two… dwarves… staring back at me. Both of the creatures were as wide as they were tall, and they had beards that hung down to their waist. They were wearing white robes marked with a blood-red starburst. The dwarf on the right was bigger, built like a brick shithouse. The other was smaller and shorter.
“How do you feel?” the bigger dwarf asked. He was the second dwarf I heard talking. That meant the other fucker was the asshole who wanted to… abort… me.
Blinking, I tried to clear my head, but everything felt thick. My mind was struggling to stay awake. All I wanted to do was sleep. Grunting, I rubbed my face… fuck, my temples ached. It felt like jackhammers were pounding beneath my skin, trying to dig their way down into my brain.
Shutting my eyes, I rubbed my temples.
“What the fuck?” I shouted.
Horns. I had two fucking horns jutting out of my forehead. They rose and arced backward…
Fuck me.
I had two little horns as well, further up into my hairline. They were smaller, barely three inches long, but they were on my fucking head.
“Mother fucker,” I grunted, running my fingers up my horns.
I had fucking horns.
Shutting my eyes, I ran my fingers through my hair. It felt long and coarse, like horsehair. Frowning, I discovered I had a beard as well.
“His eyes look like bonfires,” the asshole dwarf muttered. “Like fucking balefire lanterns.
“Hush,” the bigger dwarf snapped.
Opening my eyes, I growled, “What’s going on?”
Pushing myself upright, I saw that I was in some sort of temple. Other people were sleeping on wide slabs of stone… and they were shimmering. A haze surrounded them as they groaned in their sleep.
More dwarves.
A couple looked like humans. But none of them looked like me.
“Do you remember your name?” the first dwarf asked. Glaring at him, I tried to think… to recall… anything.
“Don’t ask him that!” the second dwarf rumbled. “You know the protocols. Think, dimwit. His race doesn’t matter! Follow the protocols.”
My name…
What the fuck was my name?
“It’s Harland,” the big dwarf grunted. “Your name is Harland.”
That felt right.
“Your last name is Letchford.”
Nodding, I said my name over and over to myself. It felt like I was trying to remember something, but I couldn’t quite do it. My past was a swirling vortex of nothing. Sweat broke out on my back. Sitting down on my haunches, I repeated my name, and then I felt something move behind me.
Glancing down, I saw a devil’s tail.
The horns had thrown me, but a tail? Were you fucking kidding me? The damn thing was dark red, a deep fiery color with a black tip that looked like a garden spade. Staring at the tip, I forced it to curl and twitch like a naughty tongue.
Fucking insane.
A chuckle slipped out of my lips. This was all too fucking insane.
“It will be alright,” the bigger dwarf grunted, patting my shoulder. “You’re alive. You survived the Rebirth. It will be alright. Change is hard.”
I stared at him, feeling… insanity… quivering at the edge of my mind. Shutting my eyes, I rubbed my temples again. My fucking head ached, and now that I thought about it, so did the rest of my muscles.
“My name’s Durdric,” the dwarf grunted. “You
Patting my shoulder again, he said, “Open your eyes. Focus on staying here, with me.”
Doing what he said, I shook my head, trying to push my exhaustion away. My body just wanted to lie down and sleep, and my mind was overwhelmed.
“I promise you’ll be fine,” Durdric rumbled, holding out his hand. “It will be alright.”
I slapped my bigger hand into his… and the dwarf’s touch centered me. I didn’t feel alone, or alien. I might look fucking strange, but he was right, I was alive.
Clenching my fist, he let go.
“Let’s get you dressed,” he declared, standing up. “It will make you feel better.”
Looking down, I saw a sledgehammer of a dick between my legs.
Jesus, I was as naked as a babe.
At least my new dick was big.
Grinning, I stood up. Having red skin might be worth it. There was no way my dick was this big before.
“This way,” the dwarf said, waving his hand for me to follow.
Each step felt like a milestone. My brain was still tired. Nothing felt right. I felt too big, too different. And my fucking skin itched. Scratching a bit, I grunted. It was fucking cold in here. Grumbling to myself, I followed… what the fuck was his name?
Chewing on that thought, I entered a room filled with clothing. It hung from racks and was stacked on shelves. Above me, I saw baskets hanging from the ceiling filled with shirts, pants, shoes, and socks.
A small, delicate female human stared at me with shocked eyes from behind a counter. It looked like she’d been knitting before we came into the room. Piles of blue yarn filled one corner of the counter, along with her knitting needles.
“It’s alright,” the big dwarf rumbled. “Our friend just needs clothes.”
“He’s huge,” she exclaimed… and she wasn’t looking at my face.
Rubbing my eyes, I grinned. Nothing made a man feel more man-like than having a woman say that. Her eyes never left my dick. The woman seemed almost stoned.
“Clothing,” Durdric ordered, before drool dribbled out of her mouth. Nodding, the woman looked away. Opening a bin, she began rummaging through it.
“Here,” Durdric exclaimed, smacking me in the chest with something. Looking down, I saw underwear.
“Put this on before she has an aneurysm.”
Chucking, I pulled them on.
The woman set a pair of pants on the counter, followed by socks and a shirt. Pulling the pants on, I scowled. They were too tight and the bottom barely reached my ankles.
“That’s the biggest that we have,” she murmured, still staring at my crotch. “I’ll make him some suitable clothing as soon as I can.”
Gulping, she mumbled to herself, “Lord, he’s a big one.”
Realizing what she’d said, the woman blushed, but she didn’t look away. Pulling on a shirt that didn’t fit right either, I felt worse, not better. My skin still itched and…
Fuck it.
I just wanted to sleep. Rubbing my eyes, I yawned.
“None of that,” Durdric grunted. “You need to stay awake, or you’ll sleep forever.”
“I don’t have any boots that will fit him.”
“Then take measurements and get cracking, woman,” the dwarf grunted. “The man needs clothing.”
Blinking, I watched as she knelt and ran a tape measure up the side of my ill-fitting pants. Running the measure around my legs, my mind woke up. Sniffing, I smelled her. Unlike the male dwarf, who didn’t interest me in the slightest, her scent… woke me up.
“Choose the light,” the dwarf growled at me.
Turning to stare at him, he grunted, “I can see your eyes, Neph. I know what you’re thinking. Keep your hands to yourself. Miriam isn’t for you.”
Following his advice, I tried to ignore the tiny woman, as she measured my waist, chest, and arms… but fuck, she smelled good… like hot apple pie, resting after it came out of the oven. Looking up and away, I tried desperately to ignore her, but my mind played with the thought of touching her, over and over again.
“That’s enough, girl,” the dwarf ordered. “Back away.”
Shaking my head, I moved away from her. My mind felt… rebellious… like it wanted to reach out and claim her.
To make her ours.
Grunting, I moved to the doorway and then out into the hall. I needed to get away from her. I could feel my tail snapping back and forth in agitation.
“You good?” the dwarf asked.
“She smelled so good,” I growled. “Why did she smell so good?”
“We’ll work on that,” Durdric said. “Come with me.”
Following the dwarf down the hall, I couldn’t get the woman out of my head. Forcing myself to not look back, I turned a corner, feeling her eyes on me every step of the way.
Chapter Two
The dwarf led me through the temple, going up and down stairs, circling several times, before he stopped at a door. I had a feeling that he’d led me in circles, backtracking several times, so that I didn’t know where Miriam was… but I knew.
How could I know?
Fuck if I knew… but I did.
Feeling off, I circled the room, pacing.
“This is your living quarters,” the dwarf said. “Over there is the bedroom. That door leads to the bathroom, and over there, that one opens up to a balcony.”
“It feels temporary,” I grumbled. The room reminded me of a hotel, but not one that you stayed at for very long.
“That’s because it is,” he replied. “This is where you’ll live for the next few months, while you become acquainted with your new body and the skills that came with it.”
“What skills?” I said, perking up a bit.
“That’s what we’ll work on next.”
Walking back out of the room, he led me up a flight of stairs and into a large room filled with mostly dwarves working out. I saw an entire row of weight lifting equipment on my right. Warriors sparred, working on their skills on the left.
“This is where you’ll train your martial skills,” he said. “Across the hall is where you’ll train your mind if you’ve got skills like that.”
“How do I know what I can do?”
Ignoring me, he waved to a tall dwarf with wide shoulders.
“Tor,” he grunted. “Get over here.”
The big dwarf was almost as tall as me. He looked like he had human blood mixed into his dwarven genes. Instead of being short and squat, he had broad shoulders, a thin waist, and loads of muscles.
The dwarf had deeply tanned skin, which seemed strange to me. I hadn’t seen a window the whole time that we were walking. It felt like we were underground, so how had he gotten so tanned?
“What the fuck do we have here?” Tor grunted, sizing me up.
“This is Harland,” Drudric grunted. “He just woke up. Keep him awake and find his specialty.”
“Will do, boss,” Tor rumbled.
“And keep him away from the ladies.”
Tor chuckled and nodded.
“Let’s start with a light jog,” Tor ordered. Taking off, he didn’t wait for me to catch up. Every one of my muscles ached, and jogging wasn’t what I wanted to be doing. But falling asleep, and possibly dying, wasn’t a good option either. So I fought to stay awake, as I ran after him.
Why would falling asleep kill me?
Fuck if I know.
Circling the big room didn’t take all that long. My muscles ached and bitched the whole time. Like my mind, they wanted to sleep. Instead, I gritted my teeth and followed Tor around and around. After a while, I lost track of the laps and just ran.
Slowing, Tor stopped and began walking. He took a final loop around the gym. Looking at me, he said, “Let’s do some warm-up exercises.”
Moving to the center of the mats, he said, “We’ll work on punching first.”
Setting himself, he said, “Slowly throw a punch, and I’ll show you how I want you to block it.”
Doing as he asked, I watched his left hand move my punch just a smidgeon, then his right hand looped under his left and moved it a second little bit, followed again by his right to clear the punch. My fist almost grazed his face.
“Miss small,” he ordered. “Don’t waste time moving punches a mile from your body. Make your opponent do all the work. Conserve energy and move small.”
Together, we punched back and forth, and… I couldn’t hit him, no matter how much I tried. Minutes grew until our routine became a hazy warm feeling, almost a dance. Several times he changed up the tempo, but my mind caught on, and I kept from being pummeled.