Undying Love, page 1

Undying Love
Reneé Alexis
Genesis Press, Inc.
An imprint of Genesis Press, Inc.
Publishing Company
Genesis Press, Inc.
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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author and all incidents are pure invention.
Copyright© 2008 Reneé Alexis
ISBN-13: 978-1-58571-570-1
ISBN-10: 1-58571-570-0
Manufactured in the United States of America
First Edition
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To my fans: You are truly the heart of romance and, for that, I will always dedicate my books to you. I would also like to thank my family for all their love and support through many a difficult time. My friends—well, the word friend speaks for you and I cherish our times together. Deborah Schumaker: You have helped me see the light at the end of a few tunnels, although it seemed awfully bleak and never-ending at times. Thank you for everything. Last—God, always God, for helping me keep faith in myself and my work. You are the reason I will never give up.
Love and peace to all,
Renee Alexis
* * *
“Have you ever seen a walking dream? They do exist; they are real. Alexander is my dream, my life, my driving force. He’s the most perfect man in the world, the epitome of true love and romance…an absolute treasure!
“Let me tell you the story of my dream.”
* * *
May 16
Flint, Michigan, a place that will live in infamy—at least in the mind of Suzanah Dennard. Whatever had four wheels, and an engine and was rolling out of town, she was going to be on it. Flint had left a bad taste in her mouth and an even worse feeling in her gut. Anywhere would have been a welcome change from the city where she had endured mental abuse at the hands of her family. After she married and moved away, the mental anguish continued with her husband, Dan. She had changed back to her maiden name Dennard because any connection with the name Daniel Lewis sickened her. Now that he was definitely an ex-husband, she was getting away from everyone, and Springfield, Massachusetts, was as good a place as any to start over.
She had cashed her last check the day before from The Brown Bag Catering Company in Flint and gained her freedom in the night, having packed her bags three days before departing. It was a desperate flight-for-life mission. Her initial impulse was to feel bad about leaving in the middle of the night, but the moment she stepped foot onto the bus and headed the heck out of there, Flint and all of its bad memories began to fade.
* * *
Suzanah was the last one to leave the bus after it arrived at Springfield’s terminal. She grabbed her carry-on bag and dragged her tired body into the station. She hoped the coach’s motion en route hadn’t broken the last thing her father had given to her before his death: a Hopi kachina doll that he had brought back from an inter-tribal ceremonial he had attended in Gallup, New Mexico, years ago. It was the only thing she had that she truly valued.
When she stepped out, her beauty was immediately evident. But she didn’t feel beautiful. Her faded jeans and cropped white peasant blouse felt as though they had melded with her body. She felt grimy and unkempt. All she wanted to do was find her hotel and take a shower. Despite how she felt she looked, she was a stunner, with long dark-brown hair cascading past her shoulders and a flawless light caramel-complexion. Her wide-brimmed hat sheltered coffee-brown eyes from the hot June sun as she headed to the information counter inside.
“Excuse me. How do I get to the Ramada off Riverside Drive?”
The station agent looked up from the Hollywood tabloid he had been reading and into the face of a virtual angel. The young man smiled, causing her to shift self-consciously. Men in general did that to her, past experiences with off-the-hook men and a stepmother who constantly put her down were responsible for that. She just never seemed to pick the right man—or the right family. The only right man in her life had been her father, she mused.
The agent’s voice brought her back to the present. “Miss? Which hotel was that?”
“The Ramada. How do I get to it?”
The man’s eyes slowly scanned her frame as he gave the directions. His roaming eyes were making her feel sick to her stomach. She could guess his thoughts and honestly could not see a basis for this kind of attention, since she wasn’t big on herself—or men eyeing her, for that matter. She listened to the directions and quickly walked away from the agent.
She rented an electric-blue Neon from the car rental station across the street and then picked up a newspaper. The want ads and business section were all she was interested in, but a picture of a delicious young man on the front page caught her eye. She read the caption as she walked to the car. Alexander O’Neal to be appointed the youngest partner in the history of the thirty-eight-year-old firm of Schaefer and Lowenstein. She smiled at the new partner’s handsome face, quickly folded the paper and tossed it in the front seat, thinking that the last thing she needed was to be attracted to another man. She got behind the wheel and headed in the direction of the Ramada.
That evening after eating a meager dinner and a bag of Sun Chips, Suzanah resumed her search of the want ads. Something finally caught her attention: PartyTime Inc. Having had experience as a caterer and host for top companies in the Michigan State University area, she knew she had all the right qualifications. She had a stack of résumés in her overnight bag, had always been good with her hands and handling drunks who had her in their sights, and had been a hostess at several large university functions for several of the deans. Yes, PartyTime was definitely a possibility. She only hoped Mr. Jason Fredericks would form a higher opinion of her than she had of herself.
* * *
Alex walked into the lobby of Schaefer, Lowenstein and O’Neal eager to tackle his next big battle. Work was his refuge; it brought calmness to his life. People there were always glad to see him, especially his secretaries, who greeted him warmly and eyed him until his office door closed. They were always ready to be of service to him—any kind of service. But all he gave them was an infectious smile each morning. He was just out of an eleven-year marriage and had put women on a temporary leave of absence. To his secretaries, the sun rose and set on him, and that was one reason Alexander O’Neal came early and stayed late at the office. Here, he felt loved and appreciated, so unlike how he had felt in a marriage that had turned cold and loveless.
Entering his office, he thought back on the argument he’d had with his ex-wife, Kate, over the phone that morning. It was always the same thing—either about the alimony not being enough or about him supposedly having women on the side while they were married. That was the last thing Alex would have done because he had loved Kate. Nevertheless, he knew she needed to feel like the victim. She had had a lifetime of experience manipulating the men in her life, first her father and brother, and then him—until he decided that part of his life was over.
He was thumbing through his messages when his best friend and fellow attorney Charles Ryan bounced in. Charlie was a welcome breath of fresh air.
The no-holds-barred, somewhat heavyset Charles Ryan, who was loved and hated with equal ferocity, blew his way into the office and started in on his conversation piece—discussing women’s hooters or knockers, as he affectionately referred to them. “Man, I’m telling you, those secretaries of yours out there knock my socks off, especially that new one.”
“Brea Preston? You can forget about her.”
“She’s gay, man, and definitely not into white guys, so that would automatically cancel you out.”
“And half of you. Remember, one of your parents was white.”
“I was never in the running, in spite of my race. To her, I just don’t have it. Know what I’m saying?”
“I can imagine the things those women out there would love to give you.”
“Enough about women, Charlie. I had about overdosed on them before Kate burst through the gates of hell and married me.” He raised an eyebrow quizzically. “Oh, well! Tell me, how’s that Hamilton case coming?”
“Killing me, as usual.”
“Remember this simple rule: you kill them. It should never be the other way around.”
Charlie plopped into a chair. “I’m not the shark that you are, winning 100 percent of my cases.”
Alex raked his hand through his hair. “Not that again. What is it with you guys? Are you and Kate in cahoots about my numbers?”
“She brought that up again?”
Charlie saw his buddy’s dismay and offered what little comfort he could muster. “Well, maybe you don’t win all of your cases, but every attorney in the state of Massachusetts could take a course in the
“It’s okay. This is everyday with her.”
Charlie knew he had to change the subject for Alex’s peace of mind. “Are you still going to Alan’s farewell party Thursday night? If so, you’ve got three days to look presentable, if that’s possible.”
“Joke all you want, Charlie. You are what every man needs to get his day started off in the right direction. It helps to look at someone less fortunate than yourself.”
“Sure, dog me out, but you’d better be there Thursday night and please, please bring the lovely Kate with you.” He clasped his hands in prayer-like formation. “I know she’s a pain in your butt, but she knew about this way before the divorce. I just can’t help myself, man. She’s still gorgeous, more so now than when we dated—way before the likes of you.”
“You can have her, because she’ll definitely be there. I don’t have a choice in the matter. Don’t you know the world is hers? Besides, her main reason for going is to see if there are any couples in need of counseling so she can solicit clients for her practice. Funny thing, she could fix other marriages but not ours.” He looked down at his watch, forcing his mind off Kate. “Come on. I’ll give you a lift to court. I know your car isn’t working.”
“It never works.”
“Get a new one. It is twelve years old, for Christ’s sake. We are going to the same place and we have to be there by nine-thirty, so get a move on.” As they walked toward the lobby, one of the secretaries handed Alex a note. Charlie ribbed him. “A love note?”
“Get your mind out of the gutter. She’s reminding me about a rape case I have later today. I hate these the most; they clearly hurt everyone involved.” They walked out and into the busy streets of Springfield.
* * *
Suzanah took a seat in front of Jason Fredericks. She was nervous and jittery, but she tried to relax because she really wanted to do well in the interview. She had to find a source of income; the little money she had saved was looking smaller by the second. Getting her hands on more cash was definitely a top priority.
Mr. Fredericks stared at her; no one that scrumptious had ever walked through those doors. She was a brown sugar dream, with all the right curves to show off at the upcoming reception. Yes, giving the big boys a good show would surely boost business.
He leaned across his big oak desk and shook her hand. “Ms. Dennard? It is Ms. instead of Mrs., isn’t it?”
“Yes, it is.”
He glanced at her résumé again. “Your experiences are excellent. I see you’ve catered affairs in Michigan. I know those companies, and they are all top-notch. You worked at the Michigan Tea House for five years; that’s a good record in the catering field.” He tried his best not to visualize how sensational she’d look in one of PartyTime’s French maid’s uniforms, so he kept his tone strictly business. “Before we go any further, I should give you some details about my company. I started it ten years ago, catering mostly to the major theaters and movie sets in New York. We moved because competition was fierce. We cater corporate functions now. I see you have experience with large groups.”
“Yes, many times.”
She kept her tone light, simply wanting to get the interview over. “Big crowds don’t intimidate me. I do my work, give them anything their dear little hearts desire, within reason, and clean up their messes after they leave.”
“Anything they desire, huh?”
His penetrating eyes widened, so she made a point of reiterating: “Within reason.”
He caught her meaning. “As I stated before, we work with major firms and corporations. The majority of our clients are businessmen, aggressive businessmen, some of whom sometimes have only one thing on their minds. They’d do anything to get the attention of a young, attractive woman like you. Can you handle that?”
She smiled. “I have before. Besides, men are part of the job. I hope that doesn’t sound too callous.”
“Not at all; good attitude to have in this business. As you know by now, there are many sharks in the business ocean and they dine well. I’ll check your references, Ms. Dennard and get back to you later today. We are catering a large function on Thursday night; you may have heard of this client—Schaefer, Lowenstein and O’Neal. They’re the top ranking boys in the business.”
She had read the article on the accomplishments of Alexander O’Neal, but really knew next to nothing of the firm. However, young O’Neal seemed to be ahead of his game. She wondered if he was one of those sharks who ‘dined well’?
“Does this sound like something that would interest you?”
“I’d be glad to start anytime you need me.” Indeed she was, because Alexander O’Neal had already set her mind on fire, and she hadn’t been able to put it out. She wondered if the face matched the bank account.
Thursday Night
Surrounded by other attorneys in the banquet hall of the Ritz-Carlton, Alex was bored to tears. He half listened as a fellow attorney explained a case, but nothing was of much interest to him. He and Kate had argued just after he had picked her up. All he wanted to do from that point was to sit back and enjoy some solitude with a scotch and soda.
Charlie sat next to him and whispered in his ear, “As bored to death as I am, old man?”
“If George got any duller he could very well cause this firm a lawsuit—for disturbing the peace.” They gave George a slight nod and excused themselves. Then they walked off to look for Kate. But Charlie seemed to be excited about something despite the boring evening they were having. “Alex, I’ve got something incredible to show you.”
“What? A way out of here?”
“No, man, better. Much better.” His eyes searched the room for the loveliest vision he had ever seen. “Where the heck is she?”
“Who? Your current date who calls you Chuckie? Come to think of it, you do look like that little doll in those stupid horror movies—and with a matching personality.”
“Play all you like, but there’s a hostess walking around here who is freakin’ out of this world.”
“First of all, even though we are divorced, Kate would throw a hissy fit if I even looked at another woman; second, I don’t think I want to look at another woman. They’re too much trouble. I should know.” He took a glass of champagne from a passing host and walked off.
* * *
In an out-of-the-way corner, Suzanah and a co-worker neatly stacked champagne glasses on a tray. Getting bored, she decided to look around and try to remember her area of the floor. That was when she saw Alexander. Her legs went wobbly and her hands shook. Yes, the gorgeous gentleman in the black tuxedo had blown her mind at first sight. She immediately set her tray down to take a better look.
Her co-worker, Ariel, saw the sudden reaction and smiled. “Can’t blame you. My hands shook worse than yours first time I saw him.”
“So, that’s the great Alexander O’Neal?”
“That’s him, all right. Told you he was a cutie, didn’t I?”
“Awesome is more to the point. He definitely looks better than his picture in the paper.”
“And even better, he’s awesomely divorced. However, Kate, his ex, is here tonight. She’s the one with the sleek, black leather dress and the short blonde hair; a real hellion from what I’ve heard.”
“Divorced, huh?” She considered it for a minute, but deep down, she wasn’t really looking for another relationship—ever. She had vowed to be threw with men, anyway, due to Dan’s brutal behavior. She certainly didn’t care in the least about Catherine O’Neal, either. It was something more than Alex’s looks that unleashed something in her—maybe his power, maybe the way people seemed to go out of their way to be seen with him. She saw the admiring crowds around him and knew she could never fit into his circle—not little ol’ Suzanah from the sticks of mid-Michigan. Besides, she had already reconciled herself to the possibility that maybe black wasn’t his choice of color, since his ex was white. With that thought, she gave up on wanting to meet him and returned to her champagne glasses, downplaying her first reaction. “He’s just a guy, Ariel. I’ve seen many cute ones before.”