Hayle Storm (Colson Brothers Series Book 7), page 1

Hayle Storm
Reese Madison & Kelly Smith
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
The characters of Andy and Rae Digiovanni along with references to the Viper Pit and Encore are Copyright © 2015 by Kelly Smith and used with expressed permission.
Copyright © 2015 by Reese Madison
All rights reserved
This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author.
ISBN-13: 978-1511891240
ISBN-10: 1511891246
For Our Families,
Thank you for holding down the forts while we retreat to the writing cave and forgiving us when we sometimes forget to resurface and make dinner, clean the house, fold the laundry, and face reality in general.
Oh and for putting up with the predawn and post bedtime texts because writing genius doesn’t always keep bankers hours.
We love you.
Books by Reese Madison
The Colson Brothers Series
Down and Dirty
Daunting Turns
Salem Charm
Wrangled Mess
Draked Up
The Ice King On My Hate
Hayle Storm
Other Books
And Check out these other books
by Kelly Smith
The Digiovanni Series
Viper Pit
Jordyn’s Song
Hard Time
I ducked and put my arm up just in time. The lamp bounced off it and onto the floor where it broke into about five pieces. Nice throw for a girl. Then again a pissed off sub is nothing to be messed with.
I missed blocking the boot she launched next and got clobbered in the head. Okay, that might leave a mark.
“Asshole!! I hate you!!” She screamed at me then yanked open the heavy antique door and stormed out carrying a small bag of her most important possessions along with her purse. She knows I’ll send her stuff when she texts me her destination. We discussed these things months ago just in case.
I was really hoping not to have to go through this again. I go through subs like most people go through underwear. I called a car service to come fetch her off the side of the road and gave them my credit card to charge the fare. It’s not the first time, but it may be the last.
I work too many hours during the day and have just enough energy for good hard fuck before sleeping off the draining day. Running a three hundred acre farm that’s hanging on by a very thin financial thread is exhausting.
On top of running this farm I fly for free as a US Air Marshal so I can also act as liaison between Exiles MC Ireland chapters and the Exiles MC United States chapters. My eldest brother Slider is the President of the entire club. He all but shoved the job down my throat the day we met.
Fine by me. I like positions of power and control. When other people are in control shit gets fucked up. Unfortunately my life doesn’t leave me time for a real relationship.
On top of that I have a cold disconnect with everyone that these women just can’t heat up enough to get what they’re looking for. I’ve tried spending more time with them when I can, but I don’t have time, and I’m not the romantic type. I don’t even like it when they sleep with me.
In fact, I don’t like to be touched for the most part. I only have an hour or two a day, if that, to get what I need from a woman. Is it too much to ask for her to not need me the other twenty-two? Seriously. This farm is full of shit to do. Find a hobby. Contribute. Whatever. Just don’t bitch at me for not spending enough time with you when I’m busting my ass to keep this boat afloat.
This last woman was nice enough, she worked hard around here with fewer complaints than the rest, but she was looking to get inside my head, and eventually my heart. Evidently it’s too much to ask for a woman to be there when I want and leave me alone when I don’t. It may sound selfish but I’m happy to support said woman financially. I’m not rich, but I can afford to take good care of her if she’s willing to return the favor.
They say they’re willing at first, but when I don’t warm up to them after a few months they get discouraged, sad, then angry, and off they go out the door.
My mother will tell you I was born without a heart. It’s not that I don’t care, it’s just that my outlook on life and people makes it appear that way. I have my own problems, and deal with them accordingly. I expect other people to do the same and leave me out of it.
Now if someone needs my help all they have to do is ask. Helping people is easy, unless they want money, then they’re better off going to someone else.
I moved out of my mother’s house when I was ten and started living up here in her family’s run down old castle. The plumbing is iffy at best. The windows don’t seal too well anymore, something I’ve been meaning to get around to fixing, and only this room and the bathroom have been drywalled over the stone.
I need the solitude. People annoy me, even if they’re blood. I thought about building a house on this three-hundred acre parcel of land here in the middle of bum-fuck Ireland, but by the time I was old enough to consider it I became financially responsible for the entire place. We breed and board horses, have dairy cows, beef cows, sheep, goats, fuck, you name it, we probably got it somewhere around here.
If there’s one thing in this life I give a fuck about, it’s this land. I was born and raised here. I’ve shed blood, and taken life here. I’ve saved lives and probably ruined some from lack of work. Maybe I can’t find it in myself to care about these women like I should because there’s simply no room.
Going back to roleplaying won’t be as fun, or satisfying. I’m sick of this shit. This one lasted three months. The one before that lasted five. It’s been like that for the past three years.
I got into the lifestyle five years ago when I stumbled across a kink club thinking it was a bar. I got curious and ended up saving some hooker from a bad john. I shouldn’t say ‘some hooker’, Cat was very entertaining the rest of the night.
I guess you could say she took my kinky virginity. Not that she was all that kinky, but she knew her shit. She liked to play, and let me play in return. She trusted me, and I liked that. I got off on it, several times.
After that night I began collecting some items for myself and future subs. I didn’t realize it then but there’s a whole network of people like me. I’m also pretty sure my buddy Andy is their ringleader, the ultimate King of Kink.
I met Andy the night I decked the john who was slapping Cat around. He thanked me by putting her services and my room on his tab. Turns out he owned the hotel and the chain of kink clubs associated with them.
Andy and I seemed to hit it off right away despite the short introduction. We both have a protective nature when it comes to women. Although I think his is slightly misplaced at times. I’m sure he doesn’t agree with all my decisions either.
I’m a biker and member of the largest MC in the world. He’s the heir to a mob throne I wish I knew less about than I do. Andy is good people mixed up with some bad shit. I can’t fault him there as my club has similar dealings.
MCs and mob princes don’t run in the same circles. In fact we avoid each other whenever possible. History dictates we bump heads more than not. Usually we end up running over each other due to lack of communication.
People get killed. People got killed. Animosity runs long and deep when family blood is spilled. Andy and I have been able to keep some of that shit from happening the last few years even though he’s been in prison for the better part of our friendship. Two and a half years is a long time to sit behind bars.
After that night with Cat I started frequenting the Viper Pit, his chain of kink clubs, whenever I could. Andy has hotels and kink clubs all over the country, and probably some abroad, I’ve never asked. If he ever puts one in Dublin I’ll never get any work done.
I spent the next few days clearing out the last of the sub’s things and shipping them to the address she texted me. Then I decided to call Andy and see if he has any advice on how to keep a woman for more than a few months. He’s out of prison now so I called his office at Rae’s garage figuring he’d be holed up there to irritate her if for no other reason.
Rae is his little sister? Wife? Sidekick? I don’t what the fuck she is to him, but he went to prison for her. Like I said, we don’t always agree on each other’s decisions, but we respect each other enough to not say anything. Rae and I don’t see eye to eye on much of anything.
She doesn’t trust me as far as she could throw me, and the feisty bitch just might try. I personally don’t like her attitude. There’s just something about Rae that rubs me the wrong way. It doesn’t help that I get off on riling her. Last time I saw her she pulled a knife on me for calling her Punky Brewster. Not my faul
I dialed one of many phone numbers I have in my Contact’s list for the only muther fucker I can call a friend that doesn’t share my blood.
He picked up three rings in. “What did you forget?”
“Your birthday? I don’t know asshole what? You’re the fucker who didn’t call and say he was apparently getting out.” I knew his time was close to being up, but I swear he still had a few months to go. Knowing the notorious mob prince he used his money and connections to arrange an early release.
“How’s the fresh air?”
“Fresh. What’s up?” He sounds bored already. He should be getting laid.
“I lost another one.” I hate dumping this on him, but then again maybe he needs a distraction. Losing your wife and unborn child to a drive-by, then spending the next thirty-one months in prison for killing the guy who did it, has to take a toll on a man. Especially since he didn’t kill anyone, Rae did. Andy’s priorities are all fucked up when it comes to her. That’s the main reason I don’t like the bitch.
"What happened this time?”
“What was it she said? My being an asshole is hot at first, until you have to live in a drafty old castle. Oh, and I work too fucking much. Same old shit, different bitch.” I poured some whiskey in a glass tumbler and sat back. "For the first time I almost feel bad. I think I'm getting old and soft."
Andy laughed, "If you're soft it's because you're not with the right woman. I can't help you with the old part my friend."
I chuckled back, "Fuck you."
"Not my type. Look, I’m heading up to Chicago to deal with a sub up there. When can you get to O'Hare?" He almost sounds interested in my bullshit. Maybe it wasn’t a bad idea to call him after all.
"Day after tomorrow?" I can get a flight today but need to wrap a few things up around here first.
"Perfect. I'll send directions to your phone and see what I can work out for, entertainment, in the meantime."
"Sounds great. Tell Punky Brewster I said hi.”
He laughed again, “She’s going to slit your throat one day.”
“I look forward to pulling her pink pigtails.”
“No pulling her pigtails, she’s mine.” There he goes again with the protectiveness towards her. Rae doesn’t need protection, she needs a muzzle. The thought of her with a ball gag in her mouth almost gave me a chub.
“Reason number two she’s still alive.” I’m kidding, Rae isn’t worth prison, although I know she is to him evidently.
“What’s number one?”
“Forensics riddled with a nasty dislike for small spaces. I’ll see you in two days.”
“See ya then.”
“Thanks man."
"Don't thank me yet. I’ll be in touch."
Andy hooked me up like he said he would. I dropped my bags off and shook my head at the size of the room and bed. The man has more money than sense.
I grabbed a quick shower and headed down to wait for him in the lounge. I ordered a drink and sat back to look around. It’s a nice club. Clean. I like the blue lights. I really like that most of the women are topless. There are a lot of false stereotypes about bikers, but the one that rings true is that we love tits.
It’s not a demeaning thing towards women. If anything it’s respect. Tits feed children, and they’re fun to play with and look at. They come in all shapes and sizes, and haven’t seen a pair yet I didn’t admire for one reason or another. I happen to have big hands so I like my women well endowed, but the size is not a deal breaker. I rather enjoyed Melissa’s smallish tits.
A man walked by wearing nothing but a collar and matching leash making me shake my head. The things some men do for puss- never mind, another man dressed in mock leather biker gear picked up his leash and smacked his ass.
After a few minutes, and halfway through my drink, I saw Andy approaching with a curvy blonde and legs all the way up to her ass. Well done Andy, now find me one.
She took one look at me and stopped short at the table, “What the fuck Andy?? You told me Irish! Not Irish lumberjack biker gnome! I’m going to get rug burn from that big gnome beard!!”
I almost laughed, instead I chose to raise an eyebrow as Andy tugged on her skirt and grumbled something in her ear I can’t hear.
She slid into the booth and scooted around between us.
Andy sat down next to her and looked at me. “You said you were bored.”
“I said bored, not in need of punishment.” I argued.
“Is there a difference?” He asked sarcastically.
“To you? Probably not. How’s the investigation going?”
“Shitty as usual. You gonna take this menace off my hands or what?”
“Yeah, she looks do-able.” I looked her over hoping he’s not pulling my chain.
“DOABLE??? Why I-“ She was cut short as Andy slammed a leash down on the table and glared at her.
His jaw clenched before he asked, “Do you really want to go there?”
“What’s the deal here?” I asked nodding towards the lickable curves over here to my left.
“Veronica is ready to be a good slave Hayle. If I give her to you, there’s no give backs. She’s yours. That makes you her Master. You ready for that?”
“And if I’m wrong in saying yes?”
“Then she comes back to me, no harm done. I need her out of the country so I can clean up her fucking mess. I should warn you, this is the last straw for both of you. If Veronica doesn’t do it for you, I’m out.” He looks back to Veronica. “And if Hayle doesn’t do it for you, you’re out. You’re on your own. I’m washing my hands of you right now. Do you understand that?”
“Yes Sir.” She looked down as a submissive should.
“I hate to drop and run.” He said as he dropped her leash on the table and then pushed me a file folder. “She’s yours. You know your way around the Pit. Veronica has a keycard if you forgot yours, otherwise I’ll leave you two to your own devices. If you need anything call the annoying bitch downstairs at the counter with the fake smile.” He smirked at Veronica. “Oh, and you might need this.” He tossed a small key on the table next with an evil smirk. “Feel free to make her wait until she’s earned it.”
I raised an eyebrow at the key wondering just what it goes to. Figuring I’ll learn soon enough I looked up as he stood to leave. “Thanks man. I’ll be in touch soon.”
“Do that.” He left as if late for another meeting. I’m sure he has a lot to catch up on.
I looked at my new pet, “Bad day?” She reached for the key on the table so I beat her to it and snatched them along with the leash. “Oh no honey, I don’t think so.”
Her pout was almost believable. “It’s for this.”
I leaned back and looked down as she lifted her skirt. “Who did that?” She’s wearing a chastity belt.
“My old Dom after I trashed his Senator’s party. Andy found it amusing and left it on. I need to get it off before it starts itching worse than it already does.” She shifted in her seat.
I attached her leash and pulled her from the booth. Once in the elevator I lifted her chin, “You’re the one that’s got Andy running around like a circus monkey?” I caught part of the breaking news report at the airport, something about a kinky Senator in Chicago. I should have connected that to Andy sooner.
She nodded, “I was angry. Neglected. Then he started fucking a barely-legal. I wanted to make him suffer. I didn’t think about the fallout Viper Pit could suffer if they connect my antics to Andy’s clubs. My old Dom will lose everything. There were other people at the party that are connected to the club too. I didn’t know that at the time.”