Bloodsucker Bay, page 1
part #1 of The Demon Isle Witches Series

The Demon Isle Witches
Volume One: Bloodsucker Bay
By Rachel Humphrey Daigle
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter 1
Melinda Howard poured a potion into a small glass vial. She used a funnel, as she did not trust her clumsy, thin fingers to be steady enough. Never mind that she was already nervous about making this particular potion. If she didn’t get it just right, the consequences would be fatal to the vampire standing in her kitchen.
Once filled, she removed the funnel, shoved her chin length chestnut bangs behind her ear and grabbed an already filled dropper, adding the contents within to the vial. The mixture started bubbling and Melinda smiled, relieved by the outcome of her potion. When the mixture stopped bubbling a few seconds later, she corked the jar and tossed it to the vampire.
It went high, threatening to fly over his head and crash into a window. He deftly jumped into the air, caught it, and landed without a sound.
“Good catch, William!” Melinda said, winking playfully.
The vampire threw Melinda a stern look before drinking the contents of the vial.
“Like you’d miss,” she added, rolling her eyes at him.
“I never miss,” William replied matter-of-factly. He smoothed out his black, button down shirt, which fit over his trim body perfectly.
“Did it work?” she questioned, her tone more serious.
“It tastes correct,” the vampire replied. He paused to feel the warm sensation the potion gave him as it forced its way through his veins, like the blood that no longer willingly pumped its way through his body. “I do believe you did perfect, Melinda,” he told her after a minute. “Well done.”
She curtsied, nodding in appreciation to her one vampire audience.
As she started cleaning up the potion-making mess, a young man entered the kitchen, at the same time running his gel covered hands through his spiky hair. He quickly regretted that choice, preferring to plug his nose.
“Potion time again,” he noted.
“Good morning, Michael,” the vampire said to the young man, who was Melinda’s twenty-three year old brother. “The taste is as loathsome as the smell,” he added.
Michael was about to reply when a voice startled them from the hallway behind him. “Good thing the potion’s worth the price, then.”
“Charlie!” Melinda Howard raced past Michael and jumped into her eldest brother’s, flannel covered arms. Charlie twirled his sister in a circle, hugging her fiercely. He was not just older than she and Michael, but much larger, too. A well built, rugged man of twenty-six.
“And you reek!” she choked out. “More so than the potion and that’s not an easy feat!”
“That’s what happens when you take a three day fishing trip,” he said, letting her slide back down to the floor. “Plus, you knew I’d be home before the full moon.”
“I know, I know. It’s just nice to have you back in the house again.”
“Which just proves my point that you’re not getting out enough, Sis.”
“Don’t start with me again about that! I get out plenty,” she insisted. “Remember that date I went on, like, a month ago.” Her voice trailed off at the end, as she recalled that the date had actually been nearly two months previous.
“My point exactly,” Charlie whispered, poking her side. He then nodded toward his brother Michael, who refused to return the gesture. Charlie had hoped to avoid another argument so soon after getting home. As it turned out, Michael didn’t feel like arguing either.
“Meeting Emily for coffee,” he spouted, promptly leaving.
Charlie shook his head, disappointed after Michael’s hasty departure.
“Give him more time,” the vampire advised kindly.
“Why does he have to be so damn stubborn?” Charlie asked.
Melinda snorted.
“Um, gee. Maybe because he’s a Howard.”
“Exactly. He is a Howard, and like it or not we have a responsibility to uphold…” Charlie was cut off by his sister.
“Michael gets that, Charlie. He’s just not as accepting of his fate as we are,” she added dramatically. “He sort of has a point though,” she continued. “I mean, why should he be forced to spend his life protecting the Isle, just because he’s a Howard?”
“We don’t get to make that choice, Melinda,” Charlie stated with finality. He glanced at the vampire, searching for approval, but William’s face showed no sign of his true feelings on the matter.
Charlie changed the subject.
“Thanks, by the way, for making the potion for me, Sis. I left for my trip so fast I completely forgot about it.”
“No worries. You’ve had a lot on your mind. Besides, you know I’d do just about anything for My William.”
The vampire breathed out heavily. “Melinda, you really must stop calling me that. It’s not right. Not only am I nearly four hundred years old, but until quite recently I was your guardian. Must I keep reminding you of this?”
“William. I’m twenty-one and you’re the only man I can flirt with in this testosterone filled house. Besides, you make it so easy. I mean look at your chiseled pale perfection, behind those smoldering green eyes. Oh, right! You can’t! So I must take it upon myself to remind you how handsome of a vampire you are.”
William tossed Charlie a look that insisted upon his agreement in the matter.
“Maybe, Melinda, you would be better off saving your affections for someone your own age,” Charlie said, backing up the vampire. “And not to bring it back up again, but maybe if you got out of the house more…”
“Charlie, you scared off the last guy I dated! He was only a year older, and between you, Michael and William drilling him with questions no normal human would comprehend. It’s no wonder he didn’t call back for a second date.”
“You know I’m just looking out for you, kiddo.”
“Well, you can’t have it both ways, Charlie. If I leave the house and start dating more, you have to accept the guys I go out with. No more scaring them away!”
“Okay. You’re right. Why don’t you go out now? I can clean up this mess.”
Melinda shook her head as a cold tingle ran down her spine. Talking about leaving was simple, but actually leaving the house was a much scarier thought. “I made the mess, I’ll clean it up,” she insisted. “Besides, it’s sort of a badge of honor, first time making the potion for My William and all. I just hope I got it right.”
Charlie threw her a look that said ‘You’re making excuses,’ but let it slide, as the vampire, William, suddenly threatened to turn himself into a pile of ashes. He had unbuttoned his high-collared shirt, rolled up his wide cuffs to mid arm and stepped in front of the kitchen window, opening the curtains, allowing the bright morning sunlight to flood into the room.
Both Melinda and Charlie stood wide-eyed, waiting to smell smoke or see flames erupt. Instead, William’s mouth turned into the slightest of smiles.
“You nearly gave me a heart attack!” Melinda shouted. “What if the potion hadn’t worked?”
“There is only one way to find out if the potion did work.”
“But you could have tested it on a finger, not your entire body!” she protested.
“I have complete faith in you, Melinda,” William spoke, while fastening the offset buttons on his collar.
She made a face, knowing he was just trying to prove a point, by agreeing with Charlie. She was a bright, beautiful and talented young woman that needed to find a life outside of the Howard Mansion. She refused to give in though.
“You haven’t tested it completely, William. It’s the other function of the potion that’s the really tricky part.”
“I will be out taking a stroll if you need me,” the vampire replied testily.
Melinda spoke quite seriously as he departed. “If anyone suddenly realizes you’re a vampire that has lived in this town for over a hundred years, and hasn’t aged… come home at once and I’ll try again.”
Getting the potion just right was usually Charlie’s job, as he was the most practiced at making potions out of the three siblings. But after a heated argument with his brother, Michael, he had abruptly left for a fishing trip, and had forgotten to make William’s masking potion. This potion allowed William not only to walk in the daylight, but allowed to him to live freely; to lead almost a normal life.
The potion kept people in the town from realizing that he did not age. They just knew him as William Wakefield, long time friend to the Howard family, one of The Demon Isle’s founding families. Plus, four years previously, William had temporarily become guardian of the three siblings after their parents had mysteriously disappeared during a hunting trip into White Pines National Park, located on the Isle.
Not that they needed a guardian seeing as Charlie was twenty-two at the time. But the siblings had needed William, and he had been their parent’s longest and most trusted friend.
Most locals believed that the sibling’s parents had befallen some terrible accident, the type usually associated with careless tourists that refused to heed repeated warnings. Like how one misstep on the rocky cliffs could send you plunging to your death, or how fast you could find yourself in trouble when the tide came in and suddenly you’re stuck on the one rock that’s just barely sticking out of the water, or worse, in a cave that now has no exit.
However, a small handful of
But it was this very power source that the Howard siblings also defended, often putting their own lives on the line to protect. It was what their family had always done: protect the source from being discovered and falling into the wrong hands.
Of equal importance were the incessant attempts by various supernatural beings that came to the Isle, in hopes of drawing on that power, or overthrowing the Howard’s and claiming the Isle for themselves, therefore putting the locals and the tourists in constant danger.
Dangers that newer locals chose to ignore or pass off as strange, but somehow explainable, events. Some, of course, chose to exploit the Isle’s mystical draw, now making it a top vacation spot for fans of the supernatural and the paranormal. This only complicated the lives of the siblings, as these fans often got more trouble than they bargained for.
Charlie offered again to help clean up the kitchen.
“I can handle, it,” Melinda insisted. “You should get unpacked, maybe take a shower.” She wrinkled her nose at his fishy stench.
“I should have been here to help you,” he replied guiltily, already grabbing half-filled vials and dried herbs, returning them to their cupboards. Melinda didn’t argue, as she enjoyed her brother’s company.
After a short while, William reappeared, with Michael tagging alongside.
“All went well?” Melinda asked William.
“Yes. As expected, no one realizes I am not a thirty-one year old man.”
Melinda nodded satisfactorily, and then turned to Michael.
“You’re back sooner than I expected.”
“It was just a quick coffee and walking Emily to work at the bookstore.”
Charlie’s eyes lit up. “I have been meaning to congratulate her on taking over the place,” he admitted, apologetically. “Once Renee retired, Emily was the perfect replacement.”
“Yes. She is,” was all Michael replied to Charlie’s attempt to engage him in conversation.
“And how did she like your new haircut?” Melinda asked.
“What’s not to like?” Michael retorted, somewhat jokingly, somewhat seriously.
Melinda, amused, shot back, “Oh get over yourself!”
He winked in reply.
Although brothers, Charlie and Michael could not have been less alike. Michael was wiry, yet athletic, with smooth, slightly flushed skin. He never had to shave. He was also slower than Melinda when it came to getting ready in the morning, even though his outfits consisted mostly of jeans, sandals and some kind of pullover shirt.
Charlie, on the other hand, had enough hair for two men. His dusty brown locks were thick and fell just above his shoulders, and his facial hair grew fast enough that sometimes he could shave twice in one day. More often than not, he had a couple days worth of growth on his face. He found most shirts constricting, being that he was broad shouldered, and preferred on nice days to wear tank tops and khaki shorts. When the weather cooled, he simply added a flannel shirt, always with the sleeves rolled up carelessly.
The only similar trait they shared: A killer smile that knocked any girl’s socks off. A smile they had inherited from their father.
The kitchen phone rang loudly.
“That would be the Mack line,” Charlie stated, grabbing the phone, grateful for the distraction. “Have I even been home a full hour yet?” he asked.
“Oh, I need to talk to Mack before you hang up, okay?” Melinda blurted.
Charlie nodded that he had heard her, while speaking into the phone, “Hello, Mack! How can we help the sheriff of The Demon Isle this morning?”
“Oh, you’re home, Charlie. Hope the fishin’ trip went well.” She gave him no chance to reply. “I’m actually calling today for your brother. Afraid I need a death reading.”
“Just say where and I’ll send Michael right over.”
Michael sighed, relieved, at the sound of his name.
“Any excuse to get out of here,” his muttered under his breath.
“The morgue,” Charlie spoke aloud. He then asked Mack, “A local or tourist this time?”
“That is what I am hoping Michael can tell me, actually. You see, all we have is a skeleton.”
“I see. He’ll be right over, then.” Charlie was about to hang up when he remembered that Melinda needed to speak with the sheriff. He tossed her the phone.
“Hiya, Mack,” she said. “Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate right now, but I’m afraid I have another job for you.”
“Anything you need, Sweety, you just tell me what it is.”
“There’s a back door at the Fishhook Seafood Company that’s broken. A lock keeps jamming. I don’t know exactly what happens, but if they don’t fix it, in three days someone that works there dies because it won’t open.”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head about it! I’m on it!” Mack replied. “Just call me your personal dream killer,” the sheriff added with a haughty laugh. She then disconnected.
Charlie, Michael and William all stared at Melinda, awaiting an explanation.
“Yeah yeah. Another dream. I took care of it didn’t I?”
“You’re supposed to tell us when you have a dream, so we can help,” William chastised gently.
“This one is better handled by Mack,” she argued. “What are we going to do? Walk up to the owners of the Fishhook, and say, hey, Melinda, yeah that girl that everyone already thinks is a freak, also has prophetic dreams, and last night she dreamed that your broken back door would cause someone to die?”
“Point noted. They’ve only been on the Isle for a few years and don’t know about us. However,” started Charlie, “how can we decide if it’s something we can or should handle if you don’t tell us?”
“Maybe she can make up her own mind,” Michael defended.
“This isn’t about you and me, Michael,” Charlie spoke harshly.
“I’m just saying she’s not a kid. And who made you captain? What rule says we have to tell you every little thing that happens?”
Charlie closed his eyes, hoping for his reply not to make the situation worse. He also looked as though he was struggling to control his frustration.
“It’s okay,” William said softly, seeing Charlie’s struggle.
“I gotta go. Job to do,” Michael reminded, leaving the kitchen in a huff.
“I think I’ll go with him,” Melinda said, frowning in displeasure. First, that she had volunteered to leave the house, and second, that Charlie and Michael were no closer to ending their argument. She patted Charlie’s shoulder as she followed Michael, hoping her voluntary departure from the house would help improve his mood.
After Charlie and William were alone Charlie let out a huge breath, as if he’d been holding it in, deeply. “The full moon is tomorrow night. It’s just so much harder not to get angry, about anything or everything, the closer it gets.”
“And they know this, Charlie.”
“I’m going to go unpack, maybe take a cold shower,” Charlie decided. “Cool down.”
“I will be in my study, should anyone need me,” William spoke evenly.
But Charlie didn’t leave, and instead, stared at the wall, rubbing his hand across his stubble-covered chin.
“Is there something else, Charlie?”
“To be honest, William, I don’t know. I’m not even sure how to explain it. Something about this approaching moon feels different. Harder to control myself than usual.”
“I will see if this particular moon has any unknown significance, just in case.”
“Thanks, William. I’d feel a heck of a lot better knowing I’ll still be me, when the full moon rises tomorrow night.”
Melinda followed her brother out of the front door, across the stone porch and down the steps of the Howard Mansion, stepping onto a cobblestone driveway. She froze for just a moment before stepping onto the street, sucking in a deep breath. There’s so many people! Just people having fun… she chastised herself silently, while fighting off the urge to run back inside the house and hide in her room.