The Digestive Health Center: Susan's Story, page 1

The Digestive Health Center
Susan’s Story
By Pepper North
Text copyright ©2017 Pepper North
All Rights Reserved
Other titles by Pepper North
Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1
Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2
Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3
Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4
Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter Twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-eight
Chapter Twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-one
Chapter Thirty-two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter Thirty-five
Chapter Thirty-seven
Chapter Thirty-eight
Chapter Thirty-nine
Chapter One
Susan hesitated on the steps of the nondescript brick building. A small sign on the door read The Digestive Health Center, patients with appointments, please ring bell for admittance. Obviously, they were not looking for walk-in business. She felt in her large satchel for the folder containing her referral forms from her primary care physician. Remembering his advice to relax and follow their advice precisely to solve her digestive problems, Susan also recalled that Dr. Samuels had warned that the process would be out of her comfort zone but to trust the doctors and nurses. They knew what they were doing and could help. Susan pressed the bell with confidence, ready to take this step to feel better.
A voice asked for her name and buzzed Susan in when provided with the information. Expecting to see a typical doctor’s office, Susan found herself in a vestibule greeted by a smiling middle-aged nurse in brightly colored scrubs. She introduced herself as Annie and ushered Susan through a door down a white hallway into a cozy office. Taking a seat behind the desk, Annie asked Susan to take a seat and they would begin with the normal paperwork. Susan pulled out her referral sheets to hand to Annie and waited to fill out the normal medical forms that accompanied a visit to a doctor. Instead Annie reassured her that Dr. Anderson had reviewed the file that Dr. Samuels had faxed over previously and that her new doctor had great confidence that they would be able to help. Dr. Anderson would meet with her after they finished with the paperwork. She printed off a single sheet explaining that this was the treatment waiver for all new patients. As they were funded by a grant, the digestive treatments were provided to patients free of charge but required that a permission form to be signed denoting the patient’s willingness to participate in the treatment regimen.
Annie looked Susan very seriously and stressed that all procedures would be thoroughly explained to Susan but that it was very possible that several could be uncomfortable due to the digestive conditions that had brought her to the Digestive Health Center and normal modesty. By signing this form, Susan would be granting the Center permission to administer to her the treatments and medications indicated by her condition in advance and that no other permission would need to be obtained throughout her course of treatment. Susan hesitated to give total control to the unknown doctor but decided that she would risk it for the opportunity to feel better and signed and dated the form without reading it.
Annie smiled reassuringly at Susan, told her that the toughest decision was done and that Dr. Anderson was now available to meet with her if she would step through the adjoining door into his office. Susan stood and followed Annie into the doctor’s office eager to meet him. Dr. Anderson stood from behind his mahogany desk and walked around to shake her hand. Annie motioned for her to sit in the chair in front of the desk and stood quietly next to door on the far side of the room. Susan was glad to see that Dr. Anderson looked kind.
Dr. Anderson indicated a file with Susan’s name on it lying on his desk. “Good afternoon, Susan. I’ve read the information sent over by Dr. Samuels’ staff and have a few questions to ask. First, describe for me what you feel is your most pressing concern.”
Susan hesitated briefly and decided to be absolutely honest. “I’ve had problems for the last several years in having regular bowel movements. I often feel bloated and irregular. When I do go to the restroom, it is often uncomfortable. I don’t go very often – maybe once a week – and then I have to struggle to go. This irregularity seems to be with me regardless of my efforts to help by adding fiber, drinking lots of water, exercising, taking laxatives, etc. I really would like to have a solution to this.”
“You say this has been going on for several years. Do you remember having regular bowel movements previously?” inquired Dr. Anderson as he probed for additional information.
“Not really, but I don’t remember it being this much of a problem in the past,” Susan clarified.
“So, you think that it has gotten worse over the last 5 years?” Dr. Anderson questioned.
“Definitely. I would say that it’s building in severity. Do you think there is a solution to this problem?” Susan asked with hope.
“I think we definitely will be able to help with a solution to this address this problem. I’ll need to do a thorough exam before being able to definitively diagnose how to best assist you. I will warn you that this is most probably a permanent condition that will require on-going treatment to ease the symptoms. We will not have a magic pill to make it all disappear,” Dr. Anderson stated with a serious look. “If you are ready to take the next step, we’ll get you ready for the physical exam in the next room.” When Susan nodded her head, Dr. Anderson turned to Annie and instructed, “Annie, please escort Susan into the examination room and make sure it is all set for a complete physical. Go ahead and start her file by taking down her preliminary statistics. I’ll update my notes and be ready to start the exam in a few minutes.” Turning to Susan, he directed her to go with Annie and that she would take good care of her. With that, he turned back to his paperwork.
“Come this way, my dear. We’ll get you all set up and ready to start feeling better!” Annie enthused as she opened the door to the adjoining examination room. After closing the connecting office door, Annie led Susan over to the corner of the room which was set up as a dressing area complete with a locker, chair, and privacy curtain. “Susan, you will need to disrobe completely. Take off everything including your bra and panties. The locker is here to store your things. When you are ready, come through the curtain to the exam table and we’ll begin. I’ll get everything set up for your physical.”
Susan began disrobing slowly. Starting with her shoes and socks, she placed her clothing in the locker as she took off each item. Finally, she removed her panties and bra to place them in the locker and looked around for a gown to put on before exiting from the curtained area. “Annie,” she questioned hesitantly, “I don’t have anything to put on in here. Can you hand me a gown?”
“It’s plenty warm in here, Susan. You’ll be fine without a gown and we have several measurements to take that require no additional coverings be included.” Her footsteps approached the dressing area and the curtain was pulled away exposing Susan’s naked body. “Come over here, Susan. We’ll get started with your weight. We need the most accurate weight possible so no clothing is allowed. Step up on the scale.”
Susan, blushing furiously, followed Annie over to the scale. “I can’t believe this!” she thought to herself, “How embarrassing! I can’t imagine she expects me to stand here naked!” Annie’s no-nonsense demeanor reassured her that this was the normal procedure. “I’ll just have to go along with it,” Susan mused, “Obviously, I’m being silly.”
After recording Susan’s weight and height, Annie handed Susan a plastic specimen cup and indicated a toilet and sink next to the dressing area. “We need to get a urine sample, Susan. Before we collect the sample, we’ll need to cleanse the area. Please stand with your legs a little wider than shoulder length apart.” Gathering some cleaning cloths, she approached Susan who reached to take the cloths. “Oh, no, Susan. You can’t do this yourself. It has to be a very precise cleaning to be effective. Just relax and I’ll take care of it.” With these words, she reached between Susan’s legs and separated her outer labia and began systematically cleaning the folds with the cold, solution-filled cloths. “Relax, Susan. I know this is uncomfortable for you but I’m almost done . . .” Susan felt as if it took forever. Each little area was cleansed and wiped again. Annie paid special attention to Susan’s clitoral area pushing back the hood and repeatedly stoking the sensitive area. Unwillingly, Susan began to feel aroused and of course, even more embarrassed that her body was reacting to the gentle strokes. Then Annie moved on
Breathing a silent sigh of relief that this was done, Susan walked over to the toilet and looked for another curtain to pull around the toilet area. Annie noting her searching glance informed her that she would need to observe the specimen being collected so Susan should just sit down and place the collection cup between her legs. Horrified, Susan hoped she would be able to urinate in front of an audience as she sat and put the cup in position. After a few seconds, she was able to go and filled the cup approximately half full of yellow urine. Annie took the cup, capped, and labeled it. As Susan stood, Annie approached again with the cleansing cloths and wiped Susan’s nether areas. “Just let me take care of you, Susan. Now, go sit on the examination table and we’ll take your blood pressure and temperature before the doctor comes in.”
Glad to have that finished, Susan sat climbed up on the exam table. She noted many instruments and a large jar of lubricant on the counter set up for use. After taking her blood pressure, Annie shook out an old fashioned thermometer and placed it in Susan’s mouth with the instruction to place it under her tongue and lay back on the table. Surprised to be lying down, Susan’s eyes widened when she saw Annie consider the additional thermometers in the set on the counter. “Due to your intestinal condition, we’ll need to take your temperature in several ways so the doctor has as much information as possible. Let’s put your legs into these stirrups, dear.” She lifted Susan’s legs into position thus exposing her vaginal and rectal areas to Annie’s view. “I’ll need to check your rectum for the proper size thermometer. Just relax.” Annie dipped her index finger in the jar of lubricant and placed it at the entrance of Susan’s rectum. “Here’s the most important area. This trouble spot has to have the exact correct size thermometer for the doctor to address your problem. Let’s see. I know this is uncomfortable, Susan but try to relax,” Annie advised again as she slowly pushed her finger into Susan’s rectum. Sliding it in and out to spread around the lubricant, Annie removed her finger and again reached into the jar for another glob of lubricant. In and out the finger slid until Susan began to relax.
“That doesn’t feel too bad,” Susan thought. “If I don’t think about being embarrassed, it’s better. Obviously, there is a reason for all of this. Dr. Samuels told me it might be uncomfortable. I really want to get better.” With that rationale in mind, Susan relaxed her muscles and decided to let Annie do what she thought was best.
“Great job, Susan!” Annie enthused. “I think I can add another finger.” And with that warning, Annie thrust two fingers into Susan’s protesting rectum. In and out the fingers went. More lubrication was added until Annie proclaimed, “A size 8 thermometer will be perfect!” She removed her slippery fingers and selected the appropriate thermometer, dipping it into the lubricant jar, she slid it into place until Susan felt her anal opening tighten around an indention in the smooth surface. “Okay, 5 minutes and we’ll check your temperature.” After washing her hands, Annie selected two more thermometers sliding them into Susan’s vagina and urethra. “Perfect. Now we’re almost done with the tests. Let’s buzz Dr. Anderson so he can be on his way.” She reached over and pressed a button which sounded in the attached office. Removing the thermometers, Annie helped Susan sit up and had turned to record the results on her chart as Dr. Anderson entered the exam room.
Chapter Two
“All right, Susan. Let’s get started.” He said with enthusiasm as he stopped in front of her. “We’ll do a complete physical today to begin.” Susan again felt very embarrassed to be seated there wearing nothing but the doctor did not even seem to notice. He examined her eyes, nose, and throat. He palpated the glands in her neck. Then he stepped back and said, “I’ll do a visual inspection of your breasts before the manual exam. Please raise your arms and cross them behind your head, Susan. That’s it. Now, stay in that position.” Dr. Anderson scrutinized her breasts. Lifting the left and then the right to check underneath each breast, finally, he instructed her to lie back on the table again leaving her hands behind her head. “Do you regularly examine your breasts, Susan?” he questioned as he began pressing her right breast in a circular fashion.
“I . . . really don’t.” stammered Susan. “It makes me uncomfortable.”
“Please, mark that in her chart, Annie. We’ll need to be very vigilant to routinely check Susan’s breasts during her future visits.” Dr. Anderson ordered. “This is definitely an important screening tool, Susan. However, many women avoid it. We’ll just take care of this for you.” Finished with the circular pattern on one breast, Dr. Anderson took a firm grip on the nipple and began pulling on it in a milking fashion. Painful at first, Susana gasped and then became embarrassed as the motion began to arouse her. Soon, Dr. Anderson’s attention turned to the next breast and the pattern repeated itself. Again, final pulling action on her other nipple caused it to become erect and engorged. Dr. Anderson turned to Annie and Susan breathed a sigh of relief only to have Annie approach the table with a creamy substance on her hands. “Your skin is very agitated Susan. I’ll just smooth it with this lotion and it will be better.” Over and over, Annie’s fingers smoothed the lotion into her aroused skin. “There, doesn’t that feel better, Susan?” Annie questioned with a smile.
Dr. Anderson then turned his attention to Susan’s stomach area. Palpating the length of her abdomen, he remarked to Annie, “Mark in her chart that there is significant intestinal distention beginning from the stomach. We will need to get an x-ray of her abdominal area when we’re done, Annie. Susan, does this hurt when I press in these areas?” he questioned.
“It feels uncomfortable but not painful,” she replied honestly.
Dr. Anderson asked Annie to one again help Susan position her legs correctly in the stirrups. “Feeling a little cold, dear?” he asked having noticed her very erect nipples. At Susan’s nod, Annie slid out a drawer and removed a heated thin blanket which she draped over Susan’s nude body placing it up on her bent knees. Behind this drape, Dr. Anderson sat on a low stool and began a pelvic exam different than any other Susan had ever experienced. He used lots of lubricant and slid both his fingers and other instruments into both Susan’s vagina and urethra. He paid special attention to her inner labia and clitoris. Finally, he called for additional lubricant and turned his attention to her anal opening. Just as Annie had previously, Dr. Anderson spread lubricant in and around Susan’s anus. He placed one finger into the opening and stood to press on her abdomen as the same time as he pressed inward with his finger. After several minutes, he instructed Annie to prepare the anal scope. “I don’t think I’ll be able to see anything, Annie but let’s try.” Looking at Susan’s inquiring face, he explained, “I’m going to attempt to view the inside of your rectum with a special scope. I don’t believe that I will be able to gather much information as your intestinal track appears to be packed with fecal material - much more than should be there and is healthy to be there. I can understand why you have not been feeling well. Let me take a look and we’ll talk about what needs to be done, Susan. This may be a little uncomfortable as the scope is larger than my finger and needs to enter your rectum as far as possible. We’ll try to make this as easy on you as possible but it’s very important for you to relax.”
Susan’s eyes widened to see the size of the device which Annie had prepared. It was at least 16 inches long and had a diameter of two full inches. Surely, they didn’t think that would fit into her.
“We’ll need to put you in a different position, Susan.” He helped Annie remove her feet from the stirrups and sit up. “Susan, stand next to the table about a foot away from the table and lean over. Just rest your breasts on the table. Spread your legs about shoulder width apart.” After Susan leaned over into position, Dr. Anderson took the scope from Annie and again applied lubricant to her anus. Annie stepped to Susan’s side and grasped both sides of her bottom and spread the cheeks further apart. “Take a deep breath and relax, Susan. This will be much easier for you if you relax.” With that advice, Dr. Anderson aggressively pressed the scope into Susan’s rectum. She felt her opening stretch and expand to allow the scope to enter. It slid in 5 inches and then stopped. Dr. Anderson twisted the scope pressing it against her inner sphincter until it also expanded and the scope barely entered and stopped abruptly. “Just as I thought, blocked. Let me check to see what the scope reveals. Very little I’m afraid. It’s just too congested in there to get a good look at what’s going on in your intestinal tract, Susan. That’s not a good sign.” With that he began to remove the scope from Susan’s rectum. As it slid free, Susan looked back to see the end emerge covered with fecal matter. She rested her head back down on the table embarrassed. “Okay, Susan. Stay still for a moment and let Annie clean you up. That’s it. Great! Let’s have you take a seat again on the table and we’ll talk about what’s going on and what steps we need to take next.”