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Violet Flames: Primordial Gods Book 1
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Violet Flames: Primordial Gods Book 1

  Violet Flames

  Primordial Gods Book One

  P.S. Nail

  Copyright © 2021 P.S. Nail

  All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Written by P.S. Nail

  Illustrations by Diletta De Santis

  Editing by L.M Wilkinson

  ISBN: 979-8-7797-3369-4 (Paperback)

  First Edition: January 2022


  To my aunt, Vicky Douglas

  Dreams do come true!


  To the readers,

  We all need a fantasy world to live in.



  Primordial Map West

  Primordial Map East

  Primordial Gods


  1. Chapter One Ember

  2. Chapter Two

  3. Chapter Three

  4. Chapter Four

  5. Chapter Five

  6. Chapter Six

  7. Chapter Seven Ember

  8. Chapter Eight

  9. Chapter Nine

  10. Chapter Ten

  11. Chapter Eleven

  12. Chapter Twelve

  13. Chapter Thirteen

  14. Chapter Fourteen

  15. Chapter Fifteen

  16. Chapter Sixteen

  17. Chapter Seventeen

  18. Chapter Eighteen

  19. Chapter Nineteen

  20. Chapter Twenty

  21. Chapter Twenty-One

  22. Chapter Twenty-Two

  23. Chapter Twenty-Three

  24. Chapter Twenty-Four

  25. Chapter Twenty-Five

  26. Chapter Twenty-Six

  27. Chapter Twenty-Seven

  28. Chapter Twenty-Eight

  29. Chapter Twenty-Nine

  30. Chapter Thirty

  31. Chapter Thirty-One Valarian

  32. Chapter Thirty-Two Ember

  33. Chapter Thirty-Three

  34. Chapter Thirty-Four

  35. Chapter Thirty-Five

  36. Chapter Thirty-Six

  37. Chapter Thirty-Seven

  38. Chapter Thirty-Eight

  39. Chapter Thirty-Nine

  40. Chapter Forty

  41. Chapter Forty-One

  42. Chapter Forty-Two

  43. Chapter Forty-Three Erebus

  Sneak Peek

  Emerald Skies



  Content warning: This book contains explicit adult sexual content, profanity, blood, death or dying, and graphic violence.

  For information on this book, please visit the author's website

  To see a full colored version of the Primordial Realm world map, please visit

  To purchase officially licensed merchandise, please visit

  Primordial Gods

  Voltarean: The God of Night, the maker of the Vampires, reigning from the country of Mayhem.

  Toberon: The God of Day, the maker of the Fae, reigning from the country of Tessalone.

  Reign: The God of the Sun, the Maker of the Angels, reigning from the country of Valmeyer.

  Lykaon: The God of the Moon, the maker of Lycans, reigning from the country of Direbreak.

  Ailwin: The God of the Forrest, the maker of the Elven, reigning from the land of Dazeth.

  Apothee: The God of the Earthen, the maker of Plants and Animals, reigning from the country of Ashbern.

  Volcanis: The God of Fire, the maker of Fire Casters, reigning from the country of Mazuria.

  Abzule: The God of Water, the maker of Water Casters, reigning from the country of Cerulean.

  Zephyr: The God of Air, the maker of Air Casters, reigning from the country of Windcrest.

  Tartarus: The God of Sulfur, the maker of Demons and other malicious creatures, reigning from the country of Mistlaven.



  Two Years Ago

  A loud bang coming from the dining room woke me from my sleep. I hopped out of bed and threw my robe over my nightgown, then made my way to the kitchen, slowly peeking around the corner before entering. Shadows were flickering on the wall from an oil lamp someone had lit.

  “Ember, why are you out of bed?” My body immediately relaxed when I heard my father’s voice.

  “I heard a noise, Father. I was making sure everything was okay.”

  “Everything is not okay. Come and sit down, dear.” I did as he said and took a seat at the dining room table. “I have something I need to give you. I was going to wait until tomorrow, but since you are up…here.” He pulled a dagger out of a leather sheath. It looked like a tiny sword.

  Taking the dagger from him, I turned it over in my hands, inspecting every inch of it. It had a handle made from braided leather and a silver pommel cap on the tip of the handle with a spiral configuration on it. The same spirals were also on the pommel that went across like a T and connected to the blade.

  The blade was sharp and pointy. It tapered out, getting bigger, then thinning again before connecting. It was beautiful.

  “Why are you giving me this?” I asked as I looked up at my father.

  “For protection, Ember.”

  “I do not understand.”

  “I have sad news, my dear. A Vampire took your mother tonight. We do not know why the Vampire wanted her, but he did." I threw my hand over my mouth. I could not speak. I just sat there trying to breathe.

  “She is no longer of this realm. She has passed on. There isn't a body left to be buried, but we will have a ceremony in her honor. I am deeply sorry to have to tell you this.”

  Gasping for air was all I could do. How could he be so calm? My entire body was exploding with pain, which ran through my veins like poison, threatening to eat me from the inside out. Tears started rolling down my face as he continued talking like I wasn’t sitting here dying inside.

  “There will come a day that you will need to protect yourself and your sister from those blood-suckers, which is what the dagger is for. Remember, we were not born to be weak. Now, get to bed; it is late.” He only had a tiny bit of sadness in his voice. He had become more emotionless with age. I nodded, and my father left the dining room. I loved him because he was my father, but deep down, I hated him.

  Emotions flooded through my body as my heart ripped open and exposed itself to the world. I did not even get to say goodbye…I will never see her again. I wanted to scream or punch something, but I could not. My father would be angry at me if I woke Cinder. So, I just sat there crying as the pain flooded through me.

  Once I saw rays of sunlight coming through the window, I slowly walked back to my room. I was a shell of a person. I was almost numb from the amount of pain I had just experienced. I sat down on my bed, gripping the dagger tightly.

  We were not born to be weak. My father had been telling me that since I was ten years old. He used to be a good man—a sweet and caring man—but throughout the years, he changed. The older I got, the colder he got. Tonight was the coldest I had seen him. He didn’t even shed a tear for my mother, and I will never forget that.

  Looking down at my new dagger, I realized then that he was right. I glanced over to where my sister, Cinder, was peacefully sleeping.

  I was going to learn to wield the dagger so I could protect my sister. She would not suffer the same fate as my mother. I needed to be good enough to kill all the Vampires in our world. I was going to get a job and hire a trainer to turn myself into a lethal weapon.

  Chapter One


  The sun was shining, and the wind was light as I sat under a grove of violet wisteria trees, hiding from reality. Today was the day I had to leave because the king had summoned me. Yes, I would see my family and friends now and then, but I had never been outside of my country of Mazuria, and the thought of leaving scared me.

  Twenty-two years ago, I was born with the mark of a guardian—a black tattoo in the center of my chest. The guardian mark consisted of a double-headed battle-axe with a fire burning. I was born to a family of Casters, which meant I was born from the bloodline of Volcanis, the God of Fire, so I wielded fire as my element.

  Each of the nine distinct species in our realm was born from a different God, but only those marked with a tattoo at birth were destined to serve the king and be sworn in as a King’s Guard. I would serve him and the realm for eternity.

  Until death, dismissal, or dishonor.

  Holding up my hand, I made a fireball and tossed it up and down without ever touching it as I read a book in my other hand. I was lying against a tree, enjoying my reading, when I saw my sister, Cinder, strolling over to me with a glare on her face.

  Father must be furious with me, I thought to myself as I extinguished my fireball.

  “What are you doing, Ember? It’s almost time to go.” She had an exasperated face as her lum
inous emerald-green eyes watched me.

  “Is Father angry?” I gave her my best fake worried face.

  “He’s going to be if we don’t get back to the house right now.” She put her hands on her hips and furrowed her eyebrows. She was wearing a stunning lightweight white dress. At that moment, she reminded me so much of our mother.

  “I’m scared, Cin,” I whispered.

  “Why would you, of all people, be scared? You are the strongest and craziest person I know.” She smiled teasingly, causing me to chuckle. I looked down at the book in my hand and closed it.

  “I won’t know anyone.” My voice was small. “Who will I talk about my book to?” It was a lame excuse, but I did not want her to know how scared I was about leaving her alone with our heartless father.

  I do not want to make her cry today.

  “It will all be fine, Em. You may even meet a hot Angel or Fae.” I scrunched up my nose at her.

  “Finding a mate is not a top priority of mine.” I looked at her soft beige skin and her pretty face. I knew she would have no problem finding a mate when the time came.

  She had rosy-red cheeks with freckles sprayed upon them, just like I did. She had auburn hair, which was lighter red than mine, midway down her back. We looked similar, but she was more elegant than I dreamed of being.

  “No need to mate them, just occupy your mind with someone.” She gave me a wink.

  “To the Gods, Cinder, bite your tongue!” I laughed and shook my head at her.

  Cinder knew I had a male companion for a while, and she knew that I had sex with him too. But I did not have those types of feelings for him. I did not want to be mated to him, or anyone for that matter. He was just a warm body when I felt lonely.

  “I meant in conversation.” My sister just shrugged it off. Unlike me, she was a virgin. “Let us go before father comes and gets us.”

  “You go ahead and gale there. I’m going to walk a bit first.”

  “Okay, but don’t take too long.” She sighed. After waving at me, she created a portal in her mind to teleport home, then disappeared as she galed away.

  I am not ready for this. I am not ready to leave my sister.

  With a father as a tradesman and my mother gone, Cinder would be all alone. I had been dreading this day since my mother passed.

  I wish I did not have to go; I am all she has.

  Grabbing my bag, I packed up my blanket and book, then picked up my bow and slung it over my shoulder. I walked for about five minutes on the sandy area of Wistar Isle, which was the peninsula I was on. Once I was well out of the shade of the wisteria trees, I decided to gale back to my home before my father reprimanded me.

  Taking one final look behind me at my favorite place, I sighed. Tears filled my eyes, but they did not break free.

  Everyone born in our world could gale about to places we had been to before. We could instantaneously transport ourselves by using our minds, as long it was a place that we were familiar with.

  I opened a portal in my mind by envisioning the beach at the edge of my town so I could gale home. It only took me about two seconds to do now that I was older. When I was younger, I could only gale about a foot away from where I was standing. Most people did not bother practicing and couldn’t gale far. I could gale across my entire country if I had been to that land enough to envision it.

  I galed away and landed on a beach next to the road, taking me into Pyreland—my town. It was the last time I would see my hometown for a while.

  Before I walked toward town, I took one last look at the snow-covered banks across the water. It was far away and so blurry that I could only see the whiteness at the edge of the land and on the mountains.

  Reading about snow but never seeing it up close or touching it intrigued me. But I also didn’t want to visit Mayhem because that was the land of the Vampires.

  I wonder if there is snow on other lands. With a sigh, I turned and started walking towards my house. Sadness was all I felt at the thought of leaving my entire world behind.

  My house was the first one at the beginning of town. My father was standing at the edge of our property, glaring at me. Two King’s Guards were standing behind him; the blonde one was chatting away with my sister. My father saved grace and smiled as I approached him, but I could tell he was not pleased.

  “There is my beautiful daughter.” He reached out to hug me. I gave him a side hug and moved away quickly before he could quietly scold me. I loved my father because…well, he was my father, but I despised him for how emotionless he became. The way he was acting was just a little show he was putting on in front of the company. “Cinder, go start grabbing your sister’s bags.”

  “Of course, Father.” Cinder smiled at the guards and skipped off.

  “Gentlemen, this is my beautiful daughter, Ember Lavaris.” He gestured toward me like I was a prized pony. “Ember, I would like you to meet Zaynith Storm.” He pointed to the brown-haired male. I extended my hand and shook his. “And this here is Cashmere Voland.” He turned toward the sandy-blonde male. I also shook his hand. I realized by their striking bright blue eyes that they were both Angels.

  Angels were born from the bloodline of Reign, the God of the Sun.

  My chest began to rise and fall as my breathing got heavy. I had only ever seen an Angel twice in my life. They came through town rarely, when they were on missions. I was much younger when I saw them, and these were not the same ones. These Angels were sexy, and they both had hard warrior bodies.

  Both Angels were over six feet tall, with lightly tanned skin like they spent time in the sun. The first Angel, named Zaynith, had scruffy, medium-length brown hair. He had a nice, well-kept thin beard and was extremely fit but not overly muscular.

  He donned a black shirt and trousers with matching boots. He also had twin silver-handled swords strapped to his back.

  The taller one, Cashmere, had dark blonde hair that was just past his shoulders, with a single small braid on one side. He looked like he chopped wood for a living but in a sexy way. He had a full thick beard, which was slightly long—four or five inches.

  He was muscular and donned the same outfit as Zaynith, but his was deep brown. He had two battle-axes hanging from his leather harness belt.

  Oh, maybe he did chop wood, I thought to myself, trying to keep from giggling.

  “Nice to meet you both.” They both smiled at me.

  I can do this! I can do this!

  “You can call him Zayn,” the blonde one said. “And you can call me Cash. That’s what all my friends call me.” He had an attractive, rugged face.

  “Oh, I didn’t know we were friends.”

  Zaynith chuckled at my joke.

  He is gorgeous. Almost, too perfect.

  “This girl is going to fit right in back at Castleva.” Zaynith laughed as he clapped Cashmere on the shoulder. I gave him a wry smile.

  “Maybe you should go help your sister with your bags,” my father said with a stern face. He was unpleased with what he would consider flirting. It was not flirting. I just liked to make jokes to cover my nervousness.

  “Indeed. It is best to keep Cinder away from blondie here,” I said casually.

  Zaynith busted out a laugh as both my father’s and Cashmere’s mouths plopped open. I could not help but smile as I walked away from the Angels.

  That Angel is not getting anywhere near my sister, I thought to myself.

  Cinder was smiling at me as soon as I walked into the house.

  “Did you see the Angels?” Her cheeks flushed.

  “Yes.” I walked past her and went to my room. I grabbed one of my bags as she strolled in behind me.

  “They’re both so nice. I really like Cash!” She grinned at me excitedly.

  “You’re calling him Cash? You barely know him.”

  “I feel like I do. He’s so cute.”

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