Stepbrother weekend filt.., p.1
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Stepbrother Weekend: Filthy Dirty Desires, page 1


Stepbrother Weekend: Filthy Dirty Desires
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Kendra (us)
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Stepbrother Weekend: Filthy Dirty Desires






  Stepbrother Weekend

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Become Obsessed with OTT

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  Copyright© 2022 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  * * *

  Edited by Picky Cat Editing

  Cover Design by Cormar Covers


  My mother is getting remarried and I was originally thrilled.

  Not only was I getting a new stepfather, but I was getting a stepbrother too.

  My enthusiasm left when I saw Tanner Lawson walk into the room.

  He’s my new stepbrother.

  My new filthy-mouthed, dirty-talking, obsessed-with-me stepbrother.

  I’ve always been a good girl. Responsible, honest, and mature beyond my years.

  But my tattoo-covered, rule-breaking stepbrother is bringing out a new side of me.

  He’s impossible to ignore.

  He knows how to push every button I have.

  The good and the bad ones.

  He says we’re family now and we have to share everything.

  This is so wrong.

  It’s so filthy.

  But why does it feel so good?

  * * *

  There’s nothing like a family getaway with a dirty-talking stepbrother to keep things exciting! Eleanor will have her hands full (and her mouth full) with the hot new addition to her family.

  Insta-love at its finest in a SAFE read with no cheating and a super sweet HEA guaranteed. Double V-cards. Enjoy!

  For Augstya.

  I hope you enjoy the stepbrother book you ordered.

  * * *



  * * *

  “I didn’t even know that David had a son,” I say as my mother nervously nibbles on her fingernail. We’re driving through the snowy mountains on the way to a ski chalet for the weekend. “How come I never met him before?”

  My mother takes a deep breath as she glances in her rearview mirror. “David and Tanner don’t have the best relationship.”


  She chews on her bottom lip, not wanting to answer. The tease of some potential juicy gossip makes me want to find out even more!

  “You’ve been married for two months and he’s never even mentioned him.”

  “He’s mentioned Tanner to me.”

  “Well, he hasn’t to me,” I say as I glance out the window at the snow-covered pine trees. The skiing conditions are going to be amazing this weekend. I can’t wait. “You’d think someone would have told me that I had a stepbrother.”

  “I told you!”

  “Last week!”

  She looks at me and then huffs out a frustrated breath as she turns back to the road. “It’s just… Tanner is a handful is all.”

  “A handful? What does that mean?”

  She takes a deep breath as she clenches and unclenches the steering wheel.


  “He stole a car two summers ago.”

  I gasp. “He did?!”

  Oh, God. My new stepbrother is a criminal.

  I grew up as an only child. My father died when I was three and my mother never really dated until she met David. He was buying a house and he fell in love with the real estate agent, which was my mom.

  She sold him the house and then moved us into it six weeks later.

  He’s a great guy, but I guess there’s still a lot to learn about him. I didn’t even know he had a son in a different state who lives with his mom. Tanner never came to visit. There’s not even a picture of him hanging on the wall.

  My mother turns the radio on. I turn it off.

  “What do you mean he stole a car?”

  “He stole a car, what do you want me to say?” she says in her frustrated voice. “He went to prison for nine months and he’s out now.”

  “He went to prison?!”

  “I’m sure it’s going to be fine,” she says as she turns the radio back on. “He did his time. He’s reformed himself. Let’s just see how it goes.”

  “See how it goes?” I say, staring at her in disbelief. “We have to share a cottage with a criminal!”

  “He’s not a criminal, he’s your stepbrother.”

  I stare at the windshield wipers as they wipe away the falling snow.

  “Don’t look so depressed!” my mother says. “You always wanted a sibling.”

  “Yeah, not one who is going to break into my room and steal my stuff!”

  She laughs. “That’s all siblings.”

  “You know what I mean.”

  There’s a silent tension in the car as we roll down the road.

  “He’s family now,” she says. “Meeting us must be hard for him too. We have to give him a chance.”

  “I’ll give him a chance,” I say as I cross my arms and stare out the window. “But I’d hide the car keys if I were you.”

  My mom frowns. “Eleanor.”

  The cottage is perfect for a weekend getaway. I get all excited as we pull into the driveway until I remember that I have to share it with a freaking convict.

  Maybe it won’t be so bad after all. It’s been snowing the entire way up here so the ski conditions are going to be phenomenal. If Tanner turns out to be a total jerk, I’ll just lose him on the mountain and ski by myself.

  “Let’s try to have fun,” my mother says as she turns the car off. The vein on her temple is popping. She looks stressed.

  But it’s nothing compared to David as he walks out of the cabin to greet us. I’ve never seen him look so disheveled and anxious. His hair and outfits are usually impeccable, but right now his hair is a mess and his shirt is untucked—a blasphemous act for Mr. Lawson.

  This is not going to be the relaxing weekend I was promised.

  We step out and I wave to David. He says hi through a clenched jaw.

  Oh boy. Is it Sunday night yet?

  I head to the back of our SUV and open the trunk. A weekend’s worth of food, bags, and skis are packed in here.

  “This was a bad idea,” David whispers to my mom.

  I duck down and shamelessly eavesdrop as I pull out the skis.

  “The weekend hasn’t even started,” she says in a low calm voice. “Let’s give it a chance.”

  “We fought the whole way up here!” David whispers back. “He’s the most stubborn, frustrating—Hey! There he is!”

  The front door opens and closes as I pull out my mother’s and my skis and poles. I’m clutching them all to my chest in an awkward balancing act as I look over at my new stepbrother.

  That’s Tanner?!?

  That’s my new stepbrother?!?

  I stumble back as my eyes bulge open and the nerves and the shock and the sudden squeeze in my core throw me off-balance. The skis and poles slip out of my arms. I try to save them by awkwardly juggling them, which makes it all worse and makes me look like a total buffoon. The skis and poles fly into the air and land on the ground with a loud, embarrassing clatter.

  Everyone is staring at me in silence. My heart is pounding. My cheeks are burning red.

  Not exactly the first impression I wanted to make.

  “Eleanor!” my mother says as she rushes over. “Are you okay?”

  We both kneel down to grab the skis. My face is on fire right now.

  I’m so humiliated, but I still can’t help but peek over at Tanner.

  He’s… not what I was expecting.

  David is always impeccably dressed and put together, but his face is kind of goofy. He has a nose that’s too big for his face and ears that stick out a little too much. I was expecting the same from his son, but Tanner is…

  He’s gorgeous. There’s truly no other way to describe him.

  His face belongs on a Renaissance painting. He has the kind of timeless beauty that would turn an average painter into a legendary master if they were lucky enough to capture his essence.

  I’m in shock as I stare at him, trying not to make it too obvious. He’s walking over. Oh shit, he’s walking over!

  My heart is pounding as I look down at the skis. My insubordinate eyes dart back up to him almost immediately.

  I just… can’t… take my eyes off him…

  That dark damp hair falling messily on his forehead. God, I just want to brush it back as I gaze into those intense brown eyes. His lips
They look so soft. So kissable. So freaking tempting.

  And his jaw… I want to run my hand along it and feel the stubble tickling my palm. I want to feel it on my thighs, I want to—

  Chill, Eleanor! I scold myself. This is your stepbrother for fuck’s sake!!! Enough with the perving out!

  I close my eyes for a moment, take a deep breath, and force my attention back onto the skis. It’s just… his arms… they’re like—No! Bad Eleanor!

  Wait. What was I doing again? Oh, right. The skis.

  I gather my poles as he arrives. It’s winter here in Breckenridge and he’s out here in jogging pants and a t-shirt. My core clenches when I see the tattoos running along his muscular arms. I want to trace them with my fingers. I want to take pictures of them and stare at them all night in my bed. I want to write love poems to them.

  “Hello, Tanner!” my mother says in her nervous voice as she drops the skis and pops up. “I’m Linda. It’s so nice to meet you.”

  “Nice to meet you too, Linda,” he says in a smooth deep voice that makes my core squeeze into a tight little ball. “And you must be Eleanor.”

  He said my name. His eyes are on me. Those dark brown eyes are even more magnificent, more magnetic, more mesmerizing when they’re looking directly at you.

  I drop my poles and get up with an overzealous fluttering in my chest.

  “That’s me!” I say in a shrill voice. “Eleanor Dixie at your service.”

  My mother turns and looks at me funny. I close my eyes, wishing a meteor would come hurtling out of space and hit me in the forehead at this exact moment.

  I force my eyes back open. He’s grinning as he looks at me.

  “I guess we’re family now,” he says as he watches me with… something in his eyes. I can’t quite place it, but whatever it is, it’s making me all light-headed and shaky.

  “Yeah,” I mutter back as I stare in awe at the god of sex and beauty in front of me. “Family.”

  I have to remember that.

  He’s family.

  And it’s taboo to have dirty thoughts about family. It’s dirty, it’s obscene, it’s lewd, it’s immoral, it’s wrong.

  You hear that, brain?

  So, knock it off!



  * * *

  His hand is so soft.

  I’m having an out-of-body experience as I shake hands with him. I swear I’ve floated out of my body and am watching it from above.

  “Let go of his hand, Eleanor,” my mother’s tight voice says, yanking me back into my body.

  I rip my hand away as my cheeks start blushing even more.

  “Let’s get you settled into the cabin,” David says as he grabs my mother’s bag out of the trunk. “Tanner, can you grab Eleanor’s stuff?”

  “Sure,” he says as he flashes me a sexy look. “I’ll gladly grab anything of Eleanor’s.”

  Those seductive brown eyes slowly look me over before he walks over to the trunk.

  Holy shit…

  I’m tingling all over. Heat is flowing to the area between my legs like a damn just burst and twenty years of arousal and lust have exploded out.

  I’ve never had a reaction even close to this before. I don’t do this. I’m not that kind of girl.

  I’m the kind of girl who gets annoyed with boys. Who rolls their eyes at them. Who generally has no interest in any of them.

  I’ve never scribbled a boy’s name in my notebook or written our initials into a heart. But right now, I want to scribble Tanner Lawson on every inch of material I can get my trembling hands on.

  My mother leaves the skis on the ground, grabs a few bags of groceries, and heads in with David, chatting about how cute the rental property is.

  We’re in the mountains with no neighbors anywhere in sight. It’s a cute cabin tucked away in the forest with smoke puffing out of the chimney and a hot tub on the back porch. I would normally be running in to explore every room, but there’s something more interesting to explore out here…

  “Our rooms are in the basement,” he says as he grabs a bag and looks back at me with a grin. “Far away from our parents’ wandering eyes.”

  I swallow hard. “Great.”

  “We’re sharing a bathroom.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  He pulls the bag out of the trunk and walks past me, close enough that I can smell his cologne. It’s making me drunk with lust. He’s making me shaky all over.

  This guy is incredibly unsettling.

  “I just had a shower,” he says as he runs a hand through his damp hair. “It was nice and hot.”

  “I bet it was,” I mutter under my breath.

  Shit, now I’m picturing my stepbrother naked in the shower, the hot water running down his hard clenched muscles… over his chest… down his abs… streaming along his long thick…

  Stepbrother, Eleanor! He’s your stepbrother!!!

  “I’ll see you inside,” he says with a wink. My eyes drop to his ass as he walks to the cabin. He glances at me over his shoulder with those dark eyes simmering with heat before disappearing inside.

  “Oh, God,” I whisper as I look up at the sky. Snowflakes tumble down on my face, probably melting immediately when they touch my burning cheeks.

  This is crazy.

  This is insane.

  This is my new family.

  Not only are we sharing a bathroom, but it’s attached!

  An attached bathroom with Tanner, my new, hot, totally-thinking-of-him-platonically stepbrother. How am I supposed to think of him platonically when I can hear the shower running and I know that his perfect body is unclothed, wet, and dripping with soapy bubbles gliding all over his nice hard—

  Okay, I need to get it together. This is not good!

  I take a deep breath, drop my bag onto the bed, and open it. I’ve never been this flustered. I’m so agitated and distraught that I put my shampoo away in the dresser.

  “Breathe,” I remind myself. I take a few deep breaths, trying to shake out the shakiness. It only works about ten percent.

  I grab the shampoo and slowly, carefully, tiptoe into the bathroom to put it in the shower. I’m so curious about my new stepbrother that I can’t help but look around at the products he uses. His hair is so perfect that he must use some expensive, exotic, totally-exclusive-for-hot-people shampoo. I’m surprised to see that’s it’s just regular old drugstore shampoo. See? He’s as normal as you, so it’s—


  I jump up in shock and my hand squeezes the shampoo bottle hard. Shampoo surges out in a high arching stream and lands all over my face like I’m re-enacting the end of a porno for my new stepbrother.

  He leans back on the counter, tattooed arms crossed over his muscular chest, and watches me with an amused grin.

  A clump of shampoo drips off my chin and lands on the tiled floor with a schlop.

  I look past him to the mirror and die inside when I see the ridiculous reflection staring back at me. I have streams of white shampoo streaked across my face from my forehead to my chin. It looks like a… Actually, I don’t even want to think about what it looks like.

  He reaches over and grabs a tissue from the box on the counter.

  “Don’t move,” he says as he chuckles while coming over. “That stuff burns when it gets in your eye.”

  “I got it,” I say, trying to grab the tissue from him.

  He pulls it away out of my reach.

  “I’m your stepbrother,” he says. “I can clean you up when you get all dirty.”

  My eyes dart to him as my heart pounds. He wipes the tissue across my forehead, scooping up all of the shampoo.

  He’s so close. He’s so tender and gentle. He smells so good.

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