I look good on you, p.1
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I Look Good On You, page 1


I Look Good On You
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I Look Good On You

  I Look Good On You

  Olivia T. Turner



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  Become Obsessed with OTT

  Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…

  Copyright© 2021 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email Olivia@oliviatturner.com

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Edited by Karen Collins Editing

  Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner

  Chapter One


  “Wait until you get a load of this! You’re going to freak out.”

  I follow my real estate agent Todd into the kitchen and I’m not freaking out, but I am impressed. It’s a huge luxurious kitchen, but I’d expect that in a ten million dollar home.

  “What do you think?” Todd asks with a huge grin on his face.

  I walk around the enormous granite island, letting my palm glide over the smooth cold rock. It’s big enough to fit a few people sitting around it, and my mind instantly pictures a woman sitting there with an adoring smile as she sips her wine and watches me cook for her.

  “Huge gas oven,” Todd says, shattering my fantasy. “And look at the size of this fridge. Incredible. Enough to feed an army, or a couple of teenagers. Are you married? Do you have children?”

  I grit my teeth as I look around. I’m thirty-five years old and I’m still single. I’ve been building my business for the past decade and a half and haven’t had time to focus on much else.

  But now I’m ready. Ready to find the one. Waiting for that spark. That special jolt of lightning to strike when I’m least expecting it.

  I thought she’d be here by now, but she’s not. Sometimes, I wonder if it’s ever going to happen.

  “No,” I say with a heavy sigh. “I’m not married.”



  “Well, if that’s in your future, this is going to make a great home to raise a family in. Come see the rest of the house. The owners have already moved out so you can take possession whenever you desire.”

  He gives me a tour of the empty house, grinning when he shows me the man-cave with the full wet bar and pool table in the basement.

  This house has it all. A gym, a theater room, and more rooms than I can keep track of.

  “Plenty of bedrooms,” Todd says as we walk up the stairs. “And wait until I show you this office. It overlooks the in-ground pool and the beautifully landscaped backyard.”

  He opens the French doors with an extravagant flair and I nod as I walk in. This will work great, although I’m not sure when I’ll be back to work.

  After fifteen years of one hundred hour work weeks, I sold my tech company and now I never have to work another day in my life. But I am a workhorse, so I know it’s only a matter of time before I jump into the next business venture.

  The office is all custom wooden shelves along the walls that extend up to the high ceilings. The owners left a beautiful intricately carved desk in the middle of the room and on the empty bookshelves rests one lonely book.

  I grin as I walk over to it and pick it up. Pride and Prejudice. Never read it.

  “The owners have agreed to throw in the desk,” Todd says as I walk over to the giant windows that overlook the backyard. “It was originally owned by Ernest Hemingway. It’s quite the historical artifact and a nice addition to this beautiful home.”

  I’m only half-listening as I look at the gorgeous swimming pool in the back. It even has a swim-up bar with a giant tiki hut over it.

  “What the…” I whisper when I spot a girl lying on one of the pool chairs. My heart starts pounding when I roam my hungry eyes over her.

  She’s stunning.

  I can’t breathe as I stare at her in awe. Her wavy auburn hair is resting on her shoulders as she tilts her chin up to the sun like she’s daring it to outshine her. It doesn’t stand a chance next to this angelic beauty.

  The pounding in my chest makes its way into my ears and I can’t hear a word that Todd is saying. I’m completely focused on her. I’m fixated and worried that I won’t ever be able to tear my eyes off her sweet body.

  It’s on full display in a tight black bikini that has my cock stirring. Sexy little toes, long shimmering legs, hips that I can’t wait to grab onto, and big juicy tits that are already mesmerizing me. I’m already obsessed.

  I need to know everything about her. I need to meet her, to touch her, to taste her.

  “What do you think?” Todd asks, snapping me out of my hypnotic daze. “Would this office work for you?”

  I charge past him, rushing out of the office to get to her before my heart explodes.

  I’m all jittery and on edge without her in my sight as I take three stairs at a time on the way down. Who is she? Does she live here? Oh, fuck… Is this the owner’s wife? I’d be surprised if it is. She looks young. Nineteen, twenty maybe. She could be the owners’ daughter.

  The emotions swirling through me are so overwhelming. This is not like me at all. I’m always so cool and calm. I’ve sat at conference tables around the world, negotiating nine-figure deals without breaking a sweat, and one look at this girl has me cracking.

  My hands are shaking. Literally shaking. What the hell is wrong with me?

  I tear through the kitchen and rip open the sliding doors. She has headphones on so she doesn’t see me as I rush around the pool, breathless as I hurry to her side.

  She’s bobbing her head to the music and I can see through her sunglasses that her eyes are closed. My reflection is staring back at me, looking staggered and disheveled as my heart does flips in my chest.

  God, I want to touch her so badly.

  I have to fight the intense urge to sit down on her chair and run my palm up her soft smooth thighs until I get to her sweet mound that’s only covered by a thin strip of damp material. My mouth waters as I soak in the stunning view.

  A growl rumbles out of my throat when I watch a bead of sweat slide down her chest between those sweet tits.

  She must have heard it because she opens her eyes and gasps as she jerks up to a seated position.

  We stare at each other for a long heated moment and neither of us moves until I slowly reach out and slide her sunglasses onto the top of her head.

  Her blue eyes hit me right in the core, gripping me, squeezing me, killing me. She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. I want her. I need her.

  She’s mine. I don’t care what I have to do from this moment on to get her, but I’ve already made up my mind. This girl is all mine.

  I’m the kind of guy who will fight with every breath to get what he wants and the only thing I want is her.

  She’s looking up at me with guilty eyes. I want to tell her there’s nothing she can do to upset me, but Todd comes racing out of the house like an angry bull.

  “What are you doing here?” he shouts. “You’re not allowed here!”

  Rage rips through me. My pulse races and my hands squeeze into tight fists. Nobody talks to my girl like that. Nobody.

  She starts to quickly gather her things, but I put a hand up, stopping her. “Wait a second.”

  I turn around with a snarl and charge right up to Todd. His eyes are on my girl until I grab him by the neck and slam him into the side of the house.

  I glare at him as his skin turns red and his eyes widen in panic. “She can stay wherever she wants, you got that?”

  His head bounces up and down. “Yes, Mr. Keller!”

  “Good. Now go wait inside.” I throw him toward the door and he quickly rushes in.

  Maybe I was a little rough with him, but anyone who dares to talk to my girl like that is going to find out how protective I am.

  And so is my girl.

  She’s going to find out what a possessive bastard I can be.

  Right now…

  Chapter Two


  I’m staring at the man in shock as he tosses the real estate agent back into the house and turns to me with his dark eyes shining with… something.

  I’ve never seen that look before. No one has ever looked at me like that. With such… possession. It’s so territorial. Like he owns me.

  I’m a proud independent woman who knows every word to each song on my Girl Power playlist but for some reason, I like it. That look is hitting something primal in me. A deep dark place I didn’t know existed.

  My breaths are coming out short and quick as he runs his hand through his brown hair. He’s beautiful. Tall with a muscular frame and nice big arms, but it’s his face that really gets me. It’s the kind of face you can stare at for hours. The kind you’d never get tired of gazing at whether it’s lying in bed, or across a candlelight dinner, or staring at you from across the pool, brimming with intensity.

  He looks like he came from the office dressed in gray pants and a white dress shirt that’s
rolled up his thick forearms. A thin gray tie hangs loose around his neck.

  Stop staring at him, I tell myself, but I can’t seem to pry my eyes off him. I can’t look away.

  “I’m sorry,” I say as I grab my school books and toss them into my bag. “I know I’m not supposed to be here.”

  That asshole real estate agent already caught me lounging by the pool last week and he told me to never come back, after he hit on me and I rejected him.

  The house has been empty for two months and it’s the perfect place to study. I live next door with my aunt and uncle while I’m going to college, but I don’t think they really want me there. They agreed as a favor to my mom, but they don’t like it when I hang around too much, so I hang out here.

  “Don’t be sorry,” he says in his rich deep voice as he walks over. I can almost feel the masculine alpha energy radiating off him as he gets close. It’s making my skin tingle. “What’s your name?”

  “Isabella,” I say with a gulp. “But everyone calls me Izzy.”

  “Not me,” he says as his intense eyes lock onto mine. “I’m calling you Isabella. You have bella in your name for a reason.”

  His hungry eyes roam down my body and I’m glad that I grabbed my skimpiest bikini. I like the way it’s making his breath hitch.

  “Do you live here?” he asks.

  “No, I live next door. I was just studying.”

  “Do you always come here to study?”

  I can feel my cheeks starting to blush as he towers over me. “Sometimes, but I won’t anymore if you buy the house.”

  “Don’t say that or I won’t buy it.”

  I feel a flush creeping up my neck as I try to play it cool. “So, you’re going to buy it? It’s a spectacular house.”

  He looks back at it and I take the opportunity to steal a glance at his big round shoulders. He has the type of shoulders that are perfect to get thrown over as he carries you to the bedroom.

  “I haven’t decided yet,” he says as his heated eyes land back on me. “There are a few things I have to know first.”

  “Like what?”

  “I need to know about the neighbors.”

  “Well, I’m staying with my aunt and uncle there, and on that side is an elderly couple who don’t make any noise and keep to themselves.” I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I desperately want him to stay and I’m not above making up some little white lies to keep him here.

  He crosses his big arms as his eyes narrow on me. “And what about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Do you have a boyfriend?”

  I laugh. “That’s a ten million dollar house! Does the decision to buy it really have anything to do with me having a boyfriend?”


  My smile fades when I see how serious he is. The rush of heat swirling around my core starts to sink to the area between my legs. “What’s your name?”

  “Vance Keller,” he says, never taking his eyes off me. “Now. Do you have a boyfriend?”

  I shake my head. I’m twenty years old and I’ve never had a boyfriend. I’m still a virgin and haven’t even kissed another man before. For some reason, whenever a boy tried, it never felt right, so I always pulled my head back, made excuses, and in one case, ran away.

  “What brings you to this neighborhood, Vance?”

  “I don’t know, but I know what’s going to keep me here.” He glances at my bikini bottoms and I feel a deep throb down there.

  “Is your wife inside the house?”

  He shakes his head. Oh, thank God…



  This gorgeous single man might be my neighbor? Oh lordy, I won’t get any studying done.

  “So, did you move here for work?”

  He shakes his head. “I don’t have a job.”

  I laugh. “So, how are you going to afford this place? Wait, are you only looking at the house so you can steal their cutlery or something? Because the house is empty.”

  He laughs and it makes my heart start pounding on overdrive.

  “I’m a tech entrepreneur. I just sold my company. Have you ever heard of Crinkle?”

  “You made Crinkle?” I say with a gasp. I grab my phone and show him the app that’s already installed. “All of my volleyball friends use it. We chat with each other on it.”

  “You play volleyball?”

  I nod. “I got a partial scholarship.”

  “Stand up,” he commands. “I want to see how tall you are.”

  My body obeys, standing up as he looks me up and down. I can feel my nipples hardening to the point of tingling as his eyes roam over my breasts.

  “You’re tall,” he says as I stand in front of him. I’m almost as tall as him, but he seems to like it. “You’re so beautiful.”

  “Wait until you see me jogging around the neighborhood in my tight little volleyball shorts.”

  He groans like I just grabbed his dick.

  I’m not normally flirty like this, but I can’t help it with Vance. If he’s on the fence about buying this house, maybe the image of me in my little shorts will be enough to push him over the edge.

  He takes a step toward me, close enough that I can smell his intoxicating cologne. He smells like sex and money.

  “You don’t look like a tech guy,” I blurt out. I always think of tech guys as skinny nerdy types, not tall muscular men who can melt a woman with one look.

  He shrugs those massive shoulders. “I’m good at organizing people and getting them to do what I want.”

  I bite my bottom lip with a grin. “Do you think you’ll be good at getting me to do what you want?”

  “I hope so.”

  “What do you want me to do to you? That… came out wrong.”

  He takes another step toward me and grips my waist with a firm hand, making me whimper. He’s so close. Close enough to kiss, close enough that another few centimeters and my breasts will be grazing his chest, close enough to make me lightheaded.

  I should pull away. I should move. But I can’t. My eyes are locked on his. My body is frozen. Dirty thoughts have taken over my brain.

  His fingertips are like little shocks of lightning on my bare skin.

  My hand is moving on its own as it touches his hard bicep and moves up to his shoulder. This man is so sexy. He could do anything he wanted to me right now and I don’t think I would say no.

  “I’ll tell you what I want you to do,” he says with a deep edge to his voice. I gulp as I wait for him to continue. “Once I tear off this bikini, spread your sweet legs and dive in between them, devouring your hot little ripe pussy… I want you to cum on my mouth. Hard.”

  Every nerve ending in my body is on fire as I stare into his heated eyes. The air is smoldering all around us. I can’t breathe with his eyes on me like this.

  I can already feel his mouth down there and it’s making my pussy ache. I’m throbbing and already dripping wet.

  His grip on my waist tightens and he pulls my body against his. I gasp as my aching nipples press against his hard chest.

  I don’t pull away or fight it. I melt against him as our mouths get closer. I can feel his hot breath tickling my lips and all I can think about is feeling his tongue sliding against mine.

  “Vance…” I whisper as I hold onto his arms and tilt my chin up. “That’s what I want too.”

  He crushes his lips against mine and I moan into his mouth as my whole body crumbles to pieces.

  His big arms wrap possessively around me, holding me in place so I can’t get away. Like I’d ever try. This is the most sensual and erotic moment of my life. It’s perfect.

  I moan against his tongue when I feel his huge cock pressing against my stomach. I can’t believe I’m turning this alpha of a man on like this. He’s hard for me.

  His palm slides up my bare back and he grabs a fistful of my hair. I whimper as he tugs my head back so he can kiss me even deeper.

  I love how he’s handling me just rough enough to let me know he’s in charge. All I want to do is please him. All I want is for him to make me his.

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