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Alpha Consumed (The Dixon Brothers Book 2), page 1


Alpha Consumed (The Dixon Brothers Book 2)
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Alpha Consumed (The Dixon Brothers Book 2)

  Alpha Consumed

  The Dixon Brothers Book Two

  Olivia T. Turner



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9



  Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…

  Also by Olivia T. Turner

  Become Obsessed with OTT

  Copyright© 2021 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Edited by Karen Collins Editing

  Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner

  To Whiskey,

  You solve just as many problems as you cause.

  Chapter One


  “Look who just walked in,” Jacob hisses under his breath.

  My inner Kodiak bear growls as the scent of grizzly bears fills the bar. I turn around and see the four grizzly bear shifters from the Belgrade Springs Fire Department walk in like they own the place.

  “Firecunts,” Cameron whispers under his breath as he glares at them.

  Their eyes find their way to our table and they stare at us for a long heated moment as they walk in.

  My pulse starts speeding angrily when I see Enzo walk in last. It’s been a couple of weeks since we spilled out of the bar in a vicious brawl. I don’t know what happened, either Grey bumped into Cameron or Cameron bumped into Grey, but whatever it was, the two of them went at it and the rest of us jumped in.

  I was squaring off with that prick Enzo. He’s the mean-looking one with a scar on his jaw and the kind of crazed look in his eyes that would send most people rushing to the other side of the street. Not me. We went at it hard and that bastard tried to pull his bear out on me in the parking lot. He pulled his grizzly back in when the cops arrived seconds later. I hate that prick.

  His eyes snap over to mine and we glare at each other as he follows his crew to the bar. They’re laughing and joking around as they keep shooting challenging glances at us.

  “Just ignore them,” Easton says. He’s always been the most level-headed out of the four of us.

  Cameron grinds his jaw as he turns back to his beer, no doubt thinking about the pregnant mate he has waiting for him at home. She wouldn’t be happy to hear that he’s out getting into trouble again.

  I’m sitting with my three cousins—Cameron, Jacob, and Easton—at the Rub-A-Dub Pub. The three of them are brothers, but we’re so close and our fathers were twins, that we just go ahead and consider all four of us brothers.

  “Let’s just get back to business,” Jacob growls. “Do you guys really think that Dylan Burton is still alive? I’ve asked around and haven’t heard a thing.”

  “Greaser could have been lying to us,” Cameron says.

  “I mean, I did throw him off a cliff,” Easton adds as he rubs his chin. “How could he have survived that?”

  I’m trying to stay focused on the conversation, but my bear is snarling within. He’s all amped up and to be honest, so am I. I keep glancing over at Enzo and every time I look at him, he’s got that fucking smirk on his face that I so badly want to slap off.

  We have unfinished business and I’m itching to finish it.

  My bear lets out a low warning growl and my three brothers snap their heads toward me.

  Easton’s brow is furrowed. “Are you okay? Should we leave?”

  “We were here first,” Cameron says in a low voice as he looks at Grey, the huge beast that he fought last time. “They should leave.”

  “Oh, come on, guys,” Easton says with a roll of his eyes. “Do you really want to tear the bar up? We’re still new in town and people already think we’re nothing but trouble.”

  “We’re ex-mercenaries,” Jacob says as he stares the fire chief down, a huge grizzly bear shifter with salt and pepper hair named Quinton Kane. “Of course we’re trouble.”

  My bear starts pacing angrily inside. He’s ready to go.

  Ever since Cameron found his mate Mary and she started hanging around, my bear has been getting more and more frustrated that our mate isn’t here. He needs to blow off some aggression, some steam, some frustration, and that prick Enzo has the perfect face to unload all of our rage on.

  But it looks like it might not be up to us. The four firecunts grab their beers and start strutting over. I feel my back straighten as Cameron’s hands squeeze into fists. My eyes never leave Enzo’s as he approaches at the head of the pack.

  “This bar is our territory,” Enzo declares in his raspy voice.

  A tense heat flushes through my body as I glare up at him. “Not anymore,” I growl.

  He slams his palms on the table and leans over me with his blue eyes burning hotly. “Is that a challenge?”

  “Fuck yeah it is.” I grab his wrist and wrench it around his back as I jump up. He cries out as I use the leverage to slam his cheek onto the table and dig my forearm into the side of his head.

  He’s struggling against my weight as my three cousins leap up to intercept the three grizzly bear shifters rushing in to join the fight.

  Cameron and Grey slam into each other as Quinton grabs Jacob by the neck. Easton and Brees square up, but they’re not throwing blows, yet.

  “Get the fuck off of me!” Enzo grunts from under my arm. He struggles violently as I add a bit more pressure to his head.

  “That’s enough of that!” the bartender roars as he comes charging over. We can all smell his polar bear raging inside him. This is really his territory and all of us know it.

  Quinton releases Jacob’s neck and turns to the red-faced bartender. His name is Dex and he’s no one to mess around with.

  “We were just trying to clear some trash from your bar, that’s all,” Quinton says diplomatically. I guess he thinks that since he’s the fire chief, he can get away with whatever bullshit his crew tries to pull.

  “This is the second time you guys go at it in my bar,” Dex growls. “If there’s a third time, I’m taking you all out.”

  There’s no doubt that either crew can take him four on one, but none of us want to be banned from the only bar in town. That threat is more terrifying than the threat of getting your ass whooped.

  “All right,” Quinton says as he lifts up his palms. “We’ll be cool.”

  Dex turns to Jacob with a heated glare.

  “We’re just trying to have a nice relaxing night,” Jacob says with an innocent shrug. “We’ll get back to our beers if these firecunts stay away from us.”

  They all turn their attention to me. I still have Enzo’s head pinned against the table and I really don’t want to let this prick go.

  “Fine,” I mutter as I release him.

  He lunges up and grabs my beer. “Fuck you!” he shouts as he throws it in my face.

  Before the beer even hits my skin, chaos erupts all around me. Cameron and Grey start throwing hard bombs at each other, Jacob and Quinton are grappling as Dex struggles to break them apart, and Easton has his arm wrapped around Brees’ head in a headlock as they crash into a table full of young men who look eager to join in.

  Enzo tackles me as the beer hits my face. I grunt as he slams his shoulder into my stomach, lifts me up, and slams me into the ground. We’re both throwing fast and furious punches, but he’s on top so his are landing harder.

  My bear lets out a furious snarl as he tries to claw his way out.

  Fuck off. I got this.

  It’s hard enough to fight this guy from the bottom without having to hold back my raging bear as well.

  All I hear is screaming and swearing and chairs breaking all around us as I fight with everything I have. I manage to swing my leg up and wrap it around Enzo’s shoulder as he leans back to deliver a hard punch. I wrench my leg down and yank him off. I’m up before he knows it.

  I get a glimpse of the bartender Dex throwing Easton and Brees out. He’s got one of them in each hand, gripping them by the back of their necks.

  Enzo pops up in front of me and I grit my teeth as I let my fists fly. I hit him hard twice in the face and he follows up, cracking me in the jaw. Pain shoots through my head and momentary stars flash between us, but I shake it off and let him have it again.

  Cameron slams Grey into the table beside us, shattering it to pieces. Everyone is rushing out of the bar.

  Quinton breaks a beer mug on the back of Cameron’s head before turning back to Jacob to continue the mutual beating.

  “I want you out of my fucking town,” Enzo hisses as we circle each other with our fists raised.

  “We’re not going anywhere,” I growl back at him. “We’re staying here forever. Just to piss you fuckers off.”

  He lunges forward with a savage roar, but he’s stopped in mid-air. Dex is grabbing the
back of his neck.

  I grunt as a strong hand grabs the back of my neck and practically lifts me off my feet. I knew polar bear shifters were strong, but holy fuck, Dex is a beast.

  He half carries us, half drags us to the entrance of the bar and pushes us out. It’s late at night and a few dozen people are outside watching the commotion.

  “Thirty days,” Dex grunts. “Both crews are banned for thirty days. You fight again in here and it’s permanent.”

  He throws us to the pavement and turns back inside to get another pair.

  Almost immediately, we’re throwing punches at each other again in the parking lot. I crack Enzo in the temple with a hard roundhouse that makes his legs wobble. But just as I lunge in to finish him off, he somehow spins and manages to throw a flying knee in my face.

  Blood spurts out of the top of my nose, my eyes water, and pain rockets through my brain. I get a little woozy, but I recover fast. My bear is itching to get out.

  I’m almost about to release him when the sirens start ringing down the street. It’s the Sheriff and his crew. More bear shifters…

  And they won’t be on our side. The police and fire department are friends and we’re just the trouble-making outsiders. It doesn’t matter that we were sitting there minding our own business when they came over. The shifters in blue are not going to take our word for it.

  I catch Jacob’s eye. Easton pulls the truck around and Jacob, Cameron, and I leap into the flatbed.

  Enzo and I are glaring at each other as Easton pulls the truck through the back way and speeds off down the street.

  My bear slinks back down now that the fight is over. He’s pissed that I didn’t let him out, but the ban would have been permanent if we would have let the fur fly.

  “What happened to your nose?” Cameron asks with a laugh when he looks at me.

  I touch my face and it’s slick with blood. The cut must be nasty if it hasn’t closed up by now.

  “What do you think happened?” I ask as I yank my shirt off, press it into a ball, and hold it against my nose. “I was in a bar brawl.”

  Jacob’s hand looks broken. He’s wincing and grunting as he pulls each crooked finger, resetting them so they can heal properly.

  “That old man has got a hard freaking head,” Jacob hisses as he pulls his pinkie with a crack.

  Easton slides the back window open and glances at us as he drives. “What the fuck is with those guys?”

  “They think we’re town hicks like them,” Cameron says as he shakes his head. “They don’t realize they’re messing with trained killers.”

  “Ex-trained killers,” Jacob says as he glares at his younger brother. “We left that life, remember? We are town hicks now.”

  “We’re still not like them,” Cameron says as he turns away. The warm breeze is wafting over us, making his long hair flow in the wind. “And we never will be.”

  We sit in silence as the truck barrels down the quiet mountain road. It’s true. As hard as we try, as strong as the desire is, we’ll never be like these small-town country boys.

  We’ll always be different. We’ve seen too much. Our hearts have been hardened.

  To them, fighting is a pastime. It’s fun. A way to blow off steam at the local pub.

  To us, it’s survival. It’s real. It used to be a way of life.

  I look up at the stars and take a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. Whenever I look up at the night sky, I start wondering where she is.

  I imagine her looking up at these same stars and I feel connected to her. To my mate. I haven’t seen her, but that connection has always been there rooted deep in my core.

  I wonder if the violence in my past will start to fade once I find her and am engulfed in her angelic presence. Maybe her light will push out the darkness.

  I sigh as I rest on the side of the truck with my bloody t-shirt pressed against my broken nose.

  All I can do is hope.

  Until she comes…

  Chapter Two


  I’m breathless with excitement as I pass through the last security check and head out of the secured area of the airport.

  There are tons of excited people waiting behind the metal guardrails as the passengers walk out. I have my huge backpacking bag on my back as I walk past them, looking for my brother.

  I remember when I left ten months ago. My legs were all wobbly under the weight of the pack and I could barely take ten steps without falling over. Now, after traveling through eighteen countries and carrying this bad boy the entire way, my legs are strong and sturdy. It’s easy.

  “Matthew!” a woman squeals when she sees the man in front of me. She leaps over the guardrail and lands in his waiting arms.

  I smile as I scan the crowd. I’m not expecting my brother to be that happy to see me, although I have missed him a lot.

  I laugh when I spot him leaning against a column. He’s holding a sign that says “Bailey! Welcome home from jail!”

  He grins. I rush over and let him swallow me up in his big arms. It feels good to be home.

  “I want to hear all about it,” he says as he grabs my bag and throws it over his big shoulder. “Every country.”

  “You know you could leave Belgrade Springs for once and see them yourself,” I say with a playful grin.

  He shakes his head. “Not my style. I don’t think my grizzly bear would react well to being locked up in a metal tube thirty thousand feet in the air.”

  “Good point,” I say with a laugh. I guess I forgot that things are always different for my brother. My father passed his bear shifter gene onto him, but it skipped over me. I was bitter about that for a long time, but I guess being human has its perks too.

  We chat as we head into the parking lot. I smile when I see his big blue pickup truck. It’s weird what’s comforting after traveling so long—the dried mud on my brother’s car, the sound of English as people walk by, even the shape of the toilets.

  I had a great trip, but I’m glad it’s over. I went with a friend I met online from Sweden. She was so much fun to travel with and I was so sad to say goodbye.

  I spent another two weeks traveling after she returned home to Karlstad. I just couldn’t shake the feeling that I hadn’t found what I had set out to find.

  It was like there was a piece of my life missing and I had hoped that traveling around Europe would have filled it, but it didn’t. It feels worse than ever—empty and lacking, like there’s a chunk of my soul missing.

  “You can stay with me as long as you want,” my brother says as he tosses my bag into the back of his truck. “I bought a bed for you off Craigslist and set it up in the spare bedroom.”

  I don’t know why, but it brings tears to my eyes. My brother has always been the best. I was picked on a lot growing up, but he always came to my rescue, straightening out anyone who tried to mess with me.

  “Really?” I ask as I wipe the wetness from my eyes. “You don’t mind? It might be a while, I’m kind of broke.”

  He laughs. “Under one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That you take a shower as soon as you get home. You stink.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I say as I swat him. He ducks under my hand and heads to his door.

  “But seriously,” I say. “Thank you so much, Enzo."

  After a warm shower, a hot meal, and a long nap, I’m feeling pretty good.

  It’s about four o’clock and Enzo has gone to work at the fire station.

  “Yes,” I whisper when I see his note on the table. He got a ride with Brees so that he could leave me the truck.

  I haven’t had my favorite conditioner since I ran out in Mykonos, Greece about seven months ago. I’ve been dreaming about this conditioner. I’ve written love poems about this conditioner.

  I grab the keys and hop into the truck. My brother lives in a nice house on the outskirts of town. It’s about a ten-minute drive to the general store, but it takes me about twenty. I haven’t driven in a long time and I’m a little rusty.

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