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Dirty Alpha (The Alpha's Obsession Book 2), page 1


Dirty Alpha (The Alpha's Obsession Book 2)
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Dirty Alpha (The Alpha's Obsession Book 2)

  Dirty Alpha

  The Alpha’s Obsession Book Two

  Olivia T. Turner

  Copyright© 2020 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email Olivia@oliviatturner.com

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Edited by Karen Collins Editing

  Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



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  Also by Olivia T. Turner

  This one is for Mary,

  Who once gave a lap dance to an Australian guy in a bar,

  and now rules her mommy group with an iron fist.


  Chapter One


  I’m staring at Willow as she holds onto her new baby Lauren, and wishing I could be as lucky as my brother Cameron. He was once like me—lonely, depressed, and dying to meet his mate—and then, like magic, she walked into his life and now he has everything. His mate, a baby, and endless love.

  I haven’t been so lucky. My mate is nowhere to be seen.

  Willow shifts the baby on her lap and then suddenly, without warning, yanks up her shirt and pulls her boob out.

  I’m so shocked from where I’m watching across the ranch that I don’t turn my eyes away fast enough and my unluckiness increases.

  “What the fuck?!” Cameron hollers.

  I turn and gasp when I see my brother turning bright red as his face twists up in rage. His furious eyes are enough to stop my heart as he squeezes his hands into fists and starts charging over here, looking like he’s about to pound me into mush.

  “No!” I shout in a panic. “I was just… admiring her.”

  Shit! Wrong thing to say!

  I was admiring the new mother’s love of her gorgeous baby as she cradled her to her chest, but it came out all wrong. Cameron is crazily obsessed with his new mate and doesn’t like anyone gawking at her. Especially when she’s trying to breastfeed.

  “I didn’t mean it like that!” I quickly correct as he gets dangerously close. “I was… loving her… chest…”

  Shit. This keeps getting worse.

  Time to run!

  I turn and sprint as Cameron comes raging forward.

  My pulse is racing and my lungs are burning as I run as fast as I can across the grassy field toward the forest on the edge of our huge ranch.

  “My mate?!” he roars from behind me, way too close for my comfort. “You were staring at my mate?!”

  “I wasn’t staring!” I shout back as I beg my legs to move faster. “I was just looking!”

  His vicious roar thunders through me and my heart starts pounding as I run. I can’t seem to say anything right today, but it’s hard to get the right words out when you have a vicious beast of an older brother like Cameron closing in on you.

  A loud tear rips through the field and when I glance over my shoulder, I now see a furious grizzly bear chasing me.

  Fuck! This keeps going from bad to worse!

  I head straight for the forest.

  Normally, I stay away from this area. My other brother Adrian has claimed this territory and he won’t think twice about sinking his feral bear’s teeth into the neck of anyone who dares to step inside it.

  But right now, I don’t really have much of a choice.

  Cameron’s bear is gaining on me and he doesn’t look like he’s playing around.

  He’s only a couple feet away from tearing a chunk out of my ass when I make it to the edge of the forest. I duck under a thick branch and escape into it, dodging around trees and leaping over roots as the enraged grizzly follows me in.

  It’s dark in here with the thick canopy of leaves blocking out the sun. I get shivers and my slick skin explodes with goosebumps knowing that we’re probably being watched by Adrian’s feral bear. Not watched, hunted.

  Normally, Cameron’s bear would have stopped at the edge of the forest, not daring to step his paw into this territory, but he’s only focused on making me pay for seeing his mate’s boob. I can tell that thoughts of killing me are the only thoughts racing through his irrational head right now.

  He snarls at me as I gain a little bit of distance between us. I’m ducking under branches and jumping over fallen logs. He just crashes through them, exploding them into splinters as he tries to get at me.

  He’s making too much noise.

  Adrian is going to hear.

  Oh shit!

  If I thought Cameron’s bear was scary, I was wrong. He’s got nothing on the middle Bowen brother’s bear.

  Adrian’s enormous grizzly comes charging at us like a bloodthirsty monster. I can feel the vibrations of his huge paws thundering as he rushes at us in a savage fury.

  He’s completely untamed, wild, and brutally nasty.

  Adrian’s cruel bear has had a hold on him for years. He’s unable or unwilling to live in society, so he lives a primal life by himself in these woods. And he defends them ruthlessly, even from his own brothers.

  He snarls as he rushes right at me. Long deadly teeth out. Black claws ready to hack through skin and bone. Bloodthirsty eyes full of violence.

  “Not me!” I shout as a tree branch whips me across the face while I run. “Him!”

  The enraged bear sees Cameron’s grizzly behind me and pivots on the spot.

  Oh, thank God!

  He charges at my attacker and my two brothers collide in a crunch of growls and snarls. I glance at them quickly over my shoulder as I flee and the two huge bears are battling fiercely as their roars shake the trees.

  I’m not about to stay and watch so I can take on the winner.

  I just keep running, and running, and running.

  Eventually, I pop out of the forest on the east side of our ranch as the vicious roars of my fighting brothers still echo through the trees.

  I spot Logan with the cattle in the distance and I jog over. Logan is our fourth brother. He’s adopted, but no less of a Bowen in my opinion. My parents took him in when his father died in a tractor accident years ago. He’s been with us ever since.

  “Logan!” I call out as I get close. He’s sitting on his huge black stallion named Zeus.

  He looks at me from under his black cowboy hat and raises an eyebrow. “If you’re here, who the hell is fighting?”

  I cringe as I look at him with a shrug.

  “Is that Cameron and Adrian?”

  “Yeah,” I say as I rub the back of my neck. “I believe so.”

  “What the hell happened?”

  I tell him all about it and he listens in disbelief.

  “So, basically, both of your brothers want to kill you.”

  “Basically, yeah.”

  He whistles as he looks at the sprawling cattle around us, about five hundred of them.

  “Well, brother. Sounds like you’re fucked.”

  “Should I move to Canada?”

  “Not far enough. I hear Madagascar is nice.”

  I drop my head and sigh. “What am I going to do? Cameron is going to break my neck.”

  “Why were you looking at Willow anyway?”

  “I don’t know,” I say with another sigh. “I was just…”

  “Longing for your mate?”


  “I know. I am too.”

  “I can’t stop thinking about her,” I say and the pain of yearning comes creeping back into me, making everything tight, making everything unbearable.

  It’s like living with a demon inside of you that won’t let you think about anything besides what you don’t have, besides what you’re missing.

  “She’s out there,” Logan says with a kind smile.

  “That’s what kills me the most,” I say as my heart twists like someone’s wringing it out like a wet towel. “She’s out there in this scary world and I’m not there to protect her. What if something happens to her? Don’t you think that about your mate?”

  “Of course,” Logan says with a sigh. “Every second of every day.”

  “It’s torture. I just need to hold her in my arms. Smell her scent. Kiss her lips.”

  Logan takes off his cowboy hat, runs a hand through his hair, and then puts it back on. “It’s hard and it’s unfair, but it’s not up to us to make it happen. It’s up to fate. And fate can be cruel. She’s got one weapon to torture us with, time.”

  “Watching Cameron with Willow and now that they have Lauren… It kills me. I want that. I need that. I feel like I won’t be able to breathe until I have my girl and am able to stuff her full of babies.

  “I know,” Logan whispers. He does know. He’s a grizzly bear shifter, just like I am, only older, so he’s been waiting even longer. I’m twenty-seven and he’s thirty-two like Cameron. He’s been dealing with this shit for five years longer than me. I don’t know how I’m going to last another five years of this…

  I desperately hope I don’t have to.

  The vicious roaring and snarling echoing through the ranch finally stop.

  “Looks like our brothers are done,” I say as I glance back at the forest in the distance.

  “Let’s hope they broke apart before one of them died,” Logan says with a shake of his head.

  “Yeah, one funeral is enough. I won’t last the night. If Cameron doesn’t kill me, Adrian will.”

  “It’s best you disappear for a few days,” he says. “Cameron won’t be too thrilled to see you waltzing back onto the ranch all fresh and unhurt when he’s probably covered in gashes and bite marks.”

  “Where the fuck am I supposed to go?”

  “Head over to the triple M trail,” he says. “Let your bear roam around for a few days. It would be good for him. It might help curb your obsessive need a little.”

  I don’t think anything can help with that.

  “I’m not sure…”

  A nasty violent roar thunders out of the trees and it has me reconsidering real quick.

  “Yeah, okay!” I say. “I’ll go.”

  The triple M trail is the famous Monstrous Montana Mountain Trail. It’s a gorgeous but very hard 1,500 mile hiking trail through the mountains, which you can access a few miles from our ranch. When we were teenagers, Logan, Cameron, and I would turn into our bears and scare the hikers walking through.

  “I’ll try to talk your brother down while you’re gone,” Logan says. “I’ll explain what happened.”

  “Good luck. He’s pretty pissed.”

  “Well, you did gawk at his mate’s naked breast.”

  I drop my head and sigh. “I’m so dead.”

  “He’ll calm down in a couple of days.”

  “Maybe in a couple of months.”

  “Just be home by Christmas,” Logan says with a laugh as I start walking.

  With the vicious roars still echoing through my head, I don’t know if I’ll ever come back.

  Chapter Two


  “Don’t fucking move!” I scream as I point the barrel of my revolver between his creepy fucking eyes. “I’ll blow your goddamn head off! I swear I will.”

  He hisses at me with his long black tongue as he coils back, ready to strike.

  God, I hate snakes.

  And this is a scary one.

  It’s a Prairie Rattlesnake. You can tell it’s venomous by its vertical slit eye pupils and long sharp fangs that are dripping out clear liquid. And if that wasn’t enough, the rattling tail that’s sending cold shivers up my spine is broadcasting the snake’s deadly intentions.

  I step back in my battered hiking boots and the snake slithers forward.

  “You’re not listening!” I shout as the gun shakes in my hand. “Go away!”

  It’s spoiling for a brawl, but it brought a rattle to a gunfight.

  The snake strikes at the air and I pull the trigger and scream.


  The gunshot is deafening, making my ears ring as the echo rumbles through the mountains. The recoil sends my hand flying back as the snake flees into the long grass.

  I missed. The bullet slammed into the ground beside his head, sending sand and dirt flying into his face and scaring him away.

  My heart is pounding as I point the gun at the tall grass where he disappeared into. It’s not moving.

  “I’m out of here,” I whisper, and then I start running. I run along the narrow dirt trail that’s cut into the mountain and only slow down when I’m sure the asshole snake is far behind me.

  I should quit.

  That voice. It’s always here. Always taunting me.

  Quit. Quit. You don’t belong out here. Quit. Wouldn’t a nice hotel room be better than sleeping in a tent on the cold hard ground? Hot food. Hot shower. Quit! Quit!!!

  “I’m not quitting!” I yell to the voice, to myself, to the mountains.

  I haven’t done anything in my life, but I’m doing this. I’m finishing this fucking trail.

  The Monstrous Montana Mountain Trail is a beast of a trail. 1,500 miles through the wilderness and I’m doing it all on my own.

  My mom said I wouldn’t last a day. Wouldn’t even finish ten miles.

  But here I am, a month into it and I haven’t quit yet.

  I’m hiking solo to prove to myself that I can do it. That I can do something.

  Up until this point, my life has been stagnant. It’s been non-existent. It’s been nineteen years of nothing. Video-games. Binging on Netflix. Barely passing school.

  I needed something to jumpstart my life.

  A shock to the system.

  Something to prove that I am capable of doing big things. Or being someone worth loving.

  Six weeks ago, I was at the video game store, about to buy another game that would help waste more hours of my depressing life when I overheard the employees talking about hiking the triple M trail.

  For the first time in a long time, it gave me goosebumps, it got my heart racing, and I knew it was exactly what I needed. A grueling three-month hike through the wilderness to test what I was really made of. I dropped the video game and went to the bookstore instead to buy a guidebook for the hike. I read it cover to cover in one sitting and then prepared.

  Two weeks later, I was under the hot sun, ankles killing, back aching, but moving. To what, I don’t know, but I know I’ll be a different person on the other end of this trail.

  I slide my revolver back into my bag and keep moving. After hearing the terrifying sound of wolves howling on the first night in the wilderness, I ran into the closest town the next morning and bought this revolver. It’s been within reach ever since.

  With the snake safely behind me, I continue hiking through the mountains. It’s a gorgeous day with my sweater wrapped around my waist and my sunglasses on.

  A falcon cuts through the blue sky and I watch as it arcs down and lands on a towering Aspen tree. I’m surrounded by beauty out here. It’s truly magnificent.

  I hike for a few more hours until the blister on my right foot is stinging so much that I stop to make camp for the night. I’ve become a pro at this and I can set up my tent and have a fire going in less than twenty minutes.

  When the branches are curled in flames in front of me, I sit down and pull out my map. The closest town is Blackcloud Point, whatever that is. I’m planning on following the trail and walking past it through the mountains until my next stop in another town, about three days away.

  My progress has been slow, but at least I’m out here. At least, I’m doing it. This time last year, I was chugging energy drinks and playing Fortnite non-stop. It’s pretty pathetic when your virtual life is better than your real one. When you’ve never met any of your friends in real life and the only guy you kissed was digital.

  “That’s why you’re out here,” I whisper to myself as I open a can of vegetable soup. “To shake yourself out of that and live in the real world for a while.”

  I suddenly get that eery feeling of being watched and the hairs on the back of my neck stand up straight. I’m in the real world now, and the real world is creeping forward in the form of an enormous grizzly bear.

  I gasp in panic as I jump to my feet. There’s a grizzly bear, a real live grizzly bear, within throwing distance. He’s creeping forward with his possessive eyes fixated on me.

  “Oh crap,” I hiss as I lunge on my bag and fumble for my gun.

  A branch cracks under his tremendous weight as my fingers wrap around the butt of the revolver. I swing it around and point it right at him as he sniffs the air, his eyes never leaving me.

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