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Wet for the Alpha (The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters Book 3), page 1


Wet for the Alpha (The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters Book 3)
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Wet for the Alpha (The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters Book 3)

  Wet for the Alpha

  Olivia T. Turner




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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10




  Become Obsessed with OTT

  Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…

  You. Me. Bed. Now.

  Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email Olivia@oliviatturner.com

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.



  Edited by Karen Collins Editing

  Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner


  I grew up surrounded by shifters but nothing prepared me for Cash Ridge.

  The wildly possessive grizzly bear shifter who comes storming onto my brother’s ranch to claim me.

  He says I’m his territory.

  He thinks he owns me.

  My brother and his lion shifter friends think otherwise, but nothing seems to stop him.

  This grizzly is obsessed with my curves and his obsession keeps growing…

  And not a crew of angry lions, the law, or even my shouts of protest are going to stop him from taking what’s his.

  He says I’m his mate.

  He says I belong to him.

  He says he’s going to stuff me full of his cubs…

  …I think it’s time for me to shut up and start listening.

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  For my husband,

  You’re my best friend and my confidant.

  So here’s a confession…

  When I tell you I’m going to yoga class,

  I’m actually at the movies.




  Chapter One


  “Your mate is Killian’s sister?” Everett says. He’s trying to hold it together, but the asshole bursts out laughing.

  I grit my teeth as I step up to him in warning. “Shut the fuck up, Everett,” I hiss. I’m not really pissed at my older brother. I expect this kind of reaction from him, but I’ve been a mess of emotions since I saw her and all of my pent-up frustration and anger is now getting directed at him.

  “Killian’s sister?” He’s shaking his head as he holds his side. “Only your bear is dumb enough to mate with that psycho family.”

  “Careful,” I hiss. My grizzly bear is all worked up inside. He’s nastier than ever and would love a fight right now.

  Earlier this afternoon, I was getting groceries in town when her scent caught my attention. It was like breathing in pure adrenaline. My body reacted in a shockingly strong way. It was like someone grabbed my soul in an iron grip and wouldn’t let go.

  Her scent tore through me, slashing through my lungs and hacking its ways through my veins and muscles until every cell in my body felt like it was on fire. One whiff of her pheromones and my inner bear was immediately on edge. I had never seen him like that before—so determined, so obsessed. All he wanted to do was get her, claim her, mark her, and he was damn sure letting me know.

  The gnarling and snapping in my ears was all I could hear. I flexed and tightened my body, trying to hold him back as he charged at the surface, desperate to get out. Everything happened so fast, but it felt like time had slowed to a crawl.

  She was standing in the parking lot surrounded by the Copeland lion shifters. I knew it was her immediately, although, I couldn’t see what she looked like. She was wearing a motorcycle helmet with a black visor that covered her face, but I could see her curves, and I haven’t been able to get them out of my head since.

  She rode off before I could see her face or find out her name.

  “Did you tell Damon yet?” Everett asks.

  I shake my head as I look around at the mountains on our ranch. Damon is our older brother and the town’s deputy. He’s not going to be too happy when I tell him.

  We’re already on thin ice for busting up the only bar in town. A few weeks ago, Everett, his mate Chloe, and I were having an innocent drink when the five Copeland lion shifters came in looking for trouble. Well, they found trouble with us and the bar was pretty trashed after. It took us a couple of days to clean it all up.

  Now, I have to tell Damon that the fight is not over. I’ll destroy this whole town if it means getting my girl. There’s nothing I won’t do to get her by my side where she belongs.

  It’s driving me crazy to think she’s surrounded by those creeps. Killian’s the alpha and the worst of the five. I don’t even want to think about what it was like growing up with a piece of shit like him as an older brother.

  If he ever hurt her, I’ll…

  My muscles start quivering as heat surges through my body. My bear is snarling in my ears. I’m seeing red. Just the thought of her in danger sends me spiraling.

  “Cash, are you okay?” Everett asks as he steps back with a concerned look on his face.

  I’m not. I won’t be okay until she’s safe in my arms.

  “I have to go see her.”

  Everett sucks in a breath. He sees how serious I am and he’s not laughing anymore.

  “You better ask Damon first,” he says.

  “She’s my mate. I’m not asking permission when it comes to her.”

  “I know,” he says in a low voice. “But this affects Damon too. We should tell him.”

  We. I already have one brother on my side at least.

  And here comes the other one now.

  We both turn as Damon’s police cruiser drives onto the ranch, kicking up a cloud of dust behind it. The car jerks up and down as he gets out and then rocks back and forth when he slams the door shut. He’s a huge grizzly bear shifter. The biggest of the three of us.

  But even he won’t be able to stop me from claiming my mate.

  Nothing will.

  “Damon!” Everett calls out.

  Damon stops with a grunt. He looks more than annoyed as he turns around and sees us waving him over. Knowing him, he’s probably rushing to get into his cabin to take his curvy mate on the kitchen table and we’re interrupting it.

  “What?” he grunts.

  “Cash has something important to tell you,” Everett calls back.

  Damon swears under his breath as he glances at his cabin. “This better be good,” he hisses as he charges over. “I’ve been waiting all day to see my mate.”

  Everett looks at me. “Tell him.”

  I take a deep breath, hesitating. It’s not because I don’t want to tell him, it’s because the memory of her scent starts swirling around in my head again and it’s making my brain all foggy.


  I just suck it up and spit it out. “I found my mate.”

  Damon’s eyes widen in shock and the next thing I know, I’m being swallowed by his thick arms. “That’s amazing, bro,” he says as he gives me a crushing bear hug.

  “There’s more,” Everett says. His voice lacks all of the enthusiasm of Damon’s.

  Damon releases me and I feel my heart pounding as I’m about to explain. “I saw her from a distance. It’s Killian’s sister.”

  His smile melts into a scowl. “Only your bear is dumb enough to mate with that psycho family.”

  “That’s what I said!” Everett says with a laugh.

  “I have to get her,” I say in a serious tone. “It’s eating me away from the inside out.”

  Damon’s big jaw tightens. “We have five shifter crews in this town barely keeping the peace right now. You start shit with the Copeland lions again and another war might break out.”

  “Let them all kill each other for all I care. This is my mate, Damon.”

  “You waited twenty-six years for her,” he says with a sigh. “Can you wait a little bit longer?”

  “Could you wait when you first saw Kinsley?” I snap back at him.

  He shakes his head. “Not even for a second.”

  “Exactly. I’m going to get her.”

  I charge past him and he grabs my bicep in his hard grip, stopping me.

  “This is going to go badly,” Damon says as he narrows his eyes on me. “We keep going at it with those lions and eventually someone is going to
get killed.”

  I grit my teeth as I picture sinking my bear’s teeth into the soft flesh of Killian’s neck and watching as the light in his eyes slowly fades.

  “Good. That’s the plan.”

  I rip my arm out of his grasp and charge off, letting my furious bear shred its way out.

  The phasing is like lava flowing through my veins. My bones snap like twigs, my skin tears like stretched cloth, my teeth throb as they extend into deadly incisors. I revel in the pain, enjoying the sweet burn as my grizzly bear takes over.

  He explodes out of me, determined to find and claim the soft fleshy territory that’s now his. That’s now ours.

  Once I’m pulled inside him, looking out, I can feel the intensity of his need and it makes me shiver. He’s desperate to claim her. It’s all he’s thinking about.

  Claim her. Claim her. Claim her.

  He heads straight for the mountains and doesn’t look back.

  My bear doesn’t care if the whole world erupts in war all around us. Our mate’s safety is his only concern.

  He was born to protect her.

  It’s his vital function. His one true purpose.

  And he’s not about to let anyone—Killian, Damon, myself, the world—stop him.

  She’s as good as his.

  Chapter Two


  It’s always a shock whenever I come back here.

  I feel like I should have a Passport when traveling between my two worlds. I always have.

  I still find it hard to believe I was born here in Montana. Right here in this small backward town.

  But I was.

  Although, just because you were born somewhere, it doesn’t mean that’s where you belong.

  Seattle is my real home.

  The city is where I thrive. I’ll take skyscrapers over mountains any day of the week.

  Especially these ones.

  This town with all of its horrible memories can just go to hell as far as I’m concerned.

  “How long are you staying?” Jace asks as he licks the chicken drumstick clean.

  It’s a disgusting sight, but I can’t look away. His mouth and fingers are covered in grease and he doesn’t seem to care. The way his long tongue darts in and around the chicken while his lips make a skin-crawling slurping sound is more animalistic than man.

  That’s the way these guys have always been: more animal than man.

  “I want to get back home as quickly as possible,” I say when the sight is finally too much and I have to turn away.

  “You are home,” my brother Killian says as he walks into the kitchen. The whole crew is in his cabin eating a big lunch.

  That’s the only thing I like about this place. Everyone eats together as a crew. If I have to eat alone in front of the television one more time back home, I’m going to throw my remote control at Alex Trebek’s head.

  “I meant my home in Seattle,” I say, glancing over at him.

  His long blond hair is combed back, still wet from the shower. He’s got shorts on and nothing else.

  I shift uneasily in my chair as my eyes quickly roam over his body. He’s covered in scars. Big ones, small ones, smooth ones, jagged ones, little circle ones that look like bullets from a handgun, and even a big circle one that looks like a slug from a shotgun.

  I shudder to think of what Killian left the other men looking like. He always loved to fight, and he was always damn good at it too.

  If he wasn’t my older brother, I would be terrified of him, instead of being just frightened.

  Iker and Knox start fighting over the last piece of chicken. I notice that none of them are even looking at the two biggest pieces. Those are for Killian. They know better than to touch the alpha’s food.

  “I’d like to go back to my real home,” I say, swallowing hard as I watch him grab a beer from the fridge. “In Seattle.”

  “You were born in the mountains, Z,” he answers. “This is your real home whether you like it or not.”

  “It’s true,” Jace says as he takes his last bite. That’s how these guys have always been around my brother. Agreeing with him, worshipping him, always kissing his ass. Killian is a god to these neanderthals. “Being born in the mountains gives you mountain blood. You can’t ever escape it. Everyone knows that.”

  I’m about to argue with him, but the words vanish from my mouth when he picks up his plate and starts licking it.

  Don’t engage. Just get what you came for and leave. The sooner the better.

  “Mountain blood or not, I’d still like to return to Seattle,” I say, turning back to Killian. “When can we go see the notary?”

  “Not today.”

  My stomach hardens in frustration. “Why not?”

  “We have a thing.”

  “A thing?”

  He nods. “A thing.”

  This is how it’s always been with my brother. Always taking off, going somewhere he can’t talk about, probably to commit half a dozen crimes.

  But he’s been jerking me around for the full four days that I’ve been here. I’ve had enough.

  “Clive was my dad too,” I say in a tight voice. “Half of this ranch should be mine.”

  The four bodies around the table tense up as Killian’s eery golden eyes narrow down on me. He crushes his empty beer can in his hand and I shiver as my eyes drop down to the table.

  My courage and resolve always wither under that chilling stare.

  “You think this ranch belongs to you?” His voice is so low that it gives me goosebumps. “You left.”

  “I was a kid. My mom left. I had no choice.”

  “You never came back to visit unless you were forced to by the courts. You call our father Clive.”

  I raise my chin and meet his eyes, fighting back the fear that’s permeating my body. “I’d like to see the will.”

  He huffs out a breath as he walks to the table and grabs the two pieces of chicken. “And like I said, we have a thing. Let’s go, boys.”

  All four of the lion shifters explode up from the table and follow him out. They’re all wearing the same black leather jacket with the same logo on the back. Copeland Lions.

  I’m sitting at the empty table that’s a mess of chicken bones, crushed beer cans, and dirty plates as Killian walks over to the wall where his coat is hanging. He chuckles as he takes it off the hook and puts it on. He’s got no shirt on underneath and I shudder to think of what the inside of that jacket smells like.

  “Unfortunately, it seems like you got more of your whore mother in you than you got of our father.” He takes a large bite of a chicken drumstick and then tosses the rest into the sink. “This is my ranch, Z. You’re welcome to live here, but you’re not getting shit. Now, clean this mess up.”

  “It’s half mine by right!” I yell as he walks to the door, not even listening to what I’m saying. “There’s such a thing as laws even though you refuse to obey any of them! We’ll see what the courts have to say about it!”

  My voice gets drowned out by the deafening rumble of five motorcycles.

  God, I hate this place!

  I stomp over to the window and watch with my blood boiling as they rumble out of the ranch and disappear down the road.

  It was always bad growing up with Killian. I’m sure that’s why my mother wanted to leave.

  We share the same father, but we have different mothers. Even my brother’s first act in this world was violent. He killed his mother on the way out. He was too young to have claws and the doctors said that they shouldn’t have been extended, but it was too late. She had severe internal bleeding and was dead before they could roll her up to the operating table.

  Our father remarried a few years later to my mother, but she never loved Killian like a son. She never even trusted him, let alone loved him.

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