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  Olivia T. Turner


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  Become Obsessed with OTT

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10



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  Sun, Sand, and Seduction

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  Become Obsessed with OTT

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  By Olivia T. Turner

  A Mailing List Exclusive!

  When I look out my office window and see her in the next building, I know I have to have her.

  I buy the whole damn company she works for just to be near her.

  She’s going to be in my office working under me.

  Under, over, sideways—we’re going to be working together in every position.

  This young innocent girl is going to find out that I work my employees hard.

  And that her new rich CEO is already beyond obsessed with her.

  This dominant and powerful CEO will have you begging for overtime! Is it just me or is there nothing better than a hot muscular alpha in a suit and tie!

  All my books are SAFE with zero cheating and a guaranteed sweet HEA. Enjoy!

  Click here to get your free copy!

  This one is dedicated to my bridesmaid and longtime friend Megan.

  Deny it all you want dirty girl, I saw you at my wedding sneaking into the coat check with my cousin.

  This one is for you…

  Chapter One


  “Is that how you’re wearing your hair?” Becky asks me when all of the other bridesmaids are distracted with the champagne.

  She’s got that sour look on her face. The one that makes her look like a ferret.

  “I thought you said you were going to try and look decent for my wedding. Are you trying to ruin all of the wedding photos?”

  She’s shaking her head as she looks down at me.

  This is going to be my new stepmother.

  In a few hours.

  This monster is going to be in my family.

  I still can’t believe it. I’ll never understand what my father was thinking when he asked her to marry him.

  She’s a horrible person and this wedding is bringing out the worst in her.

  If there was a UFC for the world’s worst bridezillas, Becky would be reigning champion.

  Tears start to prickle my eyes as she steps back and looks me up and down with a disapproving look on her stern face.

  “And you promised you were going to lose some weight. What happened with that? Did you go to McDonald’s instead of the gym?”

  I feel my cheeks getting hot as I look down at my purple bridesmaid dress. Maybe I’m a little thick, but I’m not horrible looking enough to ruin a wedding.

  The worst part is that I did try to lose weight because I knew she would resent me if I wasn’t as stick thin as her other bridesmaids. And for another reason… Ashton is going to be at the wedding.

  “You begged us to pay for a gym membership and you don’t even use it,” she says, shaking her head in disgust. “When I move in with you and Thomas, there’s going to be a lot of changes, Violet. A lot of changes.”

  “I didn’t beg you,” I whisper under my breath.

  Her cruel eyes snap back up to mine. “What?”

  I didn’t. I didn’t even ask. I came home from school one day and there was a gym membership on my desk. It was in my name and there was a note beside it that said:

  I’d rather you walk down the aisle rather than waddle down it.

  You have 12 months paid.

  Do everyone a favor and use it.

  - Becky

  I showed it to my father, but he just shrugged and said that she wants the wedding to be perfect, that she’s trying her best to make that happen and that he’ll talk to her.

  A whole lot of good it did. Becky is great at turning on the sweetness and charms when my father is around, but as soon as he leaves the room, she’s all scowls and rolling eyes.

  She absolutely loathes me and wants me out of the house. She’ll be moving in next week as my father’s wife. I just turned eighteen and I can tell that my days in that house are numbered. She’s going to do everything she can to get me out of there.

  “What did you say?” she repeats. She’s staring at me with a challenging look, begging me to say something to set her off.

  I just grin at her. “Nothing. Mom.”

  Her nostrils flare and her eyes harden as I walk past her. She hates it when I call her that. In her eyes, she’s still a hot twenty-one-year-old, and I guess everyone else is too afraid to tell her that those days ended about twenty years ago.

  The wedding coordinator rushes in, looking stressed out as usual. We’re all getting ready in the suite of the hotel while the guests arrive at the reception area down below.

  “We’re at T-minus ten minutes,” the wedding coordinator says as she frantically looks over her clipboard. The poor girl is sweating.

  If Becky is meaner to one person in this world, it’s probably her. The wedding coordinator is terrified of making even the slightest mistake and incurring Becky’s wrath.

  “Have some champagne!” Sheila, the redheaded bridesmaid says as she skips over with a few glasses in her hand. Her cheeks are flushed and she’s smiling as she hands me one. I think she’s already had too many.

  “What kind is that?” Becky asks as she looks over at the bottle. “Moet and Chandon? Ugh. I only drink Crystal.”

  “More for me,” Sheila says as she raises her eyebrows at me.

  “No,” Becky snaps. “You’ve already had enough. I’m going for traditional and classy, not plastered and trashy. Put the glass down.”

  Sheila stuffs one into my hand and then puts the others on the dresser. Her group of friends were the mean girls in high school and big surprise, Becky was the queen bee. They’re in their early forties and they still do whatever she says.

  I go to take a sip and Becky rips the glass out of my hand. “Aren’t you underage? I’m sure with that extra weight you can handle the alcohol, but just in case, I don’t want you tripping while you’re walking down the aisle. Violet is the most clumsiest person I’ve ever met. I bet she takes after her mother, because her father is anything but clumsy. He is a rockstar in the bedroom.”

  My stomach churns as all of the other girls cheer.

  “Five minutes,” the wedding coordinator says, looking increasingly agitated.

  I walk over to her and pretend to look at the itinerary. “Is the best man here yet?” I whisper to her. “He was coming in from London.”

  “Mr. Ashton?” she says with her eyes lighting up. I should have known that she would have noticed him. He’s got the type of dark eyes that demand your attention. “Yes, he’s here.”

  My heart starts to pound a little faster. He’s here. Ashton Sparks is here.

  Becky can tear me down all she wants, but she can’t ruin this.

  I’ve been waiting to see him for four years. Four long years.

  The last time I saw him was at my mother’s funeral. I was fourteen and already in love. I’ve been in love with him for my entire life.

  He picked me up at the cemetery and held me close to his chest as everyone cried. I can still remember the soothing sound of his heart beating, the sweet smell of the rose on his jacket, the feeling like everything was going to be okay while I was in his arms even though my whole world was crashing down around me.

  And then he moved.

  I was heartbroken. Devastated.

  He left to London for work and I never saw him again.

  My friends cycled through crushes on a weekly basis. Boys in the class, movie stars, musicians, the occasional teacher, the lifeguard at the pool. Not me. I’ve only had eyes for one man and he was across the Atlantic ocean from me.

  My father met Ashton in college and they’ve been best friends ever since. I don’t know how many times I’ve looked at the pictures from their college days that my father had tucked away in the basement. They’re all curled up at the edges and worn out, but it’s not from time, it’s from a teenage Violet rubbing her fingertips over his arms and kissing his face while wishing it was the real thing.

  My father visited him from time to time in London, and I always begged him to take me but he never did.

  “It’s going to be boring,” he would say.

  Like spending time with Ashton could ever be boring.

  I was a little girl the last time he saw me, but I’m eighteen now. Most people would say that he’s way too old for me, but I don’t agree. I’ve always belonged to him, even if he’s never known it.

  I’m wondering where he is now. What he’s doing. What he looks like in his suit. If he’s still as sexy as I remember…

  “Get your head out of the clouds, Violet,” Becky says as she walks past me. She bumps her elbow into
my breast as she passes. “And try not to ruin this for me.”

  She hates me because my dad loves me. I guess she feels threatened by my existence and she’s doing what bitches do when they feel threatened: they get their claws out.

  I just stare forward with a nervous excitement radiating through my body as the wedding coordinator lines us up.

  She brings us downstairs and we see the groomsmen waiting in the hall. They’re all there except for my father and Ashton. I have to walk down the aisle to them.

  I know that I’ll be fantasizing that I’m the bride and I’m walking down the aisle to him. It will be bittersweet once I get to the top and have to face that he’s here for my father and not for me.

  I take a deep breath as my cousin Doug takes a hold of my arm. “Looking good, cuz.”

  “You too. I didn’t think you’d ever take that Metallic t-shirt off.”

  “I’m wearing it under my shirt,” he says with a grin.

  “Shhhh,” Becky hisses from the back of the line.

  “What’s with Bridezilla?” Doug whispers.

  I try to stifle my laugh, but it doesn’t work. “Bridezilla got her head chopped off by a much more heinous monster: Beckyzilla.”

  We both laugh as the wedding coordinator opens the doors. The music starts and she waves me and Doug forward into the packed reception hall.

  I take a deep breath and start walking.

  Chapter Two


  “Look at the turnout,” I say as I look around at the packed reception hall. “They must be all on your new bride’s side. I know an asshole like you couldn’t draw a crowd like this.”

  My best friend Thomas laughs. “You came all the way from London to be by my side.”

  “Yeah, but I’m an asshole too. Us assholes have to stick together.”

  He laughs as he slaps his hand on my back.

  “Thanks for coming, buddy.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I’ve been living in London for the past four years, but my best friend is still and will always be Thomas. I’m thrilled to be standing next to him today as his best man.

  “But seriously,” I say as more people come in. “Who are all of these people? Does Becky have a huge family?”

  He shakes his head as he waves at someone in the third row. “Not even. Hardly anyone from her family even came.”

  That’s odd. I haven’t met her yet and I trust Thomas’ judgment, but there’s something kind of off when a bride’s family doesn’t even come to her wedding.

  Thomas is a rich man and I don’t want him to be taken advantaged of. He’s always had a blindspot with women. I can still remember his slutty second girlfriend who offered me a blowjob at his house while he was making her a sandwich in the kitchen. He thought he was going to marry that one.

  Luckily, he found his true love, Pam. My chest tightens when I remember her funeral and how his adorable little girl was clinging onto me like she never wanted to let me go.

  I push away the sad thoughts and put a smile on my face. This is a happy day. My best friend is in love again and hopefully, it’s to another great woman.

  “This is all my company,” he whispers to me as he winks at someone in the crowd. “I had to invite all three hundred and sixteen of them and their spouses.”

  “Wow,” I say as I look around. I have over four hundred employees in my company and I’ve never even had lunch with one of them.

  “I keep telling them we’re a family,” he whispers. “It’s kind of hard to keep saying that after I didn’t invite them to my wedding.”

  I laugh as I slap his back. Thomas always was a big softie.

  “How’s Violet?” I ask, thinking back to the way she smelled when I held her in my arms. She was so cute and innocent. I always loved that girl. “Does she get along with Becky?”

  “Oh yeah,” he says with a nod. “They’re like best friends.”

  I tilt my head as I look at him with a raised eyebrow. “Really?”

  He sighs. “It could be better.” He looks at his watch and straightens up. “It’s going to start any second now.”

  The piano starts playing and everyone goes quiet. “Good luck,” I whisper.

  Suddenly, the double doors fly open and everyone turns around with a gasp.

  The smile slowly fades from my face when Violet appears.

  This is not the young goofy girl I remember. She’s all grown up and the beautiful sight of her in that purple dress is preventing me from breathing.

  My whole body is tight and my heart is beating a mile a minute as I watch her. She looks right at me and the sight of her gorgeous blue eyes locked onto mine make my legs buckle.

  I hold onto Thomas for support as she turns away with her cheeks blushing. She looks at the crowd on the left and then on the right, smiling shyly the entire time.

  I can’t believe it. I’m stunned.

  This is Thomas’ daughter? This is the girl who used to ride her pink bike up and down his driveway whenever I came over? The girl who asked me to marry her when she was only nine-years-old?

  If I knew she would have turned out like this, I would have said yes immediately.

  Her eyes make their way back to mine and her cheeks redden even more when we make eye contact. It feels like she’s reaching in through my chest and clenching my soul.

  My hands are squeezed into fists by my side. Every cell in my body is screaming at me to rush down the aisle and take her. To throw her over my shoulder and bring her back to London.

  It takes every last ounce of restraint I have to keep my feet planted on the floor.

  Her beautiful brown hair is styled up with baby’s breath flowers pinned all around, making her look like she just dropped out of heaven. My eyes drink up every inch of her young supple body from her bare neck and shoulders down to her curvy hips. She has big tits and more curves than the skinny bridesmaids behind her. She’s so fucking perfect. I can’t even handle it.

  I’m finally able to rip my eyes away from her to glare at the guy on her arm. An edgy, twitchy feeling starts to take over my body when I see her hand gripping his bicep. I don’t want her touching anyone but me. It’s making my pulse race. It’s causing a pounding in my ears.

  Thomas leans over and whispers to me while I’m picturing taking this guy’s head and snapping his neck in front of everyone to see. Then they’d all know that this girl is mine and not to be touched.

  “That’s my beautiful girl,” Thomas whispers. “Isn’t she—Holy shit, Ashton! Are you okay?”

  I’m so fucking far from okay.

  I feel like I just shattered and only she can pick up the pieces.

  My body is trembling and my face is probably as red as the rose on my lapel.

  Then I recognize the kid. Thank god.

  My breath comes back. My chest loosens a bit.

  I still don’t like him touching her, but it’s better knowing that he’s her cousin. It’s Derek or Donny or Doug or something like that.

  “Ashton,” Thomas whispers as she approaches. She’s so close. I inhale deep, trying to smell her, but I can’t. She’s too far away. “Do you need to sit down?”

  I don’t answer. I can’t answer. I can’t talk. I can’t do anything but stare.

  They walk up the steps and Thomas takes his attention off me to step forward and kiss her cheek.

  I don’t stop staring at her even as her cousin steps beside me and playfully hits my arm. He says something that I don’t hear over the pounding in my ears.

  One couple after another come up, but my eyes are locked on the young teenage beauty across the alter from me.

  Violet is smiling as she watches the bridesmaids join her, but it’s a tight smile. The adorable little lines around her eyes aren’t there and I can’t see her white teeth. Every few seconds her eyes flitter on me, but as soon as she sees me staring, they dart away.

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