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Sun, Sand, and Seduction

  Sun, Sand, and Seduction

  Olivia T. Turner



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  Become Obsessed with OTT

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10




  Don’t be shy. Come Follow Me…

  Mountain Man Taken

  Guarding Her Body


  Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.


  Edited by Karen Collins Editing

  Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner

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  By Olivia T. Turner

  A Mailing List Exclusive!

  When I look out my office window and see her in the next building, I know I have to have her.

  I buy the whole damn company she works for just to be near her.

  She’s going to be in my office working under me.

  Under, over, sideways—we’re going to be working together in every position.

  This young innocent girl is going to find out that I work my employees hard.

  And that her new rich CEO is already beyond obsessed with her.

  This dominant and powerful CEO will have you begging for overtime! Is it just me or is there nothing better than a hot muscular alpha in a suit and tie!

  All my books are SAFE with zero cheating and a guaranteed sweet HEA. Enjoy!

  Click here to get your free copy!

  To the cute boy I met in Hawaii

  Wherever you are now…

  You lied about being a surfer

  But you didn’t lie about your big board

  Chapter One


  I smile when I spot him.

  He’s lying on his board in the ocean next to his friend as the huge blue waves crash down in front of them. I can’t see his face too well from the beach, but I’d recognize that bright pink surfboard anywhere. Only Bodhi Slater can rock a bright pink like that.

  I sit down on the warm sand and dig my toes in deeper where it’s cooler. The waves are big today, not the giants like last week, but big enough that the local surfers like Bodhi are having fun.

  My breath catches as I watch him paddle forward as a wave begins to rise out of the ocean. He leaps up on his board and my body starts to tingle when I see him begin to surf the crest.

  He crunches down low and I get treated to the gorgeous view of his shredded body. He doesn’t have an ounce of fat on him and his arms are pure perfection under a layer of sexy tattoos. Every twist of his body shows off a new ab muscle that I didn’t even know existed.

  “He’s wearing his light grey boardshorts today, Gamma,” I whisper even though there’s no one around me. I know it’s crazy, but I still think she can hear me. If her soul is anywhere in this universe, it’s beside me watching Bodhi surfing. That was our favorite thing to do, and Bodhi’s grey boardshorts were always her favorite. She loved how his butt looked in them.

  “Look at that ass,” she would say as she slapped the armrest of her wheelchair. “If I was seventy years younger…”

  I would always laugh until she cut her horny gaze and turned to me. “You’re seventy years younger. What’s your excuse?”

  My excuse? A guy like Bodhi Slater would never talk to me. That’s my excuse and it’s always been a good one.

  He owns Slater Surfboards. Not only do they make the best surfboards on planet earth, but they have the biggest clothing line in Maui. You can pick any hot girl with long tanned legs on any beach in Hawaii and there’s a ninety-five percent chance that they’re hiding their perfect tits in a Slater brand Sun, Sand, and Seduction bikini.

  Gamma would always shake her head whenever I told her that going after the island’s coolest and sexiest CEO would lead to nothing but embarrassment.

  That woman did not believe in excuses. She came from a tough generation that took what they wanted. They made the United States into the powerhouse that it is today through sheer will and badassery. Nazis causing shit? All right, let’s go kick their asses. Economy in the shitter? All right, let’s roll up our sleeves and turn this ship around.

  She was from the generation that went to the moon just because why the hell not? They laid down the railroad tracks and built the freeways that connected the country.

  All we do is divide it by typing garbage into our phones while driving over the broken roads that they built for us. Not even bothering to fix any of it.

  Maybe I should be more like her… Gamma always was my favorite person.

  Tears start to prickle my eyes as I grab a handful of sand and let it leak through my fingers. It’s only been three weeks. It still hurts.

  I still miss her so much.

  Bodhi drops into the wave and my heart starts pounding when I see him start to ride it. He’s so good. He’s so fucking hot.

  His light brown hair is just the right length of long and it blows in the wind as he goes. He hasn’t shaved yet and his jaw is all scruffy—just the way I like it.

  How many times have I fantasized about sliding my hands over those scruffy cheeks as he leaned down to kiss me?

  Too many to count.

  Bodhi puts his hand in the water and does a cutback, turning back into the power of the wave. I never take my eyes off him as he keeps riding it.

  Every morning before work he’s here, and every morning I’m here to watch him.

  I’ve been in Maui for a year, but I’ve only missed the days that Gamma was really sick.

  Just over a year ago, I was living in Pittsburgh. It was cold and snowy and gross and I had no job or boyfriend or life really. Gamma got sick. I was a wreck.

  It was her idea to move down to Hawaii to spend the last days of her life in the sun and sand where she belonged and she asked me to come with her.

  I didn’t even have to think about it. My parents have always been no good and Gamma was always the one who looked out for me. She made sure I had shoes that fit and that my homework was always done. She lived in the unit above ours in the duplex that her and my grandfather bought and I spent every moment I could up there.

  It was my sanctuary. It was my true home. And Gamma was my only real parent.

  So when she asked me to come and live with her in Hawaii, I said yes immediately. It killed me that I might be living in a world without her and I wanted to spend as much time with her as I could, so I dropped what little I had and came down.

  A part of me thinks that she did it for me. To get me out of my funk. To get me in the sun and sand and maybe even get me laid. Well, I’ve been in the sun and the sand, but that’s about it. I’m a still a nineteen-year-old virgin living in paradise, but sad as fuck.

  Watching Bodhi surf is the only thing that brings a smile to my face these days.

  The wave runs out and he drops to his pink board and begins paddling back out when my phone rings.

  Shit. My dad.


  “I got a buyer. I need you out of the house in three days.”

  My stomach drops and I’m struggling to breathe. Three days?


  “I need you to get all of Gamma’s shit out of there. Today!”

  I can feel my blood pressure starting to rise as my chest tightens. He knows it’s supposed to be mine.

  “Gamma was supposed to leave it for me, Dad. She told me.”

  Our little place that has the best views of the sunset in the world. A ten-minute walk to this spot. Gamma told me that she was going to arrange the will so I could have it when she was gone. She didn’t want me to return to Pittsburgh any more than I wanted to go back.

  “She was my mother, Ruby. All of her belongings go to me.”

  Not all of them. Only the ones he could trade for money.

  “But I have nowhere else to stay. I have no job or money to rent an apartment.”

  I can hear the impatience and lack of shit giving in his annoyed breathing. “Then come back to Pittsburgh. You can stay in your old room until you find a job.”

  The thought makes me nauseous. I’d rather walk into the ocean and let thos
e huge waves swallow me whole.

  “But, Gamma told me—”

  “I’m not going to argue about this with you!” my dad snaps. “It’s sold. I’m keeping the money. Either come back or don’t. Just be out in three days.”

  The line goes dead and all I can hear is the seagulls, the crashing of the waves, and the whistling of the wind as it blows into my hair.

  I drop my phone back into my bag and look up at the blue sky.

  “I wish you were still here.”

  There’s no answer. There never is.

  I’m starting to think that I’m completely on my own now.

  It’s a lonely feeling.

  I turn back to Bodhi as he hops onto his pink board and catches another huge wave.

  “At least I have you, Bodhi,” I whisper to him even though he can’t hear me. “I just wish you had me back.”

  Chapter Two


  The stress just melts off me as I ride the crest of the wave. The hot Hawaiian sun is on my face, the ocean is spraying me with a fine mist, and I’m feeling like a king as I stand on top of the best waves in the world.

  I grin as I crouch down low, tilt my board into the wave, and fall into it. The wind whips through my hair and waters my eyes as I twist my hips to bring my board back up.

  I come here every morning before work.

  Surfing is my yoga, my meditation, my escape. I don’t know where I’d be without it. Probably a wreck of tension and energy. Definitely not the founder and CEO of one of the island’s biggest companies. I’ve always been wound really tight with an intense personality and surfing is the only thing that keeps me level and keeps me from snapping someone’s neck.

  Dylan says I need to get laid, but I’ve never had much of a need for that. I’m surrounded by beautiful women all day and they all want a piece of my rich ass, but I’m not interested in any of them. At the headquarters of my clothing brand—Sun, Surf, and Seduction—there are always gorgeous models walking the halls as well as professional female surfers who have the best bodies around. Best bodies for the ad campaigns—not for me. I like someone with a real body. Curves, beautiful flaws, sweet imperfections—those are the good stuff.

  Nothing is more boring than perfect.

  “There’s a big one,” Dylan shouts out once the wave has disappeared and I’m paddling back. “I’m taking it.”

  I shake my head when I see the size of it. He’s not much of a surfer, but I like hanging around the guy. He’s my CFO and best friend since childhood. He’s lucky he helped me fight off Charlie Parker in the third grade when he was bullying me over a girl, otherwise, I would never keep him around the office. He’s absolute shit at his job.

  Good at banging the models though, but shit at handling the company’s finances.

  Dylan paddles out to the crest and hops up on his board. He doesn’t even last five seconds before he falls off and tumbles down the edge.

  I laugh as the wave comes crashing down on his head. The only surfing skill he has is that he can hold his breath for over four minutes. If not for that, he would have been dead a long time ago.

  He pops up a few minutes later near the shore and I paddle out to catch one last wave before we have to get to work. We’re about to launch a national marketing campaign for a new line of bikinis and we have the first photoshoot today. There are going to be models everywhere. Dylan is very excited. I’m dreading it.

  The ocean starts to rise and I do my thing, paddling to the crest before jumping on my bright pink board and melting my stress away.

  I’m riding it hard when I spot someone on the beach that yanks my attention away like a ripcord.

  My chest tightens and I can’t breathe as I stare at her. She’s sitting crosslegged in the sand, watching me.

  The warm breeze is dragging her wavy hair in front of her face as she grabs handfuls of sand in her tiny hands and lets it drain through her fingers.

  She’s fucking perfect.


  Her gorgeous eyes look red and sad like she’s trying not to cry and a surge of emotion swells inside of me. I want to know who made those sweet eyes tear up so I can find them and take their worthless lives for making my girl upset.

  Listen to me… I’m already calling her my girl.

  I’m an animal at heart and she’s bringing the untamed side out of me. I want to rush over there and be by her side. Protect her. Comfort her. Breed her. I want it all.

  She steals my attention and I’m so captivated by her that I can’t pull my eyes away. Which is a bad thing when you’re riding a ten-foot wave. My board catches the water and it sends me flying like a piece of seaweed. I hit the water hard and it knocks the breath out of my lungs right as the wave crashes down on my head.

  It plunges me down deep into the ocean and viciously throws me around like a bug getting flushed down the toilet. I get thrown around every which way, but the turmoil of the crashing wave is nothing compared to what I’m feeling inside.

  I swim hard to the surface for a breath. Not of air, but of her. She’s the new air that I breathe. I have to see her again.

  My head finally pops out of the water and I look around the beach with frantic eyes. I spot her, but she’s standing up and picking up her bag. She wipes the sand off of her beautiful curvy ass as she takes one last look up and down the beach before heading toward the path out.

  “No!” I shout. “Wait! Com—”

  Another wave crashes on my head and I get a gallon of salty water shoved down my throat. Fuck!

  I come up coughing and hacking up ocean water. I can barely breathe let alone call to her, so I just watch through my watery eyes. She’s incredible.

  I’m in a daze as I watch her walk along the beautiful Hawaiian beach like she’s a goddess of sand and sun. She’s in a bikini with a sarong wrapped around her waist, but she’s not like all of the other perfect Barbie girls that are constantly buzzing around me like flies. She’s thicker with a real woman’s body. She’s the girl I want for my ad campaign.

  She’s also the girl who I want to carry my child.

  So many conflicting emotions are battling within me and I don’t know how to handle any of it. It feels like I’m being torn apart from two directions.

  I want to see her face on billboards, but at the same time, I want to keep her all to myself. I want everyone to see her beauty, but at the same time, I want to take the eyes of anyone who dares to look at her body.

  I told you I was a little intense.

  I’m a powerful man who gets what he wants and I just found the ultimate prize. The girl who I want to own.

  And nothing is going to stop me from getting her. Except maybe for these relentless fucking waves.

  Another one crashes down on my head while I’m distracted and Dylan is laughing his ass off when I finally come back up.

  “You got wrecked, dude!”

  He’s paddling over on his board and dragging mine behind him. I grab onto it and float as I search the beach for her.

  She’s gone.

  “Aren’t you going to get on?” he asks with a chuckle.

  I can’t. My cock is rock hard and I don’t know how to surf with a hard-on.

  “You go ahead,” I say as the world spins around me. “I need a second.”

  He shrugs and paddles off, leaving me as I try to compose myself. I’ve never had a reaction to a girl like that. Ever. And I’ve seen them all.

  My dick isn’t going down anytime soon, so I just hop on my board and get a tiny bit of relief by pressing my hard shaft against the board while I paddle back to shore.

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