Busted, page 1

Olivia T. Turner
Become Obsessed with OTT
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
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Working Under the Professor
Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email Olivia@oliviatturner.com
Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!
This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.
Edited by Karen Collins Editing
Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner
Everything changed when I pulled her over.
I was no longer just a cop.
After seeing the innocence shining from her bright blue eyes I became more.
I became her protector, her guardian, her defender, her everything.
But this gorgeous young girl who gets my heart pumping is anything but innocent.
She’s driving a stolen car.
She has fifty kilos of cocaine in her trunk.
She has to be punished.
But there’s no way I’m sending this angel to prison.
She’s mine.
I’ll deal with her punishment. My way.
And this obsessed renegade cop knows just how to handle a naughty girl like her…
Become Obsessed with OTT
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By Olivia T. Turner
A Mailing List Exclusive!
When I look out my office window and see her in the next building, I know I have to have her.
I buy the whole damn company she works for just to be near her.
She’s going to be in my office working under me.
Under, over, sideways—we’re going to be working together in every position.
This young innocent girl is going to find out that I work my employees hard.
And that her new rich CEO is already beyond obsessed with her.
This dominant and powerful CEO will have you begging for overtime! Is it just me or is there nothing better than a hot muscular alpha in a suit and tie!
All my books are SAFE with zero cheating and a guaranteed sweet HEA. Enjoy!
Click here to get your free copy!
To all the hot men in uniform
and all of the women gawking at them.
Chapter One
An empty feeling hits the pit of my stomach when my phone rings. I cringe when I see his horrible face staring at me.
It’s Shrek.
Not the grumpy ogre from DreamWorks. The grumpy ogre from my nightmares.
He’s my sister’s ex-boyfriend and my current boss.
I hate him. He’s pure evil.
Ever since he and my sister broke up, he’s been making my life a living hell. It’s a game for him. A sport. How horrible can I make Mindy’s life?
And he’s a star player.
I’m relegated to the company’s worst jobs, he constantly berates me, and I haven’t been paid in six weeks.
I take a deep breath as I pick up my vibrating phone. I glance out of the car window and think about throwing it onto the highway for a second, but ultimately I slide my thumb across the screen and answer.
Immediately, he starts barking in my ear.
He’s screaming at me because I haven’t called with an update. I called an hour ago.
“I’m still driving through Georgia,” I respond. “I’m driving through three states here, Shrek. It’s going to take me a little more than thirty minutes!”
“Don’t sass me, Mindy.” His voice is lower, calmer, and somehow that’s even worse than the yelling. “That package has to get to Miami safely. If it doesn’t, the next package I’ll be transporting across state lines will be your head.”
My palms start to get all sweaty on the steering wheel. I gulp as I dry them on my pants.
Shrek doesn’t make idle threats. When he says he’ll do something, he means it.
“I’m getting there,” I say with my voice all shaky. “But I’m driving from Charleston to Miami. It’s going to take some time. Plus, I know you don’t want me speeding and having a nosy cop wondering why the trunk is sealed.”
That shuts him right up.
Shrek is the owner of an online gambling site, but I’m convinced that he has ties to organized crime. I’ve seen firsthand the kinds of visitors that walk through Shrek’s office. They never look like the corporate type in suits and ties. They look like extras from The Sopranos who were cut because they were too ugly to be on TV.
“Take your time, but you better be there on time. You’ll get your money when my car arrives at the garage. Don’t cross me on this girl.”
“I won’t,” I say, trying to appease him. “You picked me to drive the car because I’m dependable, right?”
“I picked you to drive the car because no cop would suspect an innocent bright-eyed virgin like you to be a criminal.”
I close my eyes and wince. I still can’t believe my sister told him I was a virgin.
“And if a cop does stop you, don’t let him near that trunk.”
“What is in the trunk?”
He never told me and it was already sealed when I got in the car. My guess is it’s all of the financial records for his online gambling website, but with Shrek, you never know. It could be anything.
I didn’t want to get in, but he can be quite scary and when he’s scary, he’s very persuasive. I felt like I didn’t have a choice. So I got in and started driving.
“You let me worry about what’s in the trunk and you worry about getting that car to Miami in one piece. Or you’ll be leaving in several.”
The phone clicks dead and I swallow hard as I stare forward with my heart pounding.
How did I even get here?
I was just a normal girl growing up. I was from a nice family and went to a nice school.
It all changed when I got the job at Jackpot Nation Online, an online gambling site that seemed legit enough. I got hired as the receptionist and the boss, Mr. Kirk (who everyone calls Shrek because he has an eery resemblance to the ogre, minus the green skin and trumpet ears), was nice enough at first.
My sister Anna came by once to meet me for lunch and Shrek took a liking to her. They dated for a while, but my sister broke it off after he showed his vicious temper when he snapped at their waitress and made the poor girl cry. Anna knew eventually he’d be talking to her like that, so she dumped him.
Then it all changed. Shrek wasn’t so nice to me anymore after that.
The past three weeks with him have been hell. I’d quit, but I can’t find another job and I’m afraid of what he might do if I try.
It’s okay, Mindy, I tell myself when I feel my eyes start to water. Just get to Miami. You’ll be fine.
I turn the radio on for a little distraction and Demi Lovato’s Sorry Not Sorry comes on. It immediately makes me feel better and I crank it up, singing at the top of my lungs at how much of a savage I am.
I’m flying down the highway with the music blaring when suddenly I see a cop ride up to my bumper.
My stomach drops. It becomes difficult to breathe.
I was going too fast. Stupid. Stupid.
The song is still blaring. Demi is still a savage. I’m just a frightened little girl who wants to go home.
I turn off the radio and my ears are ringing. My chest feels like it’s caving in.
There could be anything in this car. Anything.
Why did I agree to drive it? How could I be so frigging stupid?
I pull into the next lane, hoping that he’s going to pass me and pull over some other poor driver, and for a second I get my hopes up that he will, but it all comes crashing down when he changes lanes and continues to ride my bumper.
His lights go on, flashing like I’ve just won something. Congratulations, you’ve just won a wonderful trip to the slammer for ten to twenty years!
God, I feel like I’m going to be sick.
This can’t be happening.
I try to get a hold of myself as I pull over to the side. It’s going to be okay. I’ve never gotten a ticket before. Maybe he’ll let me go with a stern warning after I promise him that I’ll never speed again.
What’s in the trunk?
I take a deep breath and push that scary question out of my head.
It doesn’t matter. He won’t open it.
Just smile and bat your eyelashes. You’ll be fine.
My eyes are glued to the rearview mirror
I finally see the cop behind the wheel. He has dark aviator sunglasses on his mean-looking face. He looks terrifying.
This is so bad.
My stomach churns as I close my eyes and squeeze the steering wheel.
The door opens and he steps out.
I gulp.
Please don’t fuck this up.
Chapter Two
“Jackpot,” I whisper under my breath when I run the license plate and hit pay dirt. The owner of the car has an outstanding warrant for his arrest. Vincent Kirk, wanted for drug trafficking.
I check my gun and then grip the handle as adrenaline starts pumping through my veins.
Protocol says I’m supposed to call for backup, but I’m not going to. The other cops on the force are married with kids and I don’t want to put any of them in a dangerous situation if I don’t have to.
But really, I want him all for myself. I live for moments like this and don’t want to share it with anyone.
It’s highly likely that he’s armed and this routine traffic stop for speeding is probably going to get violent.
I open the door and step out of my cruiser, holding the gun down by my side. With my eyes locked on the perp, I creep along the side of the door.
I give the car a quick once over. The trunk seems to be welded shut. I’ll be checking that for sure.
Besides that, the back is empty, except for a few clothes, and there’s no one in the passenger seat. It’s just me and the driver.
“Hands on the steering wheel,” I shout when I’m behind his door.
My shoulders slink down in disappointment when I see small female hands rise up and grab the wheel. It’s not him. Shit.
I take a step in front of the door and my heart stops when I see the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen looking up at me. Her blue eyes are red and puffy like she’s been crying, but it just makes her look even more stunning.
I get lost in her bright blue eyes as she stares at me, and for a moment I forget where I am. I forget what I’m doing. It’s like I got hit by a truck without realizing it and now I’m waking up in heaven and this is my first view of an angel.
An eighteen-wheeler roars by me, snapping me out of my daze. I’m still here.
She’s not an angel, she’s real.
Her brown hair is flowing down onto her shoulders in waves and all I can think about is sliding my hand into it and grabbing a fistful. Pulling her to my mouth. Tasting those lush pink lips.
A fierce determination to have her fills every inch of my body.
I want her so badly. The need is already consuming me.
She’s holding onto the steering wheel and her arms are pressing her perky little breasts together under her shirt. My eyes drop down to the little show of cleavage she’s revealing and my dick hardens at the gorgeous sight.
I squeeze the handle of my gun as my pulse starts racing. I want her clothes off. I want to see every inch of her breathtaking body up close and in detail.
My eyes roam down her slender arms to her hands. Fuck, how good would it feel to have those hands wrapped around my hard cock?
I feel a sticky wetness on my thigh. She’s so hot that she’s making me leak cum just from a single look. That’s never happened to me before.
I’m still imagining her fingers sliding up and down my shaft when I notice that they’re trembling. My eyes dart back to her face. She looks nervous. On edge. Her jaw is clenched tight and there’s a panicked look in her beautiful eyes even though she’s trying to hide it. What is she hiding?
How could this sweet young girl be anything but innocent?
She looks so damn pure. So damn angelic.
It’s then that I remember whose car this is. Vincent Kirk, wanted drug trafficker. If he’s her boyfriend, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
I start to get all edgy and twitchy as my whole body tightens. Just thinking of another man’s hands on her is making me want to break something. My pulse elevates. My breathing comes out rushed and violent, drying my throat.
This girl is mine now even if she doesn’t realize it.
She belongs to Officer Owen Hardin.
And I’ll be damned if I’m going to let another man so much as look at what’s mine.
“Roll down the window,” I say in a barking command.
She lets go of the steering wheel and does as I say. I inhale deeply, hoping to catch a whiff of her scent, but all I can smell is the exhaust from all of the damn cars on the highway.
She quickly ruffles through her purse to get it and my eyes are locked on her breasts the entire time. I’m practically salivating as I see the soft fleshy curves rippling in waves under her shirt.
“Here you go,” she says in a tiny voice as she hands it over.
I take it without a word.
Mindy Roman. She just turned eighteen seven weeks ago. From Charleston, South Carolina.
She looks ravishing in the picture on her license. Nobody looks good on their license picture, but somehow she still looks like a goddess.
I can’t bring myself to give it back so I slip it into the pocket on my chest. I’ll keep it with me forever and anytime I’m all worked up and need to see her face in order to calm down, I’ll have it with me.
“Are you keeping that?” she asks with a look of concern on her face.
“Yes. Whose car are you driving?”
She gulps.
“Is it your boyfriend’s?”
My whole body is on edge as I wait for her answer. My jaw is clenched, my breathing stopped.
She shakes her head and I take a deep breath of relief.
“It’s my boss’ car. I don’t have a… boyfriend.”
I keep my face hard and my back straight, but I’m dancing on the inside. I’ve never been happier. I’ve never felt so relieved.
I take a deep breath and refocus as I look down at her. “Your boss is a wanted man. Do you know that?”
She gives me a tight smile. “I’m not surprised.”
“What’s in the trunk?”
Her eyes dart to the back and then quickly come back to mine. “I don’t know. He didn’t tell me.”
I look at her for a long moment and then put my gun back in the holster. My hard cock is still locked and loaded, but I can’t seem to put that one away.
“Step out of the car.”
Her face turns pale as her eyes widen. “But—”
I’m fighting back a grin as she opens the door and steps out. She’s tiny. The top of her head barely goes up to my shoulders.
I slowly look her up and down and my dick just gets harder. It’s burning to be touched.
“Hands on the hood.”
She looks terrified as she does what I say and puts her hands on the car.
“Spread your legs out.”
I swallow down a groan as she takes a wider step. Her head is down with her ass in the air. My chest tightens as I walk up behind her. She’s wearing little shorts and the lines from the seat on the back of her thighs is making my body react in the most intense way. I want to drag my tongue along those lines without stopping until I get to her ripe juicy cunt.
“Do you have any weapons on you?”
She shakes her head. “No.”
She’s lying. Her whole body is a weapon. It’s killing me.
“I’m going to search you now.”
Her body stiffens as my big palms come down on her leg. I pat her down slowly, carefully, moving up one inch at a time. There’s no way she’s hiding weapons on her bare skin, but it doesn’t stop me from touching it.
Hot cum is oozing out of my dick as I feel the soft warm skin of her inner thighs. I pat-down one leg, rising dangerously close to her young cunt. My finger hovers a breath away from it, so close that I can feel the heat radiating off of her lips.