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Spread for the Alpha (The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters Book 2), page 1


Spread for the Alpha (The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters Book 2)
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Spread for the Alpha (The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters Book 2)

  Spread for the Alpha

  The Ridge Brothers Bear Shifters #2

  Olivia T. Turner




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10




  Become Obsessed with OTT

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  Mountain Man Taken

  Copyright© 2019 by Olivia T. Turner.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author. For permission requests, email Olivia@oliviatturner.com

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events, businesses, companies, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.



  Edited by Karen Collins Editing

  Cover Design by Olivia T. Turner


  I’m only in this small Montana town until the mechanic fixes my car.

  That’s my plan, but apparently, the muscular naked guy outside has a different plan for me.

  His dark eyes are full of possession as he stares down at me like I belong to him.

  It’s like I fell into an alternate reality. It feels like I’m in Alice In Wonderland, the porno version.

  He seems to be completely transfixed with my curves.

  And he’s becoming more than a little obsessed with my body.

  The body that has turned against me. It’s a traitor. It’s on Everett’s side now.

  It obeys every single command spoken in that deep growly voice of his.

  I don’t normally do these things.

  I’m a virgin after all.

  But I won’t be for long if I keep obeying the dirty commands coming out of his mouth.

  He keeps saying I’m his mate and that it’s his job to protect me.

  Well, I’m finding out that he takes his job very seriously.

  Because he won’t let me leave his bedroom…

  …and that’s perfectly fine with me.

  Do you like an alpha who snarls in the streets and growls in the sheets? Everett is a dominant Over-The-Top grizzly bear shifter who will have you howling for more.

  This is the second book in the series, but it can be read as a standalone. Bare for the Alpha is the first.

  This hot shifter book is SAFE, with no cheating, and a furry HEA guaranteed. Enjoy!

  For my husband.

  I love you and would never do a thing to hurt you.

  Well… except for that time I threw a fork at your head.

  In my defense, you totally had it coming.



  Chapter One


  The horses are on edge today.

  Swishing tails. Flared nostrils. Darting eyes. They won’t come near me even though I have their favorite breakfast. All six of them looked spooked and ready to bolt.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to soothe the raging beast inside.

  Calm the fuck down. You’re scaring the horses.

  He doesn’t care. He’s got one thing on his mind and it’s not feeding horses.

  Go! he screams at me. Claim her! You’re fucking useless! Find her!

  My inner grizzly bear doesn’t use words, but the message comes through loud and clear.

  I try to ignore him, but that’s impossible this morning. He’s snarling in my ear and continuously rushing the surface, trying to break through and get out.

  Let me out! he screams. If you won’t find her, I will.

  I squeeze my hands into fists and try to focus on my breathing.

  In. Out. In. Out. Nice and slowly.

  That comes to an abrupt end when the fucker surges forward.

  My body tightens. Muscles swelling. Skin about to tear.

  I grit my aching, growing teeth and let out a growl as I push him back down.

  It takes everything I have, but I manage. I’m breathing heavily with my heart pounding as he slinks back down inside. Pissed off and sulking.

  “I’ll find her,” I hiss. “But it’s six thirty in the goddamn morning. She’s probably sleeping.”

  He huffs out a grunt at me and continues pacing within.

  I look around and the horses are gone. They’ve scattered around the ranch and I don’t blame them.

  I would get far away from my grizzly bear too if we weren’t stuck together like some kind of freakshow multi-species conjoined twins.

  “Look what you did,” I mutter as I grab the food. “They’re terrified of you.”

  I toss the oats in the trough and then lay the carrots and apples I brought for them on top. After replenishing the hay and filling up the water trough, I head over to the huge tree and climb up onto a thick branch.

  My hands are trembling as I watch the horses slowly return.

  It’s been like this for the past seven hours.

  I was coming out of the bar around midnight last night in the town of Blackcloud Point when it hit me.

  The scent.

  Her scent.

  It felt like fire searing through my veins. It burned, but it felt so good.

  I knew immediately that I was smelling my mate.

  Nothing in my twenty-nine years on this planet had prepared me for that moment. It buckled me. Dropped me to my knees.

  I could feel her essence radiating through me, clenching my core, stealing my breath.

  It was the most amazing thing I’d ever experienced.

  Brutal but beautiful.

  My mate… Finally, she was in my life.

  It was just a faint smell, but still… I knew she was close.

  It was my first time experiencing that scent, but I knew it in my bones that it was her.

  The horses are chomping down on their breakfast as I watch with my pulse racing. A bead of sweat drips down my temple and down my clenched jaw. It travels to the tip of my chin and drops to the ground below.

  Last night was pure torture. I came home, but I couldn’t sleep. Not with that fire burning through me. My grizzly bear was on full alert, pacing and snarling within.

  He didn’t understand that I couldn’t just start kicking in every door of every house to look for her. To search every bed to see if her beautiful face was there.

  He doesn’t care that there are laws, that I could end up in prison if I’m not careful. That I could spend the rest of my life locked up in a cage instead of buried deep in her wet cunt.

  The only thing this beast cares about is his mate. Finding her, taking her, marking her, claiming her.

  I close my eyes and take a deep breath of the crisp Montana morning air. I try to tell myself that I’m not trying to get another faint whiff of her, but who am I kidding? Not me and not my bear.

  I want to have that sweet smell rippling through my body again.

  The smell of freshly brewing coffee hits my nose instead and my stomach growls when I get a whiff of the eggs and bacon that my brother Damon is cooking.

  He’s the new deputy in town. Imagine that… a Ridge brother on the right side of the law for once. I still can’t believe it.

  After Damon found his mate, Kinsley, her father the Sheriff offered him a job.

  There won’t be any shit going down between crews with those two prowling the streets. The town’s toughest polar bear and grizzly bear working together.

  I hop down from the tree and land silently on my feet. The horses stop eating as they look at me wearily.

  “Don’t worry, guys,” I say, waving to them as I walk away. “I won’t bother you. Enjoy your breakfast.”

  I hear them start to munch and crunch on the apples and carrots again as I walk toward Damon’s cottage.

  I walk up the steps and am about to open the door when I stop myself. Right. I have to knock.

  Having Kinsley living on the ranch is still taking some getting used to. Us three Ridge brothers have always walked into each other’s cabins without knocking, but last week changed all of that. I walked into the kitchen and saw Damon having sex with his new mate on the table.

  I quickly turned and didn’t even see anything (except for her swinging legs), but that didn’t stop Damon from giving me a beating after.

  “Come in,” my brother grunts through the door after I knock.

  I walk in and grin at the changes inside. There’s all kinds of color and feminine touches around. Pink throw pillows on the couches and flowers on the table. My oldest brother has turned into a big softie.

  “Good morning, Everett,” Kinsley says as I walk in. She already has a mug out and is pouring me some coffee. She’s such a sweetheart.

  “What’s with you?” Damon asks, look
ing at me funny as he bites into his toast. He’s such a giant that he eats two-thirds of it with one bite. He’s got half a loaf piled up next to his plate of a dozen eggs and the mountain of bacon. “You look like shit.”

  “Yeah, well I feel worse.”

  I wrap my hands around the hot mug and take a deep breath. I can’t get my hands to stop shaking.

  “Are you sick?” Kinsley asks, looking concerned.

  “Shifters don’t get sick,” Damon grunts. “Our enhanced healing takes care of that. This is something else. Did you…?”

  “Yeah,” I say, dropping my head in defeat.

  Damon bursts out of his chair with his arms open. “That’s amazing!” he shouts. “When did you find her?”

  “Find who?” Kinsley asks, looking confused.

  “His mate. Look at the dark rings under his eyes and the way his face keeps twitching. He found her.”

  “I didn’t,” I say with a shake of my head. My bear growls within, letting me know he’s still pissed. “Not yet anyway. I just smelled her in the air last night when I was coming out of the bar.”

  “Is your bear losing it?” Damon asks with a chuckle.

  I sigh. “He’s already lost it.”

  Kinsley walks over to her mate and puts her arm around his thick neck as he eats. Damon smiles as he pulls her onto his lap. “I remember when I first saw this little beauty,” he says. “My bear tormented me until I claimed her.”

  “Da-mon,” she whispers as her cheeks go all pink.

  “Do you know what she looks like?” Damon asks. “Her name? Anything?”

  Nothing. That’s what kills me the most. She’s out there and I don’t know anything about her.

  Only that she smells fucking incredible.

  He stands up when he’s done breakfast and I catch Kinsley checking him out in his Deputy uniform. Normally, I’d be happy for my brother that he found the one, but this morning it just makes me feel extra worse. It makes me feel all hollow inside.

  I thank Kinsley for the coffee and follow my big brother out to his new police car.

  “I’ll keep an eye out for you when I’m on patrol,” he says with a hand on my shoulder. “Just try to keep your shit together. You can’t just phase into a grizzly bear and rush up to her like a rabid animal.”

  I grin as I look at him. “Isn’t that what you did?”

  “Yeah,” he answers with a laugh, “and the Sheriff almost shot my dick off. Just try to keep your cool. If she doesn’t know about shifters, your grizzly will terrify her. Keep your bear from—Everett!”


  My skin burns as my body swells up like a balloon. I wasn’t paying attention and my bear charged forward. He slipped through and now I’m getting dragged in as he claws his way out.

  I grunt and clench my jaw as my fingertips split open and long black claws grow out. My hands morph into big powerful paws as bones snap and skin tears. It’s over in an instant when a huge out of control grizzly bear explodes out of me.

  He takes one look at my brother who’s shaking his head and then runs off.

  I can hear Damon muttering to himself behind me. “Or, just do whatever you want. What the fuck do I know?”

  Adrenaline is flowing through my amped up grizzly’s veins as he runs in a full sprint toward the town.

  The same thoughts are repeating in his head over and over and over again.

  Find her. Take her. Mark her. Claim her.

  This is not the best way to do this. I try to tell him. She’s a woman, not a bear. Leave it to me.

  The fucker ignores me.

  He wants to do this his way.

  Find her. Take her. Mark her. Claim her.

  I gulp.

  This isn’t going to end well.

  Chapter Two


  “I can’t believe that you still haven’t gotten fucked,” Mandy says way too loud.

  My cheeks start burning so hot that I’m worried I’m going to burn down the diner.

  She sucks her teeth as she looks me over, making me feel incredibly self-conscious in the way that only Mandy can. I pull my elbows into my ribs, wanting to crumple in on myself and disappear.

  “I mean you’re not bad looking,” she says with a tilt of her head. “I’m sure you could get someone at the end of a long night of drinking to fuck you. How come you haven’t?”

  I swallow hard as I glance out the window, wishing I could crawl out of it right now and disappear into the Montana wilderness. I could start a new life as Chloe the Pioneer. I’d have a shitty lean-to and a wardrobe made out of animal pelts by the end of the summer.

  Ah, who am I kidding? I could never survive a full season without Netflix, and I’ve never tried it, but I’m sure I would suck at hunting.

  “I don’t know,” I mutter under my breath. “It just hasn’t happened.”

  I haven’t been against losing my virginity, I just wanted to wait for the right guy to come along. What’s wrong with that?

  Everything according to my horrible older cousin Mandy. She’s looking at me like I’m some sort of deformed mutant freak.

  “How old are you?” she asks. “Seventeen?”


  “Oh, I thought you were much younger than that.”

  I cross my arms and sink down a little deeper into the booth. She’s been making comments like that, comments that embarrass me or put me down, ever since we were kids. She’s only a year and a half older than me, but she acts as if she’s an adult and I’m still a child. I hate it.

  We’re only together because I was desperate to get a ride back from our family reunion in Montana. Every year on the same weekend, my grandparents host the entire family for one big three-day long party. It just finished and it was a blast as usual. My parents decided to head in another direction for a few days to celebrate their anniversary in a bed and breakfast, and they left me stranded.

  Mandy was my only way back. Her car started to have trouble yesterday and we got stuck in this town overnight, Blackcloud something, while we wait for the only garage in town to fix her transmission.

  It’s been a long few hours. I just want to get away from her.

  She wanted me to go out with her last night to the seedy bar, but I stayed home and read instead. It didn’t stop her. She stumbled back into the room late at night smelling like a college dorm room after a wild kegger.

  “This town is full of hotties,” she says as she catches sight of a large muscular man walking in the parking lot. “I don’t understand it. This place is like a fireman calendar came to life.”

  “Hi, girls,” the waitress says, startling us as we’re looking out the window. She’s pulling out her notepad as we whip our heads around. “What would you like for breakfast?”

  “The eggs,” Mandy says. She already has an annoyed look on her face. “Are they organic?”

  The woman’s face drops. She looks like she’s served way too many eggs in her life and is done answering questions about them.

  “They’re eggs.”

  “But what kind of eggs. Organic? Home farmed or factory farmed? Where did the eggs come from?”

  “You know that dirty wet hole between a chicken’s legs?” the waitress says with a blank look on her face. “They came from there.”

  “Gross,” Mandy says as she turns away.

  “Do you want any?”

  “I’ll just have a smoothie. Chia seeds, kale, unsweetened almond milk. Whatever else you have as long as it’s organic.”

  “We don’t have smoothies. How about a pancake?”

  “Is it organic?”

  “It’s three dollars. What do you think?”

  Mandy rolls her eyes as she turns away from the waitress with a look of disgust on her face. “I hate these hick towns.”

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