Mountain man obsessed, p.1
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Mountain Man Obsessed, page 1


Mountain Man Obsessed
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Mountain Man Obsessed

  Mountain Man Obsessed

  Olivia T. Turner




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9


  More OTT

  Bonus Chapter: Pay Up Buttercup

  Mountain Man Obsessed

  By Olivia T. Turner

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  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including emailing, photocopying, printing, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

  Please respect the author’s hard work and purchase a copy. Thanks!

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Contains explicit love scenes and adult language.


  Copyright© 2017 by Olivia T. Turner

  Come visit the mountains with Olivia T. Turner and meet the most dominant, Over The Top alpha male you've ever seen!

  I’m a loner. A recluse.

  A Mountain Man.

  But that all changes when I catch a glimpse of her.

  She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen, and I’m instantly obsessed.

  When my sweet innocent girl gets into trouble with the drunk guys that she’s camping with, I’m watching.

  I come to her side.

  She thinks she’s safe with me.

  But what she doesn’t know is that I’m about to claim her.

  And that sweet cherry that she’s been saving now belongs to me.

  You down with OTT? This is an Olivia T. Turner book, which means it features a possessive and totally obsessed Over The Top male who isn’t afraid to take what he wants! If you like your book boyfriends sweet and cuddly than shut the computer off and walk away. If you like your heroes, rough, dirty and possessive to the extreme, come on in and have some fun…

  To all the men who will move mountains for their girl.



  “Come on, Anna. Drink it.”

  I stare at the dark brown bottle as nervous butterflies settle into my stomach. Everybody is watching me. How can I tell them that I don’t want to drink?

  “I’m okay,” I say, trying to act casual. “I’m going to wait for the campfire tonight.”

  A couple of the girls giggle and some of the guys roll their eyes. But not Ryan, the obnoxious pushy guy who’s holding the beer bottle. “Just one sip,” he says, shaking it in front of my face.

  My cheeks burn as I wish he would just leave me alone. I should have known that this was going to happen. Has there ever been a teenage camping trip in the history of the planet that didn’t involve tons of drinking?

  “I don’t want it,” I say with a little more force in my voice. The other teenagers have lost interest and are heading down to the lake, but Ryan is a persistent fucker.

  He tries one more time to shove it into my face but I push it away as I glare at him. “I said no. Now fuck off.”

  He just laughs, and then takes a sip before yanking off his shirt as he hurries to catch up with the other kids.

  My heart is pounding so fast. I don’t belong here.

  This was a bad idea.

  A friend from work, Hailey, convinced me to come up with her and some friends for the long weekend.

  “We’re going camping in the mountains,” she said, making it sound awesome when in reality, it’s anything but. “I have a guy named Ryan who I think you’ll really like.”

  I work in a coffee shop with Hailey and had never met any of her friends but ever since my mother left, and I’ve been all alone, I’ve been needing to let loose and have a little fun. So I said yes.

  What a mistake that turned out to be. We arrived at noon and Hailey and her boyfriend have been locked inside her tent all day, moaning and writhing around in there for hours.

  The rest of the group, four guys and three girls, all decided to head down to the lake for a swim, so I reluctantly followed. It was either that or stay in the campsite and be serenaded by Hailey’s porno screams.

  Right away everyone started drinking and taking their clothes off. It’s a hot summer day but I have a constant chill running down my back. I don’t want to be here. I don’t know these people and from what I’ve seen, I’m not too impressed.

  “Come skinny dipping with us, Anna,” one of the guys calls out. I think his name is Greg.

  I gulp as he unbuttons his shorts and slides them down his legs along with his underwear. The girls start giggling as he walks to the lake wearing nothing but a smile.

  I have an empty feeling in the pit of my stomach as the rest of the guys get naked and follow Greg into the water, splashing around and laughing as they jeer at the girls to follow.

  It doesn’t take much to convince the three girls to get naked, and before long they’re pulling off articles of clothing until all they have on is their panties that don’t cover up much anyway.

  I bite at my lips as I glance back down the way we came. I wish Hailey was here. I wish I hadn’t come on this trip in the first place.

  I’ve always hated drinking and have never taken more than a sip of alcohol. My father used to drink a lot before he ran out on my mom and I always hated it. The smell, the way his eyes would change, the way his tone would sharpen when he spoke to my mother. There’s nothing good about it in my opinion.

  I should have realized that there would be a ton of drinking but I just needed to get away. One morning three months ago, I came downstairs and saw my mother’s old luggage packed by the door. She told me she was going on a five day trip with her boyfriend to Europe. That was three months ago.

  I still don’t know where she is. I received a postcard in the mail two weeks ago saying that she was in Paris but the stamp was from Idaho, so who the hell knows?

  “Anna,” Ryan yells, standing up in the lake. The water is only up to his knees so his cock is in plain view, not that I’m looking. “Take off those ugly clothes and come in the water!”

  My heart starts thumping away as my breaths start coming out quick and fierce. Maybe it is a better idea to stay at the campsite, even with Hailey’s constant moaning. Anything is better than this.

  “I’m not feeling very well,” I say, clutching my stomach. “I’m going to head back to the camp.”

  The three girls are giggling in the water with their perky breasts in full view. Fuck these people. I have to get out of here.

  “I’ll see you guys later,” I say, turning back down the path as they call out for me to return.

  My heart is pounding with every step I take down the dirt path but it still feels better than standing back there like a moron while they try to pressure me into getting drunk and naked.

  I have no idea why Hailey would think I’d be interested in a guy like Ryan, or any of these people for that matter. From what I’ve seen today, Ryan is immature and acts like a spoiled little kid. I’m looking for a real man, not a teenage wreck like him.

  Hailey thinks it’s hilarious that I’m still a virgin at eighteen years old, but how can I not be when all I’m surrounded by is immature guys like Ryan. I’m waiting for a real man to take my virginity.

  And it’s not going to be Ryan.

  Shit. I whip my head back around when I hear the thump of footsteps coming up behind me.

  There’s thick forest all around me but there’s nowhere to hide. I’m wearing a bright pink shirt that will stand out even in the middle of the thickest rainforest.

  I have a really bad feeling about this and look around for a rock or stick that I can use as protection as Ryan comes jogging around the bend, still completely naked.

  “I’m just heading back,” I say, swallowing hard as I point down the path behind me.

  It’s then that I realize how dangerous this situation really is. I’m in the middle of the forest, deep in the mountains, and there’s a drunk naked asshole approaching me. Ryan has already shown me in only a few hours that he’s sexually aggressive with his constant unwanted touching and leering.

  I’m scared.

  “Come back to the lake,” he says, grinning as he stops right in front of me.

  My throat is burning so much that I can barely breathe. He’s much bigger than me with a thick muscular body. If he wants to get aggressive, I don’t stand a chance.

  “I’m not feeling well,” I say, sliding my hand over my stomach. “I’ll go swimming tomorrow.”

  No, I won’t. As soon as I get back to camp, I’m demanding that Hailey drives me back home. If she refuses, I’ll steal her car. There’s just no way that I’m spending the weekend with these creeps.

  “I said come back to the lake now,” the biggest of the creeps says. His eyes wander over my body, sending cold chills racing through me.

  “No,” I say firmly just in case he missed that I’m not interested. “I’m going back.”

  I turn to leave but he grabs my wrist with an iron grip and holds me in place. My stomach drops as I
turn back to him and see the malicious intent in his eyes.

  “Fine,” he says with an evil grin. “No lake. We can fuck right here.”

  I try to yank my arm away but it doesn’t budge from his firm grip. I open my mouth to scream but he covers it with his hand. The earthy taste of lake water hits my lips as tears start to stream down from my eyes.

  With a whoosh, Ryan flies off of me as someone crashes into him. I jerk my head to the side, staring with wide surprised eyes as a thick man who I’ve never seen before grabs Ryan by the neck and slams him into the trunk of a huge tree.

  He smashes Ryan into the trunk so hard that the branches overhead shake and dozens of pine cones rain down on us.

  I can see through his tight, dirty t-shirt that his back is pure, thick muscle. He’s shorter than Ryan but he’s a real man, where Ryan is only a boy.

  “If the pretty lady wasn’t here, I’d kill you,” the man growls into Ryan’s terrified face as he digs his thick forearm into Ryan’s neck.

  Ryan doesn’t answer. He can’t with the man’s arm cutting off his air supply. His mouth opens and closes as his skin starts to turn blue.

  The man slams his fist into Ryan’s stomach, dropping him to the ground. “Get off of my mountain,” he commands sharply. My breath is starting to quicken for another reason. It’s not fear. It’s the man’s dominating and commanding presence.

  “If I ever see you in my mountains again, or around my girl, I will kill you.”

  My heart skips a beat when he calls me his girl. Have I stepped out of the pan and into the fire with this guy?

  He looks so rugged with his messy hair, thick beard, and old jeans and shirt that cling perfectly to his muscular body. His eyes are dark and intense. His lips look like pure heaven. He’s sexy in a wild, mountain man kind of way.

  He may just be one fire that I don’t mind stepping into.



  My ears are pounding as adrenaline rushes through my veins. This naked little shit is trembling at my feet and it takes everything I have not to grab the rock beside his head and cave his skull in with it.

  He was trying to hurt her. He deserves to die for that.

  “If I ever see you in my mountains again, or around my girl, I will kill you,” I say, the words coming out in a snarl. I call her my girl because that’s what she is now.

  My girl.

  I saved her life, which means she belongs to me.

  She’s behind me and I still haven’t turned to look at her up close. The anticipation of seeing her only inches away from my face is pure torture but I love it. It’s like a kid on Christmas morning, but instead of a tree and presents, I’m going to see an angel in the flesh.

  The little punk finally scrambles to his bare feet and sprints down the path toward the lake where he came from. If my girl wasn’t here, I would follow him and hold his head under the water until the thrashing stopped and he sunk to the bottom where he belongs.

  I take a deep breath as I turn toward her with every cell in my body on fire.

  I was hiking when I heard some teenagers laughing and splashing around. This mountain is my land, actually this one and the next three surrounding mountains as well. Sometimes people come to the lake from the nearby campsite to go swimming on the sandy beach. Normally, I don’t mind. It’s a gorgeous lake and it feels like a crime to hoard it all to myself, so I let other people enjoy it as well.

  I came down to check out the commotion when I saw her standing on the shore in her bright pink tank top, looking more beautiful than anything I’d ever seen before. Her long amber hair was blowing in the breeze as she clasped her delicate hands together in front of her, watching as the other guys and girls drank and stripped naked.

  My pulse was racing when the boys got naked in front of her. I wanted to charge over there, cover her eyes and take her away from the situation. She shouldn’t be looking at naked guys like that. It would ruin her sweet innocence.

  I was so relieved when she turned down the alcohol and left with her clothes on, but then that naked punk followed her back. I nearly snapped as I watched from high overhead, and then took off running after him. Luckily, I did or he would be taking her innocence right now, and she wouldn’t be able to give it to me.

  My heart is smacking against the inside of my ribs as I slowly turn around and lay my eyes on her. Her beauty hits me like a punch in the stomach and my legs nearly buckle from the shock of it.

  Her face is flawless. It’s truly perfect.

  Her stunning honey-colored eyes are staring right at me, ripping the breath out of my lungs. Her sweet pink lips are in the shape of a heart, and it takes every ounce of self-restraint I have not to crush my lips onto them and slide my tongue between them, claiming her mouth as my own.

  The soft breeze is blowing a strand of her wavy hair across her face as we stare at each other in shock. It’s like our hearts are looking in the mirror for the first time and seeing the reflection of themselves. Our hearts are one. They beat the same tune. They belong together.

  We belong together.

  “Thank you,” she says in a trembling voice as she looks up into my eyes.

  She looks nervous and her face has an edge of fear to it. It breaks my heart to see her shaking in front of me. Doesn’t she know that I would never hurt her?

  I would die before I let her feel an ounce of pain. I would kill every man on the planet before I let any of them come close to her.

  “Did he hurt you?” I clench my fists wondering what I would do if she says yes. But I know exactly what I would do. I would take his life.

  She shakes her head as she drops her eyes to the dirt. “No.”

  My body feels cold without her eyes on me so I gently touch the bottom of her chin and slowly raise her head up until her gorgeous eyes are back on mine.

  My fingertips tingle as I release her chin. I just got a touch of her sweet skin but it’s already making my head spin. My heart is pounding as my body screams for more.

  I want to make her mine so badly. I want to strip her bare and discover every tempting inch of her young sweet skin. She looks so young and way too innocent for what I want to do to her, but I know I won’t be able to stop myself when the time comes.

  I want her too badly. I can feel the need starting to possess me. It’s taking me over and as much as I want her to want me back, I know that I’ll have her either way.

  I’ll shower her with love. I’ll treat her so good that eventually she’ll want to stay. She’ll see that I belong to her as much as she belongs to me.

  “Are you staying with those guys?” I ask when I finally find my voice.

  She nods. “I don’t even know them. I came with my friend from work and they tried to get me drunk and I don’t have my car,” she says. Her sweet voice is racing.

  I take her soft hand in mine and a flood of heat rushes through me, gripping my core. “It’s okay,” I say softly. “You’re staying with me instead. Where you’ll be safe.”

  Her eyes flicker and her beautiful lips part as she stares up at me with a look of shock. I brace myself, expecting her to fight me on this, but all she does is nod up and down.

  My heart nearly explodes. She’s so precious and she’s all mine.

  “What’s your name?” I ask, holding my breath until she answers.

  “Anna. And yours?”

  “Colton. Colton Andrews. Remember that last part because it’s going to be attached to your name one day.”

  One day soon.

  She chuckles and the sound is so beautiful that my dick gets rock hard as I watch her barely legal face.

  I reach out my hand and she slides hers inside of it. I lock eyes on her as warmth, electricity-something flows between us.

  “Come with me,” I say.

  And she does.



  We hike through the thick forest for almost an hour. It’s mostly up hill and I’m struggling to keep up with Colton as he walks up the steep incline as easily as if he’s taking a Sunday stroll.

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