Position Secured

Position Secured

Olivia Brynn


She’s dead-set against him. He’s dead certain he can change her mind… Marienna Valdez has a cop allergy. Their cocky, superior attitudes never fail to turn her stomach. How fitting that her reward for enduring a perfectly sucky work week is a traffic ticket from one who’s on the kind of overblown power trip she learned to hate when she was growing up surrounded by boys in blue. But now she’s finally home, where she prepares to take the edge off with a well-deserved self-love session. Just as she gets settled in with her favorite toys, though, what should come barreling through her bedroom door but…another cop! SWAT team sniper Marcus Pearson doesn’t need detective skills to figure out just what he’s interrupted. If he can keep her quiet long enough to resolve the tense situation under her bedroom window, he intends to put down his rifle and take aim at her aversion to the badge… Warning: This title contains one sheet-wrapped, cop-and-damsel burrito with toys on the side. Extra batteries included.
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Starting Forever

Starting Forever

Olivia Brynn


Jade has been away from Adam for weeks. When she got the phone call about her big brother's life-threatening injury, she dropped everything and flew home. That left Adam plenty of time to write some especially sappy songs for his country western band, and come up with a great way to surprise her with a visit. Lance Graham never imagined he'd have to start his life over again. He played it straight while on the police force, but now he's lost most of his right leg,his K-9 partner, and probably his career as a cop. When his sister's best friend Dean shows up in the Graham's little home town, it only drives home the fact that Lance's personal life is in shambles, thanks to his own decision to remain in the closet.
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Falling Star

Falling Star

Olivia Brynn


Adam Nash is a superstar. House, cars, money, women … he’s got it all. Yeah, he’s conceited, but with his looks and talent why shouldn’t he be? Not until he’s banned from another hotel for his drunken antics does he realize that it’s time to grow up and treat his music as a career and not a free ride. Now Adam has set his sights on florist Jade Graham. She’s not the kind of woman he’s used to, she’s too smart to play the role of arm-candy. Adam is going to have to keep his celebrity status a secret for as long as possible, because what woman in her right mind would get attached to a playboy without a conscience? Jade Graham is going to be one tough case, but she seems hell bent on proving that there is more than one way for a star to fall.
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