Bound to the Enemy: Venturi Mafia, #2, page 1

Copyright © 2022 Nikki Rose.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.
Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictitiously. Names, characters, and places are products of the author’s imagination.
Book design by Nikki Rose.
First printing edition 2022.
All rights reserved.
Title Page
Venturi Mafia Reading Order
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
About the Author
Connect with Nikki
Other Books by Nikki Rose
Venturi Mafia Reading Order
Rendezvous with the Enemy (Venturi Mafia, #0.5) Free with newsletter subscription
Willed to the Enemy (Venturi Mafia, #1)
Bound to the Enemy (Venturi Mafia, #2)
Devoted to the Enemy (Venturi Mafia, #3)
‘Gio’s death doesn’t void the will. The marriage agreement stated that you were to marry the heir to the Venturi family. It didn’t state Gio by name.’
‘So now that Gio is dead, who will inherit the Venturi Family?’
Teo’s eyes lifted to meet my gaze and a shadowed look that I couldn’t quite name washed over his features before he spoke the one simple word that would change both of our lives forever.
‘Me.’ Teo's answer echoed in my head.
Maybe I was still in shock because my thoughts were sluggish, and I struggled for Teo’s words to sink in. I hadn't even considered that, as the second oldest, it would make sense that Teo would become the leader of his family with Gio gone.
Not gone, dead. You killed him. My thoughts reminded me.
The image of Gio lying on the hardwood floor, blood pooling around his limp body, flooded into my mind as the reality of what I had done sank in. Blood drained from my face and my stomach rolled.
"Mia? What is it?" Teo’s voice was muffled in my ears.
I shook my head and covered my mouth, unable to speak as I tried to fight the bile rising in my throat. I ran to the ensuite bathroom and shoved the door closed as I dropped to my knees in front of the toilet just in time to empty the contents of my stomach.
My body continued to heave long after there was anything left to come up and I tensed as I felt a hand on my back.
“It’s okay, just breathe,” Teo’s voice was low but firm and while the gesture seemed considerate, his voice lacked the warm, caring nature he’d offered in the past on occasion, or maybe it was just the shock, numbing my ability to perceive warmth at all.
I took a ragged breath, feeling my body begin to relax and sat back against the bathroom wall, pulling my knees to my chest. With my body just starting to relax, I thought that the worst had gone, when a sudden sob ripped from my chest. A new wave of emotion overtook me, and I hid my face as the tears poured down my cheeks. My body shook from the violence of the sobs, unable to hold back the loud cries that came from deep in my chest. I hadn’t cried that hard since the day that my father had passed. I’d sat at his bedside in his private hospital suite, holding his hand as he drifted away, leaving me all alone in the cruel world he’d worked so hard to shelter me from for so long.
There had been no love lost between Giovanni and myself but that didn’t change the fact that I had taken a life. I had aimed a gun, pulled the trigger, and snuffed out someone’s life. Logically, I knew that I’d done the right thing, and if I was in the same situation again, I wouldn’t change what I’d done. But my logic was failing against the emotions that flooded my mind.
I cried harder, my chest seizing up until I couldn’t even make a sound, I just shook all over, struggling to force air into my lungs. Teo wrapped his warm, strong arms around me, holding me against his chest tight enough that my body could no longer shake with the same violence. Being restrained would have usually made me feel trapped and panicked but instead, it grounded me, gave me something to hold onto when I felt like my body was being torn apart.
I wasn’t sure how long I sat there on the bathroom floor, held together by nothing but Teo’s embrace, but eventually, my body surrendered. My limbs felt heavy and weak. I dreaded the idea of trying to move but I was growing increasingly aware of the pins and needles sensation that was moving from my foot up my leg.
I gently drew back from Teo, and he reluctantly released me. He used a crooked finger to tip my chin up so that my eyes met his but there was an unusual coolness in his eyes like he was going through the motions but mentally he was somewhere else.
“Are you okay?”
“I think so. But Teo...what about you? Here you are taking care of me when it was your brother.” Tears stung my eyes, but I didn’t let them escape again.
The muscle in Teo’s jaw ticked and he swallowed with some effort. “I’ll be fine.” His words were void of emotion, lacking all real meaning or sincerity.
“Teo,” I urged, wanting to help him open up but he held up a hand to silence me.
“I said I’m fine,” he snapped. His anger settled into cold indifference as he regained his composure and cleared his throat. “I have things that I need to take care of downstairs. Let’s get you back to bed.”
“Bed?” My brow furrowed. He rose from the floor, lifting me in his arms effortlessly as he stood. “What time is it?”
It felt awkward having him carry me but with how weak and shaky my legs were, I was grateful for it.
“It’s around twelve-thirty.” Teo gently laid me on the bed, and I leaned back against the headboard while he pulled the blanket over my legs. His cool expression never changed as he numbly went through his tasks. “I’ll have Lucia bring up some lunch.”
“I’m not sure that I could eat right now.”
“Some soup then.”
“Teo, I’m not sick. I can go down with you. I want to be there for you.”
“I’ve got meetings with the capos for the rest of the day.”
“Let me help. Please? Teo, I know this can’t be easy for you. I’m sure there’s something that I can do—”
“No,” he snapped again, then corrected his tone though it was still icy cold. “It would be better if you remain out of sight while we handle things. At least for now.”
“Out of sight? Why?” I sat up in bed, more alert.
“The capos may not respond well to the person who killed their future don.” Teo’s words were like a knife to my chest as he spoke so bluntly about what I had done but I remained quiet as he continued. “We need to meet with them, control the narrative, before word spreads. The medical examiner and police have already taken Giovanni to the morgue.”
“Won’t I need to be questioned?” I asked hesitantly.
Teo shook his head. “It’s handled.”
“Handled? How?”
“The police around here don’t ask too many questions when it involves my father or our family.”
“I see.”
Teo moved to the door, and I wracked my brain for something to say to him to get him to stay or let me join him. I didn’t want to be stuck in that room alone with my thoughts.
“I’ll send Lucia with your lunch shortly.”
Before I could respond, Teo stepped into the hall and shut the door.
Teo didn’t come back to see me that whole first day. Lucia brought me lunch, tea, and dinner, always making excuses for where Teo was. He was busy. He was grieving. To wish that he would take time to come see me was selfish, but I couldn’t help but wish for it to be him every time Luci came to the door.
I tossed and turned the whole night. The shock that had somehow helped me sleep that first night had worn off, and I was tormented by dreams of Gio the whole night. Dreams of killing him. Dreams of what could have happened if I hadn’t killed him.
Deep down, I knew that Gio would have killed Teo if I hadn’t stopped him. But that didn’t change the fact that one minute, Giovanni Venturi was alive, his heart beating, his lungs pulling in air, and the next, it all stopped—because of me. It was a fact that I would carry for the rest of my life.
The bright morning sun shone through the curtains, piercing my aching eyes, and rousing me from the uneasy sleep. I both dreaded the morning and welcomed it all the same. I had no idea what the day might hold but at least there would be a chance of running into Teo at some point.
As long as he doesn
I slipped out of bed, went to the restroom, and washed my face before dressing and pulling my hair into a low ponytail. I had to hurry if I was going to make it downstairs before Lucia came to bring my breakfast, foiling my reason for emerging.
I quietly made my way down the stairs, hoping no one would notice me before I reached the kitchen. Once I was there, it would be ridiculous for them to send me back upstairs to eat.
I was just rounding the corner into the kitchen when I came face to face with Bianca. She let out a yelp and jumped back.
“Scusami, Bianca.”
“Oh, no. Mi Scusi, signorina. Lucia was just preparing to bring up your breakfast. Did you need something?”
“I thought I’d have breakfast in the kitchen today. Or perhaps on the patio. I just needed to get out of that room for a bit.”
“I completely understand. I’m sure Lucia can set up your breakfast wherever you’d like.”
“Thank you Bianca.”
I walked into the kitchen where Lucia was arranging an array of pastries and fruit on a tray along with coffee.
“Ms. Mia, I was just coming to bring you your breakfast.”
“Bianca told me, but I think I’d like to eat down here today.”
“Of course.” Lucia carried the tray over to the small kitchen table and began unloading it as I sat.
“Has Teo or Don Venturi come down for breakfast yet?”
“Don Venturi left for the office already.”
“And Teo?”
Lucia lowered her voice slightly as she poured my coffee. “He packed a suitcase and left early this morning.”
“Left? To go where?”
“I overheard him talking to Don Venturi about arranging a flight to Las Vegas.”
“Las Vegas?” I nearly choked on the words. “He left the country and didn’t even tell me?”
“I’m sorry, Ms. Mia. I should have told you sooner.”
“No, no. It’s not your fault. I just can’t believe he left Italy without even mentioning it to me. Did he say why?”
“Bianca said that Signore Venturi’s brother, Nicolo, lives in America and his sister, Mirabelle, is going to school there. I assume that he’s going there to tell them the news of Signore Giovanni’s death.”
“Thank you, Luci.”
My stomach sank at the thought of Teo having to tell his brother and sister about the death of their eldest brother. I took a sip of my coffee, but I no longer felt like eating.
“I should get to the laundry. Is there anything else I can get for you before I go?” Lucia gave me a pitying smile.
“No, thank you.”
Once she left, I was alone again with my thoughts. I stared out the window, lost in my own mind until my coffee had turned cold, and the pastries grew stale.
“Ms. Mia?” Lucia’s voice called from behind me, and I jumped.
“Sì?” I tried to keep my voice even to hide the fact that she had startled me.
“The guards at the front gate say that you have visitors.”
“Visitors? Who?”
“Your cousins, Armando and Dante wish to see you. Should I tell the guards to let them through?”
“Oh, sì. Sì. Let them come.” I rubbed my hands over my face as if that might wipe away the weary look my lack of sleep had caused. And although I couldn’t see myself, I was sure it did little to nothing to help.
I hurried to the door, the first spark of excitement I’d felt in quite a while. I loved my cousins as if they were my own brothers. I opened the door just as the two of them climbed the front steps.
"Arman, Dante." I rushed out onto the front stoop and wrapped an arm around each of their necks, pulling them both into a hug.
Both of my cousins embraced me, and I held them there for several beats before releasing them and stepping back. "I'm so glad that you're here, but what are you doing here?"
Dante glanced over my shoulder before pulling me in and kissing my cheek. "We heard what happened. With Giovanni." He whispered before raising his voice to a tone slightly louder than usual. "We've been wanting to come visit for a while and thought we'd stop by while we were in the area."
"We would have told you, but your phone has been going straight to voicemail," Armon added with concern in his eyes.
I glanced over my shoulder to see Bianca and Lucia watching curiously and turned back to my cousins with more understanding for their strange behavior. "I'm so sorry about that. Things have been a bit hectic lately."
"We figured as much," Dante said casually but met my eye with a scrutinizing gaze.
"I'm sorry. I'm so rude. Please come in."
"Thank you."
I guided both men into the house, happy to see them but wishing for some privacy. "Can I offer you a coffee?"
"That would be nice. Thank you," Dante followed me closely while Armon was more relaxed having been in the house before.
"The terrace is nice this time of day. Why don't we take our refreshments outside. Lucia, would you mind bringing our coffee? You remember the way my cousins take theirs, right?"
"Yes, of course, Ms. Mia."
"Thank you."
I led the guys out onto the terrace and waited until I was sure that Lucia had gone to the kitchen before turning to Dante.
“I trust Luci. She’s been with me for most of my life. But I don’t want to put her in an awkward spot if someone were to ask her any questions.” I motioned for them to take a seat and once we were settled, I leaned in, whispering in hushed tones. “How do you know about Giovanni’s death? No one outside of the household is supposed to know until the rest of the family can be notified, other than those that needed to help smooth things over, of course.”
“We have ways of finding out these things. How do you think we’ve managed to remain near the top for all these years?”
“You can’t tell anyone. If the Venturis find out that you know, they’ll think that I betrayed them.”
“We won’t say anything. We just wanted to make sure that you were okay.” Arman placed his hand gently over my hand on the table.
“I’m—I don’t really know what I am,” I sighed and slumped in my seat.
“What happened, Mia?” Dante leaned in closer, studying me closely with protective concern in his deep brown eyes.
“I killed him,” I blurted out. “I’ve still doesn’t seem real.”
“We heard that you shot him defending Piero.”
I hesitated for only a split second, but Dante picked up on it. The two of them knew me all too well for me to even try to lie to them, and I didn’t want to.
“What is it? Is that not what happened? Did he do something to you...” Arman’s face turned red, and he sat up on the edge of his chair.
“No, it wasn’t that. I mean, he did try something when I first arrived, but he was trying to kill Teo.”
“Matteo? His younger brother? Why?” Dante’s anger gave way to curiosity.
“And why did the Venturis lie about who he was attacking?” Armon added.
I took a deep breath before attempting to tackle their questions when Lucia came out with our refreshments. We all smiled and thanked her, feigning light conversation until she was inside, safely out of earshot.
“They thought that their capos would respond better if I had acted to protect their current don instead of the man who would take Gio’s place if he died,” I explained.
“It makes sense,” Dante said thoughtfully. “But why was Gio trying to kill Matteo?”
“Piero had just informed Giovanni that he was disinheriting him for being reckless and mishandling family business in ways that he knew his father would disapprove of. He put the entire family in jeopardy. Teo was positioned to take his place, so I guess in Gio’s mind, which made Teo the enemy.”
“Wow, that’s some real Shakespearean type shit right there,” Arman mumbled while shaking his head.
“I know...”
Arman lifted a brow curiously as if a thought had just occurred to him. “So, if you were supposed to marry Gio, now that he’s dead, why are you still here?”
I opened my mouth to try to explain but Dante spoke up as if the thought hadn’t occurred to him until then. “Because the will said that she was to marry the heir, not Giovanni by name.”
“Exactly.” I nodded before taking a sip of my coffee.
It felt good to be able to talk to someone about everything. I had really missed being around family.