Breaks in the Dark, page 1

Breaks in the Dark
n. tetterton
Copyright © [Year of First Publication] by [Author or Pen Name]
All rights reserved.
No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
“I’ll do anything for revenge.”
She heard me say the words before she kidnapped me that night. Only, I don’t really think she believed me.
STW, is an organization I had never heard of before, but after this I’ll never forget them. They take women who won't be missed off the street, force them to agree to the etiquette training, and sell them to the vile kingpins of society. And as fate served me, only the worst of them has his eyes set on me.
I was starting to accept my future, had given up, when my savior showed up, carrying me out of my prison.
It was like out of a movie… for the next 5 minutes, at least.
Because Breaker is an a******.
Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Keep in touch
Also By
About Author
violence, crime, explicit language, explicit sexual situations, kidnapping, F/F scene, brainwashing, murder, use of sex toys, gunplay, DVP, voyeurism, praise.
To anyone who fights like hell for those little breaks in the darkness…
Check out the playlist on Spotify
Medicine- Adam Jensen
Save Yourself- Ekoh
i really lov- badly
Antisocialist- Asking Alexandria
Die4u- Bring Me The Hoizon
Lovers in the Dark- Adam Jensen
Love is Madness- Thirty Seconds to Mars, Halsey
Bid Bad Wolf- In This Moment
I Feel it Too- Dream State
Death Poems- Us in Motion
Lollipop- Framing Hanley
King of Anything- Beartooth
Wicked Games- G-Eazy, Devon Baldwin
Change (In the House of Flies)- Deftones
Mad Season- Matchbox Twenty
Black Balloon- The Goo Goo Dolls
in these walls (my house)- Machine Gun Kelly, PVRIS
Monster- Fight the Fade
I stare at the paperwork in front of me, reading it through again. This inheritance can’t be real. I sit back in the chair of my mother’s attorney’s office as I just continue to stare at it in shock.
“Breaker, do you have questions?” He asks.
“I–uh–I didn’t realize that it would be so much. That’s a lot of fucking zeros.” He nods his head again. It’s taken months to get everything straightened out with my mother’s will. I’m not really sure why, but all of this will definitely come in handy with the wedding.
“Yeah,” He hesitates as he looks back up at me. “Do you want me to set up a prenup?”
Looking up and staring at him, eyes wide. I’m not even sure, I didn’t even consider. Ezzie… Well, I have no doubt that she wouldn’t do that to me, but I hear my mother’s voice in my ear, telling me not to take any chances.
Slowly, I nod my head. “I’m just worried that she’ll be offended.” I say to him, honestly.
“Breaker,” He sits down across from me, sighing. he has been my mother’s attorney almost my entire life. “If she loves you like you think she does, she’ll sign.”
“And what if she refuses?”
“Then I think you have your answer.”
“Thanks.” I nod my head as I stand up. “Yeah, draw one up. I’ll tell her tonight.”
“Your mother would want it.” I nod my head as well, understanding.
Walking into the house, I stop in the kitchen as I see Ezzie standing at the island, cooking dinner. Glancing back at me as she hears me enter.
“Bray.” She smiles at me. “How was your meeting?”
“It was okay.” I honestly tell her. “Got everything with the will finalized.” I admit. I watch as she stops, and an enormous grin pulls up on her face. I’m not sure if the grin has to do with the fact that it’s over or if she’s now engaged to a wealthy man.
Fuck, he has gotten into my head about the money now.
“That’s fantastic! I hoped you would say that. Which is why I made you a celebratory dinner.” I walk up behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.
“What can I help with?” I ask her, causing her to laugh.
“Nothing, it’s almost ready. Just go get ready to eat.” She smiles at me as she glances over her shoulder, kissing me quickly. I actively try to not mess up her perfected red lips that she is so particular about. “Go.” she swats at my chest.
She sits down at the table in front of me after handing me my plate.
Domestic life could be something I could definitely get used to.
“Have you thought about your father’s offer anymore?” I ask her as she looks away.
“I have, and I don’t think I’m going to take it. You’re right. I’ve known that he has a shady past and you’re probably right, regardless of what good he thinks he’s doing… Christoph’s intentions normally fall short.” I just nod my head because what can I say to that?
“Um,” I hesitate as I look up at her again. “I’m going to need you to go up to the attorney’s office with me later this week.”
“Why?” she asks me, looking up confused, but I can’t make her eyes. Instead, I look away quickly, shame filling me.
“He’s drawing up a prenup for us to sign.” I say to her, trying to force the shame from my voice because he was right… If she gets mad, then she’s not the one who I need to be with.
“A prenup?” She replies and I look up, nodding my head.
“Yeah, ya know. Just with everything…” She slowly nods her head again. “Then everything can go exactly how we planned. I’ll finish up this semester next month, and then the wedding will be after.” She smiles as she looks down and pushes around the food on her plate. “Ez, what’s wrong?” I ask her and she just shakes her head.
“Nothing, just caught me off guard.” She lets the disappointment fall from her face as she looks back up at me.
Sitting up, my chest squeezes. It’s been so long since I have had the dreams about Ezzie. I thought I had rid them from my head. Almost as if my mind can’t shut them out, the rest of what happened flashes through my head.
Two weeks later, I came home to an empty house. Ordering a pizza for dinner because I couldn’t get her on the phone. Waiting until I fell asleep on the couch.
When I finally woke up the next morning and I still hadn’t seen or heard from her on the phone, I called the cops.
They showed up within minutes. When someone calls from Providence Hills, the cops are pretty responsive to the prestige gated community.
I didn’t expect them to ask me to come down to the station with them. Or for them to hold me for questioning. I just thought that if I went in, I would answer questions for minimal things.
Luckily, I had an air-tight alibi, and my attorney didn’t have to do much to get me out.
I stayed in my mother’s house for months, hoping, praying that Ez would come back home. That whoever had taken her would let her go or maybe that they would find her body and I could have some sort of fucking closure, but nothing like that ever happened.
She just slowly faded from everyone’s memory around me. Everyone except for me.
6 months after I sat in my living room with the police officers, I sold my mother’s house, used the money to buy my own, I flunked out of my final semester of university, and gave up the life I thought I was going to have with Ez.
I may have let go of the idea of having that life with her, but I swore I would do everything in my power to find her. I knew she was somewhere out there. I could still feel it.
Only, it’s been eight years now, and even with the time and resources I have put into finding her. I haven’t seen a single sign of life from her.
She’s dead… I accepted this a while ago and it’s why I completely changed my life.
It’s why I vowed to find these girls and save them from the darkness. Because if I was forced to live in this darkness, they shouldn’t be…
And that’s how I ended up in the mess that I’m currently in. As Sloan lies next to me, in my bed, her foot slipped halfway across, touching mine. She’s a giant pain in my ass, but as she lays there… She seems docile enough.
“God, yes, Sloan.”
Her moans fill the surrounding air. I press a finger inside of her feeling her back as it arches off of the chair, she’s sitting in. Her fingers tangle in my hair tugging at it lightly. Pulling away, I look up at her as I curl my fingers, watching her reaction as they graze the inner wall.
I would be lying if I said that this didn’t turn me on as well. I’m not sure which part of it actually turns me on more, though: watching her re
“What the fuck!” I hear shouted from beside us.
I’ve been overly aware of our surroundings this whole time, waiting for this exact moment. However, her comment was just a bonus for me, couldn’t have fucking planned that shit any better. She pushes me away from her as she attempts to smooth her skirt back down, as if we weren’t doing anything. I laugh to myself as I reach over, grabbing a hold of my panties and slipping them up my legs before I right my skirt. “Kristen, what the fuck?” He shouts. I stand up, wiping my mouth as I do.
“Scott,” she says in a worried tone as she rushes up to him, “it’s not what it looks like…” she trails off.
“Really Sloan? You’re not even bi.” Scott shouts at me, looking straight past Kristen as she looks back, confused.
“Wait, you two know each other?”
I smirk as I look from her and then back over to Scott, and nod my head, answering her question. I admit it’s a little shitty that I used her for my revenge, but in my defense, I warned her I was using her. I’m sure she just thought that I was using her for JUST sex. Not sex and revenge.
“You know, I’ve never liked to label myself.” I shrug as I walk up to him, slipping on my heels. Holding up my right hand as I stand up straight, looking back over to Kristen. “Are you going to clean up your mess?” I ask her, watching her eyes flick back and forth and I can see in her expression that she’s still turned on by me, but she’s conflicted and doesn’t want to do so in front of him. Slipping them into my mouth, I watch her eyes as she watches me closely, licking her juices off of my fingers.
“Ho—” she stutters over her word for a second. I’m sure, attempting to ask for a second time how Scott and I know one another.
“What the fuck, Sloan?”
“What?” I ask him innocently as I step into him. “I mean, I just wanted to see what all the fuss was about?” I shrug my shoulders. “And let me tell you, Scott, I get it. The things she can do with her tongue, fuck, I would have probably cheated on me, too.” I laugh out as Kristen gasps again. Based on when he finally admitted to me earlier this week, she knew he had a girlfriend. She just didn’t think that it would be me when she invited me back to her apartment. Glancing back over at her, I smile again. “Let me know if you want to come again.” I wink before looking back at Scott. “And let me know if you need any pointers for getting her there.” I take two steps and stop. “And I’m sure you’ll recognize my taste when you kiss her later.” I laugh as I walk out of the room, towards the front door, and into the hallway of their apartment.
I can hear the yelling when I wait at the elevator, laughing out as I hear the ding.
As I make my way down the sidewalk, I see a bar across the street and walk inside. I’m sure I’m still laughing to myself as I sit down at the counter, order my drink, and take a sip as a voice starts from beside me.
“You look way to happy to be in this bar alone.” He says before I look over and smile, politely, even if I internally roll my eyes.
“Of course.” I say as he gazes at me. I’m not interested in picking anyone up. I mean, it wouldn’t be the first time I had sex with two different people in the same day, but I try to not make it a habit. “I always enjoy a bit of good ol’ fashion revenge.”
“Revenge?!” He exclaims, laughing. “What did he cheat on you?” Even if his tone is entirely condescending, I still laugh out loud.
“And what kind of revenge?” His question is interrupted by his inability to keep his composure.
“I fucked his girlfriend.” I shrug my shoulders as he stops laughing, looking over at me. “Made sure he saw.” I laugh, thinking about it again, as I look over at his awestruck face.
“So,” He pauses as he swallows, trying to force the words out. “You’re a…” he coughs out again as if he can’t even muster out the words.
“I’ll do anything for revenge.”
Leaving the bar, I feel like I have eyes on me. I wouldn’t be surprised if Scott jumps out from behind some fucking corner to try and confront me about earlier. He really is a piece of shit. I should have seen him years ago for what he is, instead of slowly letting him suffocate all of my outside relationships until I had no one… including him because he went and found someone new.
But that’s what narcissistic piles of shit do. They break down someone until they’re nothing and then find a new shiny toy to play with because they don’t like the broken ones.
Why is it so fucking hard to let go of your first love? We were 19 when we first got together, moved in together within the first year, yet now, here we are at 25 and I’m homeless.
6 years, I spent with that human equivalent to garbage. While we were talking about marriage and a family for the last 2 years, here he was spinning this web of elaborate lies, all while fucking Kristen.
I don’t put that much blame on her, really, I mean, she knew he was with someone, but she ultimately wasn’t the one who cheated on me. In fact, until tonight, I didn’t even know who she was.
“Excuse me.” I hear a voice call out from behind as someone walks up next to me. “I couldn’t help but overhear you talking in there.” Her voice is unsettling, as if she’s trying to sound calming, but I can somehow see through it. I give her a tight smile as I nod my head. The first thing I really notice about her is the bright red lipstick. “Men are such pigs sometimes.” She laughs out as I nod once more, and she starts to slow. “Well, this is me.” She points to the large SUV on the curb, and I nod again. “You live far away?” She asks me and I hesitate for a moment, but I don’t want to be outright rude.
Why do I have to be such a goddamn people pleaser?
“A handful of blocks.” I nod in the hotel's direction. The room I paid up front for a couple of nights, but I don’t want to tell her that.
“Let me give you a ride.” She nods backwards. I shake my head. I’ve never been one to trust anyone, regardless of gender, because honestly, I’ve been fucked over by every type of person, so I’m no longer surprised.
“I don’t mind walking.” I give her a polite smile before I turn around and walk off in the opposite direction.
“Oh yeah, Sloan.” She calls out, halting me in my spot as I glance at her over my shoulder. “Get home safe.” I swallow, knowing that there’s no fucking possible way she could have known my name. I hear the door open, just wanting desperately for her to get into her car and leave. I want as much distance between her and I that there could possibly be. Maybe she just overheard the bartender call me by it when he was giving me my card back.
I hear my heels scraping against the concrete before I fully realize that I’m being pulled backwards, an arm around my throat, dragging me into the car.
I can’t see, as the bag slips up over my head, and I feel the backs of my legs slam into metal as they pull me back into the vehicle.
“What the fuck?” I try to shout for someone, anyone, to hear me, but the door slams shut before I can even get it all out.
“Shut up.” I hear a deep voice say next to me.
“Is the bag over my head really necessary?” I ask no one in particular but am only met with silence. “Are you taking me to your secret super-villain lair?” I snap back, not excepting an answer.
“Make her stop talking.” I hear the feminine voice say to the man, who then mumbles out some words.
“What do you want me to do?” He finally snaps back to her. “Want me to knock her out?”