Mated by Destiny Bundle: The Complete Series: A BBW Wolf Shifter Threesome Paranormal Erotic Romance, page 1

Dedication Page
Book 1: Bond of the Mates
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Book 2: Return of the Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Book 3: Fight for the Mates
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Author's Note
About the Author
Mated by Destiny Bundle: The Complete Series
Copyright © 2015 Roxxy Muldoon
Cover by Sam Thompson
Special thanks to Eliza Phillips.
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Published by Muldoon Publications
Bloomington, MN 55438
This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents that occur in this book are works fictitious. Any resemblance to any persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
All rights reserved. No part of this work may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission with the exception of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Property of Roxxy Muldoon July 198h, 2015
Dedication Page
To you, yes you. Thanks.
Book 1: Bond of the Mates
Smoke filled the cabin, the incense had been burning too long. I watched as the alpha walked around the room, inspecting each young wolf with care. When he looked at me, I held his gaze, though I was shivering inside.
“Please find me someone good,” I whispered in my head. “Please give me someone I can trust. Please find me someone sexy and strong.”
The alpha finished looking at all my peers and moved to the center of the room.
“Citizens of Moon Lake,” he began, his voicing echoing through the smoke filled the room. I wanted to sneeze.
“Brothers and sisters in flesh,” he continued. “My pack, my life. We come together for the matching of souls. The special time in every young person’s life where the elders of the pack read their stars, dispositions, and desires and pair them with their ideal mate.”
I wiggled in my seat. My eyes were filled with smoke and watered.
“We already know this bit,” I thought, “get to the good part.”
The old alpha continued to pontificate. “As you know, we had an odd number of males and females this year. While this usually means love found in other age categories or outside the pack for those special brothers and sisters, we have a truly special circumstance this year. We have, the bonded triad.”
Around me, somewhere in the smoke, the other members of my pack murmured appreciatively.
“If these brothers and sister can learn to share their love,” the alpha said, “they will grow a bond that can not be broken. But be warned, children, the triad can be difficult to control.”
He moved to me, and my mouth went dry.
“Tasha,” he said, placing a hand on my shoulder, “you are the first point of the bonded triad. You must learn to split your love between two men. In doing so, you will find true happiness.”
A triad? I shivered, this couldn’t be right. I was nervous enough about being paired with one mate, and now two?
“Hunter,” said the alpha, placing his hand on the shoulder of a dark-haired boy. “Roman.” He placed his other hand on the shoulder of the sandy-haired boy sitting next to Hunter. “These are your mates, Tasha, if you choose to accept them.”
I nodded slowly, trying to take a look at the boys through the smoke. Who thought incense was a good idea anyway?
“Do you accept them?” The alpha asked.
I couldn’t move, my body was lead.
“Do you? Do you? Do you?” I could no longer see the alpha in the smoke. Only Roman and Hunter, who seemed to grow larger and larger in front of me,
“Why did you abandon us?” Roman asked, his mouth not moving, body looming higher and higher over me.
“You left us,” Hunter said, mouth now his wolf snout, opening to reveal his canines. “Why did you do that, Tasha?”
The smoke grew fingers and wrapped around my limbs. I screamed, but no sound came out. This was the end. This was the end.
I jerked awake, sitting straight up in bed. I had dreamt of the bonding ceremony every night this week. It was time. I would go back.
Chapter One
I sped around each turn in the freeway, impressed I still remembered how to find my way… home? Home was the term my friends would use, the place where I grew up, where my family was from, where I left to go somewhere else. But, when I hadn’t returned in ten years, it felt more like crawling back to my grave.
I risked a glance out the window, watching the dense forest grow thicker and thicker as I hurtled farther away from civilization. Human civilization, that is. I could feel the wolf inside me stirring, she hadn’t smelled the northern air in quite some time. We were getting close to Moon Lake. I suppressed the urge to roll down the window and let out a howl. Someone might hear me. I wanted the element of surprise.
I sighed, reaching into my purse for my lip gloss. I didn’t look great, my hair and skin was greasy from thirteen hours in the car. The moss green sweater I wore was covered in a light speckling of crumbs from food found at gas stations - mostly potato chips and cookies. I had been wearing my bra for too many hours now, the elastic digging into my flesh. I squirmed, dying to take it off. When I found my tube of “primal desire” - purchased for ironic delight and the fact that the deep red did wonders for my skin - I slid it on expertly. I should make a small effort.
I found my turn without needing to check my GPS. Even at twenty-nine, almost thirty, a decade after I had flown out of Moon Lake as fast as I could, I remembered the turn. The lake spread out in front of me, the perfect round shape giving it its name. The shifter territory that sprung up around it was just one of life’s funny coincidences.
A few more houses dotted the clearings, the pack had grown. I felt a combination of guilt and relief. Of course hadn't stopped growing just because I left, but I was taught they would. I was the drive, wasn’t I? The need for change and progress.
I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I could have an internal crisis any other time, now I needed to focus on my reintroductions to the boys. Boys who wouldn’t be boys anymore, I supposed, we were all in our thirties now. Shit, how could I have left for so long?
Before long, I pulled into the driveway, unsure of how to start. I did the only thing I could do, put the car into park and stepped outside.
I knew this was a bad idea the second I knocked on the door. The sun was just beginning to set over the horizon, the rays reflecting in the windows of the cabin making it impossible to see inside. I glanced over my shoulder, back at my car. The shiny, silver Durango beckoned for me to run back, slip into the driver’s seat, and rush away from my old life.
When the door opened, I knew it was too late. It was time to face the past.
“Tasha?” said the man who opened the door.
“Hello, Roman!” I said, as cheerfully as I could muster. Wow. He had changed so much since I last saw him. The thin frame had filled out into broad shoulders, pectoral muscles visible beneath his t-shirt, and a muscular stance. Roman clutched the doorknob harshly, the definition of his tanned arms becoming visible.
“Tasha?” He asked again, running a hand through his sandy brown hair. His golden eyes flashed with confusion as he took me in. This was a mistake, god, this was such a mistake.
Then, before I could fully realize what was happening, Roman slipped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. He was warm and sturdy beneath my body, and I could not help but press into him. I hadn’t been held like this, if I was being honest with myself, since that last time I was with Roman. He towered over me, at least a good six inches, and his lean, toned arms held me so firmly I felt dwarfed. Being a woman of a certain size, curvy and unapologetic, it was hard for me to feel small. But here, at this moment ripped out of my past, I felt secure.
I breathed in before I pulled back. My nose tingled with pine trees, smoke, and a hint of sweat, he smelled the same.
“I’m back,” I said sheepishly, pulling at the corner of the hoodie I was wearing. It was a little tight on me, accenting the curves of my breasts and my hips. Usually, I felt great in this and a pair of tight jeans. That was why I had chosen to wear it today. But, now here in front of Roman, in the old cabin, I felt exposed. I saw Roman’s eyes travel down my body, and heat flared to my cheeks.
“I really misse-“ I began.
At the sound of that second voice, I felt my heart stop. Roman stepped to the side, revealing another man behind him, framed in the doorway of the kitchen. The man’s ice blue eyes were narrowed in a glare, his arms crossed in frustration.
“It’s been a long time, Hunter,” I said.
Hunter crossed over towards me. He had grown too, taller than me, though not as tall as Roman. I don’t know why I was so surprised, of course, the wiry teens I knew had grown into men. Just as I had grown into my breasts, thighs, and adult desires.
Hunter growled, a low rumble that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up and goose bumps prickle down my flesh. He always had a touch of thunder in him, the worst at controlling his animal instincts.
“I never thought you’d come back here,” Hunter spoke in a deep voice, low and powerful, dangerous and surrounding me, like smoke.
He stared me down, walking next to Roman. They stood shoulder to shoulder, one glowering and one looking at me in wonder and hurt. They had used this tactic on me many times before, to ditch class, to sneak out and drink with them, to get into any kind of trouble with them. It had worked on me when I was thirteen, but it wasn’t going to work on me now.
I took a deep breath and found the part of me that I could always rely on, my wolf. Drawing strength from my primal instincts, I stared Hunter back in the eye and said, “What? No hug?” I gave him a half smile, hoping that I looked more confident than I felt. “Hunter, you’ve always been more polite than that.”
“I would ask you to come in,” said Hunter, “but you never stay very long. I don’t want to waste my time.”
“Come in,” said Roman, shooting Hunter a quick look. “You’re here for a reason, you may as well tell us why.”
I slipped into the cabin and glanced around. It was simple for the most part. A few leather couches in the living room, a flannel blanket thrown over the back, and a matching armchair in the corner. The coffee table was made out of a tree stump, it’s natural shape and coloring left intact, only a finish over the top to keep the wood safe. A wood burning stove was in the far corner, next to a huge picture window looking out into the forest. It looked just like my old home. I sighed, there is truly nowhere like Moon Lake.
“Your place is really nice,” I said, perching on the edge of one of the large sofas.
Roman slipped into the arm chair. “It could use a woman’s touch,” he offered. I smiled at him. Always kind, and even kinder now.
“Why are you here?” Hunter asked, quick to cut to the chase.
I brought my hands to my lap, pulling my left thumb into my right hand and squeezing. I did not think it would be this nerve-wracking.
“Look,” I said, keeping my gaze focused on Hunter’s. Now was not the time to show him any weakness. “I am sorry that I have been gone for so long. I wanted to make amends.”
“You can’t possibly be serious!” Hunter said, louder this time, slamming his hand on the back of the chair Roman was sitting in. “You haven’t so much as talked to either of us in ten years and you expect us to just take you back? No questions asked?”
I bristled. “I didn’t say you couldn’t ask-“
“Unbelievable,” Hunter said, stalking around the chair toward me. “You have always been selfish, Tasha. You were selfish for leaving Roman and I here alone and you’re selfish for expecting that you can just come back into our lives like this.”
He was directly in front of my now. He was strong, I could see his muscles contracting and releasing with frustration and tension in the room. I could smell his annoyance with me.
The wolf pulled against me and I stood up to look him in the eye. He was only taller than me by a few inches, and I was strong too. I pushed myself up on my toes to look him in the eye.
“If you would let me finish,” I snarled, relishing the adrenaline that coursed through me whenever I gave into the wolf, “I would be able to explain what happened.”
“Explain why you ran away?”
“Explain why I came back!”
“Roman and I don’t care that you’re-“
“Hunter,” Roman snapped from his chair. He was controlled, but tight, having risen quietly to his full height without us noticing. The tallest in the room, he was the most difficult to ignore. “Tasha,” Roman continued, “I think it would be best if we stopped for tonight. Trust me when I say this,” he allowed me a small smile, his golden eyes meeting mine briefly, “we are truly happy to see you back. Unfortunately, it is also a difficult surprise for both Hunter and myself to handle. I think it would be best if you came back in the morning.”
“Fine,” I said, quieter than I would have liked, the calm deflating me of my earlier excitement. “We can talk about it tomorrow.”
“If you’re still here,” Hunter shot back, though he too looked deflated, shoulders slouching in on themselves like a child’s.
“I will be,” I said. “I will be at Amber’s.”
“Fine,” said Roman, “That’s just fine.”
He started to usher me to the door. “Tomorrow, can we meet you at the clearing?” He hesitated. “Do you remember where that is?”
I smiled up at him. “How could I forget?”
“Tomorrow morning then, around nine?”
I nodded and turned to leave. “I really missed you, you know,” I said. I nodded in the direction of Hunter. “Both of you.”
Roman smiled at me, standing in the doorway. “We are glad to see you again. It has been too long.”
Hunter just stared at me, his icy eyes stripping me bare. I flushed. My heart beat a little faster. God, even with everything that happened, I still couldn’t forget everything that was between us. That’s why I was here, after all.
I shut the door and walked over to my car, the night air filling my nostrils with the smell of chilled pine. I breathed it in, letting my body relax. South Dakota might have been almost as cold, but it did not have the sprawling forests of northern Minnesota. It certainly didn’t have the right smell.
I slid into my car, tossing the pair of sunglasses off my seat onto the dashboard. I wouldn’t need these for a while, not in the dark already. I sighed and slumped forward onto the wheel, adjusting myself so I didn’t accidentally honk the horn with my breasts.
The real question was where would I sleep tonight? Our town was small, and not for tourists. The nearest hotel was about an hour south. Doable, but not ideal, I hated early mornings. Nine in the morning was pushing it, if I was being honest.
I sat back and brushed a piece of brown hair out of my eyes with a sigh. There was an option, but I was not sure if it would work out. I glanced up at the house, log cabin style with large, picture windows.
Hunter was still staring at me, out of one of the windows in the front. The light cut around him, showing his silhouette. I could see everything, the defiant curve of his shoulders, the ridges and valleys of his chiseled arms, his tapered waist. I shivered, rubbing my arms in the sudden chill. Hunter turned out the light, the house went dark.
I flipped on the headlights and backed out of the driveway. There was no use staying here any longer. Time for plan b, at least until tomorrow.
My second welcome of the evening was significantly more pleasant. My cousin, Amber, still kept in contact with me from time to time. We had been thick as thieves when we were young, only growing slightly apart when I started running around with Roman and Hunter. She had always been incredibly understanding when it came to matters of my heart. Even, it turned out, with my abrupt disappearance and return.
“Tasha!” She squealed with delight when she opened the door to find me. About five inches shorter than me, but just as curvy, she managed to pull me down into a tight hug. My wolf reacted pleasantly to this familiar face, causing me to nuzzle ever so slightly into her. She giggled, pulling back.
“Girl, look at you,” she said, grabbing my arm and bringing me into her cozy abode. The traditional cabin style only touched the exterior of her home, the interior being much more french country. An overstuffed couch took center stage in her living room, decorated with checked blue and yellow pillows. There were magazines, blankets, and empty glasses dropped on every available surface, including the mantle and the radiator. “You’re old now!” She finished.