At the Billionaire's Pleasure 5 (Anything for Love) (BDSM Billionaire Series), page 1

At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 5
Anything For Love
BDSM Billionaire Series
By M.G. Morgan
Copyright 2012 M.G. Morgan
Other Titles in this Series
At the Billionaire’s Pleasure
At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 2: Bound By Him
At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 3: For Love or Lust?
At the Billionaire’s Pleasure 4: Love’s Price
To learn more about this series and upcoming titles by this author contact her on
Kindle Edition
The sound of beeping slowly roused me. My eyes felt heavy as though they were weighed down with lead. The second I opened my eyes I instantly regretted it. Everything about the room was far too bright. The white walls and bed sheets seemed to create a glare that made the pounding in my head so much more pronounced.
Someone groaned. It wasn't until I felt a hand grip mine tightly that I realised it was me making the small, groaning, whimpering noises. I sounded pathetic, like a wounded animal.
I opened my eyes again and this time I tried to keep them open. I wanted to be awake... It was the reason I had fought so hard to survive in the first place. I wanted to be awake for the person gripping my hand so tightly I was sure it would be covered in bruises.
"David..." The word came out on a half choked hoarse sob.
His face came into view above me. The concern and anguish that filled his eyes hurt my heart. I didn't want to see him so upset. He shouldn't have been so worried... Part of me wondered why he would be so worried... It didn't make any sense...
He ran his free hand down against the side of my face, cupping my cheek. It was such a tender gesture that I couldn't stop the tears from trickling from my eyes. I opened my mouth again but my throat ached and the words refused to form properly. I was so confused...
I tried to sit up and the world spun in sickening circles. Bright white lights exploded behind my eyes making me wince and forcing me to give up my attempt to sit up straight.
"Don't move, I'll get a nurse." He moved to release his grip on my hand. Panic flooded through me. I wasn't sure why but the last thing I wanted was for David to leave my side.
With a strangled sob of fear I grabbed at his arm and jacket. My fingers digging into his hard forearm leaving me feeling reassured. He was real. He wasn't just one of my dreams. I'd had plenty of them. Terrifying dark dreams filled with terror and pain. David had been my anchor but he had always disappeared just when I needed him most. He couldn't save me if he was a dream. But here in the white room he was very real.
"It's alright, Carrie, I'm just going to get a nurse to look at you. You've been out for three days. They were worried about your head trauma."
"Don't leave me, please..." The words finally left my tongue. The feel of the scalding tears running down my face made me feel alive. Everything did. Pain was both a blessing and a curse.
The door opened up and David turned relieved eyes to whoever had entered. "Aaron, she's awake. Can you get the nurse?"
"Of course." Aaron's tired voice met my ears. I tried again to sit up. The pain this time was a little less and I managed to push my body into an upright position. David spent his time moving the pillows around trying to find an optimum position for them. Even though I was weak I could tell he was nervous about something... But what it was I didn't know.
"What happened?" I asked when he had finally finished fixing the pillows behind me. My voice sounded coarse, as though I had spent days singing and shouting at the top of my lungs.
"You were attacked..." David's voice trailed off as he caught sight of my confused expression.
Attacked. It didn't sound familiar. I knew something had happened. David's mention of the word nurse and the injury he had spoken of let me know I was in hospital. But why? I had no idea. All I was certain of was that I didn't want to be left on my own. And I certainly didn't want David to leave my side.
"You don't remember?" He asked, his expression once again filled with concern. I wanted to brush the look from his face and tell him that everything would be alright. But I didn't know how. If I couldn't remember being attacked then how could I reassure him that everything would be fine?
The door banged open and I jumped, it made my head ache even more. Sudden movements were no good.
"You shouldn't be sitting up, Miss Grant." The nurse's business-like tone made me smile. She turned on David. "How long has she been awake?"
"Just a few minutes. She has just woken up. She doesn't remember anything."
The nurse turned back to me. "Where do you have pain?"
"My head and my throat and neck." I tried to lift my hand but my body felt tired as though I had run a marathon.
"That's to be expected. I'll get you some more pain relief and then I need you to get some rest." She checked the machine beside the bed before once more leaving.
"You gave us all quite a scare, Carrie." Aaron's voice broke through my thoughts and I turned to look at him.
"I didn't mean to..."
He grinned and sat in the chair near the bed. "This one hasn't slept since it happened. I've been trying to tell him that he needs to rest but he wouldn't listen."
I glanced over at David as Aaron spoke. For the first time I noticed that it wasn't just concern that was etched into his features. He looked exhausted. Where normally his clothes were immaculate the ones he wore were crumpled and ruined. They looked as though he had slept in them and judging from the tiredness on his face he probably had.
"Where have you been sleeping?" I asked him.
"It doesn't matter..."
Aaron's voice cut across David's dismissal. "He's been sleeping here. On the sofa under the window. Refused to leave your side."
David shot Aaron a dirty look shutting him up. The other man shrugged and closed his eyes, settling back against the chair he sat in.
"Take no notice of Aaron. I just did what I had to do... This is my fault..."
"David, I'm a little hazy on what actually happened, but what I am sure of is that none of this was your fault. You didn't do this to me."
"I may as well have..."
I tried to shake my head but the movement caused me to whimper and close my eyes until the pain subsided. The nurse hurried back into the room, she pushed a small trolley in front of her. On it I could see several vials and small sealed packages. Seeing the look of pain on my face she began immediately ripping open little packages and pulled a small vial from the collection. I watched through a fog of pain as she prepped the needle and injected the clear fluid into the saline drip that was suspended above me.
"You need to rest."
"I don't really, I'm fine..." The moment the clear fluid passed down the line and into my arm I felt its effects. It washed over me, chasing the pain away in front of it like the crashing wave on the shore. Something tugged at my memory. Something about the beach and the water.
Without thinking I reached up and took David's hand. He jumped and looked at me startled. He was used to initiating the contact. The fact that I had took his hand in mine spoke volumes. It was like a reassurance, he knew I didn't blame him. I never could. This wasn't his fault...
The nurse watched me for a few minutes more. She checked the machines beside the bed before turning back to me. "Does that feel better?" She asked.
"Yeah..." My voice was groggy and drugged. "I don't want to sleep though... I want to be awake..." Panic threatened to grip me and I held onto David's hand a little tighter.
He pressed his hand to my forehead and smoothed my hair back. "Sssh, I'll still be here when you wake..."
I smiled weakly and nodded before closing my eyes and letting myself drift away on the haze of drugs. The sound of David's voice tugged at me, I tried to stay awake to hear what he had to say but it was coming from very far away.
"They haven't picked him up yet."
"They will, David. Relax. He won't be back. What he did to Carrie was the last ditch attempt of a very desperate man."
"But I'd feel so much better if they had him in custody... Not knowing where he is, Aaron... What if..."
"He won't. stop thinking like that. She's safe. Just be glad you got there on time..."
"Aaron, if he had succeeded I don't think I could ever forgive myself... It's made me wonder if Carrie wouldn't be better off without me in her life. If I had left her alone none of this would have happened. Life would be normal..."
I stirred then. David's words penetrating the haze that filled my head with cotton wool. I wanted him to know that I was glad he hadn't left me alone. That without him in my life I would be a shell.
"We shouldn't be discussing this in here. We should take it out into the hall..."
I tried to open my mouth to call David back. I didn't want to be left on my own. The sound of the door closing let me know I was alone. With a sigh I let the medication take me. Rest was the only way to get back on my feet. I needed to be better so I could show David just how much he meant to me. There was no way I was letting him go now that I had found him.
The first few days after I woke up seemed to blur one into the other. Once the pain started to lessen and my mind wasn't fogged up by the pain medication as much I started to feel far better. The only thing I fou
David did his best to try and fill in the blanks for me. But without my own memory of that night it was simply him telling me a story. By the third day I was itching to leave. The doctor seemed pleased by my progress but was still a little anxious about my loss of memory caused by the head trauma. The one thing I was extremely grateful for was that the headaches had slowly begun to grow further and further apart.
The feel of a warm hand brushing gently across my cheek had me stirring. It seemed a little early for David to be here. Ever since I had found out about him sleeping on the couch I had insisted he return to the hotel and get some proper sleep. What had finally convinced him was my telling him that he was disturbing my rest.
I rolled onto my back and opened my eyes with a smile. The face that stared down at me wasn't David's but it was very familiar. The curve of his lips and the boyish charm. The way his smile lit up his entire face but failed to reach his eyes. My stomach lurched as I stared up at him.
Cold clammy terror wound its way down my spine and crawled up the back of my throat. I remembered the feel of his hands on my neck. The way he had tried to squeeze the life from me, choke me... The look of pure hatred that had filled his eyes. But more than that, the look of happiness as he had tried to kill me. The look of someone who enjoyed inflicting pain and who had just discovered their new favourite hobby. It was that look that had haunted my dreams. It was the look in those eyes that had me waking most nights in a cold sweat. And now here he was, standing over me.
I opened my mouth but Robert was quick to clamp his hand down on my face. He pinned me easily beneath him. I struggled, terror making me stronger than normal. But I was still weakened and he was determined.
"When I heard you were in the hospital I was so disappointed. I failed. You see, Carrie, I seem to be failing at everything lately. David has me beat at every turn. Or so I thought."
He paused long enough to trace his fingers down across my cheek. A tear slipped silently from my eye and he caught it on the tip of his finger. Holding it there as he pinned me to the bed. Realising that one of my hands was still free I inched my hand closer and closer to the little red button that lay on the covers beside me. If I could just reach it and press it without him noticing someone would have to come to my room. I would be safe.
I flinched and shut my eyes as he clenched his fist tightly crushing the tear in his large grip. I was certain that he was going to finish what he had started. My own memories were still hazy but the more time I spent in his company the clearer they were becoming.
"If I had killed you when I had originally planned, Carrie, David would have felt guilty. It would have hurt him, there is no doubt about that. But now. If I bide my time, take my time and make my plans and kill you when I'm good and ready it will hurt David a great deal more. He wants to protect you. I don't really understand it myself, I've never had the overwhelming urge to protect others..."
He stared off into the distance as though looking at something only he could see. "If I take you from him now. Kill you when he is at his most vigilante. When every fibre of his being is striving to protect you, that's what will do the most damage to him. David is a proud, arrogant man, one could say. This would finish him."
My fingers closed around the small button and I began frantically pressing the call button. Faintly I could hear the buzzer sounding in the nurses’ station. Robert pressed his face in close to mine once more, nuzzling at my ear and grazing his teeth down along the line of my jaw.
"We could have some fun before I... Well you know... It doesn't have to be all pain and suffering. I must admit to being quite intrigued as to what it is that David sees in you. You're not my type, but there is something about you..." He pressed his lips against my ear and I cringed away from his hot breath. "I'd be very interested in exploring what it is about you that David finds intriguing..."
The door opened and I caught sight of a small nurse bustling into the room. She pushed the usual medication trolley ahead of her. Her gaze was focused on the chart that lay across the top of the cart and she didn't see Robert immediately. But he saw her. I felt his stiffen, all of his relaxed bravado instantly disappeared and the tension practically dripped off him.
"Now, Miss Grant, what appears to be the matter?"
I struggled in Robert's grip as the nurse turned her attention from the chart to me in the bed. Surprise and shock froze her to the spot. "What's going on!" She exclaimed.
Robert pressed his clammy lips to my forehead and kissed me. Before springing away from the bed. The nurse turned to run, to escape and no doubt raise the alarm. But Robert knew he needed time to escape. Grabbing the small dainty woman he slammed her head first into the wall. Her body crumpled in a heap to the floor as he dashed from the room leaving me struggling to get out of the bed and help the fallen nurse.
He hadn't even given her a chance to scream in surprise and the fact that she was lying on the floor so still sent panic trembling through me. He had tried to kill me once before. But what if my summoning help had caused him to kill someone completely innocent? Someone who had nothing to do with the situation. How would I ever reconcile that within myself?
Dropping to my knees I pressed my fingers against the woman's neck and was relieved to feel a pulse. I crawled to the door, the adrenaline still coursing through my body. Pulling it open I tried to stand but instead slid out into the halls and collapsed back onto my knees.
"Help!" I found my voice just as I began to sob. The hall quickly became a hive of activity. Nurses, doctors, and orderlies quickly rushing to my aide but I directed them to my room and the fallen woman. My sobbing was threatening to overwhelm my voice and my body had started to shake uncontrollably.
"Get, David... Please, get, David..." I wasn't sure if they understood my pleas for the only man who had ever made me feel safe in my life. I was picked up and carried to a separate room. The doctor examining me and asking questions in an attempt to figure out what had happened. But in my head the only thing I could think about was how I wanted David to come and hold me in his arms. I was certain that if he did I would be safe.
Part of me knew how stupid it was to think that way. David hadn't protected me from Robert either time he had chosen to attack me. But it didn't stop me from being sure that if I could just feel David's arms around me that nothing could ever touch me.
"Where is she?" The sound of his voice roused me from whatever shocked trance I was slipping into. He burst through the security men who had spent their time trying to question me, and swept me up into his arms.
I couldn't stop the tears, they rolled from my eyes, hot and heavy. The scent of David's cologne enveloped me in its warm heady aroma and washed away the acrid smell of Robert that seemed determined to linger on my skin.
David wound his fingers into my dark hair and gently tilted my head back. His eyes were filled with pain and anguish and it hurt me to see him in such a state.
"I'm alright." I whispered the words but I knew he heard me. I could see the slight flinching of his eyes and I could imagine what he was thinking in his head. He was blaming himself. It was as clear to me as though he had announced it to the entire room.
"What happened?" David pressed his lips against mine in a soft, almost chaste kiss. It was filled with unformed words and unspoken emotion but for the first time I was with David, I understood his feelings for me. Words were not necessary for the feelings he held for me. I knew at some point he would tell me but it would be when he was ready and not a moment sooner. A thought popped into my head then. Perhaps he didn't even fully understand what he felt for me? It was possible. After everything that had happened it wasn't impossible to think that David had not yet had time to fully figure out what he was feeling.
"I woke up and he was just there. I don't know how he got in. I presume he just walked in... But... At first I thought it might have been you. I knew it was too early but I never for a second thought it could ever be him. He gave me a fright..."
"I should have been there. I should never have left you alone... I just thought with the time that had passed and the fact that he had never attempted to come near you sooner... Well I thought maybe he had fled the country... I should have known better..."