The Virgin's Baby_A Forced Marriage Romance, page 1
part #2 of Sons of Sin Series

Table of Contents
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The Virgin’s Baby
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
The Virgin’s Baby Extended Epilogue
The Virgin’s Dance Sneak Peek
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
About The Author
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She had it coming to her. Everyone knew it, too…
A little princess at work, she was anything but that when I got her home.
She was required to strip down to her underwear as soon as we entered our apartment.
At work, she was my intern. At home, she was my slave.
And a very good slave at that.
But it was time things changed. Would she be able to conform to what I now wanted her to be?
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The Virgin’s Baby
A Forced Marriage Romance
Michelle Love
Death became the catalyst for life…
My thirtieth birthday wasn’t supposed to end this way.
One phone call had me rushing to my grandfather’s side.
The only family I had left would soon be leaving me behind.
His one demand?
Produce an heir or be cut out of his will.
Out of all my potential surrogates, she alone stood out.
Brilliant. Gorgeous. Innocent.
She pegged me as a bad boy right from the start.
She’d have my baby, but I would never have her heart.
Or would I?
Having a stranger’s baby wasn’t a thing I’d ever dreamt of doing…
As a busy college student, I didn’t have time for the opposite sex.
The center of my world was my approaching career.
Until he came along.
Stimulating. Virile. Obsessive.
I was supposed to have his baby and nothing more.
Only, he wanted much more than I could give.
His slightest touch turned me into a puddle of melting flesh.
If I allowed it, he would own me—body and soul.
I would give him his heir, but never my heart.
©Copyright 2018 by Michelle Love - All rights Reserved
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Respective authors own all copyrights not held by the publisher.
Chapter One
Ibiza, Spain – May 9th
Waves rolled in on the pristine white sand; the water placidly reflected the clear blue sky. Paradise is what we came for, and my friends and I were not disappointed. With females everywhere you turned wearing next to nothing, it made our vacation—our perpetual vacation—even better.
Dumphy raised his hand between us, awaiting a high-five from me.
“Give it to me, Ransom. Did I pick the perfect place to spend the next month or what?”
Not one to leave a friend hanging, I gave him the gesture he deserved.
“That you did, Dumphy.” Charles Mason Dumphy was one of the wealthiest sons-of-bitches on the planet. He’d called me up one day, telling me that he’d heard there was a ton of action in Ibiza, Spain, and that we needed to go.
Gathering a couple more friends, Vick and Alejandro, I made us into the Fearsome Foursome once again. Our little pack liked to spend money, have as much fun as humanly possible, and bag all the babes we could. We had month-long vacations four times a year. And we all took turns picking out the places to go.
Summer was just beginning, and I was certain it would be a great one. Lying on the beach, watching the beauties parading past proved better than watching any movie ever.
Vick leaned up on his elbows, lifting his glass of Hierbas Ibicencas, an Ibiza tradition. Holding it up, he toasted, “To Ransom’s thirtieth birthday. May the next decade be as good to you as this one was.”
Sitting up, I picked up my drink, a smooth-tasting Frígola, but paused, allowing the other guys to grab their drinks before we clinked glasses of assorted alcoholic bliss together and said in unison, “Salud!”
Turning thirty wasn’t a thing I was too worried about. Being first in our group to make this journey into the next decade, I would lead my lifelong friends, much the same way as I’ve always done, into the next phase of life.
Being the kind of guy I was, I wasn’t making any changes. I would simply sit back and see where life took me, the way I always had. It had worked so far; why not just keep things the way they were?
Alejandro pulled his aviator-style sunglasses down, looking over their rims at me. “You know it’s common to get married and start a family by your age, Ransom.”
All I could do was laugh. “Not me, buddy. Not this guy.” I jabbed my thumb to my bare chest since I was clad in swimming trunks and nothing else. Displaying your body for all to see was the thing to do at the busy beach.
Vick shook his head then laid back down on the sand. “I’m with you, Ransom. Bachelors forever.”
“Damn right,” I agreed then laid back down, too, to continue letting the sun’s rays bronze my body—a body I worked damn hard on. Daily workouts and a protein-filled diet had me looking the best I’d ever looked.
Turning thirty wasn’t going to get me down. No sir!
Dumphy got up, dusting sand off his ass. “I’m going to grab us another round and find out where the party’s at tonight. We’ve got to celebrate the big guy’s birthday in style.”
My birthday.
It got me thinking about my accomplishments in the last twenty years. I’d graduated from high school by the skin of my teeth, but that was only because I didn’t care much about making good grades. Girls were my focus in those years. Puberty had a big impact on me, hitting me—and my cock—hard. That thing stayed stiff for the better part of five years.
In my twenties, I began to refine my tastes instead of feasting on just any female. A certain type began to attract me. It didn’t make sense to my friends; they always pursued the ultra-gorgeous girls. But me? I liked my girls on the lower end of the scale.
Anywhere from a two to a five made my dick hard. I had my reasons. I’d been through many a beautiful girl in my time. They all had one thing in common: they tried to rule me with their beauty rather than their pussies.
I wasn’t a man to be ruled anyway. And I didn’t much care to rule a woman either. I liked to live life free as a bird. .
With four new drinks in his meaty fists, Dumphy came back with his news: “Amnesia is where it’s going down tonight, my amigos.”
I accepted my drink from him. “Sounds like a plan, man. I’m down for losing my memory on this thirtieth birthday.”
Vick took his drink from Dumphy. “Me too.” He took a sip and then raised it up high. “To tonight and to getting blown up!”
We all raised our glasses. “Salud!”
Wide hips, a round ass, and tits that barely fit into the hot-pink bikini top sashayed up to me. I didn’t bother looking all the way up to her face. “You guys goin’ to Amnesia later?” She had a southern twang—a thing I liked, being from Texas.
“We are.” I answered as I scanned her body all the way up to her face. Blonde hair pulled up into a messy bun on top of her head made her face appear even rounder than it was.
Purposely, she ran her hand over one tit. “Maybe we’ll see ya there.” Her head jerked back as she gestured to her friends. “We might come out there tonight.” Plump cheeks, red from the sun, went plumper as she smiled. With her dark sunglasses, I had no idea what color her eyes were—not that it mattered.
The only thing that mattered to me was how plump her body was. I liked meat on a girl. Running my hands over bones didn’t excite me at all. But an odd thing came out of my mouth, even though I was totally considering boning her: “You girls be careful now. There are a lot of men out there who might not treat you very well.”
Where did that come from?
Vick asked, “You okay there, birthday boy?”
Am I?
Looking at the drink in my hand, I thought maybe I’d had too much. I placed it on the sand next to me. “Sure. I just thought she ought to be careful and not go putting herself out there to just anyone…” Looking back at her, I noticed crinkled lines on her forehead above her glasses. She must’ve thought I was kind of crazy.
“Yeah, anyway,” she turned to walk away. “Just forget it, dude.”
Her ass shook as she hurried away. The sight should’ve made me hot for her. It should’ve made me get up and chase after her, tell her that I was just fucking around with her, ask her if she wanted to see my hotel room.
But all I did was lay back on the sand and wonder what the hell was wrong with me. It hadn’t been but fifteen hours since I’d turned thirty, and there I was already saying stupid shit.
Alejandro bumped his shoulder to mine. “Hey, aren’t you one of those guys who doesn’t treat women very well, Ransom?”
I didn’t think I treated women badly. I just basically gave them a great fucking and then sent them on their way. What’s so bad about that?
Before I could answer, Dumphy had to put his two cents in, “Yeah, dude. You sent that chick running. I mean I would’ve sent her on too. She’s not so easy on the eyes. But you? You usually don’t mind the ones none of us will give the time of day to. She was a total three. Right up your alley.”
When Vick chimed in with: “Yeah, dude, what’s up with you?” I sat up, not ready to listen to any more of their shit.
Looking over at the girl I’d run off, I found her busy chatting it up with another guy.
“Look, I don’t know why I said that to her. But just look at her. She’s going up to anybody. She has no idea how easy she’s making it for some asshole to take her and do whatever he wants with her.”
“Yeah,” Alejandro agreed, “But isn’t that the way we like ’em? Easy?”
While the others laughed, I laid back down, thinking that they were juveniles.
When the hell did this start happening to me?
I just needed to get drunk. Not think. Stay true to myself. The way I always had.
For the rest of the day, I made sure to not say too much to any of the girls who stopped by to say hi and ask where we’d be going later. At least none of them ended up running away from me like I was some old man who only wanted to watch out for them.
When I got back to my hotel room, I looked long and hard at myself in the mirror. When I smiled, I noticed laugh lines around my mouth. When I frowned, I noticed wrinkles on my forehead.
Note to self: Don’t frown too often.
When I laughed, my eyes scrunched up, and those lines became crazy-visible.
No laughing either.
Pulling my trunks off, I stepped into the shower. Washing sand and grit off my skin with the thick bodywash, I felt my toned, hard body. At least you can’t tell my age from my muscular physique. I’ll have to work harder to keep my face from aging too much too quickly.
Looking at the bottle of sunscreen sitting on the vanity, I vowed to lather my face with it a few times each day, especially when spending the day out in the sun.
Staying young looking had never even occurred to me before. It wasn’t as if I was old or anything. So why did I suddenly feel like time might be slipping away from me?
I went back to thinking about my accomplishments and added in the bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering from Texas Tech in Lubbock—a degree I’d never used a day in my life.
The family business was oil, so I got a degree in it to make everyone happy. That degree had sealed my future as a wealthy man. It was the one stipulation my grandfather, who’d raised me after my parents were killed when I was fifteen, demanded in order for me to inherit the fortune he’d amassed.
I had found a loophole in his demand, however. He’d never said I had to get a job after graduating. So, I never bothered to look. I just took the bank card he gave me and went on vacation. Over and over again. One vacation after another.
The hotel phone rang, and I figured it was one of the guys asking if I was ready to head out to the club. When I picked up the phone, I was surprised to find my grandfather’s personal assistant on the other end of the line. “Ransom, your grandfather doesn’t know I’m making this call to you,” Mr. Davenport said in a whisper.
My blood ran cold. “Is he okay?”
My grandfather wasn’t young anymore. He had lost some of the robust strength he’d had when he took over raising me. But he wasn’t old at seventy either—and his health had always been pretty good.
“No, he’s not,” came his reply. “You need to come home, Ransom. Don’t wait. Come as soon as you can.”
God, don’t make me lose him too.
Chapter Two
Lubbock, Texas – May 9th
The sun blazed down on me as I made the long walk to the post office to check my mail. A warm breeze made the afternoon seem hotter than it had been the day before.
Lubbock wasn’t exactly paradise, but it was the only place I’d ever lived. Somehow, I’d never gotten used to the oppressive heat, but I had learned how to dress for the summer weather. Shorts and a cotton T-shirt along with flip-flops made it bearable. My thick dark curls had to be pulled up into a high ponytail to keep it off my neck.
Climbing up the stairs of the post office, I passed one of my professors.
“Afternoon, Aspen. It’s a nice day today, don’t you think?” Professor Sampson asked me. She’d been one of my favorites in last semester’s classes. Natural gas engineering seemed easy when she was teaching.
Stopping to chat for a sec, I said, “It’s a pretty nice day for Lubbock. But wouldn’t a tropical beach be a heck of a lot better on a day like this?”
Nodding, she agreed. “I bet it would. Did you make any summer plans?”
“Work, work, and then some more work,” I said with a laugh. I didn’t have the funds for any kind of vacation. “How about you?”
“Me and the hubby are going to Cancun in June. We’ll be there a whole week.” She waved her hand in front of her face to fan it. “I can’t wait to get there.”
“And you’ll probably hate leaving there too,” I added with a smile. I knew I would’ve hated to.
“Most likely,” she said with a nod. “Well, I better let you get to it then. Bye, Aspen.”
“Bye.” I made my way to the door. Opening it, I felt a burst of cool air waft over me as I walked in. Taking my time so I could cool off before making the hot trek back to the apartment I shared with another girl, I wandered around the large building.
A USPS poster advertising their latest stamps drew my attention. Birds were the theme: pretty little birds on tiny branches that made me smile.
I wasn’t your ordinary twenty-three-year-old college student. Little things made me happy. I wasn’t into partying either, unlike so many of the people at school here.
Even though I was approached to pledge at a few different sororities, I never had an interest. It was important to me to not just make good grades, but to make great ones. Living with a houseful of hormone-crazed girls sounded like poison to me, a surefire way to kill my chances of successfully gaining a master’s degree in petroleum engineering.
Box 954 was just to the right of the poster. Tapping in the combination, I opened the small box to find it filled with letters. It had been a week since I had checked the mail.
One envelope in particular made me anxious. My bank statement.
My bills weren’t high, but my part-time job didn’t pay well at all. With my half of the rent, electric, water, and cable totaling five hundred dollars a month along with an average hundred spent on food each week, usually a whopping fifty bucks was left to be deposited into the college fund account my father started for me.
That bank account had slowly dwindled after four and a half years of college. I used it exclusively to pay for classes, books, and other things I needed for school. It had been six months since I had the courage to open a statement to see what was left.