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A Birthday Itch (MFF Bisexual Threesome Romance): A Swingers Night's Tale!, page 1


A Birthday Itch (MFF Bisexual Threesome Romance): A Swingers Night's Tale!
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A Birthday Itch (MFF Bisexual Threesome Romance): A Swingers Night's Tale!


  A Swingers Night’s tale


  Mia Moore

  About This Book

  Swingers Night’s Tales: Sexy Reads From Mia Moore!

  When He Got Gassed He Let It All Hang Out!

  Jeff’s about to turn 30. His lovely wife Grace is at loose ends. What do you get for the guy who says he doesn’t want anything? He keeps silent on the matter until a trip to the dentist. The laughing gas acts like a truth serum, and Grace is appalled at what comes out of his mouth!

  He wants a threesome with her and her best friend Lily!

  What’s the matter with him? Who cares if it’s ‘every guy’s fantasy’! Every girl wants to get it on with Johnny Depp, but you don’t see Grace haunting Hollywood do you? Her best friend? He’s out of his mind! No freaking way, buster!

  No way until Lily tells Grace a secret she’s harbored…

  From a hot and sweaty girls’ night out to an outright decadent weekend in the woods, a drenching tale of loving ménage.

  A Note From The Author:

  In this novel, my characters don’t always indulge in safe sex. Please, in your real life playing, play often and play safe!



  Published by Mia Moore

  Copyright 2015, Mia Moore

  ISBN: 9781927984581

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Table of Contents

  About This Book and Author Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Mia’s Readers Club!

  Chapter 1

  There’d be a world of hurt for him tomorrow. I glanced over. If it wasn’t for his eyes and that crazy curl of hair that refused to stay put, always dropping onto his forehead, I’d have a hard time recognizing him. Poor baby. Gone, was the gaunt, hollow below his cheekbone. Holy God, his jaw was swollen to twice its normal size. I had to bite the inside of my lip to keep the smile from my face. He looked like a puffer fish.

  I pulled into the parking lot of the drug store and turned to him once more. “I’ll be as quick as I can and ask them to put a rush on filling this.” I held out the prescription the dental surgeon had given me.

  His eyes were glazed looking at me and he attempted a smile, managing only to lift one corner of his thick lips. “S’ok. Am fine. Wan’ me to go wif oo?” He reached for the door handle, fumbling for a few moments.

  I reached over and patted his knee. “No. You’re stoned, Jeff. That laughing gas they gave you has you higher than a kite. Just stay in the car.”

  He blinked a few times and squeezed my hand. “I wuv oo so muck. Oo bootifuwl Gwace.”

  My heart warmed looking at the puddle of mush my big strong man had become. Poor guy. Two wisdom teeth out in one day. The dentist had warned me that I only had a few hours before the real pain would set in. He’d also mentioned something about laughing gas being a little like truth serum. If that was the case, the mangled ‘I love you’ was good to hear.

  “I love you too, Jeff. Please just stay put and I’ll be as quick as a bunny. Okay?” I withdrew my hand and watched his head turn and chin bob onto his chest. He was zoning out again. When I stepped out of the car, I locked the doors, just for good measure.

  There was only one other customer ahead of me in the pharmacy—an elderly lady listening with rapt attention to the pharmacist advise her of side effects of her meds. I handed the prescription to the clerk and was told it’d be ten minutes.

  I wandered the aisles of the store, stopping when I saw the greeting card display. Now, would be a good time to pick up Jeff’s birthday card, even though it was a week away. Hard to believe, he’d be turning thirty. That was a milestone if ever there was one. Thank God I wouldn’t have to face that for another two years. Turning twenty-five had been traumatic. True, having our first child had taken some of the sting out of it, coming as she did the week before and then with all the work involved with a newborn. I’d hardly had time to think of anything but her. I couldn’t imagine what thirty would be like.

  I picked up a card from the ‘humor’ section’, and read the usual shit about getting old, the over the hill stuff. Jeff was hardly over the hill at thirty! But how did he see it? He brushed it off every time I’d brought his birthday up. There HAD to be something that he’d really, really like.

  Not tools! He had a garage full and never used half of them. Clothes? No, he wasn’t a clothes horse by any stretch. It was hard to get him out of the jeans and T shirt on the weekend, even when we were going out.

  The theme of the next card was Memories. Hmm. Rather than another ‘THING’ to add to the clutter, why not a memory? Maybe go away for the weekend or something? We hadn’t gone anywhere, just the two of us since Maddy was born. Mom would arm wrestle Jeff’s mother for the chance to spoil her granddaughter rotten. And money wasn’t an issue. Hell, we’d been saving for a rainy day for five years. There was plenty of money there and what better way to spend it?

  “Mrs. Spicer?”

  I swiveled at the sound of the clerk calling my name, and hurried to the back of the store.

  Fifteen minutes later, carrying the small bag in one hand and Jeff’s arm over my shoulder, we walked in the house.

  “We’re back!” I peered through the entranceway to the living room. Maddy was on all fours on the carpet while Lily grabbed at her tiny feet, growling like a bear. Thank God, Lily had been available to cover the childcare for the day. With Jeff’s parents away and Mom coming down with a cold, there’d been no one else to turn to.

  “Hi! How are you doing, Jeff?” Lily scooped Maddy into her arms, her wide eyes full of sympathy, peering at Jeff.

  He tried that half assed grin and shook his head from side to side, entering the living room. “Been bettah, thanks Wiwwy. How’s Maddy?” He gave Maddy’s cheek a stroke with his finger and then collapsed on the sofa.

  “Wiwwy?” Lily mouthed the word with a grin, giving me the eye.

  “Mommy!” Maddy twisted her body, arms reaching and Lily passed her to me. From the heavy lids of her big blue eyes, I could tell that she was ready for a nap.

  “Lily, I’m going to put Maddy down for a sleep. Would you mind giving Jeff his pills?” I nodded to the small white bag I’d set on the table before taking my daughter in my arms.

  “Nuhse Gudbody.” Jeff mumbled and let out a short chuckle. He leaned back against the sofa and put his feet up on the coffee table, staring at the blank, dark screen of the TV.

  Lily’s eyebrows drew together and her mouth dropped open in a smile as she stared at him. In all the years Lily and I’d been friends, Jeff had never made any sort of sexist or sexual remark, always the height of propriety around her. She grabbed the bag and went into the kitchen, muttering ‘Goodbody’ and sighing a soft laugh.

  I patted Maddy’s head, smoothing her unruly curls from her forehead as I walked to the nursery. She’d laid her head on my chest, snuggling into me as she sucked her thumb. It didn’t take long, sitting in the rocking chair, singing a short lullaby until her breathing deepened and I was able to put her in the crib.

  When I returned, Lily sat facing Jeff on the sofa, her eyes as wide as dinner plates grinning at him. I caught just the tail end of his words,

  “…always liked oo. Yer a gud fren to Gwace. Yer attwactif. Why no boyfren?”

  Oh my God. What the hell was he saying? Lily glanced up at me, the ‘O’ of her mouth and small shake of her head, really made me wonder. I took a seat on the chair across from them, leaning forward with my elbows propped on my knees.

  “Jeff. Maybe you should rest. That laughing gas is weird stuff and you might—“

  “Might wut? Honestwy, ahm fine. Just tewwin’ Wiwwy how sexy an’ nice she is. Wot’s wrong wit dat? Id’s duh trut, right?” He was all smiles, well puffy pulled lips and glazed eyes, if the truth be known.

  “It’s okay, Grace. I think this is the closest I’ve ever seen Jeff to being drunk or stoned. It’s kind of fun actually.” Lily giggled and leaned forward to tap Jeff lightly on the knee. When she did, the loose scoop of her top billowed, revealing cleavage and the lacy top of her bra.

  Despite how stoned he was, Jeff didn’t miss that view. He was a man after all, stoned or otherwise. I swear even if a man were on his deathbed, if a pretty nurse came in with his meds, he’d be picturing her nude. Men.

  How embarrassed would Jeff be tomorrow after telling Lily that she was sexy? This laughing gas WAS like a truth drug. My breath caught in my throat and my eyes lit up. That was it! A truth drug! If I asked him now, what he’d like for his birthday he’d tell me! But not ‘stuff’. No, a vacation memory--that was what I wanted.

  “Fun. Thas wut oo shud have Wiwwy. Fun. Ahm havin fun. Wut bout oo Gwace? Oo havin fun?” He re
ached over and patted Lily’s leg, mimicking her earlier tap.

  “Speaking of fun, Jeff…What would you like to do for your birthday? Turning thirty’s a bit of a deal y’know. Maybe a wild weekend away? No Maddy.” I glanced at Lily and saw her eyebrows rise for a beat. She knew how frustrated I was with Jeff’s non-answers regarding his birthday.

  “Jus be wit oo.” His dark eyes gazed at me softly and then he turned to look at Lily. “Boat of oo.”

  My chin dropped suddenly, my eyes flitting between him and Lily. Did he mean like it was now? Was he confused, only able to picture the warm stoned glow of NOW? Two women looking after him in his pain?

  “Both of us? Jeff?”

  “Yah. Tweesome. It’d be fun.” He grinned even wider and winced. “Oo asked. Thas wut I wan. Evwy guy’s fantsy.”

  Heat infused my neck and face. Oh my God. He wanted a threesome for his birthday? I felt my own mouth make an ‘O’. At Lily’s chortle, I peered straight at her.

  She rose from the sofa and motioned for me to follow her into the kitchen. I’d always considered Lily attractive but for the first time, I really looked at her, kind of the way that Jeff obviously had. With the short red hair, green eyes, high cheekbones and pouty red lips, she was a knockout. Add to that, the generous boobs, tiny waist and curvy ass, it really was a wonder she was still single. Divorced for a couple of years but no serious guy on the horizon.

  When we were out of earshot, she giggled and grabbed my hand, the both of us standing next to the counter. “We could have some fun with this.” Her chin lowered and she looked up at me through thick dark eyelashes, lips wide in an impish grin.

  “WHAT? Are you serious? Jeff is stoned. He doesn’t know—“

  “Yes, he does. He knows exactly what he wants. He wants a threesome. With us.” She leaned closer, her eyes piercing mine with their intensity.

  I could only stare for a few moments. What the hell? “But…but…” I blinked rapidly, my mind racing for words. Why was she so casual? Is that what she wanted as well? Was it just me or had the whole world gone crazy? My best friend and my husband? Together? Sexually? With me?

  “Have you done this sort of thing before?” God, I hated the way I sounded, so judgmental and prissy but this was something you read about, not actually DO. I grasped the countertop with white knuckles to keep myself from falling off the world.

  She looked at the floor for a moment and her eyebrows drew together in a knot. “No. But that doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it.”

  I jerked forward, still clinging to the hard surface. “WHAT? With me and Jeff? You’ve thought about having sex with US?”

  She shook her head quickly, her lips a tight line in her face, curls flying over her temple. “Not you specifically. No.” Her head tilted to the side and she bit her lower lip, her eyes questioning. “But I’ve pictured doing it with someone. Someone sexy and attractive. Haven’t you ever thought about it? Be honest.”

  We both turned when Jeff appeared in the doorway. “Aha. Pwanning my buthday suwpwise? You wascawwy wabbits!” He started to laugh and then grimaced as the pain hit. A trickle of blood appeared in the corner of his lips.

  I grabbed my purse, took the envelope of dressing the dental office had given me and handed it to him. “Here. You need to change your dressing. Be careful not to do it too quickly, like the dentist said.”

  He took the envelope and ambled down the hallway. Despite how unsteady he was on his feet, I couldn’t help noticing how good he looked—the wide shoulders, tight butt in the blue jeans and long muscular legs. I glanced back at Lily, only to find that she too, was checking him out. The smile she flashed me was small and…and hopeful?

  She placed her hand on my arm and edged closer, her eyes wide and serious. “Look. If you don’t want to do this, it’s okay. We’re still friends. When Jeff mentioned it, I was fine with it. Kind of my fantasy too. But if you’re not into it then, you’re not. No harm no foul.”

  Chapter 2

  Later that night I sat propped in bed wondering about Jeff. He’d fallen asleep shortly after Lily left and I didn’t get the chance to speak with him about this threesome thing. In vino, veritas and probably it was the same thing with laughing gas. He really wanted to do this, and with Lily? I slumped deeper into the bed and looked across at him.

  So peaceful, even if his face was swollen and lips a little bloody in the corner. The darker skin of his eyelid fluttered and his lips twitched in a small smile. Was he dreaming of this threesome thing? Wasn’t I enough to satisfy him anymore? True, the sex had fallen off a little since the baby but still, we could usually fit in a couple times a week. That was pretty average, wasn’t it?

  I slid lower on the bed and lay on my side watching him breathe. There were a few lines on his forehead and at the corners of his eyes but other than that, you’d never guess he was turning thirty. His arm was bent, the hand resting on his stomach, still flat and tight with muscle from all the exercise at the gym. He was pretty handsome and I’d noticed more than a few women give him the eye when we were out. But he never seemed to notice.

  But why was he so interested in this threesome thing if he hadn’t ever noticed other women. And for it to be Lily of all people! She’d been to dinner at our house lots of times and sometimes the three of us would play cards or watch a movie but mostly, it was just Lily and me spending time together. He was always polite and sometimes kidded around with her but always in a non-sexual way—like she was just ‘one of the guys’ type thing.

  And what about Lily? She hadn’t been shocked or put off by Jeff’s suggestion. I never would have guessed that she’d thought of us in that way. She’d fantasized about this? Of course a threesome usually implied that there was sexual stuff between the women. That was evident from books and porn flicks I’d seen. My face became warm when I pictured watching some of the movies Jeff had downloaded and we’d watched together.

  I’d only ever seen the dirty movies with him, the two of us getting more and more aroused. There was no way I’d ever tell him or anyone else that a lot of the excitement was the taboo aspect—watching two women make out. That was waaaay too private, even for my husband. But now that it had come up, maybe I wasn’t being entirely honest, when in fact I should be.

  My stomach churned into a knot, sinking lower in my gut. What if he was bored with me? How much longer until maybe he’d take some flirty woman up on what she was offering? It had happened to other couples we knew.

  Was it me? Lily hadn’t been shocked at the idea of a threesome. Why couldn’t I even tell my husband that I found watching women have sex with each other hot? It didn’t mean I was a lesbian or anything. Hell, I was happily married. I sighed. But for how long, if I couldn’t even talk to Jeff about this?

  He let out a loud snore and I knew he was off to the races. Usually, I tried to be asleep before him to avoid the steady drone keeping me up. Too late for that. I eased out of bed and decided to get a mug of cocoa. Maybe that would help me sleep.

  I tiptoed into Maddy’s room to check on her. She was cuddled up at the end of her crib, her tiny pink fingers curled around the ear of her favorite stuffed bunny.

  As I stirred milk and chocolate powder together, I spotted the laptop sitting on the table. I popped the mug into the microwave and flipped the laptop open. Maybe I’d do some research on this. There were articles about absolutely EVERYTHING on the internet. Surely, other women had gone through similar situations.

  I typed in the password and sprung to my feet when the microwave beeped that my cocoa was done. Settling again in the chair I typed ‘sexual advice, threesomes in a marriage’. Oh my God! The screen filled up with sites. This was going to be a long night reading all the hits that popped up.

  I sipped and read and read and sipped, feeling more and more at ease with the notion of doing a threesome. Another cup of cocoa, this one laced with Kahlua and more reading. This was a pretty common fantasy for men and WOMEN! So, if I leveled with Jeff, he wouldn’t think I was too out there or anything.

  Another Kahlua, forget the cocoa. My robe had fallen open and I found myself squirming in my chair as I searched through porn sites for threesomes. One featuring a woman with pixie length, red hair, a blond buxom gal and a tall, handsome guy showed in the menu. I clicked on the link and immediately a bedroom scene with the three of them sprawled naked on a king sized, appeared.

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