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Shared (Bisexual Threesome FFM Erotic Romance): A Surprise Camping Menage
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Shared (Bisexual Threesome FFM Erotic Romance): A Surprise Camping Menage


  A Surprise Camping Menage


  Mia Moore

  About This Book

  Watching girl on girl sex has been a fantasy of Liam's for some time, but Shari's always been hesitant to try it. How would they ever find the right woman and even if they did, would that mean it would end up in a ménage a trois? She's not sure she's ready to share her ripped guy with any other woman.

  That is until the camping weekend...

  It was supposed to be a fun time for the two couples--Shari and Liam and Riley and Zach--the guys doing manly guy things, fishing and stuff and a chance for Shari to catch up with her BFF from grade school, Riley. When Zach has to cancel at the last minute, Riley tags along anyway.

  Is it being in a secluded beautiful setting or the wacky tobacky that wild and sexy Riley brings along? Clothes and inhibitions are soon shed! When Liam catches the two girls sex-ploring each other's bodies, his bi-sexual voyeuristic dream, he's totally turned on!

  Oh my God! It gets even better! Shari asks him to join them, and Liam's fishing pole is replaced with something much more personal and urgent. She wants to share him with her girlfriend? In a New York minute, his clothes are off.

  Join them in this playful, erotic threesome! Don't forget the sunscreen.

  Copyright 2016, Mia Moore

  ISBN 978-1-927984-82-6

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to it and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 - Liam's Surprise

  Chapter 2 - Shari's Quandary

  Chapter 3 - Riley Riled Up

  Chapter 4 - Liam's Wander Lust

  Chapter 5 - Shari's Secret

  Chapter 6 - Riley's Tale

  Chapter 7 - Liam, Dirty Details and Other Fun Stuff

  Chapter 8 - Shari Does Some Fishing of Her Own

  Chapter 9 - Riley in Rapture

  Chapter 10 - Liam's Wet Dream 'Cum' True

  Chapter 11 - Shari's Appetite

  Chapter 12 - Riley Breakin' Eight

  Chapter 13 - Liam - Sure Beats Fishin'

  Chapter 14 - The Next Morning

  Chapter 15 - Riley's Toy

  Chapter 16 - Liam - Shared and Loving It!

  Mia's Readers Club

  Chapter 1

  Liam's Surprise

  When I turned off the shower, the sound of Shari's voice speaking softly filled my ears. I tugged the shower curtain back and reached for a towel, watching her grip the cell phone tight. From the worried lines crossing her forehead, something was up.

  Shit! We'd been planning this camping trip for a month. The weather forecast was perfect, and the four by four was already loaded with our gear. I rubbed the towel over my head blotting out the sight of my girlfriend of three years. Even though she wasn't the outdoorsy type like me, she'd liked the one camping excursion we'd taken last summer. She looked and sounded as disappointed as I felt.

  "What? You still want to go?" Shari's voice had risen and she nudged my shoulder, the smile on her face breaking through like the sun in a cloudy day.

  I held the towel to my chest, feeling my spirits rise again. So the trip wasn't off...but what the hell was up?

  "Sure. We'll be by in an hour to pick you up. Bye" Shari clicked the phone off and grinned at me. "Zach had to cancel but Riley still wants to go. Apparently there was some family emergency with his brother-in-law's parents and he's looking after his sister's kids this weekend."

  For a moment I was tongue tied, drying off and stepping out of the shower. This was supposed to be a couple's camping trip--the guys bagging some fish while the gals bagged some rays.

  Shari slipped her robe off and slid by me, turning the shower back on. Watching the taunting crease under the swell of her ass, and the long graceful line of her spine, I felt a warm tug in my crotch. I'd been hoping that the two of us would be able to sneak off on one of the trails and make love under the clear blue sky. There's something really native and sexy about doing it outdoors. But with Riley there, on her own, that probably wouldn't happen. We'd have to include her in everything.

  "Why on earth is Riley still interested in going with Zach out of the picture?" I stood watching the shower curtain and her blurred form under the hot spray of water.

  "She likes camping. I remember her family used to camp on their summer vacation when we were little." She pulled the curtain back and stuck her head out, a big smile on her face. "'s not like she's head over heels in love with Zach. I don't know how many times she and him have broken up and then got back together. Actually, I think he's more her fuck buddy than anything else."

  My eyes popped wide when her head disappeared behind the curtain once more. I'd only known Riley for a few months when she'd moved back to Black Rapids to take the nursing job. But Shari, Riley and Zachary had known each other since childhood. And in that time, Riley and Zach had seemed thick as thieves, always together. Now, Shari was telling me it was casual sex more than anything serious?

  The shower was a low hiss as I finished putting on deodorant and combing my hair. Riley and Zach...Hmm...She was opposite in looks from Shari. Whereas Shari was athletic and willowy, a natural result of her job at the gym--being a personal trainer, she was bound to be in excellent shape. But Riley...she was petite, olive skinned and curvy in all the right places. She was also a bit of a drama queen, which was sometimes hard to take. Shari was easy going and fun to be with. Riley was demanding and there'd been lots of times when I'd kind of felt sorry for Zach, having to put up with it. Now I knew how he did. It was the sex.

  Well, it would be okay being around her for one weekend. She and Shari would probably read books and sunbathe together, leaving me free to go out in the canoe and fish. She and Shari had been best friends since grade six. It would probably be more like I'd be the fifth wheel. Thank God for fishing.

  Chapter 2

  Shari's Quandary

  Riley was so casual on the phone telling me about Zach. Sure, she wasn't nuts in love with the guy but cancelling to keep him company babysitting would have been nice of her. There WAS a family emergency after all. It was something that I'd do in a heartbeat if that had happened to Liam. But that was Riley. Sometimes she could be self centered.

  I flipped the shower off and squeezed the water from my hair before grabbing the towel. It would put a little pressure on me and Liam this weekend. She wasn't his favourite person and he liked Zachary a whole lot better than her. But still...Riley and I have been friends since grade school and it'll give us a chance to catch up. I'd probably end up running interference trying to keep the two of them happy.

  A small smile toyed at the corner of my lips. This was kind of a first for Riley and me. For once the guy that I was crazy about wasn't smoked by her. It was always that way back in high school...A good looking guy would come into the room where the two of us were and their gaze always settled on Riley first and foremost. Even though I knew I wasn't bad looking, there was something about Riley that always hooked a guy's attention. Was it her wide, sloe shaped, dark eyes, the full lips that were in a perpetual sexy smirk? I was the girl next door and she was Katy Perry.

  My face flushed hotly when a scene from a sleep over in junior high popped into my head. We were only thirteen, a time when neither of us had done more than dance with a boy, let alone kiss one. She'd suggested it as we lay on her bed, late at night whispering and giggling over our latest crushes. 'To get some practise at it, so we'll be ready when a boy kisses us'...that was how she'd put it. And we did get some practice after that, spending almost every Saturday night that fall sleeping over at each other's houses. It had been naughty fun.

  "Hey! I'm going to pack the cooler and then make some room in the back of the truck for Riley's gear." Liam was already dressed in a pair of khaki shorts and a T shirt that stretched wide to cover his shoulders and thick arm muscles.

  For a moment I was struck with how good looking he was. No doubt about it. I was lucky to be going out with him. Not only good looking but a nice guy who loved me to pieces.

  His blue eyes narrowed and he stepped closer to me. "Are you all right. You look like you're a million miles away."

  I smiled and looked down for a moment, hiding the smile. "Just thinking about Riley and me growing up. You know first boyfriends and all that stuff."

  Liam's eyebrows rose high but there was a warm grin on his face. "'ll have plenty of time to trip down memory lane with Riley this weekend."

  My breath caught in my throat and I looked at him silently for a moment. If he knew the thoughts and memories I'd been having, he'd probably be shocked. Even though many pubescent girls explored and ended up doing a little lesbo thing, it wasn't something that I wanted to go into with Liam. I wasn't sure he'd understand that it was only a phase. Sometimes when I thought of Riley, I wondered if that was all it was, myself.

  Best to change the subject. "Too bad about Zach not coming." Once more my neck flared ho
tly at the double entendre and the smirk on his lips. "You know what I mean...the know, the two of you doing that macho, guy bonding thing."

  "Yeah right. Zach and me beating our chests and doing manly things while you and Riley do your nails or have a pillow fight." He snorted and dodged the left hook shot of my fist on his arm.

  "Okay. Point taken. I guess it WAS kind of a sexist remark." I smiled and watched him duck out of the bathroom, his sneakers thudding softly on his way to the kitchen. That was another thing that I loved about Liam. Despite the fact that he was six feet four and all man, he had an honest and open outlook when it came to stereotypes and sexual roles. He wasn't afraid to show his soft side and often it was him who would shed tears in a sad movie, while I was dry eyed as a stone.

  I grabbed the few items of make-up I would need to get through a couple of nights in the bush, and packed them in a waterproof bag. We were going to have to canoe into the campsite, on an island where we'd be the only humans around for a mile or so. Even though I was fairly experienced at canoeing, there was always the chance that it could tip. I paused for a moment as another thought hit me. We'd still need to take two canoes to carry all the food and gear. With Zach not there, it would probably take a little longer to get to the site. Oh well...we'd still have the better part of the afternoon there.

  The small duffel bag with Liam's clothes was half filled laying on the bed when I entered the bedroom. I could hear him out in the kitchen, whistling a tune while he packed the cooler. Quick as a flash I slipped into my clothes, cut off jean shorts and a tank top. The sun was pouring beams of warmth into the bedroom already and the weatherman was calling for temperatures in the high eighties. In a few more minutes, I was packed and zipping up the canvas bag.

  This was going to be a wonderful weekend.

  Chapter 3

  Riley Riled Up

  I looked at my watch for probably the fourth time since standing in the driveway outside my apartment building. Shit! She'd said they'd be here in an hour and it was almost an hour and a half. Not bad enough that Zach had cancelled but now I had to depend on Liam and Shari to catch a ride? I should have begged off and taken my own car. A trickle of sweat trailed down my temple and I pushed my hair back, tilting my face up to catch any kind of breeze to cool off.

  Thank God to be getting out of the city for a couple days. Sure, there was air conditioning in the apartment but you couldn't beat a cool dip in the lake to cool off on a hot summer day. When was the last time I was camping? If I had to think about it, then it was too long ago. I wandered out to the street and looked for any sign of them. Nothing. A white convertible with a couple of teenage guys approached and tooted the horn, the guys' heads rotating to check me out.

  I suppressed a smile and turned to go back to my gear. Horn dogs. But who could blame them? The shorts barely covered the cheeks of my ass and the scoop of the tank top showed more than a little cleavage. Probably should have worn something a little more conservative, especially with Zach cancelling...Maybe Shari would feel threatened and think I was out to steal Liam or something. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Liam is a total tight ass. I always get the feeling he doesn't like me or something.

  The roar of a truck's engine caught my attention. I spun around and sure enough, there was his big old black monster truck, roaring down the street. I waved my hand when I saw Shari's arm sweep back and forth from the window.

  "Hey Riley! All set?" Shari opened the door and her long slender leg appeared first, as she stepped out onto the sidewalk.

  She was like a gazelle, long legged and graceful. I'd always envied her height and the lithe body.

  "You bet! Hi Liam."

  In two long confident strides, Liam had rounded the truck and was beside me picking up my bags. "Hi Riley."

  My head pulled back for a moment and I just looked at him silently. What was with the kind of weird look he just gave me? Normally, he hardly glanced my way but this time, he kind of seemed like he was checking me out? That wasn't like him. Maybe the shorts and tank top finally caught his eye or something.

  Shari's arm lifted to rest on my shoulders and pull me closer. "This is going to be fun. The weather is amazing." She leaned in closer and whispered in my ear, her breath tickling the folds. "Did you get the stuff?"

  I couldn't help the grin that lit my face. "Of course." What would a camping trip be without a little weed around the campfire? Shari had been known to fire it up but probably not so much, Liam. But that shouldn't surprise me. Like I said, he's a bit straight laced. Sometimes, it's fun to fuck with that. But I'd have to watch myself and curb it a little, since Shari's so crazy about him.

  "Awesome!" She gave my shoulder an extra squeeze and we walked together over to the truck.

  I climbed in after her and smiled over at Liam when he swung in behind the steering wheel. "I brought my own tent. It's small, an older one that will do me just fine."

  "Great." He leaned over, past Shari's body and grinned at me. "So you used to camp a lot growing up? It looks like you and I are the woodsy types. Shari's only been one other time. You can handle a canoe?"

  Even though he was trying to be friendly, there was an element of condescension in his tone that kind of put me off. "I was built to handle a canoe. Actually, when we get there, why don't you let Shari go with me?" My tone was flip and casual but from the look on his face, the smile dropping, he'd gotten the point. I wasn't going to let him try to be the camping guru just because he was a man. Sure he might have a hundred pounds on me and be built like a brick shithouse but...hey, I'm no slouch either.

  "That probably makes sense. You take the tents and food with you, Liam. Riley and I can take a lighter load." Shari nodded and she slipped her hand over onto Liam's thigh. She turned to me. "I hope Zach's in-laws are okay. Too bad that he's missing the trip."

  I glanced over at Liam who was focussed straight ahead, steering the car onto the main thorough fare. He looked so calm and content. The kind of look that I like to shake up once in a while, kind of like when you see a cat laying peacefully in the sunshine. I can never resist the urge to pet them and wake them up.

  "Oh, I wouldn't worry too much about Zach. His sister's kids are pretty much able to take care of themselves and I've got a feeling that he'll end up calling Amanda to keep him company." I leaned over, looking past Shari and smiled at Liam. "You know Amanda, don't you? She's the gorgeous blond surveyor at the subdivision where Zach is working. Surely, you must have seen her when you were there last week."

  Liam's head jerked around to stare at me with wide eyes. "Yeah...well...sure. I've seen her there. Hell she's hard to miss. There's always a few guys with an excuse to pop over and chat her up."

  Now it was Shari's turn to stare at him.

  "Not me Shari. I've got my hands full with installing the plumbing and keeping my guys busy." He reached for her hand and gave it a squeeze. "Besides, I've got you. Why would I look at anyone else?"

  Shari smiled and from the corner of my eye, I noticed her squeeze his hand in return. She turned to me. "But how do you know that? I mean about the blonde and even what her name is. Surely--"

  "No! It's Amanda, not Shirley."

  She grinned and slapped my thigh good naturedly. "Okay Riley. How do you--"

  "Simple! Zach and I were out for dinner last Friday night at Rounders. You know the place. After nine, the place turns into a pick-up bar. Well, she came in with a girlfriend and Zach nearly broke his back trying to get up from his seat and race across the room to say hello. She was wearing a skin tight short dress that barely covered her ass. He was all flustered when he came back to the table so I asked him about her. She really is drop dead gorgeous, isn't she, Liam?"

  He chuckled. "Wouldn't know anything about that."

  I shook my head and continued. "Anyway, it was obvious he was interested in seeing her again. Shit! I almost grew a heart and begged off for the night. He could have stayed and tried to get into her pants. It's nothing to me."

  The chuckle in my throat threatened to erupt and I had to bite my cheeks to keep from laughing at the look on Liam's face. His mouth actually fell open a little staring at me. I couldn't resist..."Don't get me wrong...Zach's a good fuck and he's totally nuts about eating me out. I'd miss that."

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