Interview with a Futa: A Shemale on Female Story, page 1

© 2017, Melody Harris
Kelly’s Futa Friend
A Shemale on Female Story
What’s inside? Take a look and see!
The older, powerful attorney took the invitation. She held onto Katy's head and began to bounce her hips back and forth, fucking her mouth ever more forcefully by the second. Katy's face was flush and tears formed in the corner of her eyes, but she held it together, fighting back the gag reflex. Katy pushed her dick into her mouth until even her balls, heavy and round, were smashed up against the younger woman’s chin. The tear forming in the corner of her escaped from her eyelashes and slowly rolled down her cheek, leaving a little, wet, cold trail on her skin. When her cock finally withdrew from her mouth, Katy took a huge, deep breath. The word came back into focus as she got oxygen back into her system, her breathing no longer obstructed by her prospective boss’s tremendous dick. “Very nice,” the older woman encouraged.
Ignoring the people walking by, Katy thought about the stack of bills back home on her dining room table. Her stomach tied itself in knots when she thought about the future. Sure, she could move back in with her parents or something, but that would mean giving up. All the times her parents told her that running off to law school and moving to New York was risky, all the times her friends told her to stay in her quaint little hometown… it was like telling all of them they were right. Katy would sooner live on the street than have to crawl back home to mom and dad, a failure at the game of life.
The economy was hard on everyone. Even though the catastrophes were deeply personal, she knew that she wasn’t the only one to fall on hard times in the city recently. There were a million reasons for job prospects to turn to shit around her, but none of them really mattered right now. There was one way out and this afternoon would be the deciding moment.
Katy managed to land a job interview with a leading law firm deep in the heart of the city. It was in one of those buildings that you drove by, staring up at the sky as the building climbed ever-higher, wondering what the people in there actually did all day. Those were the places that other people worked, not the sort of lifestyle she lived herself. The thought of working in one of those buildings was exciting – the size of her paycheck was even moreso. Ever since she graduated with her law degree, work was hard to come by; there were more lawyers than there were jobs for them. She did everything right – she was charming, a hard worker, and graduated near the top of her class, but that didn’t make the openings just magically appear. Just a year after she took her first job as an attorney, she was laid off when the firm had to shutter its doors.
The sound of her heels kept her company as she walked down the street. On any normal day she would love the attention of the men who turned to look at her, but today she was too busy for the catcalls. Right now they just seemed like pigs. She could do this, she reassured herself. If she could make it through three years of law school without going insane then she could walk into that office and land this job. Competition be damned, she was hungrier than the rest of them. It was her job, God dammit.
The bustle of the city was comforting in its own way. She didn’t have to look very far or very hard to find someone that was having a worse time of it than she was. The smell a food wafted through the air, interrupted only by the smell of the occasional unwashed drunk hobbling by her. Her father always said that the size of a city was directly proportional to the number of crazy people talking to themselves. Still, she loved it here. Why live anywhere else when everything you want was just a short walk away? Shopping, restaurants, all of it was within arms reach.
She stopped on the corner and looked up at the building across the street. There it was. Katy had carefully counted the city blocks between her apartment and the place she hoped to land the job – seven. It was just seven short blocks, she marveled to herself. It was an easy walk to work and a cheap ride on a rainy or snowy day. She had to get this job… it was just too perfect. “Six figure salary,” she muttered to herself as she crossed the street, “six figure salary.” It was true – she was looking at an easy $120,000 a year if she could get hired here, one of the advantages of working in “Big Law” as they called it. Sure, there was tight competition to stay at the firm, but right now she needed a job more than she needed a stable career. Her apartment wasn’t going to let her stay there much longer without paying the rent, no matter how cute she was.
She had to chuckle to herself as she stepped through the doorway into the tall skyscraper. Her landlord was such a sucker. Anybody else would have kicked her out months ago, but she noticed the way his wandering eye would take in the sight of her body every time he came to collect the overdue rent. Whenever he came knocking, she just put on the smallest skirt she could find, hiked it up a couple inches, and blinked at him. Still, Katy knew that trick wasn’t going to work much longer. She needed a long term answer, and this interview was it.
Her heels clicked against the hard floor as she stepped through the large foyer to a receptionist's desk. The lady behind the desk was barely attention as she clicked through something on social media behind the desk. Stellar workforce, she thought to herself. "Hi," she said as she stepped up to the counter. The woman ignored her.
“Um… excuse me?” she asked a little more loudly. The young lady behind the counter snapped out of it.
“Hm? Oh, sorry...” she quickly closed whatever she was doing on the computer and gave Katy her attention. “What can I do for you?”
“I have an interview scheduled today,” she said, feeling at least a little proud. It was a prestigious firm, after all. The senior partners were famous, especially one – Sarah Huntington. She was a notorious litigator – an outright shark in the courtroom and the negotiating table. She was a powerful woman, and the thought of working with someone so well-connected and influential was more than a little intimidating.
"Oh, right… there's a whole bunch of you today," the lady answered. She flipped through some documents on her desk and handed her a little pamphlet. Katy's heart sank… mass interview. Suddenly her prospects at coming to work here didn’t look quite so good. She felt her pulse quicken as she followed the directions through the halls. She turned the corner, and her heart sank to the floor along with her jaw. God, how many were there, here? Ten… twelve people? Katy took a seat at the end of the row of chairs, starting to think about how she was going to move back home.
No, she could take them, she thought. Her competitive streak looked at the line of people and saw a challenge, not defeat. No detail about these people escaped her notice – the guy with a cold, the woman with a nervous tic. For her part, Katy certainly thought looked better, at least. She put on her best skirt and coat, with sheer leggings that did a lot to show off her legs. Maybe the skirt was just an inch too high, but it wasn’t unprofessional and Katy was the sort of woman that would take any advantage mother nature gave her. It wasn’t always fair, but then life wasn’t fair. Besides, whoever said women had an advantage in the corporate world, anyway?
Her body, though, was one of those rare advantages. With dark red hair in loose waves down to her shoulders, and a slim body with large breasts, she was every guy’s sexual idol. Sometimes it got her the wrong kind of attention, but most of the time it worked in her favor. She realized young that pretty people got ahead just a little more often than not.
As she watched person after person go into the interview and come out shaking their heads, she wondered if it was that way for the famous Sarah Huntington. The woman was a fierce negotiator, sure, but she’d seen her picture in the newspaper – she was drop-dead gorgeous. As another applicant came walking out, looking confused and enraged, he stopped and turned to the remaining people waiting. “Trust me,” he said, “you don’t want the job.”
God, how long had she been sitting here? A little over an hour, Katy guessed. Now it was just her. It looked like she was the last one, nobody else was sitting out here. She sat straight up in her chair when the door opened, and a young woman walked straight out without so much as a glance. How did it go? Did she get the job? It was too hard to tell.
Finally, she stood up and walked up to the doorway, pushing the door open just slightly to peek in. She cleared her throat, "Um, excuse me?" she said quietly. No answer. She knocked on the door gently, hoping to get someone's attention in the room.
“Come in!" she heard a deep, feminine voice utter. She pushed the door open and was completely floored to see Ms. Huntington herself behind her desk. She turned her head, taking in her surroundings and looking for the interview panel, but there was no one else in the room. The sun was setting on the horizon, giving a sort of dark orange glow to everything in the office. Ms. Huntington had only a couple floor lamps going, relying on the light of her monitor to work by. Her legs were crossed, placed up on the desk as she talked on the phone. Maybe it was the position, but her legs looked like they went on for miles. Katy walked in nervously, forcing herself to put one foot in front of the other and make some sort of progress into the room. Her heart was pounding in her ears. "This is it," she muttered to herself in a hushed tone. Sarah continued on the phone, nearly oblivious to Katy's presence.
“Yeah… uh huh… look, I really don't give a shit what you do but your client knows what we expect." Sarah seemed to be losing patience with the person on the other line. "Look… Bob, is it? Well look here, Bob, you seem to have forgotten the fir
Katy extended her hand and painted on her best image. “I’m Katy, I’m here about the interview.”
“Right, that's still going, I guess," she said with some disappointment. After a quick handshake she sat back down. "Look, I'll be honest with you, I've seen a lot of applicants today and have a lot of people to pick from. Make a strong case for why I should hire you or we're just gonna' cut this short, honey."
There was no question about who held the power in this relationship. Sarah was quick to talk down to her, unwilling to show the slightest bit of weakness. Blond, with steely blue eyes, she looked older than Katy but only in the way she carried herself. Except for the slightest hint of wrinkles in the corner of her eyes, it would be hard to guess her age. She was in her late thirties at the most, but she could easily pass for her late twenties. She earned the reputation for being attractive, that much was for sure. So much for the high skirt, Katy thought to herself.
“I think you’ll find I’m an asset. Pardon the language, but I bust my ass every day for my paycheck.” May as well put it all on the line, she thought.
Sarah gave her a discerning look, like a tiger sizing up its prey. Their eyes locked together, with an indescribable poker face painted across Ms. Huntington’s features. “Not a bad answer,” she finally said. She pulled her chair away from her desk and stretched her arms over her head. Her body could certainly give Katy’s a run for its money, she realized. Her stockings shimmered in the light of the setting sun, and she unbuttoned her suit, pulling it off her shoulders.
Katy could see the gap between the buttons of her shirt widen as it struggled to contain her breasts; they were impressively large, well hidden under a suit coat but filling out this shirt completely. The body of a porn star but the personality of a shark…
“So,” she said, leaning back against her desk, “what else do you bring?”
“Um… I’m not sure what you mean,” Katy asked. Sarah took a couple confident steps forward, standing right next to her chair. Katy looked up at the tall woman, suddenly feeling very small as she sat there.
“I have lawyers,” she said firmly. “Lots of lawyers. I have a reputation,” she added. “Right now, I could pick up that phone, call any attorney in the city, and they’d come to work for me without a second question, just to have it on their resume. I need,” she put a hand on Katy’s shoulder, “something else.”
The world seemed to freeze. Her eyes darted around the room, looking for the hidden camera. Was this what she thought it was? “I… um...” she stammered in response. “I don’t...”
“Unless you don't need the job," she said. "I could take you on as another attorney, but I don't see why I'd pay you. I looked at your resume. You're above average, certainly, but there's no reason to think I couldn't get someone with even more experience and star power through the door." She turned her hand and let her fingers drift through Katy's red hair. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt the older woman's hand linger in the strands of her hair, twisting her finger around each red lock. "And I require very... unique services," she added.
“Unique?” Katy asked. Maybe she would do it…
“Unique.” Ms. Huntington reached down and grabbed Katy’s hand. The younger woman was completely paralyzed and scared, unsure of what was happening. Katy nearly ran from the room as she ran her hand up along her stocking-covered leg, right up to spot on her skirt perfectly between her legs. She froze in her seat when she felt it.
There was… something… underneath the skirt. Was… was she wearing a strap-on underneath her skirt? That’s just fucking strange. Sarah reached down and pulled the front of her tight dress up, slowly bringing it up to her waist. Katy stared… the woman did have a hell of a body, and she watched as every delicious inch of it was slowly exposed to her, watching in amazement as she saw what was contained inside her panties.
A cock. Thick, rigid, and aching for someone’s attention. Her eyes bounced up and down between it and Ms. Huntington’s face, unsure of what to do or say. Running out of the room was truthfully the only right answer, but something kept her in her seat.
Would she really do anything to get the job? She extended a shaking, nervous hand. Katy could barely hold it steady as she slowly and painfully reached it out, placing it over the cock. Sarah closed her eyes and turned her head upward, cooing with delight as the younger woman's hand rubbed her stiff cock through the flimsy material of her panties. The impressive dick hardened slowly as Katy's palm passed over it, pushing back and forth. As it went erect, it slipped from the edge of her panties and shot straight out.
It was impressively long. Katy couldn’t help but count the inches as she cautiously wrapped her delicate fingers around it. Six… seven...eight… nine… Jesus, as this thing almost ten inches? It was hard to believe. Well, it was hard to believe that a woman with the sex appeal of Sarah Huntington was walking around with a dick in the first place, but as weird as her day was turning out that was somehow pretty low on the list.
She did what she was told. There was a single-minded focus in her actions: she wanted this job. She wanted this job more than she was interested in keeping her dignity intact. Katy felt a rush of adrenaline as she began to stroke the thick, throbbing cock back and forth slowly. She closed her eyes as her fingers slid up and down the shaft. The only thing Katy could hear the drumbeat of her heart between her ears, speeding up with every passing second. There was something else to it – was it excitement? Something about Ms. Huntington was alluring. Maybe it was her body, or maybe it was the power and money she had.
Her hand picked up the pace, making the older woman gasp in delight as Katy worked over her cock. She turned her head towards the woman she hoped would be her boss, and looked up at her face. Her eyes were closed and her lips curled in a grin of ecstasy. The hesitation began to slip from Katy’s mind. In for a penny, in for a pound, she supposed. She swallowed nervously, parted her lips and slowly pushed her head forward.
The head of Sarah’s thick cock passed her lips and slid into her mouth. Slowly, she twirled her tongue around it, moistening her cock with her mouth as she continued to press forward. Her head inched its way down the throbbing member until the head of her dick was pressed against the back of her mouth. She coughed a little, gagging at the size and stiffness of this cock pressing against the entrance to her throat.
Sarah wasn’t going to let her half-ass this. The woman reached down and grabbed onto Katy’s head, pushing her lips forward even more. Her stomach lurched as the cock broke through the barrier of the back of her mouth and pushed its way into her throat. The muscles of her throat tightened around the head of her dick, making her gag and wretch as it pushed into her. She pushed against the older woman’s body and yanked her head away. Long strings of drool hung from lips, falling into her lap, streaking her skirt with dark, wet spots. She licked the spit away from her lips and returned to her cock, thrusting it back into her mouth.
The older, powerful attorney took the invitation. She held onto Katy's head and began to bounce her hips back and forth, fucking her mouth ever more forcefully by the second. Katy's face was flush and tears formed in the corner of her eyes, but she held it together, fighting back the gag reflex. Katy pushed her dick into her mouth until even her balls, heavy and round, were smashed up against the younger woman’s chin. The tear forming in the corner of her escaped from her eyelashes and slowly rolled down her cheek, leaving a little, wet, cold trail on her skin. When her cock finally withdrew from her mouth, Katy took a huge, deep breath. The word came back into focus as she got oxygen back into her system, her breathing no longer obstructed by her prospective boss’s tremendous dick. “Very nice,” the older woman encouraged.