Her futa roommate a shem.., p.1
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Her Futa Roommate: A Shemale on Female Story, page 1


Her Futa Roommate: A Shemale on Female Story
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Her Futa Roommate: A Shemale on Female Story

  © 2017, Melody Harris

  Her Futa Roommate

  A Shemale on Female Story

  Take a peek at what awaits you!

  “Shhh...” Kira cooed. “I want to. Just sit back.” She wrapped her fingers around the stiff cock and slowly began to stroke it. The reaction from Kelsey’s body was visceral.

  “Oh my God,” she said breathlessly. Kelsey grinned to herself as she began to speed up her hand a little, picking up the tempo gradually but steadily. Her palm ran up and down the entire length of her thick shaft, letting her fingers dance over the head of her cock before making her way back down. She inched her body closer, feeling her nerves kicking in as she brought her mouth closer and closer to the tremendous cock. Kira opened her lips and touched them against the tip of her dick. She stuck her tongue out slightly, lightly sliding it side to side against her thick cock. With every delicate touch of her tongue, she could feel the muscles in her roommate’s leg tense; little shudders of ecstasy passing as she teased her.

  She tried to hide the nerves, to hide the fact that her hand was shaking. So she dove in – Kira opened her mouth a little wider and shoved her head forward. The head of her cock slipped over her tongue, driving further and further into her mouth until it was pressing against the entrance to her throat. Kira backed her head off a little bit and twisted her hand around the shaft just in front of her lips, stroking up and down as her head bobbed along with it. She glanced upward to look at Kelsey's face. Kelsey closed her eyes tightly, her mouth agape as she breathed in short, deep, shuddering breaths. She continued to bob her head up and down, and to her amazement, she could already feel her cock throbbing.

  God, what a mess. Kira nervously stepped through the disaster zone that was her living room. Well, it hardly felt like her living room right now. The TV was missing, her laptop was gone… drawers were pulled out of the cabinets and emptied out all over the floor. Then there was the rest of the damage. Two of her windows were shattered, the bits of broken glass glittering in the carpet of the room. It was a break-in.

  It was the sort of fear that every woman had, and Kira knew she got lucky this time. Things could have ended up a lot worse for her. In a stroke of luck, she was at a party at work when someone broke into the house and grabbed every valuable they could before they made a run for it. Her mother warned her about this sort of thing. She said the neighborhood was no good, and she told her over and over that she shouldn't live in a place like this alone. But no, the twenty-eight-year-old Kira knew better, didn't she? She just had to buy this adorable little house in the suburb of Chicago. Well, this is what she got for her trouble. The thought that her mother might be right annoyed her even more than the fact that she was just robbed; Kira seriously thought about whether or not she would even tell her about this.

  She shuffled carefully through the mess, inspecting the damage. Picture laid on the ground in shattered frames. Whoever broke into her house wasn’t interested in taking his time. It looked like a miniature tornado had torn through the building, selectively picking up anything with a hefty price tag and leaving the rest on the floor. Kira sighed heavily as she made some space on the couch and dropped her body heavily into the cushions. What a fucking day.

  Her head fell into her hands as the tears came to her eyes. It was a combination of fear and regret. Regret for living in this neighborhood, fear that the guy might come back… all of the weight felt like it was bearing down on her. Kira took a long, slow, deep breath; she closed her eyes and focused on slowing down her thoughts. “Okay,” she said to the empty, messy room, “we can get past this.”

  The cleanup took all day. Kira scheduled someone to take care of the windows and managed to put the rest of her life back together as best she could. After a quick call to her renter’s insurance, the money was in the bank to replace most of her lost valuables. It was going to be okay – she was physically safe.

  That was the bigger problem, she realized. Unless she changed something, Kira wasn't going to feel safe in the house anytime soon. A hell of a lot of good owning your own home does you when you're to stay in it, she realized. She paced around the freshly cleaned room, debating her options. She could move out… but that seemed like admitting defeat. No, she was too stubborn for that. Kira was pretty sure she'd rather risk leaving the door unlocked than face her overbearing mother with the confessions that she sold the house. This would be an ideal time for a husband, she supposed.

  The thought struck her hard. It was an obvious solution; not marriage, but having someone else in the house really would make her feel safer. She could get herself a roommate – it would make her mortgage easier to afford, and she’d feel a hell of a lot more secure with another woman in the place.

  Without another thought she rummaged through a cabinet and found an old laptop, her new one was taken with everything else, and jumped to the local classifieds. It was only a few minutes before she’d written the listing, picked a reasonable rent amount, and called it a day. She turned in her chair, enjoying her success, only to be reminded of everything that was missing as her chair slowly spun. Fuck.


  Within two days Kira had more offers on the room than she really knew what to do with. She rolled her eyes in annoyance at the number of single men that “really super honestly just need a place to live and absolutely aren’t looking to hook up with anyone.” Yeah, right, buddy… she’d heard that before. Kira spent more time deleting messages than reading them, and was just about to give up when one of them stood out to her.

  Hi, I’m Kelsey. I saw your ad on the site for a room and was interested in renting it from you. I’m a student locally and I really just want to get out of the dorms. Your listing is about what I pay for those and I thought having my own bedroom might be nice for a change. I’m super quiet, and really just want my privacy. I don’t have much stuff and can fit everything in one room – I promise, you won’t even know that I’m there. Give me call!

  This girl sounded sane, level-headed, and reasonable. For a stranger on the internet, it was almost too good to be true. Kira quickly slipped through the rest of the details in her e-mail to find a phone number.

  It was all arranged in minutes. Even on the phone, Kira felt perfectly at ease with Kelsey. She seemed fun, young, and responsible. She described herself as the sort of girl that mostly kept to herself, and just wanted to get out of the dorms to get away from the guys. Kira thought back to her younger days in the dorms… maybe she should have avoided the guys, too. Still, having a twenty-year-old college student as a roommate wasn't the worst thing in the world.

  The next day, Kira was sitting in front of the house waiting on her new roommate. She eyed every car with suspicion and excitement, wondering if this was the one. When a little blue sedan turned the corner, her gut told her this was the girl. The car moved slowly along the road, with the driver leaning over a little to check the address on every house she passed in front of until she finally slowed to a stop.

  Kira wasn’t sure just what she was expecting, but knockout that stepped out of the car wasn’t it. This was the girl that wanted to avoid the attention of men?! She wore a short blue dress. It was simple, but the way it hugged her curves would have been enough to stop traffic, and it certainly wasn’t long enough to much more than her ass. “Ah, to be twenty...” Kira muttered to herself. She put on her best smile and walked up to the girl with a hand extended. “You must be Kelsey,” she said with a grin.

  “Yeah, that's me," she answered. She shook her hand warmly. "So… I uh… I guess I'm your new roomie!" While any guy would think this woman was sexy as hell, she was also terribly awkward. She brushed a bit of blond hair from her face, flashing big blue doe eyes that seemed so utterly innocent Kira suddenly understood why she wanted to get away from the men. "Thanks so much for renting me a room," she added. Kira helped her grab a bag from the back of the car and pulled it along to the house. She opened the door and took her straight to the room.

  “This is it,” Kira said, pointing out the empty room. There was something strangely sterile about an empty room with white walls and a beige carpet.

  “It’s great,” Kelsey said with a beaming smile. “Wow… carpeting. I hate wearing shoes or slippers in my dorm room all the time. It’s so uncomfortable.”

  “Well if all it takes to impress you is carpeting then this should be easy,” she quipped.

  “I know, it sounds silly. Those dorms really sucked, though. I mean… it’ll be nice just to take a shower with some privacy.”

  “I’ll bet. My college had bathrooms in the rooms, though, so I guess I wouldn’t know what that’s like.”

  “Ours doesn’t,” she answered, rolling her eyes. “It’s a real pain. I’m an adult, I don’t want to feel like I’m back in a high school gym class every single night.”

  “I get that,” Kira nodded. A weird expression suddenly came over Kelsey’s face, a mix of surprise and worry. “Something the matter?” Kira asked.

  “Oh, it’s not a big deal, I can fix it tomorrow. I kinda’ feel stupid all of a sudden, though,” she said. She blushed a little bit, looking down at the ground.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I uh… I guess I didn’t realize there wouldn’t be a bed in here. I mean, I knew there wouldn’t be one, but I didn’t put it together in my head and… now I’m rambling, I’m sorry. I’ll go buy a mattress tomorrow.”

  Kira laughed at the
stammering, worried girl. “Relax,” she assured her. “You can sleep in my bed tonight. It’s no big deal.”

  “No, I couldn’t possibly!” she objected. “I’ll just put down some blankets, and you’ve got carpet. I mean, where are you going to sleep?”

  Kira waved off her concerns with a swish of her hand. “Don’t worry about it. I’ll work it out. Listen, it’s Friday so I was thinking we could head out on the town.” The words left her mouth when she realized that her new roommate was only twenty. She couldn’t drink.

  Well, at least not in public.

  Before Kelsey could even say the words reminding her of her age, Kira held up her hand. "Sorry… sorry… I forgot. How about I pick up a couple bottles of wine and we stay in and watch a movie?"

  “That’s not exactly legal, either,” Kelsey said. God, this girl was straight-laced.

  “I won’t tell the police if you don’t,” she retorted.

  “Deal,” she said with a grin. “Alright, I’m gonna unpack my stuff and grab some of my storage stuff from the car. Movie tonight, then?”

  “Movie tonight.”


  The girls laughed drunkenly on the couch. It was a good movie, but after that first bottle of wine, Kira wasn't sure that either of them really knew what the damn thing was about. They were laughing at a joke… or… something. She sank back into the cushions of the couch and took a deep breath, feeling the spin of the room start to slow down at last. Kelsey blinked several times as she looked around the room. "I have a confession to make," she said.


  “This isn’t the first time I’ve been drunk.”

  “I figured. Me neither!" For some reason, this was hilarious to Kira, who laughed hard and uncontrollably. She looked over at Kelsey, taking a good look at her new roommate. Young, blond, busty… and she was still wearing that tight little blue dress. If Kira looked hard enough she could probably grab a glimpse of her panties. "Do you always overdress?" she asked. It was rude, but they were drunk and she didn't particularly care for social niceties anyway.

  “No, not always. I wanted to make a good first impression,” she said.

  “You look like you wanted me to flirt with you.”

  “Maybe I did,” Kelsey replied with an exaggerated wink. “You should try dressing up for fun. It’s nice. You feel sexy… and… I dunno. I like it.”

  “Hey… I can dress up just fine!" Kira objected. In many ways, she was opposite of Kelsey. Less curvy, with dark hair that only went down to her chin. She was a little jealous of Kelsey's gorgeous, long, blond locks. Maybe a little jealous of her body, too. "Here, I'll show you." Kira stood up and disappeared upstairs into her room; when she emerged she looked like a whole new woman. Well, at least she thought so. Her Friday-night-at-home jeans and t-shirt were swapped out for a black dress. She didn't have the curves of Kelsey, but she liked to think that she had her own seductive appeal. The dress hung by the thinnest of straps on her shoulders, and fishnet leggings made her look like the sort of woman that no man could afford. "What do you think?' she asked.

  She couldn’t tell whether Kelsey was holding back a laugh or blushing in embarrassment. “You look...” she stuttered, “just… wow.”

  “Thank you,” Kira said. She sat on the couch, closer to Kelsey this time.

  “You’re not the only one that can be sexy,” she said.

  “Apparently not," Kelsey answered. "You're… damn sexy." The words hung in the air awkwardly, and Kira suddenly realized how close their bodies were. Their legs were touching and she was so close she could feel the heat radiating from new roommate's body. Kira's heart skipped a beat, and she found herself thinking things about a woman she'd never really thought before. She looked at her long, sweet legs… pale and soft-looking. She could just imagine running her tongue along them… Kira tried to force the thought from her head. It might have been the wine, but… what did she have to lose, anyway?

  “This might be inappropriate for the first day knowing each other,” she started, “but do you have a boyfriend?”

  “Um… no. That’s not really...”

  “Ah! Say no more!” Kira cut her off. “So a girlfriend then?” the thought that she might be into women was unusually exciting.

  “Well, that’s more my style, I guess you could say. There are just… problems.”


  “No, no, that’s not it at all,” Kelsey tried to explain. She turned a deep shade of red. Kira felt herself sobering up, and realized how uncomfortable she must be making the poor girl. They sat in silence for a moment, their legs still touching. Kira could almost taste the tension building between them. “You’re just… you’re really hot, you know?” Kelsey finally said. She was blushing again. Kira nibbled a little on her bottom, turning over the idea of what she should say in response over in her head. Fuck, she decided, let’s go for it.

  “Thanks,” she said quietly, leaning in a little. “You have no idea how sexy you are, do you ?” she asked. She was dangerously close to the younger woman. Their arms brushed against each other, and Kira watched her lips very closely.

  “I don’t know if you’d still think so if you… I’m sorry, I don’t think we should do this,” she said abruptly. Her eyes screamed for it, though, the look on her face was practically begging for Kira to kiss her. So she did.

  She felt Kelsey's body tense up in response, and she placed her hands on Kira's shoulders. To her surprise, she didn't push away. Slowly, nervously, her arms slowly came down, sliding their way smooth down Kira's arms. Their lips parted for only a second before Kelsey returned the kiss, her lips parted just a little further. Kira felt the slightest slip of her tongue sliding out from her mouth, and welcomed it gladly with her own. Their kiss slowly became more passionate, as Kira pushed all the doubts out of her head. Not only her first time with a woman, but it was her idea to begin with! She closed her eyes as Kelsey's tongue made long, slow circles around her own, pushing deeply into the depths of her mouth.

  They finally broke apart, taking a moment to stare into each other’s eyes. Again, she was struck by just how blue the coed’s eyes were. She ran the back of her hand along her cheek, wowed by how soft her skin was. “Okay,” she said, a strange look in her eyes, “but there’s something you need to know.”

  This was it, Kira thought. She had an STD, didn't she? Kelsey grabbed her hand and slid it slowly down her body. Kira's mouth watered as her fingers grazed over the shape of her large breasts, just on the other side of that thin blue dress. She continued to push her hand down until it came to… a bulge. Wait, Kira realized, that can't be right.

  “There’s…. there’s another reason I wanted to get out of the dorms. I figured you might find out sooner or later, but one roommate is easier to deal with than twenty people on your floor.” Kira sat in a sort of stunned silence. She could feel her cock throbbing underneath the dress, slowly growing and starting to form an impressive tent in the dress. The bit her lip as she turned the idea over in her. Did this really change anything, anyway? Did it matter?

  Throwing caution to the wind, she decided on her answer. Instead of pulling her hand away, she pressed it against her cock firmly, rubbing her hand back and forth. She watched as Kelsey’s eyes slowly closed and she leaned back into the couch. “How long has it been?” she asked.

  “Too long,” Kelsey cooed, shifting her body as Kira rubbed her hand against her cock. “There really wasn’t much opportunity in a shared room… and nobody would want to, you know...” Kira didn’t let her finish the thought. She pressed her lips against hers, silencing Kelsey and shoving her tongue back into her mouth. It might be the strangest thing that she ever did, but it didn’t seem to matter. She still thought Kelsey was hot as hell, and at least she knew what to do with a cock anyway, right?

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