If i fall, p.1
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If I Fall, page 1

 part  #4 of  Vale Valley Season Four Series


If I Fall
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If I Fall

  If I Fall

  A Vale Valley Holiday Romance

  Megan Embry



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  One Month Later

  Three Weeks Later


  About the Author

  Thank You

  Start From The Beginning with Vale Valley

  Season 2

  Season 3

  Season 4

  If I Fall

  A Vale Valley Holiday Romance

  Vale Valley Season Four

  Book Four

  Meg Embry


  If I fall...will you pull me up?

  Darby Avett has yearned for a mate and fawn of his own his entire life. Despite owning a very successful comic book shop and bookstore and having a well-built support system, his life feels unfulfilled. When a high-risk pregnancy places his best employee on bed rest, Darby finds himself in need of another person to cover his shift at the shop.

  He hadn’t expected one to literally fall right into his life.

  Harlan Peugh has spent the last eight months in Vale Valley working various jobs to make ends meet. After a traumatic event and subsequent self-destructive path leaves him alone and in self-imposed emotional isolation, Harlan just wants to get through his days and pay off his debts without imposing on the happiness of those around him, and he’s resigned himself to never finding a mate for fear of saddling them with someone who couldn’t give them everything they deserve. But then when he’s in need of a new job, one literally falls into his lap—or more accurately, he falls in front of it.

  He just hadn’t expected he would fall quite so hard.

  Just as Harlan begins to open up to the idea of a relationship, a run-in with someone from his past forces Harlan to reveal to Darby the very thing he knows will threaten Darby’s chance at happiness. And this time, there might not be anyone to help Harlan up again.

  If I Fall is the fourth book in the fourth season of Vale Valley, but can be read as a standalone. Spend the holidays with the magical and mythical inhabitants of Vale Valley, and fall in love with the small town full of wonder, love, and enchantment.

  If I Fall

  Copyright © 2019 Meg Embry

  Vale Valley Series

  All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, except for the use of quotations for review purposes, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner.

  First Edition December 2019

  Cover by Cate Ashwood

  Edited and Proofed by Foxlore Editing

  Formatting by Giovanna “Gia” Reaves with Vellum


  This is a work of fiction. Any similarity between the characters and situations within its pages and places or persons, living or dead, is unintentional and coincidental.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following brands, services, or companies mentioned in this work of fiction:




  Follow Me on Social Media

  For More Information, please contact: embry.meg@gmail.com

  Facebook Reader’s Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/431113990915652/

  To Liz,

  Thank you for believing in me and guiding me through this process.


  Chapter One

  “I have a holiday spice latte for Darby.”

  Darby stepped forward, snagging his cup from the counter and nodding at Ren in thanks. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “You better buy an eggnog crème crêpe tomorrow. I’m starting to think you don’t want to try them,” Ren, the owner of Sweet Bites stated, his tone light and playful.

  “I just can’t do the caffeine and sugar all at once. Maybe a savory one tomorrow morning.” Darby chuckled, taking a sip of his coffee and moaning in satisfaction as the taste of clove and cardamom slithered across his tongue.

  “Good?” Ren asked, knowing full well it was. Darby ordered the same drink every morning during the holiday season. And despite Darby’s best efforts to order it out of season, Ren refused to stock the flavored syrup for it year-round due to the fear it would lose its novelty.

  If you asked Darby’s brother, Roe, he would tell you it was basically like drinking a melted holiday candle. Darby refused to agree.

  “Perfect as always.” Darby gave Ren a smile. “I’ve got to get to the shop, I’ll be by later…maybe for one of those crêpes.”

  “I’ll make you something special.”

  Darby saluted him as he stepped towards the door, pushing out into the crisp morning air. He switched his coffee over to his right hand in order to tuck his scarf further into his peacoat. It was cold, but he preferred it that way—taking the walk from his home just on the outskirts of the town to Sweet Bites each morning before heading a few blocks down to his store.

  Quill and Cape was Vale Valley’s one and only bookstore and comic book shop. It was also Darby’s proudest achievement, so far. He’d spent most of his youth lost in books and comics, relating more to the characters and their lives than the sports figures his brother had idolized.

  His family had been worried when he’d double-majored in English and Business at Vale Valley University, before taking on various jobs to build savings and put a down payment on one of the empty storefronts downtown.

  That had been six years ago, and business had built quickly—enough that he’d hired a few employees to help him out.

  When he rounded the corner to the front of the store, his opening employee and long-time family friend, Klaus, was leaning back against the door, a hand held lovingly over his flat stomach and smile on his face as he stared down at it.

  Darby inhaled and Klaus’s usual toasted pecan-molasses scent was tinted with a hint of spun sugar. Darby knew that look and scent well, especially with the sudden baby boom taking place in Vale Valley as of late. He cleared his throat and chuckled when Klaus flailed a little.

  “Morning, Boss!” he said as he moved out of the way for Darby to unlock the door.

  “Morning. Left your keys behind again?”

  Darby watched Klaus’s cheeks flush. “Yeah. I was a little distracted this morning.”

  “No worries. How is Macon doing?”

  Klaus had mated with one of their regulars five months ago, and Darby was extremely happy for them. Both of them had danced around each other for months before Darby had finally cornered them in the shop and practically forced them to go on a first date. He’d known when he'd first seen Klaus clumsily ringing up Macon’s purchases in the store they were fated mates.

  If you asked Darby’s mother, she would tell you Darby had a knack for connecting mates. His father would say Darby yearned for his own mate so badly he’d subconsciously developed a bit of the sight. And if you asked Roe? He would tell you about the time six-year-old Darby had been convinced he would be the first in their sibling group to find his mate. Their sister, Tabatha, would just laugh and tell you Darby was a romantic with a lucky streak of setting fated mates up—hers included. She and Russ had been on the same night shift at the local hospital for a year before Darby had convinced them at a hospital-hosted family picnic to give it a try.

  “He’s good. He was still asleep when I left…had the late shift last night,” Klaus said as he rounded the front counter of the store, pulled off his jacket to hang it on the coat rack and punched his code into the cash register. He pulled the till bag out of the register drawer and placed it on the counter between him and Darby.

  Klaus was twitchier than normal—movements aborted in an attempt to stand still, fingers twitching against the countertop, and eyes flitting around the shop. His squirrel shifter genetics made him predisposed to a number of attention issues and growing up he’d struggled with the symptoms. But it had been a while since Darby had seen them be this pronounced. While most of society thought it was something Klaus needed to be medicated for, Darby had always found it just a normal part of Klaus’s personality. And thankfully so did their families.

  He'd grown up next door to Klaus, and while he was a few years younger than Darby, they both had older and younger siblings. Their families took vacations together and celebrated most holidays and birthdays as one big, strange, hyper unit.

  He watched as Klaus attempted to count a stack of dollar bills—losing count a few times until Darby stepped in to help him with the rest. Klaus gave him a grateful smile, smoothing a twitching hand over his stomach before grabbing a stack of fives.

  Might as well address it.

  “You tell him yet?” Darby asked, leaning against the counter. He chuckled when Klaus’s gray eyes widened and his mouth dropped open as he fumbled with the money—the paper bills fluttering into a bloomed pile.

  “How do you know?”

  “You weren’t subtle, and…” Darby tapped his nose.

  Klaus smiled brightly and ran a hand across his stomach letting it rest against the rust-colored sweater he was wearing.

  “I’m so excited for you and Macon, Klaus,” Darby stated with a smile as he reached across the counter to wrap Klaus’s free hand with his.

  Klaus sniffled at him a little mistil
y, “Thanks. I hope he is as excited. It happened quickly.”

  “Please, have you seen the number of babies around here right now? I’m surprised you weren’t pregnant sooner.” They both chuckled. Darby let Klaus’s hand go and began to shuffle the disheveled money back into order.

  “Honestly, me too. But we were actually being careful. Squirrel shifters have a high rate of complications, and with him being a wolf…we were worried.”

  Darby reached out and patted Klaus’s hand where it now rested on the counter. “Looks like The Fates had a different timeline than you did. Everything will be fine, Klaus. Just you see. What in…six months? You’ll have a beautiful baby.”

  “Try three months. I need to confirm with the doctor, though. I’m guesstimating between the two species. You may need to find someone to take over my position sooner.”

  Darby nodded. “No worries. I’ll find someone temporary until you’ve birthed and the baby is older. Your position will be here when or if you decide to come back.”

  Klaus rounded the counter and pulled Darby into a hug, his blonde curls tickling across Darby’s stubbled cheek. He folded his arms around Klaus and squeezed gently, taking in his friend’s happy scent and planting a kiss to the top of his head.

  “Thanks, Darbs.”

  They were startled out of their embrace by the bells on the door ringing.

  “Watch out, Darby. I might start to think you’re making a move on my mate.” Macon smiled as the door clinked shut behind him. His cheeks were pink and his smile wide.

  Darby laughed. “Nah. He’s just too adorable not to hug.”

  Klaus scoffed. “Adorable?”

  “He’s right, babe,” Macon said, holding up a positive pregnancy test. “You tried to hide this in the drawer with all of our socks.”

  “It might not be accurate,” Klaus replied quietly, happy scent turning slightly sour.

  “It is. I could smell your scent had changed when we shifted the other night. But I didn’t know what it was until I saw the test was positive,” Macon said, stepping closer to them.

  “I’ll give you two some privacy,” Darby stated. Turning, he grabbed his coffee and headed into the back of the store towards the stairs.

  He’d designated the front of the store around the counter for novelty and gift items—journals, pens, bookmarks, and collectible figures. But the rest of the shop was set up so the books and comics had their own separate sections.

  The back of the large store held shelves and shelves of books organized by genre and author—the decor rustic, yet traditional. In the very back was a sitting area where customers could sit and wait or look through books they were interested in purchasing.

  The left corner of the store held comic books, the decor a mix of black and primary colors.

  Darby, Roe, and Klaus had spent a good week bridging the gap between the traditional decor and the novelty of the comic books section with a zigzag of paints across the wall—making it look like the two halves were stitched together.

  Once he reached the top of the stairs, he unlocked the door to his office, turned on the lights, and pulled off his coat, laying it over the arm of the old couch that took up most of the wall beside the door. Circling around to the back of his desk he powered on his laptop and took a seat.

  His office took up half the second floor, windows overlooking the whole shop. He snuck a peek at the couple in the front caught in an embrace.

  He really was happy for them.

  One day…

  With all of his family’s joking aside, he wanted nothing more than to have a mate and children of his own. He wasn’t losing hope, but with all of the matings and babies swarming around town, it was harder not to feel down or even jealous about not having it for himself.

  He’d spent the last few years watching the town’s population grow and hearing the gossip about who had mated with whom. The woods he'd run with his herd for most of his life brimmed with life and the scent of new shifters.

  It was magical.

  And he always tried to tamp down as much of the hurt and ill-feeling towards The Fates having not deemed him worthy of a mate yet. He had a lot to be happy and proud of, and when his mate found him, he would revel in the fact that he was able to take care of them.

  Darby opened up the word processor and went about making a “help wanted” sign and job description for when Klaus needed to go on paternity leave. He sent a little prayer to the Gods Klaus’s pregnancy would be healthy and uncomplicated.

  There was a knock at the door, and Darby looked up to see his brother leaning against the doorframe. Roe smiled at him. He and his brother shared the same build, but where Darby was red-haired and green-eyed, Roe had inherited their father’s dark blonde hair and brown eyes.

  “Hey. What are the two lovebirds doing stinking up the shop with their hormones?” Roe asked, ever the blunt downer.

  “Klaus is pregnant.” Darby watched Roe’s fleeting smile before his “I don’t give a shit” mask was carefully set back into place.

  “That was quick. Mom is going to be thrilled,” Roe stated, taking out his phone.

  “Don’t tell her. Let Klaus and Macon do it. They still have to confirm everything with the doctor. Klaus…he’s worried about complications.”

  Roe’s blank expression then grew worried—his grumpy ass cared about everyone despite his prickly exterior. “Are they expecting complications?”

  Darby shook his head. “He said it was a higher rate of them for squirrels.”

  Roe grunted. “I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

  Darby nodded. “So, what brings you here?”

  “You mean I can’t just visit my little brother?” Roe asked, pocketing his cell again and plopping himself down on the couch.

  Darby gave him a look of disbelief. “I can count on one hand the number of times you’ve come to see me, just because...hell…two fingers, at best.”

  “Whatever, I’m here all the time.” Roe rolled his eyes and slouched into the leather of the couch. “Mom is planning one of those dinners, again.” His eyebrows knit together as he pouted.

  Darby chuckled. “Who is she inviting?”

  “Tabby won’t tell me.”


  “He told me he was staying out of it. He’s going bowling with the old bucks that night.”

  Darby chuckled and then sighed. “She just wants you happy, Roe.”

  “I am happy. By myself,” Roe insisted, still pouting.

  “Well then, she wants a couple of tiny Roe’s running around…Gods help us.”

  “Tabby gave her Aslan and Ayelet.”

  “Lannie and Lettie are perfect. But I have a feeling she still wants some of your little monsters to spoil.”

  “You’re just as bad as her. Why isn’t she all over you to mate and have kids?”

  “Probably because I’ve insisted I want those things all of my life, and you insist on being the grumpy, inappropriate humor-ridden, loner uncle.”

  “I just don’t want that kind of commitment.”

  Darby sighed again and stared at his brother. That wasn’t the real reason, his entire family knew it. His mother, bless her heart, was trying to pull Roe out of his reclusiveness, but it would take someone special and patience to do so.

  “Anyway. She wants you there, too. She said she was going to make your favorite blueberry cobbler,” Roe stated, still looking put out. Darby knew it was a farce—Roe wanted him there for support, and Darby didn’t mind one bit.

  “I’ll be there. And not for the cobbler. For you.”

  Roe met his eyes and looked thankful. “Thanks, baby brother.”

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