Mile High Fantasy, page 1

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Fantasy Games – Mile High Fantasy
Copyright ã 2007 – Mary Suzanne
Cover Art by Carol C. MacLeod
All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the publisher.
Published by eXtasy Books 2007
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The night before, Jesse and Jake McDermett sat in their living room talking about their marriage. Jesse began expressing her need for some excitement in her life and set out to convince Jake that they should try something new to add spice to their relationship.
“You’re going to have to explain exactly what you want.” Jake’s gaze narrowed as he looked at her.
“I thought I’d go with you to make the delivery tomorrow,” she explained “This is just a suggestion and you may not agree to it, but here goes. Once were in the air, we can seduce the co-pilot Carter Wilson. I don’t want Carter to know that we’re married. Since we’ll be the only people on the plane, it shouldn’t be hard to carry out our plan.”
Shock raced through Jake realizing that Jesse wasn’t satisfied. He didn’t know where he had failed her, but if he wanted to keep their marriage solid, he would have to go along with her suggestion. This would be the hardest thing he ever had to do, but she left him little choice. Jake composed his features and gave her a calm look before speaking, although his insides felt all worked up.
“You’re right. We’re going to have to pretend that we don’t know each other,” he finally spoke. “I wouldn’t want word to get out about what we’ve been up to at the airport. We’d both lose our jobs.”
“I’m all for it,” she murmured. “So, you’re in agreement?”
Jake felt trapped, but there was nothing else he could do but go along with her. He loved her too much to lose her. “This is a one shot deal, Jesse,” Jake eventually told her. “I’ll go along with your plan this time but there won’t be a repeat. You’ll just have to keep your mile high fantasy locked away in your memories to last you.” He hoped she’d go along with what he wanted. Jake held his breath waiting for her answer.
“I promise,” she told him as she moved between his legs on the floor and began unzipping his slacks. Her mouth quickly closed over his cock.
“You always have a way of convincing me,” he murmured raggedly, feeling the sensations she caused to flow through him. He knew right then that he would do anything for her.
* * * *
While walking toward the plane, Jesse thought of last night. A vivid picture of what had taken place between them ran through her mind. She’d felt so excited over Jake going along with her plan that she unzipped his slacks and gave him a blow job that made him groan out with pleasure. All the while she held his penis in her mouth her thoughts were on the following night and what was going to take place. The anticipation flowed through her rapidly.
She couldn’t tell Jake, but she’d always wanted to feel another cock in her pussy. Jesse had found this feeling almost haunting her day and night. She loved Jake, but she just needed to keep herself content and the only way she knew was to have this experience to look back on. Maybe she’d find a way to ease this unrest that had been plaguing her for some time now.
Now here she was almost ready to start the journey of a lifetime. So far, Jesse’s plan worked in keeping their identity a secret from Carter. They knew his name, but had only met him that morning and introduced themselves to him. The only difference in the introductions was Jesse’s. She managed to slip her maiden name in for her married name. Carter arrived in Dallas that morning from another terminal to take the place of an absent pilot.
As the three walked through the airport Jesse turned her head and her gaze took in her two companions. Jake was thirty-two and Carter his co-pilot was still in his twenties.
Earlier, when Jesse saw Carter walking toward them, she felt her legs get wobbly at how sexy he looked. Soon, if she was lucky, she’d have this man between her legs doing things to her that could cause explosive climaxes in her. It looked as if she attracted his attention already. She didn’t miss how he watched every step she took and how she swung her hips as she walked.
Jesse again thought how both men looked like excellent specimens to anyone observing the trio. Both were ruggedly handsome in a tough sort of way. She couldn’t have asked for a more handsome looking man to join them than Carter Wilson.
Jesse caught her image in the plate glass window they were passing. She also got her fair share of stares from men they were passing in the long corridor. She was medium in height with long auburn hair and in her early twenties. Jesse had the figure that would knock any man’s eyes out.
Until recently she had been happy, but lately she found that something was missing in her life. She didn’t know if her problem in feeling satisfied was from the lack of excitement or something else. Soon, she planned to remedy the situation. Carter Wilson was the solution she was looking for.
It didn’t take them long to board and get strapped in. Jake and Carter walked to the front of the plane and Jesse found herself alone in the back She could hear the droning voice of the tower giving the plane clearance for takeoff. If only the tower knew what was going to take place in their plane in the next hour or so there would be hell to pay. If Jesse had anything to do with it there would be plenty of hot sex and fucking going on right under their noses.
From her vantage point, she could see the wide shoulders of Jake and Carter as they worked the instruments up front. Occasionally, she heard short burst of laughter coming from them and she wondered what they were talking about. Hopefully, Jake was warming Carter up for their planned seduction.
While they lifted into the air, Jesse decided this was the day she intended to do something about her doldrums in the sex department. She silently wondered how long it was going to be before Jake put in an appearance from the cockpit. The longer she waited, the more excited Jesse felt about what was to happen.
The soft music filtering out from the intercom almost blocked out the low drone of the plane’s engine. Thoughts kept racing through her mind over what she had to look forward to. She could feel the wet coating her pussy just thinking about the thrilling ride she was just about to take.
When she saw movement at the front of the plane, Jesse glanced up and watched Jake unbuckling and leaving his chair. He began walking toward her. Her gaze drank in the handsome hunk she was married to. She had always been a sucker for a uniform and looking at Jake, now was no different.
After Jake had come through the door to join her, he had left it slightly cracked so that anyone sitting up front could see what was going on in the back of the plane. This had been her plan and he followed every thing they talked about earlier.
Jesse said a silent thank you that this special delivery only required three people on the plane. Since it was the weekend, most of pilots had the two days off, but Jake volunteered to make the run. They were hauling a shipment of supplies to an industrial firm located some distance from where their flight originated in Dallas. Jake had told her the flight should take about four hours to reach their destination. She figured this was plenty of time to implement her plan. By the time they fucked for a few hours, she would have surely found the satisfaction she craved.
As Jake got within a few feet of her, Jesse raised her head and drank in the muscular sight of him once again. The uniform wasn’t required on a non-passenger flight, but Jesse knew that Jake was never caught without it no matter where they were headed.
She continued to examine him as if she didn’t know him very well. From the corner of her eye, she could see the intense interest of the co-pilot Carter Wilson as he turned his head at an angle so that he could watch everything that happened in the back. By the look on Carter’s face, he didn’t suspect that they were actually husband and wife.
Jesse brought her attention back to Jake now standing only inches from her. Just looking at him could still bring a flutter to her chest and she silently wondered why she had these thoughts about not being satisfied. She dismissed her wayward thinking and concentrated on Jake again.
Wide shoulders, narrowing down to a slim waistline and hips, were topped off by thick black hair and sharp black eyes. Those same black eyes were doing an inventory of her, as well. Who could ask for anything more in a man like Jake? But again, she put the thoughts to the back of her mind. Tonight was her special night.
Jesse hadn’t worn her uniform that day opting to wear a tight fitting knee high skirt and a halter top that barely covered her large breasts which were ready to spill out if she moved in the wrong direction too fast. She had decided against wearing any panties and bra loving the freedom this outfit offered her. She als
Her legs were spread slightly and anyone looking could see up to where her mound of hair began. Again, her coveted look took in Carter. His eyes were narrowed and a glazed look began spreading across his features as he gazed up her skirt at the clitoris exposed for his viewing. There was an animal look of desire blazing from his half lidded eyes that Jesse didn’t miss. She silently felt that her plan was working.
She noticed Jake’s intense interest as his gaze dropped to just below her waistline. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that what he saw pleased him. It didn’t take Jesse long to spread her legs just a little more giving him and also Carter a wider view of her pink pussy beneath the black skirt
“How are things back here?” Jake asked, stopping near her seat and slowly unzipping his khaki colored pants and pulling his penis out, playing along with her little game. His pretense that they were strangers excited her even more in the next few seconds. “Are you getting lonely?” Jake made sure he talked loud enough so that his voice carried to the front of the plane.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She asked the question trying to sound shocked. Her gaze dropped down and devoured every inch of his peter jutting out of his pants. Again, when she looked at Carter, she could see that he was mesmerized by the scene.
“I’m going to show you what I’m going to be doing in a few seconds,” he told her. “I’m not going to disappoint you either.” Jake moved closer and reached for her head clasping it between his hands. It didn’t take him long to plant his penis into her soft mouth although she hadn’t given him any sign that she meant to suck him off.
Jesse reached up and pushed her long auburn hair behind her ears to keep it out of the way while she ate him. Her hands moved to his hips and she clasped them as he started to move inside her mouth.
The soft thrusts of his hard cock filled her throat to overflowing. There was such a pleasurable sensation filling her that she felt even more wetness coat her pussy in the next instant. As she again tried to catch a look at Carter, she saw that his face was lined with a look of desire. This spurred her on with her little show. Jesse didn’t make any objection when Jake increased the tempo and began moving his penis in and out with swift movements. She could feel the juice almost flowing from her in her excited state.
Her tongue slid across his cock and eventually found the opening where small amounts of pre-come filled the small crevice. She licked it away with her tongue in an upward sweep loving the taste as it coated her mouth. She couldn’t get enough of the come and decided to let him fill her mouth with the sweet white fluid. But, he wasn’t ready yet as he began pumping faster. She could feel the shudder passing through his legs as he shook with the effort of holding back from exploding in her mouth.
It didn’t look as if he was having much success in controlling his emotions because it felt like he was ready to ejaculate. She heard a moan coming from Jake as the tempo of his dick increased to a faster rate. It didn’t take him long after this to reach a climax. She felt the explosion in her mouth as the fluid trickled down her throat. She swallowed the thick come greedily and felt the need for Jake to give her pussy a little attention now that she had brought him pleasure.
Getting up from her seat, Jesse gave almost a theatrical exhibition for anyone watching. She began slowly by slipping out of her skirt and removing her halter top before throwing them to the side on the seat near her. But her halter top didn’t reach the padded seat. While she did her strip tease she took her time posing her delicate curves in the muted light of the cabin. When she noticed the halter top lying on the floor, she again took her time about bending over to pick it up. In doing this, her pussy was exposed for anyone wanting to see.
She peeked between her legs while leaning over and could see Carter’s arm moving back and forth with hurried strokes. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that he jacked off as he watched them. When she rose and sat back down, she spread her legs ready for what was to come from Jake.
He didn’t hurry as he slowly began removing his clothing. First came his shirt and her gaze again devoured the muscled chest revealed to her. Next came the khaki pants, but he wasn’t wearing anything beneath the pants. He, too, had left his briefs at home only wanting to be able to undress quickly. His dick hadn’t gone down yet and still looked curved up ready to give her a good fuck. He picked up his clothing and placed them on the seat next to hers.
Jesse could feel the excitement pumping through her as she waited for Jake to take care of her needs. He got down on the carpeted floor on his knees and pushed her legs apart, his hands remaining for a short time on her soft inner thighs. The sweet smell of her pussy came rushing up to him and he breathed deeply of the aroma. He then buried his face in her throbbing cunt.
When his lips closed over her clitoris Jesse could feel the excitement dancing through her. She spread her legs even wider so that he could have access to every delicate part of her. She leaned back as far as she could and her eyes closed to slits so that she could catch Carter’s reaction to what took place between them. Just watching how affected he was sent an excited flame dancing through her body at an alarming rate. She could feel the juice flowing from her and filling Jake’s mouth positioned so that none of the precious fluid escaped.
He began sucking away at her clitoris and Jesse couldn’t hold still. Her legs began writhing with the wondrous sensations he created in her. A quiver ran through her entire body over his expert manipulations and she groaned loudly in the quiet room. The moans coming from her were meant to seduce Carter into coming in and joining them. At this point, she knew that Carter could hear every thing that was going on as she watched the tempo of his jacking off increasing. The slurping noise Jake made sucking her pussy filled the quiet in the cabin. She figured this had to definitely be a turn on even more for Carter.
The noisy groans didn’t stop Jake as he placed his tongue into her vagina and began running it in and out. It was almost as if he fucked her pussy with his tongue instead of his dick.
Jesse couldn’t get enough of his probing tongue and felt an explosion rip through her sending her juices flowing. She could hear him lapping up the come that had escaped her pussy and it was soon coating his mouth.
When he raised his head, he placed his lips across hers and Jesse began licking away the sticky substance that had accumulated. She then ran her tongue into his mouth and he held it inside until he had cleaned every drop off. The scene was so provocative, she was almost certain Carter should be on fire by now.
Jake lowered his head again and began sucking away on her clitoris. The new sensations were sending her on to a rapturous state. When his finger moved to her pussy, he inserted it into the juicy moistness and began thrusting it back and forth to give her the pleasure she sought.
Hearing a noise toward the front of the plane, Jesse’s coveted glance saw that Carter was edging his way toward them. She silently wondered what had taken him so long to decide to join them. If it had been her, she would have been there long before now. When Jake heard the sound of someone else in the room, he turned and glanced at his flying partner.
“Who’s flying this plane, Carter?” He asked, pretending to be disgusted because Carter had left his post.
“The plane’s on auto pilot,” Carter mumbled, hardly able to get the words out in his excited state. “Do you care if I watch for a while, or can I join in?” There was a hopeful light dancing in his blue eyes.
“I don’t know,” Jake answered. “It’s up to Jesse. She’s the boss of what’s happening tonight.”
“I’m sure there’s enough pussy to go around for everyone,” she murmured softly, watching as Carter began stripping off his clothing. Instead of placing them neatly on the seat in his eagerness, he threw them haphazardly on the floor.