A home for haley, p.1
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A Home for Haley, page 1

 part  #3 of  Crystal Springs Homecoming Series


A Home for Haley
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Brian (uk)
Emma (uk)  
Amy (uk)
Eric (us)
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Salli (us)  
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Kimberly (us)  
Kendra (us)
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A Home for Haley


  By Mary Jane Morgan


  Long Road Home

  Coming Home

  Home at Last (available soon)


  Dangerous Moves

  Shelby’s Gift



  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

  Copyright © 2015 by Mary Jane Morgan

  All rights reserved

  First Kindle Edition 2015


  Cover design by Mark Combs

  (918) 510-8972


  Thank you Gary Godwin for, once again, being a beta reader for me.

  A special thank you to Mark Combs for another wonderful book cover! He not only designs great covers, he's extremely easy to work with! You can reach Mark at: creative@dzindna.com

  I'd also like to thank Emrys Moreau for not only designing my author page but for formatting/coding my books and being my ‘go-to’ lady when I have questions—which is frequently! You can reach Emrys at: emrysmoreau@gmail.com

  Table of Contents





















  "Not knowing when the dawn will come

  I open every door."

  —Emily Dickinson


  Haley Donahue snuggled her nineteen-month old son close as a cool spring breeze skimmed over them. Hurrying up the front porch steps of an old, two-story, red brick home, she rang the doorbell.

  After what seemed like an eternity, the heavy green door opened. A tall, dark-haired man holding a little girl with big, brown eyes just like his smiled at her, and she found herself responding back with a bona fide smile of her own. It’d been a long time since she’d smiled that easily. A good omen, she decided.

  “I’m Ethan Richardson. You must be Haley. And Ryan,” he added, looking down at Ryan’s face, which lay nestled on her breast. “Hi there, young man.”

  Ryan hid his face. Haley rubbed her son’s back. “He just woke up, so he’s still pretty sleepy.”

  Smiling, Ethan held a hand out to her. “I’m glad you’re here.”

  She took his hand and its warmth felt solid and sure. “Nice to meet you,” she said, then quickly pulled her hand free and ran her fingers through Ryan’s thick mop of blonde curls.

  “Do you think he wants to play with me?” the little girl asked.

  Haley smiled at her. She was a pretty little thing. “I’m sure he’d love that as soon as he wakes up a bit more.”

  “I’m Kayla,” the girl said, wiggling out of her dad’s arms and tugging on Ryan’s foot. “Wake up, sleepy head.”

  Ryan kicked at her, but lifted his head in obvious interest.

  “Are you going to leave these poor people out in the cold all day?” a female voice asked from somewhere behind Ethan.

  Haley tilted her head to the side to see who had spoken, just as an older woman with a cane stepped into view. She had the same big, dark eyes as the man and child.

  “I’m Ethan’s mother, and I swear I’ve trained him better. Come in, come in,” she said. “You must be chilled standing out there. It might be spring, but that breeze sure doesn’t feel like it.”

  “Meet my mother, Dorothy Richardson,” Ethan said, stepping aside and motioning Haley in.

  She entered a large foyer with beautifully shined, dark oak floors. A huge, mixed-flower arrangement adorned an antique walnut table on the wall opposite the staircase. The sweet smell of yellow roses and pink tulips scented the air. Baby’s breath and several other delicate flowers Haley couldn’t name filled out the bouquet.

  “Roses and tulips have always been my two favorite flowers,” Haley said, “not only for their beauty but for their wonderful fragrance.” She moved closer and pulled in a deep breath.

  “My mother’s passion,” Ethan said, leading the way into a large den.

  Dorothy chuckled. “I’ve traded passions in my old age.”

  “You’re not old and I doubt you’ve traded anything.” Ethan shot Haley a wry grin. “It’s really Mother who needs watching. I just use Kayla as an excuse.”

  “Like heck you do.” Dorothy rolled her eyes at Haley. “I tried my best to teach him not to lie, but I guess it didn’t sink in.” She slowly made her way into a large den off the foyer and eased onto a hunter-green chair close to the fireplace. “Nobody needs to watch over me,” she said. “It’s my knee that’s bad, not my brain. At least not usually my brain. And please call me Dottie. All my friends do.”

  “Thank you, Dottie.” Haley already liked this woman. And Kayla, who had enticed Ryan to wiggle out of her arms to play, seemed like a total sweetheart. She hoped Ethan was as kind and warm-hearted as he seemed. She glanced at him and found him staring at her, a slight smile tugging on his full mouth. “You have a nice family,” she said, lowering her gaze as the all-too-familiar shyness she’d worked for years to overcome swept through her.

  “Have a seat.” Ethan motioned to a brown leather couch, and then sat at the other end of it. “One of the things that interested me about your resume was that you were a teacher.”

  “Yes. I taught second grade before Ryan was born. But I didn’t want to put my baby in day care, so after he was born I decided to be a nanny until he was older.”

  “I like the sound of that,” Dottie said. “You’re just the kind of woman I’d like watching my granddaughter.”

  “I love children,” Haley said, taking the block that Ryan offered her.

  “Are you a strict disciplinarian?” Ethan asked, watching her intently.

  “I guess that depends on what you consider strict. I think if you handle children right, then you rarely need any harsh discipline. I’m a firm believer in time outs though.”

  He nodded. “Since this is a live-in position, I assume you’re divorced.”

  Haley’s mouth went dry. She knew they’d get to this, but she still wasn’t prepared to answer. “No. My husband, Dale, is in the air force. He’s in Afghanistan. He’s been there a while, and I’m not sure when he’ll be back. That’s why I left the base and took a job as a nanny here in Nashville. I decided the change would be good for Ryan and me.” Especially me, she thought. It had been too hard watching the other wives reunite with their husbands, while she waited and waited with no word.

  Ethan seemed to weigh her words, which made her nervous. “I was air force, too, but not a pilot.” He frowned. “They keep extending our soldiers’ tours of duty. Not a good thing.”

  “That’s not the case with Dale.” Haley clamped her lips shut, wishing she’d kept quiet.

  Ethan looked puzzled. “I don’t mean to pry, but how long has he been in Afghanistan?”

  “About a year and a half.” Haley fought to keep her voice from wobbling.

  Ethan’s brows shot up. “That’s the longest tour of duty I’ve ever heard of.”

  Haley sucked in a fortifying breath. “Yes, it’s a long time,” she said evasively, not sure how much she should tell a potential employer.

  Ethan glanced at his mother, then propped a booted foot on his jean-clad knee and returned his gaze to Haley. “Will you still want to be a nanny when he returns, at least during the day and early evening?”

  She licked her dry lips. “I haven’t thought that far ahead, but I’m a good worker and I love children.” She couldn’t lie, but she knew that wasn’t the answer he wanted. The truth was, she didn’t want to think ahead. She’d survived Dale being gone by taking one day at a time.

  Ethan rested a hand on his knee and jiggled his foot. “I need to find someone who will be here for a while.”

  “Right now I can’t promise how long I will be here, but I really need and want this job.” God she hated to admit that, but what else was she supposed to do?

  He chewed his lower lip and studied her. “You seem like a good fit, but stability is very important for Kayla.”

  She nodded. “When my husband returns, he will live at the base and I will return there. But I have no idea when that will be.”

  Ethan narrowed his gaze. “After a year and a half, you’re probably right. There’s no telling when he will return.”

  Haley let out a pent-up breath and glanced at the children, praying this man gave her the job. “It’s hard being a single parent, as I’m sure you know.”

  He shifted his gaze to his daughter, who was busy stacking building blocks with Ryan. “Yes, I know,” he finally answered.

  Haley couldn’t imagine a nice, good looking man like Ethan being divorced. Of course, first impressions could be deceiving. Maybe he was a widow. “How long have you been a single parent?”

  Ethan’s jaw tensed. “My wife walked out on us about a year ago.”

  Haley’s hand covered her hea
rt as her gaze shifted to his daughter. “Walked out?” she asked in a whisper.

  He nodded. “Packed up and flew the coop. Said she wasn’t cut out for…” He cleared his throat. “Let’s just say, she’s gone.”

  “I’m sorry,” Haley said, her heart tightening with emotion.

  “It’s been an adjustment. That’s why the nanny I hire is so important.” He held her gaze. “So I guess you have absolutely no idea when your husband might return.”

  Haley felt her face grow hot. “No,” she stammered. “I mean, I don’t know. I’ve been hoping to hear something.”

  Ethan leaned forward. “I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable, but I don’t want to have to hire someone else in a few months. Stability is a top priority, as I’m sure you understand.” He seemed to ponder things for a minute. “Love of children is another top priority,” he added.

  “I’ve always loved children. That’s why I became a teacher.” Haley wished she could stop explaining things, but she knew he wanted more information. She felt her eyes fill with tears and she blinked rapidly to keep them at bay. “I don’t think Dale will be back any time soon. I mean, the thing is . . .” She cleared her tight throat and prayed for the best. “My husband is missing in action, and I don’t know how long they keep prisoners of war,” she blurted out.

  Concern showed in Ethan’s brown eyes. “I’m sorry to hear that. How long has he been missing?”

  Haley swallowed back more tears, dismayed that she couldn’t hold herself together for this interview. “A little over a year.”

  ”Oh, you poor girl.” Dottie’s eyes held motherly sympathy, and it was all Haley could do not to break down and cry. Dottie glanced at Ryan, sitting beside Kayla on the floor and playing contentedly. “He’s never seen his little boy?” she asked softly.

  “Only on Skype when Ryan was a baby.” Haley fought for composure and watched Ryan through a haze of unshed tears as he stacked another block on top of the pile. She could hardly stand to think about Dale not knowing their precious son. It was one of the worst things about this terrible nightmare. After seeing his son on Skype a handful of times, Dale had disappeared, and her world had gone dark except for the rays of sunshine Ryan brought into her life.

  “Do you have family nearby?” Ethan asked.

  She shook her head. “My parents are in California. Mom wants me to move there, but when Dale comes home he’ll come to Tennessee, and I want to be close. The air force has my phone number. Besides, I don’t want to leave Tennessee. Nashville is a much better place to raise my son than California. And far less expensive,” she added, thinking it was also far enough away that her father would not have any influence on Ryan.

  Ethan set both feet on the ground and leaned forward. “I’d like to hire you, but I need you to be around for a while. It’s obvious Kayla and Ryan like each other, and that you’d be good with my daughter. The other women I’ve interviewed have been totally unsuitable. I want someone warm and personable like yourself. Several of the women I’ve interviewed didn’t even like children. Plus Mom’s disliked every one of them. She’d have driven them all away in no time, even if I’d been inclined to hire one.”

  “Which he hasn’t,” Dottie chimed in. She scooted a block closer to Ryan with the end of her cane. Ryan picked it up and stacked it on the top of the ever-growing pile. When it started to sway, Kayla helped him steady the blocks, then grinned at Haley.

  “You’re a good helper, aren’t you?” Haley asked, smiling at the sweet face that watched her.

  “I can tell you have a good heart,” Ethan said. “And you’re honest. I appreciate that.”

  Be that as it may, Haley wished she’d been quick enough to somehow skirt the truth about her husband without actually lying.

  “Look, Daddy. Look what Ryan did,” Kayla exclaimed as the little boy balanced yet another block on top of the tower.

  “He loves building.” Haley smiled at her son and he grinned, clapping his hands.

  “Kayla’s already taken your son under her wing.” Ethan rubbed a hand over his chin. Dottie looked at him imploringly, and Haley could tell he was torn and trying to make up his mind. She forced herself not to fidget, but she wasn’t sure what she would do if this didn’t work out. There were very few nanny positions open.

  “The thing is,” Ethan said, spreading his hands out as if in surrender, “you need us and we need you.” He watched the children and smiled. Haley held her breath. “And I really like that you’re certified in CPR. Do you think you could put up with this bunch?” he finally asked.

  She nodded vigorously. “Oh yes.”

  “Good. When can you start? The sooner the better as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Maybe the poor girl would like to see where she’ll be living before she jumps smack into the middle of our happy, little family,” Dottie said.

  “That would be nice, but I already know I want to work here,” Haley said. Ryan shoved over the stack of blocks he and Kayla had built and shrieked with delight.

  “Is there a room for Ryan?” Haley asked over the ruckus.

  “Yes, adjoining yours. Let’s go take a look.” Dottie stood, leaning heavily on her cane for a moment. “I have a feeling you and I will get along famously.”

  Haley smiled. It was easy to do around this family, and it had been way too long since she had done much smiling. “I have the same feeling.”

  “Me, too,” Ethan said dryly. “Scares the hell out of me.”

  “If I can’t cuss, you can’t either,” Dottie said.

  “But you do cuss, Mother.”

  She waved her cane at him. “You can out-cuss me any day of the year.”

  Ethan shot Haley a wry grin. “I had a good teacher.”

  Haley figured that was true. She stood and took Ryan’s hand. “I’d love to see my room.”

  “Follow me.” Dottie led the way, Kayla bouncing along beside her grandmother, and Ethan walking with her and Ryan. Haley felt sure this would be a great place to work. And long-term if that’s what she ended up needing, which please God she hoped she didn’t. She couldn’t have asked for a better job. She and Ryan would be in a stable, safe place until Dale returned. For the first time in well over a year, her heart didn’t feel quite so heavy.


  Ethan watched from the bedroom door as Haley set a cream-colored porcelain vase with dried roses on top of the practical walnut dresser he had refinished for this room. She let out an obvious sigh of contentment and gazed out the second-story window. The morning sun cast a glow over long blonde hair that lay softly on her shoulders.

  He should say something, let her know he was here, but he was enjoying watching her too much. He was glad he could be home today to make her feel welcome. He was also glad he had offered her the job. Not only did his family like her, but she seemed desperate for work. He wasn’t sure why, because she should be drawing her husband’s pay. Maybe he was a private and his salary wasn’t enough now that she had a child to take care of. No. She’d said he was a pilot. Plus she’d left the base, an unusual move and one that would increase her monthly expenses if she weren’t a live-in nanny.

  She pushed the white eyelet curtain to the side and pulled in a deep breath, a soft smile on her lips. He felt his own lips turn up. Haley Donahue would be good for Kayla. She was loving and tender-hearted, which was just what his daughter needed in her life.

  Ethan cleared his throat, and Haley whirled around, her blue eyes wide.

  “Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you. I hope everything’s okay.”

  “It’s fine. Wonderful in fact.”

  “Well, if you want new curtains or anything else, just let Mom know. She loves to decorate.”

  “I can see that. This room is lovely. It doesn’t need a thing.” Haley ran a delicate fingertip over the artificial vine of tiny pink roses that trailed down one side of the window. “I would never have thought to do this.”

  “Hang around with Mom and there won’t be anything you won’t think of doing as far as decorating. And probably other things,” he added dryly.

  Haley arched her eyebrows. “Maybe I’ll be a good influence on her.”

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