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Three Investigators - The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler
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Three Investigators - The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler

  The Three Investigators


  The Curse of the

  Mysterious Traveler

  Mark Zahn

  The Three Investigators in

  The Curse of the



  by Mark Zahn

  Based on characters created by Robert Arthur

  Illustrations by Martha Schwartz

  Presented by: Dedicated to Mary Virginia Carey (1925-1994) Text © January, 2006 by Mark Zahn • 2nd Edition The Three Investigators are trademarks owned and copyrighted by Random House, Elizabeth Arthur, and Robert Andrew Arthur, 1996. The following e-book is for entertainment purposes only.


  Introduction by John Crowe 4

  1. The Mysterious Traveler 6

  2. Strange Letters 10

  3. Band Of Gypsies 14

  4. The Paw Is Mine! 20

  5. The Curse of Jujab 24

  6. Ancient History 32

  7. The Word Is Revealed 39

  8. A Walk In The Park 45

  9. Ghost To Ghost 51

  10. House Call 55

  11. Masher & Croaker 60

  12. Find The Paw… Or Else! 65

  13. Cursed? 69

  14. The Final Clue 75

  15. A Slight Diversion 81

  16. Rope, Chisel, Hammer 86

  17. The Tables Are Turned! 93

  18. Jupiter Formulates A Plan 98

  19. What’s That Sound? 102

  20. Until We Meet Again... 106

  21. John Crowe Speaking 110

  4 The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler Introduction by John Crowe

  Greetings, lovers of mystery and the macabre!

  Once again I invite you to join me on another journey into the realm of the strange and the terrifying. I hope you will enjoy the trip – that it will thrill you a little and chill you a little!

  If you are not the nervous type, then you will find great satisfaction as The Three Investigators tangle with a mysterious stranger with a sinister secret, and a curse that just may spell… but I am getting ahead of myself! If this is your first encounter with my three young friends, then I truly envy you

  – for what can be more pleasurable than one’s first meeting with this cunning trio?

  The Three Investigators are led by an astounding young lad named Jupiter Jones. Somewhat plump in appearance, Jupe has never let his weight interfere with matters of the mind. He seldom forgets what he sees, reads, or hears, and he has an uncanny ability to take a seemingly random set of clues and forge them into a perfectly reasonable solution. Pete Crenshaw is the outfit’s Second Investigator. Lanky and muscular, Pete is a stellar athlete who is often asked to put his dexterity to use. While he usually deplores Jupe’s knack for finding trouble, he has yet to back down in the face of danger or turn his back on his friends. Bob Andrews is a quiet, studious youth who is in charge of the firm’s records and research – and believe me, it’s a big job! When Bob’s not fil-ing paperwork or taking meticulous notes in his own short-hand he invented, he often finds time to provide a case-breaking clue, or help Jupiter make a deduction or two. 5

  The boys make their home in the coastal town of Rocky Beach, located in Southern California. It’s on the outskirts of Los Angeles and only a stone’s throw from Hollywood.

  Needless to say, there are plenty of strange characters populating the area. They make their headquarters in a battered trailer home which is hidden from view by carefully placed bric-a-brac inside the Jones Salvage Yard – the super junkyard owned by Jupiter’s aunt and uncle: Titus and Mathilda Jones.

  So much for the formalities. Now that you have been properly introduced, I can quit typing and you can proceed immediately to much more interesting fare. So settle back, get a good grip on your nerves, and get comfortable – if you can…

  On to Chapter One - the mysterious traveler is about to arrive!

  John Crowe

  6 The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler Chapter One

  The Mysterious Traveler

  THE MYSTERIOUS TRAVELER walked through the gates of the Jones Salvage Yard and immediately commanded attention.

  Dressed head to toe in white silk, his exotic garb was enough to make the usually unflappable Jupiter Jones stare in wonder.

  The man’s suit was custom fitted and exquisitely tailored. His shoes were white leather that gleamed as if they had just come out of a box. A maroon fez sat carefully on top of his head. His white suit and fashionable scarf were in sharp contrast to the deeply tanned skin that showed on his face and hands. Piercing, steel-blue eyes gazed at Jupiter from beneath bushy black eyebrows.

  His narrow, goateed face did not smile, but seemed to beckon to Jupiter without saying a word.

  Bob Andrews and Pete Crenshaw had been in the back of the yard scrubbing a large crate full of bowling pins that Jupe’s Uncle Titus had recently purchased. They were just coming up to the front gates for lunch when they spotted the man in white. Both boys stopped in their tracks and gaped at the immaculately dressed stranger.

  Jupiter finally found his tongue. “May I help you, sir?”

  The stranger looked down his nose at him, and then, with a great flourish, pulled a crimson handkerchief from his breast pocket. He stooped and rubbed the silk cloth over his shoes, a look of distaste on his swarthy features. When his footwear had been returned once more to its fabulous luster, he pocketed the handkerchief and clicked his heels together, bowing low before Jupiter and waving his hand majestically in the air. The stocky boy noted that the man’s fingernails were rough and chewed down to the quick, as if he had a nervous habit of biting them.

  “I sincerely hope you may help me, Monsieur Jones.” 7

  Jupiter pushed aside an old-fashioned lawnmower he had been tinkering with and scratched his head. “I’m sorry, have we met?”

  The stranger smirked and pointed toward the salvage yard’s large iron gates. Parked on the street in front of the junk yard was a luxurious gold-plated Rolls Royce that the boys recognized at once. It was the same automobile that Jupiter had won the use of some time ago in a contest sponsored by the Rent-‘n-Ride Auto Agency. Worthington, the tall English chauffeur that always accompanied the car, stood beside the auto and tipped his cap to the boys in a silent greeting. The stranger spoke again.

  “My driver was kind enough to point you out to me.” He then gestured to Bob and Pete. “But let me assure you, your reputation precedes you as detectives.”

  Jupe glanced warily at his partners, and then stood up very straight and talked in his most adult manner. “May I infer that you would like to engage the services of our firm?”

  The stranger laughed sardonically, his lips twisted into a dev-ilish grin. “You do not disappoint, Señor Jones – every bit as clever as I have heard.”

  Pete and Bob joined Jupiter at his side. Without saying a word, they had both agreed that this man was dangerous, perhaps dead-ly! They had seen ruthless international villains kidnap Jupe once before when they tackled the Mystery of the Deadly Double, and they weren’t about to let it happen again!

  “Indeed, I would very much like to engage the services of the renowned Three Investigators,” the man continued. “But I must warn you, it is no ordinary case I am asking you to embark upon.

  There is danger ahead – perhaps grave danger! If you are not ready for the challenge, then perhaps I should take my inquiry elsewhere.”

  Pete cleared his throat and spoke nervously. “Gosh, mister, if you’re in trouble maybe you should call the police. I bet Chief

  8 The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler Reynolds would be happy to help you.”

  The foreigner glared at Pete, his eyes seeming to burn. “The police – bah! They are of no use to me! I am a traveler, you see.

  I have been around the globe more times than I can count. I have chased spies in Stockholm, hunted tigers in Bangladesh, and swam the currents of the mighty Amazon. I have seen the world from pole to pole and I have learned very well how to get what I want. Some matters, private matters, are best dealt with discreet-ly. That is why I have come to you, professional private detectives, instead of some bumbling flatfoot.”

  Jupiter watched with interest as the mysterious traveler suddenly thrust a hand inside his jacket. Bob tensed, readying himself should the man pull out a weapon, and Pete’s eyes danced, scanning the area for a board or a length of pipe he could use to disarm the man.

  To their relief, the stranger’s hand came out clenched in a fist

  – whatever he held inside was obviously quite small. Despite their initial apprehension, the boys found themselves crowding close to the stranger as he held his hand out before them. His tanned palm was extended, face up, and resting in it was a shriveled up monkey’s paw!

  “Gleeps!” Pete gasped. “You really had me going! I thought you were going to pull out a cobra or something. Instead it’s just some old good luck charm.”

  The traveler gripped the paw tightly and hissed at Pete. “Fool!

  Do not speak ill in its presence – you will doom us all! The power of the paw goes beyond the physical realm. Its powers rest in the old world teachings – the ancient arts of magic and witchcraft! A simple incantation cou
ld leave you turned to solid stone, or bleat-ing like the senseless sheep you are!”

  Startled, Pete shivered, gooseflesh breaking out on his skin as if someone had just walked over his grave. He gulped and looked worriedly at Jupe. 9

  The stocky First Investigator stepped closer to the traveler and spoke calmly. “Is the paw what you want investigated? We’d be happy to examine it for you. We have access to quite a sophisti-cated crime-lab.”

  The mysterious traveler bowed low before Jupe and once again flashed his sinister smile. He fished a purple satin pouch out of his jacket pocket and carefully placed the paw inside. He pulled two ornate drawstrings tight on the bag and handed the small parcel to Jupiter – holding Jupe’s hand tight for a moment and gazing into his eyes with a hypnotic stare.

  “Do not underestimate the power of the paw,” he hissed. “It is not something to be trifled with! Learn what you can – what secrets it holds in its grip. I shall reward you handsomely, provided you do not fail in your task."

  The stranger’s eyes, like two chips of ice, narrowed cruelly.

  “And you dare not fail.”

  The traveler backed away, laughing lowly. He passed through the front gates of the salvage yard. The boys watched as Worthington opened the back door for the man and then took his seat, rather reluctantly, behind the steering wheel. The luxurious car zoomed off down the street.

  “Creeps!” said Bob. “That guy was sure spooky! We didn’t even get his name or phone number. How are we supposed to get in touch with him, Jupe?”

  Jupiter thoughtfully bounced the small purple pouch in his palm and shrugged. “I have a feeling, fellows, the mysterious traveler will be getting in touch with us!”

  10 The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler Chapter Two

  Strange Letters

  WHEN THE MYSTERIOUS TRAVELER had left, The Three Investigators immediately headed to the corner of the salvage yard where Jupiter’s outdoor workshop was located. The salvage yard was owned by Jupiter’s aunt and uncle, Titus and Mathilda Jones, and the boys earned extra spending money, and paid for the telephone in their headquarters, by rebuilding broken items in the workshop.

  Piled high around them was an enormous stack of miscellaneous junk: second-hand lumber, rusty steel beams, crates of various sizes, an old playground slide, and on and on. It was all meticulously arranged to conceal the small mobile home trailer that served as their Headquarters. They entered into it through various secret entrances with code names like Door Four and Easy Three.

  At the moment, Jupiter headed for the large printing press that sat in the corner of his workshop. He found a small section of iron grillwork underneath and moved it, revealing the entrance to Tunnel Two. On their hands and knees, the boys scrambled along about forty feet – the floor of the corrugated pipe was padded with scraps of carpet so their knees wouldn’t be battered. Near the end, the tunnel dipped underground. It was very dark in the secret tunnel, and without a flashlight a curious kid that may stumble across the entrance might think it was a dead end. But the boys knew better – for here the tunnel went up! One had only to push up on an unseen trap door above their heads and they were in their secret office!

  The Three Investigators climbed up one by one, and took their seats around a fire-scarred desk. Bob switched on the light hanging over the desk which awoke Blackbeard, the pet myna bird the 11

  boys had inherited from a previous case. The bird flapped its feathers impatiently while Jupiter undid the front gate of the cage.

  He put a handful of seeds in the bird’s dish while Pete filled up his water dispenser. Jupiter set the bird down on the desk and let him strut around, and then undid the drawstrings of the satin pouch and dropped the paw into his hand.

  “Uh-oh,” Blackbeard squawked. “Uh-oh!” The bird flapped its wings crazily, sending feathers flying. Finally, Bob had to gently return the bird to its cage.

  “Gee, what’s gotten into him?” he wondered.

  “Maybe he knows something about the paw that we don’t,”

  Pete said darkly. “I have a bad feeling about that thing. Like it’s more trouble than it’s worth!”

  Jupiter wasn’t listening. He opened a drawer of the desk and pulled out an oversized magnifying glass. For several minutes he turned the paw over in his fingers, saying nothing. Pete and Bob looked at each other and shrugged. They wondered what there was to see. It was clearly just an old souvenir. The white hair was matted and gnarled. The skin on the palm was withered and leath-ery, the fingernails yellow and weathered smooth with age.

  Finally, Jupe gave a grunt of satisfaction.

  “There’s something here, but I can’t make out all of it. See for yourselves.”

  He handed the claw and looking glass to Bob. Pete crowded close to see as well.

  “Inside the paw,” Jupiter explained, “there appears to be some writing. The hand is closed in a fist, and I don’t dare move the fingers for fear of breaking them off.”

  “Good night!” said Pete, “it looks like a word!”

  “I see a ‘D’ and an ‘A!’” Bob exclaimed. “The rest of the letters are hidden behind the fingers. How are we going to see them without breaking it?”

  Jupiter leaned back in his swivel chair and pinched his lower

  12 The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler 13

  lip – a habit of his that signaled he was putting his mind into high gear.

  Before he could arrive at a solution, however, there came a loud voice from the front of the yard.

  “Jupiter Jones! Bob Andrews! Pete Crenshaw! Where have you scamps gotten off to now!”

  Pete gulped. “Uh-oh, it’s your Aunt Mathilda, Jupe, and she sounds pretty sore.”

  “I concur,” Jupiter said grimly, dropping the paw back into its bag. “We’ll have to resume our investigation of the mysterious traveler’s charm later on.”

  He pulled the gold drawstrings of the pouch tight and felt under the desk with his hand. Hidden beneath the regular drawers of the desk was a secret drawer the boys used whenever they wanted to hide something of particular value. It was practically invisible unless you knew where to look for it. Jupiter dropped the pouch inside and shut the drawer. Then he grabbed a microphone from the desktop and spoke into it. The microphone lead to a concealed loudspeaker near the salvage yard’s front office.

  “Coming, Aunt Mathilda.” He looked at Bob and Pete and sighed. “Just when the mystery was getting good, too!”

  “Uh-oh!” Blackbeard cried.

  “Hush up, you!” Pete snapped. “I’m nervous enough about that thing as it is without your opinion!”

  Laughing, the boys switched off the light and headed back to work.

  14 The Curse of the Mysterious Traveler Chapter Three

  Band of Gypsies

  JUPITER’S UNCLE TITUS prided himself in running the most unusual junkyard in Southern California. Nothing demonstrated this fact more clearly than the ornately decorated high fence that surrounded his salvage empire. Because he was always letting local artisans have various pieces of “art” for free, Rocky Beach’s thriving artistic community had banded together to return the favor. Over the course of a long summer weekend, every imagi-native soul in town had descended upon The Jones Salvage Yard with buckets of paint and brushes. What followed was the cre-ation of the most wild, colorful, and eye-catching fence in the entire state – maybe the country!

  Jupe’s Aunt Mathilda, the woman who really ran the salvage yard, was initially reluctant about having such an unusual fence surrounding her property. But once she witnessed how many people drove by just to catch a glimpse of the oddity, she was sold on it! Particularly when most people, overcome with curiosity, decided to find out what could be behind such an amazing fence.

  This meant sales; which was always a good thing considering how many buying trips Titus Jones went on, and how many bizarre items he brought back from those trips!

  Since Rocky Beach was a coastal town with a favorable cli-mate, the artistic community was thriving. There were various tradesmen and women populating the historic downtown shop-ping strip, each with their own small shop, store, or vending street cart. On any given summer day, local tourists were treated to a host of painters, jewelers, blacksmiths, potters, sculptors, and more.

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