Under her boss futanari.., p.1
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Under Her Boss (Futanari) (Futa on Female), page 1


Under Her Boss (Futanari) (Futa on Female)
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Under Her Boss (Futanari) (Futa on Female)

  Under Her Boss

  Maria Vestergaard

  Published by Maria Vestergaard, 2014.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. July 21, 2014.

  Copyright © 2014 Maria Vestergaard.

  Written by Maria Vestergaard.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Under Her Boss

  I love feedback!

  Free Sample

  Also by Maria Vestergaard

  About the Author

  Downtown at Rush Hour. From a look of the pace of traffic, time stood still. The clock, however, reminded hundreds of busy commuters that they were that much closer to being late, and in a handful of cases, fired.

  Suzie watched the cars go by from the window of a city bus. She was a young woman in her early twenties and more than a bit out of place among the purposeful pedestrians staring firmly ahead as they hurried towards their jobs. Suzie had fiery red hair, curls framing her pretty, freckled face and her clear, blue eyes. She wore a simple, dark blue dress with long sleeves and a knee-length skirt, and a pair of matching shoes that she thought straddled the gap between stylish and sensible. A silver trimmed black leather purse, hanging from her shoulder, kept her valuables safe, and she in turn kept a hand on it at all times.

  The bus moved at a steady pace despite a blatant disregard for traffic laws from the cars around it. The at times suicidal speeders didn't seem to unnerve the driver. Few vehicles on the road could hope to come out favorably from a run-in with the bus and it had the scrapes of paint to prove it. The passengers were crammed in tight, busying themselves with newspapers, phones or simply hanging on for dear life from the precious few handholds.

  The lax attitude towards passenger limits carried a sort of safety on its own. Arms, legs and smart phones cushioned each other when the bus made a sharp turn and came to a stop with the squeal of worn brakes. The doors opened with a pssh of hydraulics and disgorged a stream of businessmen and women onto the sidewalk. Suzie felt like a piece of driftwood washing ashore as the crowd dissipated to all sides and left her stranded on the pavement.

  The Zenith building rose over downtown like the point of a spear. Office buildings surrounded it, but none dared to reach as boldly into the sky. The black surface of the steel and glass giant shimmered in the morning sun.

  Suzie craned her neck to see the tip of the spire. To think that people willingly risked their lives to build that far up - she had enough trouble with tall staircases and would likely have died before venturing up without four solid walls around her.

  A gangly, close-cropped man brought Suzie out of her daydream as he shoved past her without so much as a sideways glance. She dropped her gaze to the level of the street again in time to be surrounded by another bus-load of people rushing for their jobs and instantly felt sheepish for acting the tourist. She couldn't afford not to be taken seriously, today least of all. She set out towards the entrance with long strides and tightened fists.

  The Zenith lobby was marginally less crowded than the sidewalk, a huge, open space that reached three stories before the actual ceiling began. A central service desk sat square in Suzie's path while a golden company logo - a stylized mountaintop with the letter Z beneath it - rotated gently in the air above it. A row of elevators in constant movement occupied the gallery behind the desk and a coffee shop sat to the right.

  She made her way to the building directory behind the reception. The name she was looking for sat at the very top of the list: Zenith Holdings. Several subdivisions of the company were distributed throughout the building: Zenith Publishing, Marketing and the Sales department. Suzie paused by the wall. She cast a furtive glance around her before reaching down to adjust the straps of her underwear. A hint of a blush crossed her face - she hadn't planned to show up to the job interview in her skimpiest thong, but a chaotic state of laundry had forced her hand. The embarrassingly small strip of fabric had dug itself into her privates and she simply had to pray that nobody stared too hard at the redhead wiggling her hips behind a conveniently placed pot of greenery.

  With her underwear under control, Suzie got in line for the elevators. She tapped her foot on the polished stone floor as she waited, but there was no shortage of elevators and Suzie soon found herself in a metal box only marginally less crowded than the bus had been. Soothing muzak played over the speakers and she had nothing to see but the intimate close-up of the back of the head of an older woman. The roots of her dark hair was going grey and she had a pleasant smell of lavender about her, though the combined sweat of the rest of the hurried occupants drowned out her perfume.

  The crowd thinned out as the elevator ascended. Suzie had room to move her arms again, but she didn't have anything for them to do except to fidget with her wrist watch. The march of time refused budge no matter what she did to it. In fact, it didn't seem to move at all...

  "Oh, hell," Suzie exclaimed and tapped her watch again. The arms truly didn't move. By then there was only one other person left in the elevator, a tall, immaculately dressed businessman, who faced away from Suzie and quietly raised an eyebrow at her curse. Suzie tapped his shoulder. "Excuse me, sir, do you know what time it is?"

  He consulted his watch and replied in a slightly nasal voice. "8.39."

  Suzie cursed again. "Christ! My interview was slated for half past - do you think they'll let that slide?"

  The man seemed surprised that she was still talking to him and worse, expected a response. The elevator slowed down and the door opened with a Ding. "Time waits for no man," he said and stepped out. The elevator set back into motion.

  I'm not that late, Suzie thought, chewing her lip. Surely they'll understand. I've barely finished moving, I can't be expected to know the intricacies of their public transportation. As if anyone in the upper echelons of Zenith had any reason to stoop to commuting by bus. Suzie sighed. Even if they let it slide, it didn't speak oodles for her professionalism.

  Top floor, a sign said. The door opened into a small reception and a couple of corridors extending down to either side of the elevators. The furniture was sleek, black wood and the carpet was a thick crimson that swallowed up the sound of Suzie's footsteps as she entered the floor proper. A woman sat behind the desk, tapping away at her computer. Her golden blonde hair was cut short and stylish and she wore a cream-colored, sleeve-less top and a short skirt showing plenty of smooth, bared thigh.

  The receptionist looked up from her screen. "Hello, how can I... Oh, Suzie, you made it!" She lit up a smile and rose from her chair to hug Suzie.

  "Hi Janet, nice to see you." Suzie returned the hug. "I'm so sorry for being tardy, I didn't expect the traffic to be so bad."

  Janet waved her hand. "No harm, no foul. It's a nightmare to get through at this point of day, I should've warned you in advance. It's a world apart from back home. You want some coffee?"

  "Is that a good idea? Isn't your boss waiting for me?" Suzie glanced down the corridor. It was quiet and empty, though the sound of distant chatter drifted through some of the closed doors. "I really don't want to make a bad impression, and I'm already late as it is."

  Janet lead her down the hall to an elaborate coffee dispenser. She gave Suzie's arm a gentle squeeze. "Trust me, you'll feel better with your nerves steadied than if I threw you to the lions as soon as you stepped in." Suzie's eyes grew wide in a heartbeat and Janet laughed. "I'm just kidding, she's really not that bad."

  "If you say so." The coffee machine had more buttons than Suzie's home computer, but she managed to make it spit out an espresso. "It's been, what, three years? You must be doing pretty well for yourself. You look great."

  "You're too kind. It really has been too long." Janet smiled warmly and put her arm around Suzie's shoulder, gently leading her down the hallway. "Zenith has been good to me. There're some nice perks to working at the top of the world, but it's really a rather relaxed atmosphere up here. How're you finding the city, by the way? Got yourself sorted out?"

  Suzie let the cup warm her hands and took a sip. "Almost. I got my stuff moved over, but there's so many boxes stacked around my apartment that I feel like I'm living in a Lego house. It's nice to be able to look outside and actually see people on the street, though. I sorely need the life that the city has to offer.

  Janet smiled wryly. "You'll discover the wonders of apartment living soon enough. Try not to act too indignant when you ask your neighbors to turn down the bass for the first few times." She came to stop before a set of black double doors with the name ANITA CROWLEY, CEO on it. "Here we are. Feeling ready?"

  "Ready to black out?" Suzie put up a brave face and a nervous laugh. Janet shook her head.

  "Shush, you'll do fine. Ms. Crowley never could resist a cute redhead." Janet rapped her knuckles on the door and turned the handle.

  An immense office opened up beyond the threshold of the door. The amount of free space made the pitch black desk in the center of the room look small, though it could've fit the reception twice over. It was very neat, papers stacked up on one end with a pair of computer screens at other. The entire back wall consisted of clear glass that permitted a spectacular view over the city, rivaled only by a handful of other skyscrapers. The walls were white and decorated with a variety of pictures - some business related, some works of art. The carpet wa
s the same dark crimson as outside and a pair of rather less flashy chairs had been placed in front of the desk.

  Anita Crowley sat in a plush, opulent chair by her desk. Her complexion was fair and her hair dark and long, spilling down her shoulders around her beautiful face. Dark eyes scanned the piece of paper in her hand and her ruby lips were parted in thought. She wore a white shirt and a black jacket on top, tailored to compliment her curvaceous frame and buttoned down to show a promise of deep cleavage. Her black skirt clung tightly to her hips and showed an astonishing amount leg for a CEO, as well as a pair of charcoal black stockings that added a sultry dimension to her attractive legs.

  Anita had an air around her like she owned the place. The notion wasn't entirely unfounded. Her eyes darted up as Janet stuck her head inside the office to announce Suzie's arrival. "She's here." Suzie shifted from side to side, halfway hiding behind the door. Anita's gaze found her anyway.

  "Send her in." Anita spoke with a rich, sultry voice, a feminine baritone befitting the head of the company. It send chills down Suzie's spine and her feet moved without question. Janet gave her a reassuring smile before closing the door, but Suzie might as well have moved on rails, moving inexorably forward through the length of the office. Anita regarded her with a neutral expression all the while, though a small smile shimmered at the edge of her lips.

  "Hello, Ms. Crowley." Suzie had never felt so self-conscious in her life. She watched herself step through the torturously long room and took a seat. She placed the cup of coffee in her lap and folded her hands around it.

  "Please, call me Anita." The smile on Anita's face grew ever so slightly as she straightened out her chair and placed the piece of paper aside. "Suzie, was it? I trust you didn't have too much trouble finding us."

  "It wasn't too bad. Janet gave me directions." Suzie smiled sheepishly. "There's an awful lot of buildings, though. You've got a good view of them up here." She gestured at the window.

  Anita chuckled; the sound like warm honey running down Suzie's naked skin. "I suppose there is. You're from a small town, right Suzie? I wouldn't worry, you have the look of a city girl about you. You'll adjust in no time." Anita crossed her legs and cast a brief glance at the paper on her desk. "So you're new in town... What makes you think that you're qualified to be my personal assistant?"

  At once a dozen stock phrases bubbled to the forefront of Suzie's mind. "I'm very dependable. I'm thorough and hard-working." She rattled off the clichés, playing for time to order her thoughts. "I've worked in logistics, so I'll be able to juggle all your appointments."

  Anita looked vaguely amused. "Being dependable would involve coming in on time, I believe. Regardless, I've seen your CV. Leaves something to be desired, but you could be taught. You wouldn't be here otherwise. Besides, Janet has vouched for you." She leaned forward in her chair. Suzie noticed the chain of a silver pendant around her neck that disappeared in the alluring curves of her cleavage.

  "I swear I won't disappoint!" The hint of approval sent her heartbeat surging.

  "The question is if you have the right people skills and the right mindset," Anita continued smoothly. "You'll have to realize that you'll be under enormous pressure, working here. The hours are long and hard, but it's very rewarding in the end."

  For some reason, Suzie couldn't help but think of Anita's pink tongue and how it twisted in her mouth as she emphasized her words. A tingle ran down her spine, but she quickly composed herself. "I'm confident that I can handle whatever you throw at me."

  "I value dedication in my employees." Anita flashed an almost predatory grin. "It's imperative if you're going to handle the heavy loads in my office of day to day work."

  Suzie's fingers tightened around the lukewarm cup of coffee. "Believe me, Ms. Crowley - Anita, I'll do anything it takes. Be here day and night, sleep in the broom closet if need be."

  Anita's laugh was warm and brief. "Anything? Now, that's intriguing." She leaned forward and folded her hands on the desk. "Well, understand that as my personal assistant, you'll be my public face in a lot of situations. I need to know that I can rely on you for that, and for that I need your complete trust."

  "Whatever you want, Ms. Anita. I'm not the type to spread gossip if that's what you're worried about."

  "We'll find out, sooner rather than later." Anita smiled wryly. "You have a beautiful face, Suzie. It'll do well for the publicity shots. You'd need a new wardrobe, though."

  Suzie blushed slightly beneath her freckles. "I lost half of my old one in a couple of misplaced moving boxes as it is. I promised myself not to go splurging before I got a proper job."

  "In that case, now would be the time." Anita reclined in her chair again and crossed her legs the other way. "Take off your dress, dear."

  A surge of elation made Suzie's heart flutter. "You mean I got the job? That's... I beg your pardon?"

  Anita wore her expression of mild amusement like a mask. "You heard me, Suzie. You do want the job, don't you?"

  "Er, yeah." She bit her lip and sunk her fingers into the dark fabric. "If you're sure."

  "Oh, I am. That dress definitely needs to go." The hint of amusement in Anita's smile grew downright lecherous.

  "Isn't there laws against this kind of thing? Workplace harassment?"

  "You're not in my employ yet." Anita gestured towards the door. "I won't stop you."

  Suzie hesitated. She was back to feeling as if she were merely a spectator to her life, looking in from the outside as she placed her coffee cup on Anita's desk and seized the dress at her shoulders. The moment stretched out like the eternal second on her wrist watch. There was a brief darkness, a rustle of fiber going over her head and then it was done. She stood beside her chair with a rosy face and her dress clutched to her chest, naked except for her racy underwear. Oh god, why did I wear that damn set today, she asked herself.

  "Now, Suzie, there's no need to be modest. Leave the dress on the floor where it belongs. You're a pretty girl." Anita raised an eyebrow as Suzie obeyed and exposed the skimpy, red thong that served as the sole shield for her modesty. In all honesty, it didn't do much in that respect. "A pretty girl and a naughty one, it seems. You were expecting to strip for me today?" Anita's eyes flashed wickedly. "Or was it just a contingency in case the interview went south?"

  Suzie did look rather scandalous in her underwear. The straps of her thong hugged the lush curve of her hip and her bra accentuated her plentiful, perky breasts. A tasteful spattering of freckles spilled onto her upper chest and shoulders as well, pale skin drawing out the fierce red of her hair.

  "It's, uh, more of an confidence thing," Suzie lied. The strap was digging into her again, but she felt too self-conscious to correct it and played down her squirming. "A lucky charm, if you'd believe that."

  "Wouldn't be the craziest thing I've heard. I don't blame you for bringing some luck of your own - but I really must know if you can handle yourself, so your underwear will have to go, too."

  Suzie pressed her thighs together. It took a great deal of effort to keep her arms straight at her sides. "Of course," she made herself say. "Anything you say, Anita." Her heart fluttered as she reached around to unhook her bra, while her gaze sought upwards and settled on a point outside the window, attaching itself firmly to a point on the horizon. Her red bra fell to the ground and left her big, puffy nipples exposed. They stiffened at the chilly touch of the air conditioning. Suzie bit her lip in quiet consternation.

  "That's much better, dear. You need to let your beauty fly free. Your lovely breasts certainly deserve it." She drew out the moment, unabashedly drinking in the sight of Suzie's lush form. "And now your panties. Every lucky charm must go."

  Suzie breathed. Her eyes remained on the spire outside the window as she felt the light touch of her fingers grazing over goose-pimpled skin. Her hands drew flat against her hips and hooked around the straps of her thong. A tingle ran down her spine. "Of course." Before she even consciously realized, her thong was on the carpet. She couldn't muster even the courage to cover herself up, still keeping her arms straight against her sides.

  "Now, that's a pretty pussy. And you shaved, too? I'm not sure that I buy the notion that this wasn't your plan all along." Anita rose from her chair. Her steps were slow and deliberate, taking every opportunity to admire Suzie's bared form - and let her squirm in anxious anticipation for whatever might come next. She walked around Suzie with an approving nod - Suzie felt that gaze like a physical thing, causing goose bumps to bloom down her back as Anita finished her orbit.

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