SEAL's Code, page 1

SEAL’s Code
Makenna Jameison
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.
Copyright © 2021 by Makenna Jameison
All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form.
Table of Contents
About This Book
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Books by Makenna Jameison
About the Author
About This Book
HIS VOICE MAKES HER knees weak, but what happens when they finally meet?
Navy SEAL Everett “Ace” Walker didn’t expect an instant connection with the woman he met online. Her husky voice, sexy laugh, and witty personality made him fall—hard. But he’s never even seen her. When she rushes to meet him one night, he suspects she’s hiding something. Ace wants to find out all her secrets but also keep her safe.
App developer Addison Moore loves the nights online gaming with the mysterious guy she met. He’s funny and a great listener, with a protective streak that makes her melt. When they finally meet in person, she realizes he’s her every fantasy come to life—tall, muscular, and a Navy SEAL. Shivers race down her spine just being near him, but she can’t drag Ace into the complicated mess that is her life.
When they discover that Addison’s roommate is part of a sex-trafficking ring, Addison is willing to put her own life in danger to protect other women. Ace is furious and will do anything to keep her safe. But can he also convince her to be his?
SEAL’s Code, a standalone novel, is book one in the sizzling Coronado Team 2 series.
ADDISON MOORE LAUGHED at the deep voice in her ear, adjusting her headset as she leaned back on her sofa, grinning. “Nice shot,” Ace said, and warmth washed over her at his genuine approval. She brushed a piece of her chestnut hair back, almost wishing he could see her in real life. She crossed her denim-clad legs, her deep purple nail polish a contrast to her fair skin as she held her game controller. “You took both those guys out. Are you sure you’re not a secret commando in real life? That was badass.”
She smirked, her eyes following the game on her TV screen, her avatar running alongside Ace’s. “Only one of us is in the military, pretty boy, and it’s not me.”
He chuckled. “How do you know I’m pretty? You’ve never even seen me.”
“I just figured it would rile you up. It doesn’t sound like something a Navy guy would want to be called. Am I wrong?”
“Negative,” he joked. “Those were some sweet tactical moves though. Maybe I can bring you in the next time I’m running ops,” he teased.
Heat flushed across her cheeks. Then again, maybe she was thankful they couldn’t see one another. She knew Ace was only teasing her. They enjoyed laughing together and ribbing one another when they were gaming. Addison had no idea what he did in the Navy. Was he stuck on a ship somewhere? Maybe he was deployed and gaming with her from somewhere on the other side of the world. But no. Then they wouldn’t be in the same time zone. And she doubted he’d have a couple of hours to hang out with her online if that were the case.
“You just let me know when and where. I’ll show you guys a thing or two,” she promised.
“I’m sure you could whip my guys into shape.”
“Absolutely. I’ve got you following my orders, right?”
He chuckled again, the deep sound filling her with both heat and awareness. For a beat, she wondered what he looked like. They’d never discussed it, just had fun together online. She had to admit she was curious. Although she loved talking to him over the headsets, imagining the man behind that sexy rumble was intriguing.
“I’m guessing you’re on the West Coast like me,” Ace said. “Am I right? I’m stationed in San Diego at the Navy base here.”
Addison almost gasped in surprise, nearly dropping her controller. San Diego? She’d kind of assumed he was somewhere else in the big, wide world, not in the same city as her. That seemed almost improbable.
Her mind raced as her heart pounded in her chest. Should she tell him she lived here, too? Then he might want to meet in person. What if she saw him and their incredible connection suddenly fizzled out? She loved her late nights online with Ace. And if she was honest, it was fun imagining what her mystery guy looked like. His deep voice was sexy as hell in her ear. They kept to safe topics and the game, but shoot. She’d miss this if they met and found out it was all an illusion.
“San Diego, huh?” she asked, stalling. “I might be on the West Coast,” she conceded. “Maybe even here in sunny Cali.”
“Hell, that’s awesome. If I need your help someday, maybe I could bribe you with a milkshake or two. Chocolate, was it?” he asked innocently. She could practically imagine him smirking in front of his laptop. She’d confessed that although she cooked healthy meals and jogged several times a week, her absolute weakness was chocolate milkshakes. Of course, he remembered. Her ex-boyfriend didn’t even seem to remember how she took her coffee in the morning let alone her one vice. Had he even known her birthday? Doubtful.
Ace, a guy she’d never even met in real life, knew almost everything about her. She knew it was probably too good to be true. Maybe he was secretly married or something. No. He seemed too honest for that. She might not have met him in person, but instinctively, she thought she could trust him. There had to be something wrong with him though. She couldn’t have possibly met the perfect man online playing a damn computer game.
“Very funny. More like I could bribe you with onion rings—which are absolutely gross, by the way. I can’t believe that’s your favorite guilty pleasure.”
He chuckled. “I can’t believe you hate onions, Add. What’s up with that? They’re pretty much an American staple. How can you not like them?”
“I’ve got good taste, apparently.”
“Funny. So, are you up for another round? I’ve got training early tomorrow but can hang with you another half an hour or so.”
“Yeah, let’s—” She cut off, her gaze darting to the door as she heard her roommate’s key in the lock. Matt had been going out frequently, always bringing random women home. The last thing she wanted to do was sit here in the living room now that he was back. “Actually, I gotta go. Tomorrow night, all right Ace?”
“Yeah, sure. Goodnight, Add.”
She quickly shut down the gaming console and jumped up, grabbing her cell phone and headset. A moment later, she was shutting her bedroom door just as she heard the front door open. A female voice intermingled with Matt’s, and she frowned. What was he doing with a new woman every night?
Addison set her things down on her dresser, catching a glimpse of her flushed cheeks in the mirror. She heard low voices and then Matt taking the woman down the hallway toward his bedroom. Geez. Maybe she should be thankful they weren’t staying out there on the sofa. Not that she wanted them in the apartment at all.
Her eyes landed on her headset.
Ace made her laugh harder than anyone, and she hated that she had to quickly say goodbye to him tonight. He wasn’t real though—just a random guy she’d met online. Except he was here in San Diego. He was close enough that she could actually meet him if she wanted. They’d never discussed meeting in real life, and that was probably for the best. There was no way he was as genuine as he seemed. Things like that just didn’t happen.
Sinking down onto her bed, she blew out a sigh. He was mostly just a fantasy she’d dreamt up. And she had real life to worry about.
Chapter 1
EVERETT “ACE” WALKER dropped to the ground from the wall he’d climbed over, sprinting toward the end of the training course in Coronado. He heard his teammate Tyler “Trigger” Howard grunt as he dropped down behind him, but Ace was so far ahead, his SEAL team buddy didn’t have a shot at catching up. The men from another team on base whooped and hollered from the sidelines, waiting their turn while Ace’s team finished the course.
He pushed himself harder, increasing the lead he had on the others, and then pumped his fist in the air with a loud holler as he made it to the finish line first.
“Nice time, Ace!” his CO called out. He stopped by to observe the training as another officer clocked each SEAL that came in. Ace nodded, swiping the sweat from his forehead and grinning as Tyler crossed the finish line with several other members of their team hot on his heels.
“God damn you are fast,” Rob “Slinger” McPherson said with a chuckle as he headed toward Ace and Tyler, huffing out a breath. “How can you be so big and run like that?”
Ace took a swig of his water, smirking. “Lots of hard work,” he quipped. “Don’t worry—maybe you’ll catch me someday.”
“I’ll sure the hell try,” Rob said with chuckle.
“Was your mind still on that pretty blonde from last night?” Ace joked. “I could see how she might be distracting.” The team had gone out for beers at Salty Sunset last night, one of the bars in San Diego they liked to frequent. Although most of them had been content to flirt with some pretty girls and leave alone for the night, Rob had taken a woman home with him.
“His mind and other parts of his anatomy,” Tyler quipped. “Tell me you at least told her your real name. She seemed too damn sweet for you.”
“She knows my name,” Rob protested. “I got her digits, too. I could check and see if she has any friends. You need help meeting a woman?”
“Ouch,” Tyler joked, putting a hand over his heart. “That hurt.”
“He doesn’t need your help. Besides, Tyler’s got the hots for his new neighbor,” Ace said.
“Nah. I think she’s got a boyfriend,” Tyler said.
Ace grinned. “Only one way to find out. Ask her out, Trigger.”
Brian “Blaze” Peterson doused himself with some of the water from his water bottle as he walked over to them, shaking his head. “I’m hot as hell right now. Think some of the ladies would go for me?”
“Jackass,” Owen “Havoc” O’Donnell muttered as he stretched his muscular arms. They’d climbed a rope near the end of the training course, Havoc moving faster than any of them. He had to be feeling it in his shoulders and biceps now.
Brian’s dark eyes swung toward him as he chuckled. “What bit you in the ass today?”
Havoc smirked. “Nothing.” He scrubbed a hand over his short beard. “I’m just happy as hell it’s Friday so we can get into some trouble this weekend.”
Mark “Mayhem” Covington shoved him in jest as he joined the rest of their team. “Yeah, just what the CO wants. Our team is finally cleared for ops again no thanks to you. Try to behave yourself.”
Havoc raised his eyebrows. “Like you wouldn’t have stopped an asshole from pawing at a woman. He had it coming and needed someone to teach him a thing or two. You’re not exactly a Boy Scout.”
“Nope,” Mark said with a grin.
One of the officers who’d been monitoring the training walked over, calling out their final numbers. Ace whooped as their times were called out. They’d all shaved a few seconds off from the last run-through a week ago. The men on his SEAL team trained together daily, intense physical exertion a crucial part of their missions. They needed to be in peak physical condition, not to mention able to rush in and rush out of dangerous situations without hesitation.
The training course was one of multiple exercises they’d done this week. The men had completed a training scenario yesterday that involved a swim in the ocean and then scaling a building with limited equipment once they reached dry ground. The men had to think quickly and use each other’s strengths to get inside as a single unit, hauling their gear along with them as they simulated a potential hostage rescue after approaching from the sea. It had been grueling yet exhilarating as hell. Ace loved his job and couldn’t imagine being stuck behind a desk all day. He might also be a computer whiz, but he needed to be involved in something physical, to get his blood pumping and muscles moving. Sitting still all day long would never cut it for a guy like him.
“Nice job, men,” the officer said with a nod. “It’s been a grueling week, but you’ve got the results to show for your efforts. Next team, you’re up!”
“Hell yeah!” Mark said with a whoop as the officer walked away to monitor the next team’s progress through the course. “We showed those guys how it’s done.”
“Awesome hustle today,” Ace said, glancing around at his teammates. They’d all gathered around him, sweaty but smiling. They’d trained hard this week. Now that Havoc was off the bench, the team would be sent out on missions again soon. The brief reprieve had them training with even more intensity than usual. They could use a night out to chill and relax with a couple of beers while they had the chance.
“Hoorah!” Rob whooped, fist-bumping Ace. “I think this calls for another celebration tonight.”
“Damn straight,” Ace said. “Everyone up for Salty Sunset again?”
“Fuck yeah,” Havoc said. “I’ll even try to stay on my best behavior—just to appease Mayhem.”
Mark rolled his eyes as Ace shot him a look. “Famous last words. No bar fights tonight. We need to stay out of trouble.”
“I can’t promise anything,” Havoc said with a grin.
Ace shook his head, walking off with his team. The other men were ribbing one another as they headed toward the locker rooms. Hell. It had been a good, grueling workout. They hopefully had the next couple days off, barring any unforeseen missions.
The gorgeous San Diego blue sky, slight breeze from the ocean, and adrenaline rush from the intense workout had him feeling ready to conquer the world. He was about to enjoy a night out with his teammates, having a beer or two. Then he’d relax at his place and hang out online with the woman he’d been chatting with recently. They’d met gaming, and he looked forward to hearing Addison’s voice in his headset and making her laugh. The low, husky sound was appealing as hell. He didn’t even know what she looked like, and it didn’t matter. He had fun with her and couldn’t wait to hear her voice.
It was going to be an awesome night. Absolutely nothing could bring him down.
ACE CRUISED TOWARD the waterfront an hour later, music blasting through the speakers of his Jeep, the salty Pacific Ocean air blowing in through his open windows. Traffic had been a beast, par for the course on a Friday night. Tyler had just texted him, saying some of the other guys were already at the bar. He’d been cool with all of it until the other text he’d just gotten.
Uneasiness rolled through his gut.
It should’ve been a perfect Friday night. He’d been excited for a night out with his buddies and then gaming online with Addison. Just hearing her low, sexy voice soothed him. She seemed different than the women he met around San Diego. All the beach bunnies hanging around the bars had bleached blonde hair, girly squeals of excitement when they spotted a military guy, and no qualms about sleeping with the first man they spotted.
Addison was different. Smart. Funny. She made him laugh during their hours-long nights online together. She seemed down-to-earth and didn’t giggle hysterically at everything he said. He could talk to her. No, he didn’t give her specific details about his life or career, but she knew when he’d had a rough day. She knew when he was exhausted from work. She knew his moods better than anyone, save for his teammates. It was surprising given that they were only online friends.
He glanced at his phone again with a frown.
I won’t be around tonight. Sorry Ace.
It was amazing how the short text had instantly dulled his mood.
GamerGirl97. He’d never even met her, but they’d been chatting online for months. Ace loved the physical exertion of working out, the adrenaline rush from missions with his team, but he’d spent plenty of nights at his laptop, headphones on, just unwinding. He’d always been a whiz with computers. Ace loved the logical side of figuring things out, getting into systems he shouldn’t have access to, and seeing what he could do. His team had relied on his skillset more than once. Hacking into secure databases with the Navy’s blessing wasn’t the same as digging into places he wasn’t supposed to, though. His commanding officer had used Ace’s particular skills just a few weeks ago when his girlfriend had been kidnapped. Ace had hacked into the traffic cams and discovered her kidnappers had headed toward Mexico with her. Luckily, they’d tracked them to Tijuana and rescued the CO’s woman.