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Sticks and Stones (Dragon Thief Book 1), page 1


Sticks and Stones (Dragon Thief Book 1)
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Sticks and Stones (Dragon Thief Book 1)






  Author’s Note

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Sneak Peek: Spells and Bones

  A Small Favor

  When’s the Next Book?

  Series by Mac Flynn

  About Mac Flynn


  Sticks and Stones (Dragon Thief Book 1). Copyright © 2024 by Mac Flynn.

  Published by Crescent Moon Studios, Inc.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, disseminated, or transmitted in any form or by any or for any use, including recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the author and/or artist. The only except ions shirt excerpts or the cover image in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All the names, characters, organizations, places and events portrayed in this novel or on the cover are either products of the author’s or artist’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental and not intended by the author or artist.


  Dear Reader,

  Thank you so much for joining me on a journey through my imagination. If you’re looking for romance and adventure with a guaranteed Happily Ever After, then you’ve come to the right place. My books contain paranormal plotting and fantastical action, and I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoy writing them.

  You can keep in touch with me by joining my newsletter or checking out my website for the latest updates.

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  Thank you for giving my book a chance, and Happy Reading!

  - Mac Flynn


  Life is full of life-changing events. Obviously. I never expected mine to come at the tip of a stick.

  “Hey, Millie!”

  I paused on the street corner and turned back to the open doorway. Bright blinking flashes of rainbow colors streamed out of the door and onto the sidewalk. A couple of people lingered around the door frame, but one of them broke from the pack and hurried over. She was a woman on the short side with equally short brown hair and the same color eyes. Her rounded face showed an honesty that was disarming, and sometimes alarming.

  She grasped my hands and offered me a smile that warned of some trouble brewing. “Do I have a winner for you!”

  I rolled my eyes as I stifled a deep groan. “Not another one.”

  She shook her head. “This isn’t like the last guy. This one’s nice.”

  I winced as my memory recalled past instances where I’d heard her speak those very words. “The last one that you said was nice held up a liquor store so he could get a bottle for his mom.”

  My friend shrugged her shoulders. “That was just bad luck. How was I to know he had mommy issues?”

  “He had his mom’s number on speed dial and used it when he got a paper cut.”

  She rolled her eyes and waved a hand at me. “That was just a single time. Trust ol’ Sheryl to get it right this time.”

  I clapped my hands on her shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I trust you, Sheryl. It’s the guys you pick for me that I don’t trust.”

  My dear friend sighed and forlornly shook her head. “You have to find someone, Millie. You’re too pretty to stay single.”

  I snorted and patted one of her shoulders. “You’re a good friend, Sheryl, but I’m just not looking for a guy right now.”

  Sheryl wrinkled her nose. “Well, you should be. You’re not going to just drop in on one, ya know.”

  I grinned as I drew my hands back and shrugged. “Who knows? Maybe he’ll sweep me off my feet.”

  Sheryl draped one of her arms across my shoulders and tried to turn me toward the open door. Loud music blared onto the street and people shouted above one another. “Come on. Just lemme introduce you to Hamlet.”

  I jerked to a stop and stared blankly at her. “Hamlet?”

  She shrugged. “He said something about being a big fan of Shakespeare.”

  My face drooped. “You do know what happened to Hamlet’s girlfriend, don’t you?”

  She blinked at me. “He had a girlfriend? I thought he just played around with a skull.”

  A choked laugh escaped me before I gathered my wits and slipped out of my friend’s gentle though persistent hold. “I appreciate the effort, but it’s been a long week and I just want to bury myself in my bed for the weekend. See you Monday.”

  I turned away, and Sheryl’s voice called to me as I strolled down the sidewalk. “Mark my words, Millie! I’ll see you with a guy before the month is out!”

  I didn’t look back as I waved at her. The long, lonely road awaited me, and a chill wind was my only companion as I made my way home. I wrapped my coat closer about myself and shivered as my ‘companion’ blew its cold breath down my neck.

  “Should’ve taken the bus. . .” I mumbled as I stuffed my hands in my pockets. They were empty. Oh, right. No money, no bus. “Next time don’t leave your wallet home.”

  I lifted my eyes to the sky. The streetlights blotted out most of the stars, but a few bright planets shone through the eternal soft glow of the city lights. I smiled and stretched my hand up toward one of the brighter ones, a red star that seemed to blink at me.

  “Hey, handsome,” I murmured as the star dazzled me with its light. I snorted and dropped my hand back to my side. “Maybe Sheryl’s right. Maybe I do need a boyfriend.”

  What I needed right then was to make a decision. The path diverged ahead of me, and in a few steps I stopped and turned my head to look left and right. Right continued down the illuminated albeit abandoned street. Left led me into the park and down its winding concrete path. Left was a shortcut shrouded in darkness. Right was a long bright trek.

  My tired feet told me to take the left path, so I did. Traitorous soles.

  I had gone only fifty feet down the dark path when I realized what a stupid mistake that was. The bleary sky couldn’t give me enough light to see by and the eerie stillness made my skin crawl. I turned around and froze.

  Three heavy-set men were walking down the path toward me. They were shoulder to shoulder, and their steps were quick and pointed. Pointed directly at me. I stumbled backward and that made one of them break into a sprint. The others followed, and I spun around and raced down the path.

  My feet pounded down the trail, but their feet were louder. They were also getting closer. I knew in a few moments they could catch me and. . .well, I didn’t want to think about it.

  What I wouldn’t have done for that handsome guy to catch me instead of them.

  My eyes caught sight of something that lay across the path. It was a long, thick staff of wood. My flight instincts were overridden by my fight, especially as their footsteps came ever closer. I scooped up the stick and spun around to face them with both shaking hands clutching the wood. My grip was so tight I felt my fingers mold themselves to the strange designs etched into the staff. No doubt left there by ants after they’d gnawed through the bark.

  “D-don’t come any closer!” I internally rolled my eyes. That line was just too cliched.

  The men agreed as they burst into laughter. One of them stepped forward and held out his hand to me. “Come on, little girl. Gimme the stick and let’s have some fun.”

  I swung the stick, but he easily evaded my weak little wave. His hand twisted around and snatched the stick at the halfway point between my hands. He leaned forward and his twisted grin loomed out of the darkness.

  “Naughty, naughty,” he cooed as he tightened his fingers around the wood. “Now I’ll have to show you-”

  I would forever remain in blissful ignorance of what he had to show me because at that moment a soft white glow burst from the stick. Both of us stared dumbly at the wood as little drifting tendrils of brilliance floated between us. Those tendrils coalesced underneath his hand, and I could hear the familiar charge of electricity.

  The next moment jagged bolts of lighting shot out of the wood and through his hand. The bolts struck him dead center in the chest, throwing him backward several feet before he landed on his back. A soft moan came from him and he stirred no more.

  His companions gawked at their wounded comrade. Hope was kindled within me and my hands didn’t shake quite so badly as I tightened my grip on the glow stick. “Anybody else want a taste of this?” I had no idea if I could manage a s
econd helping of kick-ass.

  One of them spun around to face me with fury in his eyes. “You little bitch! You’d you do that?”

  He marched forward and also tried to grab my stick, but my confidence had returned. I could also see what I was doing.

  I slammed the side of the staff against his face and the electrical current had a shorter distance to travel, so it had even more kick. The man was thrown several yards and crashed into a thicket of bushes far off the path.

  I turned to the last man standing. His eyes flickered between my face and my stick, and he made his move. Backwards. The man spun around so fast he tripped over his own feet and fell on all fours. He scrambled across the ground and over the top of my first victim, who let out a whoosh of air.

  I stood triumphant over the two groaning men and their retreating comrade. A big grin spread across my face as I slammed the bottom of the staff against the ground.

  Electricity shot out in six different directions, barely missing my feet. I yelped and danced around the jagged lines as they traveled for two feet before arcing to the left where they joined each other to create a circle around me. A dark, bottomless hole opened up within the circle.

  Which was exactly where I was standing. I let out a scream as I plummeted into the unknown.


  Darkness swept past me, carrying my hair above my head as I fell through a completely black abyss. I clung to the only solid object I could get a hold of, and that was the stick.

  Light from below made me look down, and I gaped at a hole in the blackness through which the brilliance emerged.

  I dropped out of the darkness and into a starlit sky. There was a whole world around and beneath me. Far, far beneath me. In fact, it was about a mile beneath me.

  I let out a long, high-pitched scream as I careened toward a very quick doom. My only comfort, such as it was, was the staff clutched tightly against me. I needed a miracle to get out of that.

  And that’s when a miracle erupted in my hands.

  The brilliant light that had surrounded it grew brighter, and the wood beneath my hands quivered. The glow raced down the handle, following the path of the strange grooves. I gaped at the staff as long straw bristles popped out of the bottom like exploding fireworks. The handle itself thinned and straightened, though the strange markings over its surface didn’t change.

  The transformed staff gave a strange twitch before it shoved itself between my legs so the whole front of my body was pressed tightly against the stick. The moment I was hugged the stick shot forward with me holding on for dear life.

  That’s when it struck me. It was a broom.

  The metamorphosed stick shot across the sky at a speed that would have put a drag racer to shame. We zigged and zagged, moving ever closer to the ground. It wasn’t fast enough.

  I practically smashed my face against the broom handle. “Lemme down!”

  The broom obeyed, but too well. It pointed its nose straight down, and that was the way we went toward the strange city below us.

  Now that I wasn’t falling to my doom I could study some of the features of the unfamiliar metropolis. It was a huge city of gray stone and brown wood that covered many miles of a large valley, with roads that rarely ran parallel to one another. Most ran at angles, and some even wound their way between the assortment of buildings. There was everything from tiny cottages to majestic mansions, with churches and public buildings scattered among them, all mingling together in a mishmash of poor city planning.

  The largest structure, however, was a castle atop a rocky hill situated in the center of the valley. The fort rose some five hundred feet above the valley floor and featured a half dozen towers of various heights and styles. Parapets connected them, the walls of which were some hundred feet high and made of huge stone blocks. Slitted windows were the norm, but a courtyard stood just behind the main gates, and the great hall featured some ornate stained glass windows.

  A large circular town square sat in the middle of the metropolis at the foot of the hill. The area was surrounded by a low stone wall which featured a few dozen ruined columns, and a wide entrance at each of the cardinal corners. The open space covered some hundred yards and was filled with stalls, small stock pens, and even a large stage at the northern end. Hundreds of people walked between the stalls with bags hanging from their arms filled with their chosen goods, and children played about the stage, enjoying the last few minutes of the setting sun at my back. A few large, tall posts stood around the clearing, and unlit oil lamps hung from rods that stuck out the sides high near the top of the poles.

  I could take all this view in because that was exactly where the broom was taking me. The end was pointed toward the businesses closest to the stage, some of which were the pens. There was only two hundred feet left. One hundred. Some of the people caught sight of me and pointed up at the sky.

  I grabbed the last top inches of the broom and gave it a hard shake. “Pull up, you over-sized feather duster, or you’ll kill us both!”

  The broom got the hint and pulled up at the last second. My heart stopped as my magical vehicle turned at a ninety degree a foot from the cobblestone ground and zipped through the crowds. We weaved in and out of them for fifty feet before we burst into the open square in front of the stage.

  “I want to get off!” I shouted.

  At my plea the broom seemed to lose all hope, and its speed went from deadly to ‘nope’ at the drop of a hat. The change was so quick that my momentum kept me going, meaning I flew over the handle of the broom and landed onto the wooden boards that made up the stage. Children scattered as I rolled past them and crashed into the sturdy wooden wall. The broom itself clattered to the ground in front of the stage.

  My knees hurt. My head hurt. My funny bone hurt.

  I sat up and groaned as all my body seemed to protest at any moment. Even breathing was discouraged.

  Short shadows fell over me, and I looked up to find a spattering of kids standing over me. Most of them wore simple pants and short-sleeve shirts of bland cloth. The girls wore dresses with plain flowered patterns, or nothing at all. Their curious eyes stared in wonder at me.

  “Is she a witch?” one of them asked his companions.

  An older boy frowned at him. “Of course she’s a witch, you idiot. How else could she ride a broom?”

  A young girl cocked her head to one side as she examined me. “She doesn’t look like a witch. My aunt’s a witch and she has a wart.”

  A girl who resembled her in looks nudged her with her elbow. “Not all witches have that, silly! Just aunty after that accident with that frog spell.”

  A commotion behind them made all of us look in the direction of the stalls. The throngs of adults were pushed aside as a troop of half a dozen guards pushed their way through. The guards wore tunics over chain mail, and a stitching of a reared dragon stood out on the front.

  One look at the halberd-armed men made the children scatter. My heart restarted and pounded hard in my chest as I watched the men march across the open square and over to the stage. At a direction from the leader, a man with a long plume on his cloth hat, half of them remained at the stairs leading up, and he and two of his men continued up to me.

  They stopped just a few feet away and the leader frowned down at me. “We witnessed your drop from the sky. Where did you come from?”

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