The Chaplin's War

The Chaplin's War

Lynn Gazis-Sax

Lynn Gazis-Sax

In the wake of the fall of the Ubaganian Empire, a troupe of actors prepared to inspire the army to battle instead find themselves caught behind enemy lines. It's up to Vijaya Choudhary to lead them to safety.I, Vijaya Choudhary, am a Chaplin.I thought it best to keep that from the Qorathi. It's not that I'm anything other than proud of my work. But he and I, for the moment, were not exactly on the same side.Peacekeeping is an honorable job. Promises, once made, must be kept, and noble are the warriors who ensure that those promises hold, the GalPax forces who maintain the lines of ceasefires and peace settlements. But until that ceasefire settlement is made, you must fight like hell, to be in position to make the right deal when the time comes. And we humans have a truce with the Dilgarians on one front only. On that front, GalPax may take its proper stand. But on the front to which I was headed, no truce held.And I am a bard of war.
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The Chaplin's Rescue

The Chaplin's Rescue

Lynn Gazis-Sax

Lynn Gazis-Sax

Caught in the middle of a war zone on the planet of the Sheromi, with three of her companions now dead, Vijaya Choudhary tries to lead her troupe of actors, along with several young Sheromi, to safety.He's dead, Vijaya. The voice in my head was Fei's. Fei, who, along with Campbell, was also now dead. Fei, who, had he been alive, would never have let the Sheromi youth run ahead of us into danger. What kind of a leader was I?But I was the only kind of leader our little troupe of Chaplins had. I needed to pull myself together and come up with a plan to get us to safety, back to our proper place performing behind the lines, not dodging mines and grenades in no man's land.
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A Little Sister's Tale

A Little Sister's Tale

Lynn Gazis-Sax

Lynn Gazis-Sax

Everyone remembers the day the first cracks appeared in the Ubagane Empire. But Zhen Zhen's day was more eventful than most.No one takes a little sister's tale seriously. Not when grand political events are afoot with the Ubagane Empire. But Zhen Zhen knows what she saw, and what she had to do to escape.
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