The senators secret omeg.., p.1
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The Senator's Secret Omega: An Mpreg Romance
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The Senator's Secret Omega: An Mpreg Romance

  The Senator’s Secret Omega

  An Mpreg Romance

  Luke Tyler

  Copyright © 2020 by Luke Tyler

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  1. Jack

  2. Gavin

  3. Jack

  4. Gavin

  5. Jack

  6. Gavin

  7. Jack

  8. Gavin

  9. Jack

  10. Gavin

  11. Jack

  12. Gavin

  13. Jack

  Also by Luke Tyler



  The rain tapped against the windshield of the car I was, for once, driving myself. On any normal night I would have had a driver, and would have despised the rain. But tonight was not a normal night. Instead of my usual button-down, tie, and slacks, I was dressed in jeans, a t-shirt, and hoodie. I parked my car in a discreet parking garage in downtown Chicago. My hair was done differently than normal. I was headed to one of my go-to hole in the wall bars I patronized when I didn’t want to be recognized. As with every time I did this, I played over and over in my mind the chances of being found out as Senator Jack Ramsey of Illinois. My nerves settled as I calculated tonight’s risk as much less than usual.

  I put my hood up over my head, at the risk of looking suspicious. It was better than being found out. I walked into the bar, simply titled as The Under. A simple white sign with red letters above the single-wide door was the only indicator. Before I removed my hood, I took a quick survey of the room. There were a few people inside- none that I recognized. None that seemed to be paying any attention to me. That was a good thing. I took a breath of relief and settled into my usual spot at the bar.

  “Hey John, the usual?” the bartender, Felipe, asked. He knew who I was, and why I came here so often. John was my code name to keep things under wraps. He was tall, tattooed, and I’d known him for several years, since the time I was serving in the House of Representatives before the Senate came calling.

  “Yes, just a light beer,” I said. Part of my political image was being an in-shape, fit, strong alpha- so all a night out for me ever consisted of was a couple of those. Ironically, anything heavier put that at risk.

  “Sure thing. How’s life?”

  “Oh, you know, same old, same old. Gearing up for busy season, though,” I said.

  “Don’t I know it. Good luck to you- I hope you survive another one,” he said.

  Felipe and I were secretly referring to my next election. I was nearing the end of my first six years in the senate and was up for re-election. The slog of the campaign was not something I was looking forward to. So, naturally, I was blowing off some steam tonight in a bar. And, as I often did in The Under, I was looking for an omega that wouldn’t recognize me for a one-night stand.

  Just as I was finishing up my first beer, an omega that looked to be the perfect candidate walked in and sat a few seats down from me at the bar. He was younger- mid twenties, maybe. I looked over at him, and he looked back at me, but didn’t seem to have any bells go off in his head. I gave it another few minutes to let him get settled before going in.

  “How’s it going tonight?” I asked him as I walked up.

  “Pretty good, now that I’m talking to you,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” I asked. For a split second, my heart skipped a beat. Did he recognize me after all?

  “An attractive, older alpha walked over to flirt with me. I’d say that makes it a good night,” the omega clarified.

  “Well, I’ll take that as a compliment,” I said. “I’m John.” I extended my hand for a handshake, and he reciprocated.


  “Nice to meet you, Gavin. What do you say I buy you a drink and we go to a booth in the back?”

  “You read my mind,” he said with a smile.

  We took our beers and sat down in a booth in the back corner. I sat facing the wall, where it was almost guaranteed I wouldn’t be seen by anyone else. This wasn’t my first rodeo, after all. I’d met my last boyfriend in this bar several years earlier. Fucking Connor, I thought to myself. At least he’d been willing to keep the whole thing secret. The relationship, however, ended in disaster. You never have enough time for me, he’d say. I understood where he was coming from, but he ended it in a very dramatic fashion, typical of an omega like him. Since then I’d sworn off relationships until I was done with public life. It seemed to be working so far.

  “So, what do you do, Gavin?” I asked, making small talk.

  “I run a child-care business in my home,” he said.


  “It gets me by,” he said, brushing it off.

  “Seriously, though, a guy your age running your own business- you should be proud of that.”

  “Thank you,” he said, accepting my compliment. “What about you?”

  “I’m a businessman myself,” I lied. “I’ve built it over many years and have several employees, though.” That was sort of the truth.

  “So you must be an important person,” Gavin commented.

  “You could say something like that.”

  “Maybe I’ll be there one day.”

  “Absolutely,” I encouraged.

  Interestingly enough, I began to feel a connection with Gavin- which was unusual when I went fishing for hookups at The Under. Stop it, Jack, I told myself. You can’t do this. It’s a one and done. That’s all it can be. Despite admiring Gavin, I came back to reality. The two of us had one more round of drinks, and I made my proposal.

  “You want to get out of here?” I asked Gavin.

  “Sure,” he said with a look of excitement.

  “I just want to be clear- I…” I started.

  “You’re not looking for a relationship,” Gavin finished. “I know. I don’t expect anything more from an alpha in this place.” I bowed my head. “Let’s get out of here, if you still want to. My place or yours?” he asked.

  “Mine,” I said. Of course, I wasn’t taking him to my real house- rather an apartment I rented on the side, a few blocks away, for encounters just like these, or when I needed some time to myself to get away. I paid our tab and the two of us made the quick walk.

  “Nice place,” Gavin commented when I opened the door.

  “It’s not much. I prefer to keep my money elsewhere,” I said, my typical excuse for the minimal furnishings, among other things, in the apartment.

  “Looks cozy to me,” he said.

  “Well thanks,” I said as I walked closer to him. My heart was beating faster than usual. Was I actually nervous to kiss this guy?

  “You know what else would be cozy?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Your cock in my ass,” he said.

  We both cracked up at the cheesy line. Gavin was my kind of guy. At that moment I went in for the kiss, and my stomach jumped in a way that hadn’t happened since I met Connor at The Under all those years ago. Fuck. Before I knew it, I’d stripped Gavin of his clothes, and he was on his knees, unzipping my jeans. I gasped as he took my cock into his mouth.

  “Damn, that feels amazing,” I said, resting my hands on his head.

  He worked my cock up hard for several minutes, priming me to fuck him. Just as felt I might be getting close to completion, I picked him up and pushed him to the bedroom. I jumped on top of him and kissed him again, occasionally pausing to finish taking off my clothes.

  “You’re fucking sexy,” Gavin told me.

  “So are you,” I said. And he genuinely was- not only in his lean body, but in the connection we had. I was beginning to feel sad that I wouldn’t see him again, but I didn’t let myself show how I felt. We made out enthusiastically for a while.

  “I’m ready for you to fuck me,” he whispered into my ear as he was nibbling on it.

  “Well I can’t say no to that,” I joked.

  With Gavin on his back, I gradually pushed myself inside him. He whimpered softly, and I leaned back down to kiss him, supporting his head with my hand. I started thrusting, being gentle at first, but eventually going harder and harder. Gavin’s moans became louder. He started stroking his own cock as I thrusted mine inside him, hard, over and over again. It was the best sex I remembered having since Connor- and maybe even above that.

  My body was tingling with electricity, and I felt my orgasm beginning to come to fruition, so I pulled out of Gavin’s ass. If there was one rule I had to follow, it was that- I couldn’t have any unplanned babies running around Illinois. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

  “Fuck,” we said in unison as we both blew our loads on Gavin’s stomach.

  “That was amazing,” I said, kissing him one last time.

  “I know. I was so close to my inner orgasm, too,” Gavin commented.

  “I’m sorry to disappoint,” I said as I threw him a towel.

  “No- I- I didn’t mean it that way. I meant it was that good- that I almost had one. Maybe next time.”

  “Gavin, this was great, but like I said…”

  “There won’t be a next time,” he finished my sentence again. “I know.”

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  We said our goodbyes, and I walke
d him down to the street. I kissed him one last time. “Thank you for an amazing night.” When he was gone, I walked back to my parked car and sat in the driver’s seat, reflecting on what had happened. I couldn’t remember feeling like that during a hookup in years. Maybe it hadn’t been such a great idea after all. I wanted to see Gavin again, but knew I couldn’t. And, at this point, I didn’t have his number anyway. I accepted that what was done was done, and drove home- to my real house.



  Most weekday mornings were hectic, but this one especially so. I had four children I was running a state-licensed private day care for in my home. I usually had one assistant, Christina, who called out sick this morning. Just what I needed, especially after the amount of sleep I had the night before- which was nearly none. I was barely getting by as it was, and without her help the amount of stress was immense.

  The weekend before, I caught my alpha, Dan, cheating on me with another omega. We had planned a future together- a family, even- and had been working toward that. Until the moment I caught him in our bed, the one I’d worked so hard for, with that slut in heat. Needless to say, Dan was packed up and out of my house the next day. Over the week that followed I came to realize how shitty of an alpha he was anyway, considering I was the one who provided for the two of us while he went out gallivanting and, apparently, brought other omegas into the house I paid for while I wasn’t around. Good fucking riddance.

  In the aftermath, I decided to go out for a one night stand and found a bar that was a known pickup place. I walked in and spotted a tall, handsome alpha at the bar. I strategically took my seat a few stools away, and within minutes he was flirting with me. I couldn’t believe how easy it was. As soon as we actually started talking, though, I couldn’t believe how much I genuinely liked him. He seemed like a nice guy with his shit together- the total opposite of Dan. His name was John- and he unfortunately made it clear that he wanted nothing more than the one night stand. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t come home after it was over and think about him all night. I got maybe an hour of sleep.

  It was now after eleven o’clock in the morning and I was starting to prepare lunch for the kids when I heard a knock on the door. Who the fuck could that be? I thought. Maybe Christina decided to show up after all? Unlikely, though- she had a key to my house. A second knock came, this time louder.

  “Coming,” I shouted, mildly annoyed. This was not the kind of interruption I needed in my day.

  I put down the sandwiches I was making and shuffled to the door, opened it, and- to my shock- found John standing front and center with two other people flanking his shoulders. What the hell? I was speechless. By the look on his face, he was just as shocked as I was.

  “How did-…” I started, beginning to ask how he found my address. Before I could finish, though, he cut me off forcefully and extended his hand for a handshake.

  “Senator Jack Ramsey, sir,” he said. I paused. What? I shook his hand back because that was what his presence commanded, but I was utterly confused. “I’m running for re-election to serve you and the state of Illinois in the United States Senate and was wondering if I could have a moment of your time.” I was briefly silent before finally responding.

  “Sure,” I said skeptically. I should have told him it wasn’t a good time, but in the moment I was frozen. I was, however, beginning to connect the dots. His name was Jack, not John. The apartment he took me to wasn’t his. He didn’t run his own business, at least in the way he explained it to me. And he was looking for a one-night stand because he was a fucking senator.

  I allowed Jack and his crew, who I assumed worked for him, inside. They introduced themselves and handed me a pamphlet about the campaign and his platform. I had to admit I didn’t follow politics much. I was twenty-four years old and never voted before.

  “Are these your children?” he asked when he was in my living room and the four of them were watching television. He knew damn well they weren’t my children. Even to the eye that hadn’t been explicitly told that I ran a childcare business, the kids looked nothing like me.

  “No, I run a day care out of my home. I have a state license. Would you like to see it?” I asked angrily.

  “Oh, wow! That’s great. No need,” he brushed off. “You know, my campaign does a lot for small business owners like you.” He pointed to a couple of points on the pamphlet and talked about his voting record on a few things related to children, health insurance, and some other stuff that sounded like gibberish to me. I was becoming too angry to focus on the things he was telling me.

  “You know, I have a lot of work to do,” I finally said, asserting myself.

  “I understand, sir. Can I count on your support in the next election?”

  “I’ll think about it.” I looked him in the eyes and made it as clear as I could, without telling him directly, that I wanted him gone.

  “Thank you for your time.” I slammed the door behind them as they left. The fucking audacity, I thought. Alphas. They were all the same.



  I went through the motions of knocking on doors the rest of the morning to kick off the campaign. I couldn’t get my mind off Gavin, though. What were the chances of that happening? What were the fucking chances? And how could I have been so, so stupid? I buried my face in my hands as Liz, my campaign manager, walked into the office we had set up.

  “You look rough. If one morning knocking on doors gets to you this much it’s gonna be a long campaign, buddy,” she said.

  Liz was a tough woman. Strong. She had dark hair and walked around in heels like a boss. I credited my first election to the Senate to her and her strategies. She was exactly who I needed in my corner. The only thing I hated about our relationship was that I had to tell her everything- any minute detail that might affect the campaign. She knew about my occasional escapades. She was the one that gave me the advice that made them so discreet- wear a hoodie, go at night, size up the place first.

  “I have to tell you something, Liz,” I said.

  “Uh-oh. Already? Give it to me,” she said. It was hardly her first time around the block, but I didn’t know how she would react to this one.

  “So, you know I went out last night, to The Under,” I said.

  “And you got recognized, didn’t you?”

  “Not exactly. Not at first.”

  “Okay, this keeps sounding worse. What’s the story?”

  “I found a guy to hook up with. It was actually- it was really good. I mean really good-…”

  “Get to the point, Jack,” she quipped.

  “Everything last night was fine. But this morning, we were knocking on doors, and we, uh, ran into him.”

  “What do you mean ‘ran into him’?”

  “I mean we knocked on his fucking house and he answered and if he didn’t know who I was last night he sure as hell does now.”

  Liz paused. Her face tightened. She got up, walked over to a file cabinet, and pulled out a piece of paper. She was practical- not the type to chastise me for any mistake that I made, or anything that otherwise happened. It was one of the reasons I liked her so much. She came back and sat down with me, putting the paper on my desk.

  “Here’s what you’re going to do. You’re going to go back to his house, explain that he can tell nobody, and have him sign this.” It was a generic non-disclosure agreement about interactions with me that may have happened before or during the campaign. I looked it over.

  “I have to go back? We can’t have one of the other staffers do it? I’ve already embarrassed myself enough.”

  “It has to be you. We have to contain this as much as possible. Jack, you could be President one day. Think about that. A little more embarrassment you might experience in front of some stupid omega pales in comparison to that possibility.”

  “He wasn’t stupid.”

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