Mile High Kink Club, page 1

Mile High Kink Club
By Lily Harlem
Mile High Kink Club: text copyright © Lily Harlem 2016
All Rights Reserved
With the exception of quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced or used in whole or in part by any means existing without written permission from Lily Harlem.
Warning: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be scanned, uploaded or distributed via the Internet or any other means, electronic or print, without the author’s written permission.
This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead is purely coincidental. The characters are productions of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously.
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Back Cover Information
Rhodri’s looking for love, but not ordinary love. He needs a man who’ll bend to his will, submit to his desires and obey his every command–including chastity.
So when Gay Hook Ups finds his perfect partner it’s well worth a trip to London. What he doesn’t bet on is his fragile-looking match being a sharp and successful entrepreneur. So when things between them soar, will he unlock the passion, free his desire and will they reach the dizzying heights of ecstasy together? It all depends on whether Darius is prepared to be caged in order to be set free.
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
About the Author
Chapter One
Rhodri Davis stared across the paved square just off New Change Street. He’d seen photographs of Scaldoni’s on the website, inside and out, but this was the first time he’d seen it for real. In fact it was only the third time he’d been to London at all. He preferred to stay in his beloved Wales and use Cardiff for his city fixes.
But now his search for love had forced him to leave behind the green hills, the deep valleys and the language that flowed as easily from his tongue as English—though he was only here for one night so he had to make it count.
All of his hopes were pinned on Rachel from Gay Hook Ups who’d studied his profile and matched him with a man who had similar…interests. The form had been incredibly detailed and when Rachel had called she’d probed even further, wanting to know more than just his favourite flavour ice cream and movie preferences. The only way to describe her other questions was intrusive, personal…intimate.
He’d answered them all honestly. Hadn’t held anything back. What was the point? He’d blown a huge chunk of his savings on this chance to meet the one.
He stepped forward, the bitter easterly wind nipping at his cheeks, and smoothed down the material of his navy blazer.
He wondered if his date would be waiting for him—was he in there now, sitting at the bar sipping a beer, gin and tonic, red wine? A lot could be gleaned about a person from their choice of drink. Maybe the man he was matched with would have a lavishly decorated cocktail and an equally flamboyant personality, or a shot of whisky and be a straight to the point kind of guy, a man of few words.
A tumble of excitement rolled through Rhodri’s belly when he reached Scaldoni’s. He paused and studied the dark windows set with flickering candles. On either side of the door were pyramid-shaped steel structures as tall as he was. They each held a long glass tube and a flickering flame danced within them—the heat warmed his face.
He opened the glass door and stepped inside.
The gentle hum of conversation filled his ears, and the scent of a hundred delicious flavours seeped to his nose. There were candles everywhere—on shelves, tables, along the sleek mahogany bar—and their flames shivered slightly in the draught he’d caused. The ambiance was elegant, subtle, romantic. Perfect for an evening of flirting and sexy banter with the gorgeous man he’d been paired with.
“Good evening, sir.”
Rhodri turned to a smartly dressed waiter who stood by a large book propped on a stand. “Hi.”
“Do you have a reservation?”
“Yes.” He hesitated, remembering what Rachel had told him. “Booked under the name Darius.”
All week he’d wondered if Darius was his date or if it was just something Rachel had made up. He hoped it was his date; the name had a gentle ring to it, a soft, pliant sound that he could imagine saying on an exhaled breath.
“Certainly, sir, this way.” The waiter smiled and turned.
Rhodri walked behind him and fiddled with the collection of leather bracelets on his right wrist. He glanced about, taking in the scatter of faces; male and female. A few returned his attention, but that wasn’t unusual. Rhodri was a big, athletic bloke and he hadn’t fallen out of the ugly tree. Mother Nature had been kind to him. She’d sculpted his face with strong, neat features and given him thick dark hair that needed little more than a hand running through it in the morning. When he allowed a few days’ stubble growth on his jaw line he knew it added to his style and he’d planned it that way for this evening.
The waiter led the way to the back of the restaurant. It was a little darker, quieter too. “Here we are, sir, I’ll just get the menu.” He stepped aside revealing a table set in the corner with a single candle placed on it.
Sat at the table, his face doused in shadows, was a man.
“Hi,” Rhodri said.
“Hello.” The man stood. “You must be Rhodri.” He smiled, the kind of shy smile that went straight to Rhodri’s core and heightened his senses.
“Yes. And you’re Darius, right?”
“Spot on.” Darius held out his hand and swiped his tongue over his bottom lip leaving a slight sheen there.
Rhodri stared at it as they shook. His lips were kissable, more than kissable, perfectly fuckable. “I’m sorry, have you been waiting long?”
“No, I’ve just got here.” Darius released his hand. “Haven’t even ordered a drink yet.”
“Good, I wouldn’t like to keep you waiting.”
Well, not for a drink, but there are other fun things it would be nice to see you waiting for…begging for.
Rhodri pulled out the free chair and sat, beating down his erotic thoughts. He mustn’t get ahead of himself.
Darius sat and the waiter arrived at their side, menus in hand.
“Thank you,” Rhodri said, taking one.
“What can I get you to drink?” the waiter asked.
“I’ll have a beer,” Rhodri said. “You?” he directed at Darius.
“Red wine. Argentinian malbec if you have it.”
“Yes, sir, very good.” The waiter smiled and walked away.
“Are you a wine buff?” Rhodri asked.
“Not especially, but I know what I like.” Darius smiled.
Again Rhodri was fascinated by his lips. They were plump, mobile, slightly upturned at the corners. “It’s good to know what you like.”
“I agree.”
Oh God, would he like what Rhodri wanted to do to him? Only time would tell.
“I can hear an accent. Welsh?” Darius asked.
“Yes, born and bred.”
“Beautiful country.”
“It is. I miss it when I’m not there.”
“I’m sure you do.”
“What about you? Where are you from?”
“London. Grew up in Highgate but I live in Chelsea now.”
“Very posh.”
Darius shrugged slightly. “It suits me for work.”
“Which is?”
“I’m in stocks and shares. Trading, that sort of thing.”
“Sounds stressful.”
“It is, which is why I need stress relief.” He tilted his head and his eyes sparkled in the dim light. “Nice meals out with good company makes the stress of the stock exchange feel a million miles away.”
I can give you stress relief. Take you to a place where stocks and shares no longer exist.
“It’s important to have downtime.” Rhodri nodded seriously. What was it about this guy? He’d certainly yanked his I’m-seriously-attracted-to-you chain.
“I agree, Rhodri, downtime is very important.”
For a moment they stared at each other.
Rhodri hoped Darius liked what he saw because he was sure as hell liking the view from his side of the table.
Darius was smaller than him, his shoulders sloped, his arms slender. He was also slightly pretty with blonde, faintly curly hair and big blue eyes. He was just the type of bloke Rhodri went for. The fineness of his bones and features brought out Rhodri’s protective streak, made him want to beat his chest and claim his man.
“We should choose something to eat,” Darius said.
“Good idea.” Rhodri opened the large, leather-bound menu. “Is there anything you don’t eat?”
“I like everything,” Darius said.
“That’s easy then.”
“No, I’m not easy.” He smiled. “Not by a long shot.”
“So what does a bloke have to do then, to win you over?”
“Well being tall, dark and handsome is a good start.”
Rhodri grinned. “And do I tick that box?”
“You know damn well you do.”
He chuckled. “It’s nice to hear I have one tick so far.”
The waiter set down their drinks then walked away.
“To win me over?”
“I like a guy who isn’t afraid to take what he wants.” Darius half shrugged as though the comment had been no big deal. But it had been, there was no doubt about that.
An image of Darius handcuffed to a bed, naked, his cock at full mast, sprang into Rhodri’s mind. Rhodri would have so much fun, teasing him, making him beg for it. He’d put his cock in Darius’ mouth, up his arse. Spank him as he came, turn his pale skin a gorgeous shade of pink.
“Are we talking about taking what I want in life or in the bedroom?” Rhodri took a swig of his beer. He was enjoying their banter, especially how it had kicked off so quickly. A tingle of heat tapped down his spine. He wondered how far the warmth would spread.
“Both.” Darius swirled his wine in the glass then held it up, as though examining it. He took a sip and appeared to swill it around his mouth before swallowing.
Rhodri shifted on his seat. He’d be sporting an erection soon if he wasn’t careful.
“It takes a strong man to admit to his needs, his wants…his kinks,” Darius said.
“Kinks,” Rhodri repeated slowly. He’d known this was coming but it seemed his date was in a rush to get the cards on the table. Hell, they hadn’t even ordered yet.
“Yes, kinks,” Darius said, then smiled as the waiter approached, pencil at the ready. “I’ll have the sea bass, please.”
“Yes, sir.”
“The same, please.” Rhodri hadn’t even glanced at the menu and he didn’t want to now. He wanted to carry on his conversation.
“Any starters?”
“No, just the main course.” Darius rubbed his hand over his white shirt, pressing it to his body.
Rhodri watched him. Main course. Yes, that’s what they wanted. That’s why they’d both searched out Gay Hook Ups. He for one had grown tired of trying on different lovers for size and finding their kinks didn’t match his, their fantasies didn’t fit together and their ideas of a perfect relationship were poles apart.
“Is your wine nice?”
“Yes, very. Wonderful flavours for the palate.”
Rhodri leant forward and knotted his fingers together over his place mat. “So why don’t you tell me about these flavours.”
“The wine?”
“You could start with that, but I’d prefer to know what flavours you prefer other than vanilla.”
Darius smiled and slid his fingers down then up the stem of his glass.
Rhodri watched his movements, wondering if Darius’ cock would be long and slim like the wine glass he was caressing.
“Vanilla is okay some of the time.”
“But it’s nice to indulge in something more…spicy on occasion.”
“Yes.” Darius tipped closer, locking his fingers together around his wine glass. “Spicy.”
Rhodri stared at Darius’ hands. His fingers were elegant, soft-looking too. He guessed working on the stock market didn’t give him blisters and callouses. “And what heat level do you like your spice?”
“Oh I can take it very hot. I might not give the appearance that I can, but believe me, the hotter the better.”
Rhodri shifted on his seat. That tingle of heat down his back was heading to his groin, there was no question of that now, a semi was well on the way. “And you like to be on the receiving end of this spice and heat?”
“Only when I’m with someone who knows how to give and can stoke the flames.” He blinked several times, almost as if fluttering his eyelashes.
Rhodri grinned. A sense of having caught his prey rushed through him. “I can give it out, don’t you worry about that.” He paused, ran his tongue over his bottom lip. “And I can give it out as hot as you can take it.”
“And do you like a good play partner or one who gets off on being naughty?”
“That’s my partner’s call.” Rhodri pulled in a deep breath. “Because whatever happens he’ll get off, big time. There’ll be pleasure and pain.”
Darius stared at him then nodded. “Okay.”
Rhodri allowed one side of his mouth to tip into a smile. “So, what do you think?”
“I think we might have to send Rachel a thank you card.”
Rhodri laughed. “Yeah, I reckon that might be in order.”
They were interrupted by a waiter setting down their sea bass. It came on a bed of fluffy mashed potato and was accompanied by several asparagus stems and a drizzle of green oil.
“This looks delicious,” Darius said.
“Mmm,” Rhodri agreed but he didn’t mean the food, he was talking about Darius. With each passing minute he found himself more and more charmed by his date. Yes, the questions from Rachel had been probing, but damn it she was good. Darius was physically right up Rhodri’s dirty street and by the sound of it their fondness for BDSM was also a fit.
Darius shook out a napkin and started to eat.
Rhodri followed suit. The fish was delicate and flaky as he pushed it onto his fork, and the sweep of oil around his plate had a pesto tang.
“So tell me, what do you do?” Darius asked between mouthfuls.
“I work in construction. I’m a site manager.”
“That sounds…physical.”
Rhodri smiled. “Yeah, it is. Keeps me in shape though. No need for gym membership.”
Darius let his gaze sweep over Rhodri’s upper body as though trying to see through his clothes.
Rhodri had to restrain himself from puffing up his chest. “And I don’t mind being out in all weathers.”
“You’re tough.”
“Robust.” He shrugged. Neither wind, rain or cold bothered him. In fact he liked it. The Welsh weather reminded him that he was alive.
“And I bet you’re very strong. Lugging all those bricks around and stuff.”
“Yeah, I guess.” Fuck, his hard-on was full blown now, thanks to the way Darius was looking at him, his soft lips moving as he chewed. Rhodri had the almost overwhelming desire to order Darius to his knees then make him open his mouth, take his cock to the back of his throat, suck until Rhodri was crumbled in a heap—coming and coming and coming. If they hadn’t been sitting in an exclusive restaurant, but at home or in a car, maybe even a theatre, he would have.
“What are you thinking?” Darius asked.
Rhodri half shrugged and picked up his drink.
“Tell me,” Darius went on. “You had a flash of something go over your eyes.” He leant forward. “And your pupils went bigger.”
Rhodri chuckled. “You into mind reading?”
“No, I’m more about body language.” He paused. “So go on, tell me what you were thinking.”
Rhodri hesitated.
“Ah, now I know it was filthy, whatever it was.”
“Yeah, you guessed right.”
“Was it a filthy thought about me?”
“As it happens, yep.”
“You like that, do you? That I’m eating my dinner and thinking about making you do what I say.”
“Very much so.” Darius glanced around. “So tell. What instructions would you give me, right now, if we were all alone?”
Rhodri also glanced around then he too leant over his plate. He was just going to go for it. Tell Darius how it was. He’d either read it all wrong and he’d shock the arse off his blind date, or he’d see a flash of desire cross his face. “If we were alone,” he said, “completely alone, sitting here now, I’d tell you to get to your knees, take out my cock and suck it until I came. And I’d be very precise, order you to play with my balls and take me as deep down your sweet throat as you could without gagging. Hell, maybe I wouldn’t care about your gag and I’d just push down. I’d unload in you, you’d have to swallow, take it all, whatever I gave you.”
Darius’ chest shifted, as though he’d sucked in a breath.
Rhodri leant back and scooped up a chunk of fish and potato.
Good, now that really was the cards spread out on the table. Hell, they’d been thrown in the air, tossed about by the wind and landed in a heap.
Rhodri watched as Darius picked up his wine and took a sip.
“Well,” he said. “Would you obey me, or would I have to turn you over my knee and tan your hide? Or would you walk away?”
“I’d obey.” He’d spoken quickly, as though the words had tripped over themselves on their way out.