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Kingdom of Sails: A LitRPG/GameLit Series (World of Magic Book 2), page 1


Kingdom of Sails: A LitRPG/GameLit Series (World of Magic Book 2)
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Kingdom of Sails: A LitRPG/GameLit Series (World of Magic Book 2)



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  Aethon Books

  Print and eBook formatting by Steve Beaulieu. Artwork provided by Fernando Granea

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Thank you for reading Kingdom of Sails









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  Sweat ran into Lox’s eyes, and he had to blink rapidly to clear his suddenly stinging eyes. With a final effort, he finished the solid spell he had been working on. Releasing the spell's twisting pattern, he watched it flicker and become mostly transparent as it floated out behind the Audacious. Lox had spent almost all his mana pool charging the solid spell and the exertion left him panting as his body worked to recover his lost mana. Climbing up to the helm, he found Vannessa and Cleopatra directing the ship; he looked back out behind them.

  “All done?” Cleopatra moved over and joined him, watching the ships pursuing them.

  “Yep. Best one yet, I think.” Lox examined the two ships, chasing them up the channel between cliff faces. Under his scrutiny, his Eyes of the Gods triggered, and a pair of tags appeared floating next to the two ships. Lox read them to remind him what they were up against.

  Level 3 pirate caravel

  Level 4 pirate caravel

  The Audacious had gained several levels over the last week as they had hunted pirates around the old pirate stronghold and was now a level 4 ship. Lox wasn’t sure what levels on ships were for since they lacked stats like people did, but Vannessa assured him that things would make more sense at level 5. Felix and Zirkseas climbed out of the cabin and took up positions where he had been building his spell. They both had taken a break from casting while Lox worked since their spells and arrows would have interfered with his solid spell construction.

  As Zirkseas took careful aim with his bow, tendrils of magic twisted around his arrow as he cast his new spell. His arrow streaked away, and it picked off a pirate standing on the bow of the level 4 caravel. With the aid of his magic, the pursuing ship was barely in range of his bow, though if the chase continued much longer, Felix and Lox would have to put their efforts into raising shields. As the arrow struck, Felix began to channel freezing magic in the water behind the Audacious through the staff Lox had given him when they left Markreis.

  Lox had been wrong, assuming Felix was a wizard. He was actually a mage, which explained his rather small selection of spells. Mages, unlike wizards, channeled different element magics instead of forming spells. While this meant they lacked a wizard's versatility, it did mean that their individual spells, while simple, were quite powerful. Soon large chunks of ice were floating behind the Audacious, and they raced up the causeway.

  Lox had just turned back to see how close they were to exiting the causeway, when a loud explosion behind them caused him to snap his head back around. An explosion had gone off on the level 4 caravel’s side, causing a large water spout to shoot up. Lox snorted with satisfaction seeing the damage his mine spell had wrought. As the water cleared, Lox saw a gaping hull in the front quarter of the pirate ship. The pirate caravel noticeably began to slow as it took on water. Still, even now, Lox could see the casters aboard the vessel were already sealing the breach with barriers and ice.

  The leading pirate ship, now the level 3 one, was just coming to range of standard spells and weapons when the Audacious shot out of the causeway. As they did, Lox waved at the two small crews they had stationed on either side of the exit of the causeway on the beach. Instantly, the crews grabbed the heavy ropes lying on the beach and started running in opposite directions. As he watched, Lox saw a rope rise up out of the water. Right before the leading vessel arrived at the rope, the two crews hooked the loops on their ropes' ends around thick tree stumps. The rope caught the first vessel and then the second one, straining under the weight. More beached crew members began raining a hail of arrows and small spells down on the now-trapped pirates from high cover. Looking away, Lox called out, “Drop the anchor!”

  A large splash came off the aft starboard side of the Audacious, and the party had to brace themselves to keep their feet as the anchor snagged and the ship began to make a sharp hairpin turn. As they swung around, the crew cut the anchor loose, leaving a buoy behind with it. Lox, along with Felix and Zirkseas, rushed to the front of their vessel. As they came back into range of the pirate vessels, Lox saw the dome barrier around the pirate ship beginning to flicker. The wave of magic and arrows from the Audacious was enough to break the barrier, and their attacks washed over the pirate vessels.

  Vannessa carefully aimed their pass so that they passed near enough, so they could grapple the trapped vessels. As the ships slammed together, Cleopatra, with Vannessa, led the charge onto the pirate ship. Following behind the initial wave, Lox, Zirkseas, and Felix supported the rushing crew and washed over the pirate ship's deck. Seeing a man wearing a three-pointed captain’s hat, Lox blasted him with a frigid burst of magic. He then activated vampiric speed and monstrous strength, his latest soul vampire ability. Blurring across the deck, he grabbed the captain by the throat right as he was about to plunge his cutlass into one of his crew. Lox ripped the captain's soul energy out of him as quickly as he could, draining him.. The captain briefly grasped at Lox’s wrist before succumbing to the drain's paralytic effect and falling limp.

  When the captain was fully drained, Lox dropped the pirate's empty husk to the ground. Looking around, he saw the crew of the pirate vessel watching him in fear as they surrendered. Still in the clutches of the high that came with the rush of draining, Lox roared, “To the next ship!”

  Rushing across the pirate ship's deck they had just captured, Lox followed Cleopatra in leaping across to the second pirate vessel, spell already forming on his wand. The second vessel had been under a withering fire as they cleared the first, and had caught fire in a couple of places. The crew aboard the second ship was all already straining under the fire from shore. The additional wave of enemies caused their morale to break, and they began to throw down their weapons.

  After securing the prisoners, Lox returned over to the Audacious. He had drained many of the stronger-looking pirates to the point just before they would have passed out. This rendered them as weak as kittens for at least a day as their bodies replenished the stolen energy. As he stepped back aboard the Audacious, Lox felt a wave of energy wash over the vessel. He knew that they had finally reached level 5. Knowing it was better to wait until they were docked to make his way to the core, Lox instead opened his character menu to review his gains from the fight.

  Character Soul Level: 36

  Name: Lox Stellacus

  Race: Half Human-Nalkor

  Unspent State Points: 0

Stat Point: 180

  5 Stat Points per level

  Health: 345

  Health Regeneration: 8.6/sec

  Equipment Modifiers: 2/sec

  Total: 10.6/sec

  Stamina: 249

  Stamina Regeneration: 12/sec

  Equipment Modifiers: 2/sec

  Total: 14/sec

  Mana: 810

  Mana Regeneration: 27.2/sec

  Equipment Modifiers: /sec

  Total: 28.2/sec

  Carrying lbs: 200


  Intelligence: 95

  Spirit: 71

  Equipment Modifiers: 1

  Total: 72

  Vitality: 14

  Equipment Modifiers: 20

  Total: 34

  Resilience: 16

  Strength: 20

  Endurance: 24

  Agility: 38

  Dexterity: 34

  Actual Level: 58.6

  Experience: 4562.1 of 21600

  Lox had used the last couple of levels along with some training to increase his endurance and resilience. He had had a few close calls because of his weakness in those stats, so he had determined to fix it. This fight had only netted him a thousand experience, and Lox took this as a sign it was getting to be time for them to leave this hunting area. Next, he opened the soul energy menu to confirm he wasn’t overcapacity; he could feel he wasn’t. Still, it was always nice to be certain with such a valuable resource.

  Soul Energy


  Stored Energy 511/520

  Talent Point

  Cost: 200

  Times Purchased: 3

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Stat Point

  Cost: 20

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0


  Cost: 1

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Decrease rate of loss by 10%

  Cost: 50

  Times Purchased: 1

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Ability to store 10 stolen SE

  Cost: 10

  Times Purchased: 50

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Vampiric Speed 2x+ 1x per level

  (Move 2x faster for 5 minute)

  Cost: 750

  Times Purchased: 1

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 50

  Monstrous Strength 2x +1x per level

  (Gain 2x strength for 5 minutes)

  Cost: 750

  Times Purchased: 1

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 50

  Aura of Fear 5 yards

  (Emit an aura of fear that will unnerve opponents that get within 5 yards of you.)

  Cost: 500

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Eternal Endurance + 25% reduction in remaining per level

  (Decreases need for sleep by 50% and increases stamina by 50%.)

  Cost: 500

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Enchanting Eyes 5 minutes increase power per level.

  (Enchant a person to follow your will for 5 minutes when they look into your eyes.)

  Cost: 750

  Times Purchased: 1

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 10

  Spirit Form 5 minutes +2.5 min per level.

  (Turn into a spirit form for 5 minutes.)

  Cost: 1500

  Times Purchased: 1

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 150

  Predatory Sense +5 meters per level.

  (Detect consumable souls within ten meters.)

  Cost: 100

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Paralytic feedback -10% total cost per level.

  (At the cost of 25% of soul energy, the soul vampire can enhance the paralytic effect of the drain greatly.)

  Cost: 1000

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Rapid healing, +25 per level

  (Heal 200 health points)

  Cost: 500

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 200

  Protected reaping, -10% of total remaining cost per level.

  (Further protects you from harm when in the process of reaping at the cost of 50% of soul energy.)

  Cost: 1000

  Times Purchased: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Day: 0

  Upkeep Cost per Use: 0

  Blinking the screens away, he refocused on the world around him and saw Vannessa looking down at him from the top of the central cabin. One of the modifications they had made over the last week was to turn the top of the cabin into a platform where the crew could fire down. Lox had not expected Vannessa to be back aboard yet and shot her a smile.

  “We hit level 5 yet?” she asked in a cheerful voice.

  “Just did! Casualties from the fight?”

  “A few wounded but no deaths.” She looked over the two captured vessels. “I think we need to scuttle the one that your mine spell hit; too much damage to save.”

  “I was worried about that.” Lox snorted a little. “That worked much better than expected.” He shrugged. “If only they weren’t so blasted hard to make.”

  “I am sure they will get easier as you make more of them.” Lox made his way up the ladder to the upper deck, joining her looking over the pirate vessels. “I have already started beaching the pirates, and we can be underway back to the stronghold.”

  They sailed into the former pirate stronghold leading the captured pirate ship. At the one remaining dock, a half dozen former pirate ships lay tied up to the dock. Only a few of the vessels they had captured in the last week had survived with minor enough damage to be still sailable. “Once we are tied up, I will get the crew off while you crawl your way to the core,” Vannessa told Lox.

  “You guys want to join me?” Lox looked over at Cleopatra and Zirkseas. “You two have just as much stake in this ship as me.”

  “I am good.” Zirkseas waved his question off. “I trust you to make good choices for us.”

  Cleopatra grunted in agreement. Once the Audacious was empty of the crew, Lox began the uncomfortable crawl in toward the core. Saul hovered with him, illuminating the cramped cabin with his internal light. After a couple of minutes of crawling Lox finally saw the core. He paused for a moment, briefly mesmerized by the swirling clouds of magic deep within the baseball-size core. Reaching out to the core, Lox placed his hand on it, and his vision was suddenly filled by dozens of windows opened before his eyes.

  “Wow,” Lox muttered as he began to sift through the information on the screens.

  Congratulations, your ship has reached level 5!

  Since your ship is a magical-class ship, you receive 4 ship points per level to improve your ship with additional magical abilities. At level 5, the ability to change the build of your ship will be available every ten levels after this, so choose wisely.

  Lox pushed past the initial text and began to examine his options, starting with the available builds for his ship. After all, that was why they had been bothering to capture the pirate vessels instead of just sinking them.

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