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Teach Me How To Fly: A Morally Gray Mafia Billionaire Dark Romance, page 1


Teach Me How To Fly: A Morally Gray Mafia Billionaire Dark Romance
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Teach Me How To Fly: A Morally Gray Mafia Billionaire Dark Romance

  Copyright © 2024 by Layla Brown

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or localities is entirely coincidental.

  First edition

  Edited by: Bookies et Moi, Daiana O., and K. Morton

  Cover designed by: Layla Brown

  Images used on the cover of the book © Freepik

  Created with Vellum


  Every angel craves its own cover of darkness when no one is watching.

  Annalise was the light. The good. The pure. A bird kept in captivity, unaware of who she really was or what the world's undiscovered secrets were. Forever protected by the bad man.

  Maksen was the darkness. Thriving in pain and chaos. A fallen angel, whose wings were cut off. Dragged into the horrific underworld by the same man who saved his life.

  But secrets create bonds, and theirs is as strong as it is forgotten. Because neither seems to remember the first time they have met, nor who the shadow that haunts them in their nightmares is.

  A vow was made.

  She will help him grow back his wings.

  And he will teach her how to fly.
























  To all women and men who went through trauma they don’t want to talk about: do it.

  Talking is healing.


  1. Annalise

  2. Maksen

  3. Annalise

  4. Maksen

  5. Annalise

  6. Maksen

  7. Annalise

  8. Maksen

  9. Annalise

  10. Maksen

  11. Maksen

  12. Maksen

  13. Annalise

  14. Maksen

  15. Annalise

  16. Maksen

  17. Annalise

  18. Maksen

  19. Annalise

  20. Annalise

  21. Annalise

  22. Annalise

  23. Maksen

  24. Annalise

  25. Maksen

  26. Annalise

  27. Maksen

  28. Maksen

  29. Annalise

  30. Annalise

  31. Maksen

  5 Months Later

  32. Maksen

  33. Annalise

  34. Maksen

  35. Annalise

  36. Maksen

  37. Annalise


  About the Author



  “Do you really think this is worth it?” she said as she ran her finger on my book’s page.

  I frowned, placing my nail under the sentence I was reading. “Why wouldn’t it be?”

  She let out a fake laugh, then put her hands on both of her hips. “Because it’s for nothing. You know father will never let you go to college, so you’re just wasting your time trying to study.”

  “Then it’s my time I’m wasting, not yours. So please, you can leave now.” I knew the sarcasm could be read on my face as I pointed to the door.

  I wanted to go back to my study session, but Katya had something else in her mind because she started talking before I even got to let my eyes fall back on the book.

  “Well, I should’ve known this already,” she said like a snake, spitting venom in her path. “Unlike me, you have nothing better to do than bury yourself in those shitty books.” Her nose scrunched as one hand rested on her hip.

  I raised my eyes to hers and forced a smile on my lips. Any slip of reaction would feed Katya’s hatred, and since she had everything I dreamt about, I held on to not giving her this bit of me.

  “Ah, what’s life if not reminding you that you’re wasting your time with all this shit,” she said, putting her hands on the edge of my desk.

  I rolled my eyes, feeling how my blood boiled instantly inside my veins.

  Relax, Annalise. You know she does this to mess with you.

  “It’s not your business, Katya. I’m not telling you what to do with your life, so neither should you,” I said, letting my eyes fall back on the book I’ve been learning from.

  She let out a mocking laugh. While for some it might seem genuine, for me it couldn’t pass as that. I knew every move she made to fake her way through life.

  “All of this is going to end when father will be back home and you know it,” she said as she made her way towards the window.

  “Again, it’s none of your business.”

  I looked up at her, admiring how beautiful her red hair was shining in the light of the day. She was so different from me. Not only that was she meaner and the opposite of my personality, but her body was built differently too. She was curvier and I’ve always thought she was the more beautiful sister. But as she turned on her heels and faced me, I titled my head to get rid of the thoughts that grew inside my head.

  “He’ll be back in one hour, just so you know.”

  The sound of her steps filled the room and the moment I heard the door closing behind her, I let out a relieved sigh.


  I let my eyes fall back on the Astronomy book, but with every word I tried to read, I realized I couldn’t properly concentrate anymore. I threw the pen on the desk’s surface and closed the book, smacking my lips as the anger tip-toed inside my body. I hated myself every time I let Katya’s words affect me, but that was who I was. I cared too much even for the people who hurt me, especially her.

  She was my sister, so she had the power to hurt me more than anyone else because we were family. That was the reason why I couldn’t stop caring for her, and even though it made me angry at times, I couldn’t blame myself for it. I knew I had a good heart, and I was sure that nothing could’ve changed it — not that I would’ve wanted to.

  I sighed, standing up from the chair and stretching my back with a slow movement of my hands. I looked around, then put the book back into the drawer and made my way to the window.

  I loved staying on that bench and getting lost in the beautiful sight of the forest that surrounded our mansion. It gave me a peace of mind I’ve never encountered before and I enjoyed it. It was the only thing that made my soul smile — this, and Maksen.

  It’s strange, yet exciting, the way my heart started beating faster when I was around him lately. It never happened before. Every time his gaze fell on my body in the past few months, I felt — or hoped to feel — a spark behind his eyes, as a ravishing fire ignited in my entire body. And this is what made me realize that we were not children anymore.

  My stomach twirled at the thought of him and I caught myself smiling because of it. How dumb I was. I must’ve been delusional to think that he would’ve considered me to be more than his best friend.

  We were inseparable since we were toddlers, but now that I was eighteen years old and he was twenty, we became even closer.

  As I scratched the back of my neck, my eyes fell on the opening gate. The sound of the metal rolling on the ground filled the entire house, and the car that entered our garden made my heart start beating faster.

  It was him.

  I felt tingles on my fingertips and my whole body trembled with emotion. I couldn’t sit still on my seat anymore and the nervousness grew inside my limbs now that I knew he and I were under the same roof.

  I immediately stood up on my feet and before I got out of the room, I checked myself in the mirror to make sure I looked decent. My honey-like curls were sitting on my shoulders, creating a beautiful contrast with the blush pink blouse I wore. I tried to convince myself that I looked pretty enough to meet him.

  Why did I even care how I looked when he was around?

  I turned around, making my way to the kitchen and as soon as I stepped on the first stair, I heard his voice making an echo in the entire house.

  As I saw him speaking with Katya, I didn’t even notice how noisy my breathing became. My jaw clenched involuntarily and my eyes narrowed to see them better.

  “You should come more often to the Cube,” she told him and I grimaced, scratching my temple and taking one silent step further. I didn’t want them to notice my presence yet.

  What was the Cube though? Was it a club or something like that?

  “I don’t have time for that,” he answered, clearing his throat.

  “That’s an excuse. You know how great the parties are there.”

bsp; “I’m not interested in partying anymore.”

  His answer came out harsh and the coldness in his voice was something I got used to every time he spoke with Katya. I knew he didn’t like her, but his actions were always reminding me of how much he actually didn’t.

  So The Cube is a club indeed, I noted in my mind and I knew I had enough of them talking by the way my back straightened and my feet started moving on their own.

  Once I got to the hallway, I raised my gaze to him and he looked at me instantly. His lips stretched into a soft smirk and it filled my heart with pride knowing that I broke that wall of ice he had put when he came here.

  He wasn’t the affectionate type, nor the type who showed his feelings in any way. But somehow, he was behaving differently with me. I couldn’t put this on the fact that we grew up together, because Katya was there too and yet, he didn’t treat her the same as he treated me.

  “Good evening, Annalise,” he said and I couldn’t concentrate on anything else but his lips.

  They moved with such slowness it made my knees almost melt.

  Wake up, Annalise. He’s the same Maksen he used to be. He doesn’t like you nor does he see anything else in you rather than a friend. You’re delusional because he’s the only man you know – and the only man that gave you attention.

  “Hi!” I replied and Katya turned to me, smacking her lips and analyzing me from head to toe.

  “You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Anna.” She bursted out in a mocking laughter.

  The anger grew inside me and I felt my fists clenching. As I was gathering the right words to shut my sister’s mouth, his deep, low voice made me freeze instantly.

  “I’m sure you have something better to do right now, Katya.”

  I felt my cheeks getting warmer now that he just took my side without hesitating.

  Why did I feel like this?

  He protected me since we were kids, never let anyone harm me in any way, but it never felt like this before. Everything from his gaze to his voice made my body feel like jelly, and that’s not how you should feel when your best friend takes your side.

  Katya swallowed any words she had prepared to say and passed by me, pushing me subtly with her shoulder before she made her way down the hallway.

  “Isn’t she over with this bullshit?”

  “It’s fine, don’t worry. She’s my sister, so I’m used to her.”

  He came closer to me and as he took each step towards me, I felt his warmth hugging me tightly. I was going crazy, and I couldn’t explain it. Every time I was around Maksen, I discovered new ways I behaved. It felt as if he had a button he pushed every time he was around me.

  “She could be God himself and I wouldn’t care,” he spoke softly, his breath hitting my face. “If she won’t stop, I’ll make sure that she will.”

  I gazed at him so deeply and his dark irises sent shivers down my spine. I wasn’t scared of him, but I was scared of what he might’ve done to anyone who got him mad. And it seemed that Katya was one of those people.

  “I can handle her, Maksen. Don’t worry about me,” I quickly answered and his jaw clenched.

  The moment his calloused fingers brushed my cheeks, I quivered and froze instantly.

  One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six.

  Stop counting, Annalise.

  It happened every time he surprised me with gentle touches. I was never prepared for those tingles that erupted inside my body, and I was scared that he might notice it. His touches always felt good, while the touches of other people seemed to remain imprinted on my skin and make me feel uncomfortable in my own body.

  “I came to speak with your father. Him and I will leave for a week,” he explained, keeping his eyes on me.

  “He’ll come back home in less than an hour. You came too early.”

  His lips curved into a smile, revealing a bit from his perfect teeth. “I know. I wanted to see you before he’d be home.”

  I blushed instantly. Was he always like this or was it just my heart that messed with me right now?

  “Well, here I am,” I quickly replied and instantly slapped myself inside my head.

  “Let’s go to our place,” he said and I instantly felt a wide smile stretching on my face.

  I didn’t give him an answer because I already knew what place he was referring to. My heart filled with joy and I involuntarily jumped from one foot to another as I turned on my heels.

  He laughed at my reaction and he immediately followed me as I started walking towards the back doors. His shadow towered over me considering how tall he was and that made me soften.

  We got out of the house and the chilly air hugged our bodies on our way to the swing set. It was our favorite place to spend our time and this didn’t change not even now that we were grownups.

  I sat on the soft pillow that covered the seat and he sat right next to me. His knee was touching mine, and his fragrance was tingling my senses.

  I was home all this time, but now that I had him beside me, it felt more like my home. He was the only one who could make me feel comfortable – and protected.

  “How are you feeling lately?” he spoke as his gaze got lost somewhere between the tall trunks of the pines.

  His question made me fall on my thoughts, thinking of an answer. I didn’t even know how I felt lately, but now that he asked me, I realized that everything around me seemed to have lost its color.

  “I’m fine, but I’ve been better,” I answered, chewing the inner side of my cheek. “How are you feeling?”

  “Don’t change the subject and make it about me,” he replied, turning around to face me. “Why haven’t you told me that you’re not okay?”

  Exactly, Annalise, why haven’t you? You’ve always told him how you felt.

  “I guess I didn’t realize I wasn’t well until you asked me,” I replied.

  He turned to me, burning me with his glance. His darkness wrapped me into its fingers as he continued to look at me and his jaw clenched at every second that passed by us. Once I let my lips stretch into a gentle smile, his face softened instantly and his body wasn’t as tense as it was when he came home.

  “I sensed that there’s something wrong with you. I hate it when I have to make you speak instead of seeing you opening up to me like you always have.”

  “I didn’t know I wasn’t feeling okay until now.”

  “Don’t lie to me, Annalise. You’ve been like this for months now,” he instantly replied, this time his tone of voice coming out more harsh.

  I’ve been realizing that I might feel something for you for months now. Maybe that’s why I was so different. I was trying to lie to myself and ignore my feelings because I knew it was impossible. My father wouldn’t allow this, and Maksen was surely not interested in me.

  He was a man who did a lot of things, and I was just a girl who did nothing with her life.

  “I’m sorry, okay?” I said, letting my hand fall on his hand.

  His muscles tensed instantly when he felt my touch. With a gentle movement, his fingers entwined with mine, a gesture so old but that feels so new right now. He always had my back, no matter what. And since he had become an assassin, he turned into a fearsome man so different from the one I knew in my childhood. But he was still my best friend.

  “I promise I’ll tell you next time when…”


  My father's voice caught my attention and I instantly pulled my hand away from his. His gaze was burning us both and by the way his upper lip was trembling, I knew we were in trouble.

  He wasn’t supposed to be home yet.

  But we did nothing wrong.

  Or did we?



  “Annalise, idi v svoyu komnatu⁠*,” Lukyan instructed Anna, who’s throat swallowed a lump.

  She didn’t let out any words. She just got up from the swing and made her way back into the house. I followed her with my gaze and I knew she was scared.

  She wasn’t walking with her back straight and her shoulders back as she always did. This time, she seemed like she wanted to bury herself somewhere no one else could find her. Her hands were wrapped around her body and her steps became faster when she got inside.

  I didn’t get to see her face, but I was sure that she had tears in her eyes. She was emotional most of the time and I knew she was going to lock herself up into her room and cry. It happened even more lately. Whenever I saw her, I noticed how day by day something changed in that happy little girl I knew. I just couldn’t put a finger on what it was.

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