Havoc's Temptation, page 1
part #4 of Reapers of Chaos Series

Lauren Firminger
Table of Contents
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Copyright © 2020 Lauren Firminger
All rights reserved.
Published by Lauren Firminger
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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organisations, places, and incident are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
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Cover Design by Tash Drake of Outlined with Love Designs https://www.facebook.com/outlinedwithlove/
Editing by Emma Mack of www.ultraeditingco.com
Formatting by Formatting the affordable way https://www.facebook.com/Formattinganddesignbyjaye/
Parking my bike a couple of blocks away from where I was meeting my sperm donor, I made my way to the club. I know Toby told me that he would have some eyes on me, but that didn't stop the sinking feeling I had in my stomach. My phone chimed in my pocket, pulling it out, I let out a low growl. For fuck's sake. It was a photo of Abby and Toby walking into her favorite restaurant here in town. Sure, I had known what he was planning but couldn't he put it off for one day. I didn't want the asshole to cross paths with them. Texting back to the one who'd sent the photo to me "Watch them like a fucking hawk." I didn't know names because I didn't care. They just needed to do their job. Shoving my phone back away, I slid my hands into my jacket pockets and picked up my pace. I just wanted to get this over with. The less time I spent with this jerk, the better I would feel.
The door opened just as I reached the front of the club. I stepped aside, to let the ones who were leaving past, before placing a hand on the door and walking in. Moving to the bar, I got myself a beer and looked around for my father, Paul. Dropping the cash on the bar when the waitress slides me my drink, I don't miss the glint in her eyes or the way she straightened her back, pushing her boobs out more. Her white shirt was buttoned to show just enough cleavage to get attention. Had I not been meeting someone then I definitely would be getting a number or coming back later. Who knows, I may need to take the edge off later and she could be just the one to do that. Let's just see how this meeting goes though. If I was walking out of here fighting mad then she would be the last person I'd be seeing.
Spotting the reason I was out here, I take my drink and move to the booth in the back corner. Sliding in opposite him, I set my glass down.
"This had better be important."
"Well, hello to you too, Son. Is that any way to greet your dad after so long?"
"You're not a father. You are just the sperm donor who bailed on us when we were young. A father would have been there when his daughter needed him. A father should have stopped their mother walking out them because she couldn't handle shit when it got too hard. A father should have been there to raise his children so his son didn't have to. Now, I repeat. This better be important so start talking or I am walking back out of that door." I took another drink from my beer as he sighed.
"I made a lot of mistakes but I am trying to make this right Corey so can you cut me some slack, please?"
"Nope. You have burnt those bridges." He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose. While I watched him, it dawned on me just how old and haggard-looking he was. Was there a reason by this sudden need to make amends or just a selfish need to remind us of his existence.
"You want it to be like this then fine. I have a message from an old friend of your clubs. I am telling you because it's a secret as old as Cameron and could rock the foundation of the club he has worked so hard to build back after Derek."
"Go on."
"You need to go to Ireland, Corey. The secret is hidden there. Don't take the club because every stone they try to turn to find it, the more underground the secret will go. If you do nothing with this information, I will be paying my daughter a visit. I know you are doing your best to keep her away from me but you can't keep your guard up all the time and your spies can only watch her for so long before they too slip up, so the choice is yours, Son and I will be watching." He slid from the booth before I could move. As soon as he mentioned Abby, I wanted to reach over and strangle him but I had frozen in place. What the fuck did he mean? What secret was he talking about? Would the Irish know what was going on? How the fuck do I go to Ireland and not have Raven ask me a million questions on the sudden interest to get on a plane. He knew how much I hated those things. I would need to take a heavy dose of something to get me through that flight. It would be more than one too which made it even worse. Did I take a private plane so I could take my guns or get Liam and Dec to bring me some when they got me from the airport? There was no way I could go without making some sort of contact with them. That was just disrespectful and something we always did. Downing the rest of my beer, I got up once I could feel my legs again and made my way back to my bike. I guess it was time to start digging. Here's hoping it wasn't deep enough that my ass landed in China.
Chapter One
I hated leaving Abby behind without a goodbye. That was the part that wasn't sitting right with me. It was one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. She wouldn't have let me go without an explanation though so I had to do it. I was going to call Raven once I touched down and hope to all that was holy that he wasn't waiting for me when I got home ready to kill me. I couldn't bring myself to talk to him about what happened that night with my dad and as wrong as leaving in the middle of the night felt, it was the only way I could get away without answering any questions. Questions that I didn't have the answers to because I was sure I was being led on a wild goose chase by someone I would have rather left behind. So why didn't I leave him behind? Well, on the off chance he was telling the truth, I was about to throw a major spanner into the works. The idea that there was a secret that had been hidden away in Ireland for twenty something years was pulling me in and now for some reason, I had to go and find it. It was a stupid treasure hunt that I was sure was going to lead me right of a mother fucking cliff to a dead end, but on the off chance it didn't, I had to go. If it had to do with Derek though, I could understand why people would go to great lengths to bury it deeper. I just hope he hadn't done so much damage that I would be searching and come back without any real answers.
After dropping my car off at the airport's long term parking, I boarded the place and left everyone I loved behind me. I mean, really, what the fuck was I doing? I had no idea where to start! Paul had given me no actual information at all. Why the hell would he? Not like he was actually trying to be helpful or anything. Just dangles the carrot in front of my face, knowing that I would have to go for it. It involved someone I cared about. Well that and he had threatened to go near Abby. Something I had threatened to gut him like a fish for if he even tried. I don't care if he was her father, over my dead body was he being part of her life. One person knew I was leaving though and I had tried so hard to shield him from it but I had to make Toby promise to stay with Abby or have her stay with him until I got back. Most older brothers would be killing any guy that touched their little sister. I knew though, deep down, I didn't get a say in it. They had been spending the night at his place or at ours without any issues so I didn't foresee that being a problem. If she needed me though, I would come home or was just a phone call away. Toby had her covered. Anyone else and I may have rethought this whole stupid trip.
After fifteen hours travelling, a short stop over for refueling, we touched down in Dublin. There, I was met by the Irish guys we called in for help if ever we needed it. Getting in the car, Liam handed me the phone that I had asked for. I pulled up Raven's number in my phone and dialed it on my new one. It would be late afternoon there so hopefully I wouldn't be waking him up.
"Corey? Where the fuck are you? We had a meeting this morning and you missed it. I called Toby and neither he nor Abby knew where you were. Abby is worried sick about you!"
"Sorry, Boss, I have some business I need to take care of." I decided not to out Toby. I had told him what happened after my initial meetin
"Okay, that still doesn't answer the question of where the fuck you are?!"
"I'm in Ireland." This was met by silence. I knew this would be playing in his head as he tried to work out if he had heard me right. After about a minute, I heard him sigh.
"Look, Corey, I am not gonna ask what the fuck you are doing because I know you won't tell me, or else you would have told me before you fucking left the country but please tell me you gave the Irish a heads up?"
"I did, I have Liam with me. Boss, I couldn't tell you. I don't know if I have been sent here for nothing or not. I have had next to no information given to me by my father. I didn't want you to think I was wasting my time."
"So why are you doing it?"
"He threatened Abby. I couldn't let him near her."
"Corey... Bud, did you ever stop to think that just maybe he wanted you gone so that he could get to her." My mouth opened to say something but I stopped. Well fuck! Why hadn't I thought about that?
"Can you help Toby please? I need to do this in case he wasn't lying. Something is here, I can feel it but on the off chance, I can't have anything happen to her."
"We've got her, Corey, you do what you need to do. So what information do you have?"
"All he said was that there was something hidden here and the longer it stayed a secret, the higher the chance of it becoming lost. I needed to do it and soon." Raven let out a sigh.
"Talk about fucking vague. Want me to try and track him down and see if we can't get some more information out of him?"
"Nah, no point. The bastard is probably long gone by now. He only comes out of hiding when he wants or needs something. It's why I don't want him anywhere near Abby. Father or not, the asshole is unreliable and she needs stability around her."
"Look, I don't like the way you went about this but I understand. Do what you need to do there, stay with the Irish and get home as soon as you can. Toby and the boys will watch out for Abby. Either that or she can come and stay with Hails or Katy."
"Wow, you are getting soft in your old age boss. No ass kicking?"
"Nope because anything I do will pale in comparison to what Abby is gonna do!" Fuck. He was right again. She was gonna have my ass for this.
"Sure you don't want to tell her for me?"
"Nope! That's on you, fucker. Think of it as your punishment for disappearing on us."
"Cheers, Boss." Hanging up with him, I bit the bullet and called my sister. I listened to her yelling at me and for the first time, I was kinda glad there was an ocean between us so she couldn't kill me.
Chapter Two
We got back to Liam's place where he showed me a bed so I could get some much needed sleep. When I woke back up, I was met with coffee. Liam had just finished eating when I'd come into the room and I politely declined the offer from his girl, Alannah, to cook me something. Truth was, I wasn't really hungry a lot of the time. I would really only force myself to eat because I knew Abby would worry if I didn't.
"You okay, lad?" I moved my hand side-to-side as I took a drink from my coffee.
"I still have no idea what the hell I am looking for or where to start. Is there anyone who may know if the old Reapers ever came over here?"
"We can check with Eoin. He is the oldest of us all but he doesn't think too highly of Raven turning his back on his father like he did." I went to open my mouth but he held his hand up. "I'm not saying any of us agree with him. It's why he isn't one of us though. Raven and you boys have really turned your club around and to be completely honest, we may not be working alongside you if you didn't. He is just used to Derek's way of doing things because that is his way too. At the end of the day, as far as we are concerned, as long as our guns get into the right hands then we don't care how it happens."
"You've always had our back and we appreciate you for that."
"How pissed off was Raven when you spoke to him?"
"I think he understood. I know I am in for it when I get back home though. I know I should have talked to him before I left but part of me thinks that his father has something to do with why I am here."
"What makes you say that?"
"I'm just trying to connect the pieces. Dad said that if Raven came over here and started looking then whoever was guarding or hiding this secret would go further underground and we would never find out. It's the whole reason I had to come alone."
"Well, you aren't alone now. We'll help you as much as we can. I'll put in the call to Eoin and see if we can't get something out of him. If not, at least give us a name of a few of the ones who Derek contacted about starting up the Irish charter of the Reapers. Raven was smart for not going down that path. He would have pissed off a lot of people had he of tried."
"He didn't see the point. If we need anything here, we have you. Just like if you need anything in the States, you have us. I'm sure your guys could cover the U.K as well. No need to build new alliances when we can just strengthen the ones we have in place already."
"Aye lad. Smart moves like I said. Finish your coffee and we'll get going." Liam stood up and pushed his chair back. Taking his cup and putting it in the sink, he left the kitchen. I slowly sipped my coffee. I needed a hot shower before we went to meet with Eoin. I was trying to think over the years to see if I could remember any of the times that Derek wasn't around. I took a deep breath. I was gonna have to bite the bullet and ask Raven if he remembered anything. I would have to wait until after the meeting though as I'm sure he would want to hear of anything important.
After one last mouthful of coffee, I got up from the table and moved over to the sink washing up my mug, I set it to the side to dry. Heading back to the guest bedroom, I grabbed my small toiletries bag, some clothes, and the towels that Alannah had left out and went into the bathroom that was beside the guest bedroom. Normally I would leave the bathroom with a towel around me and boxers under it once I had showered but I felt that was a little disrespectful in Liam's house with Alannah there, so I would just get changed in the bathroom. Locking the door after I stepped into the bathroom, I turned the shower on to let it heat up before stripping out of my clothes. Running my hand over my jaw, I wondered if I could be bothered to shave or not. Deciding against it, I took my body wash out and stepped into the shower. Closing my eyes, I let the hot water wash over my shoulders and down my chest. The heat was doing nothing to help the building tension though. Maybe I would have a talk to Liam about hooking me up with someone to take the edge off. I usually didn't at home because I knew where they had all been and didn't want to stick my dick into anywhere my brothers had been. Here though, what I don't know won't hurt me. Jess, one of the girls who runs the coffee shop back home, and I had an on off thing going on but we hadn't hooked up in a while. Neither of us were really looking for anything serious when we first started to see each other but we agreed that if we met someone else, we would back off and just be mates. I think Abby was still hoping something would happen there but neither of us felt it.
After cleaning up I turned off the shower and stepped out. Wrapping the towel around my waist, I grabbed the other one to dry off the rest of me. Pulling on my boxers, I took the towel from around my waist and sat it down with the other one. Taking my bottle of deodorant and spraying it under my arms, I grabbed my jeans from the pile and put them on, followed by my shirt. Hanging up the towels on the railing on the wall, a habit from living with Abby and her losing her shit anytime she walked into the bathroom where I had left wet towels, I grabbed my clothes and went back into my room. Sitting down on the end of the bed, I put my socks on and slipped my feet into my boots.
"You ready, lad?"
"Coming!" Pushing myself up off the bed, I grabbed my phone and jacket and walked out to meet Liam. He was waiting for me with his car keys in hand. Pulling my coat on, I followed him out and got in the car. Whatever was coming next, hopefully it wasn't another fucking dead end or damn riddle. Someone needed to start talking.