Darkness, page 1

Laurann Dohner
Book 12 in the New Species series. It is advisable to read the books in order to get the most enjoyment from the series.
Kat’s boss wants dirt on the NSO. She is sent to Homeland undercover but everything goes wrong as soon as she enters the front gates. She is arrested by a big, powerful, sexy New Species but she is not frightened. He turns her on and things heat up fast between them. Now, she just hopes he doesn’t break her heart.
Darkness admires Kat’s courage but he cannot trust anything she says. He hasn’t been with a female for years because he knows he is too damaged. He is not mate material, despite his desire to possess her in every way. Darkness fears losing control—the one thing that defines his life. He doesn’t think he can tear down the protective walls he’s built, even for her.
Inside Scoop: Kat never realized how much fun handcuffs and dominant males could be until she discovered her kinky side through Darkness’ need for control.
A Romantica® paranormal romance from Ellora’s Cave
Laurann Dohner
Katrina Perkins barely contained the anger that simmered inside. Robert Mason, her boss, always made her wish she could just draw her sidearm and shoot the bastard. It wasn’t a matter of if she wanted to put a bullet in him, it all boiled down to what body part she’d aim for first. It was a tough decision at times between his nuts or his big mouth. She fisted her hands behind her back to resist the urge to target both.
“I’m going to prove these New Species bastards are criminal. They use their sovereign status to get away with shit. No more!”
Katrina watched her boss pace. She wanted to stick her foot out and trip him every time he passed. He often ranted about his paranoid and idiotic theories that New Species were really public enemy number one. She was tired of hearing it. He’d been on a real tear for days after she’d overheard him ordering other agents to track the movements of a man named Jeremiah Boris, otherwise known as Jerry Boris. The person seemed to have disappeared and her boss believed the NSO was involved. It felt personal to Kat, though, as if her boss knew the guy or had a special interest.
“I’ll keep digging until I can prove they played a part in the disappearance of Jerry if it’s the last thing I do.” He shot her an angry look. “He works for them.”
She took a deep breath. “At Homeland or Reservation?”
“Fuller Prison.”
That surprised her. “I’ve never heard of the place. How is the NSO connected to a prison?”
“It’s classified.” He lowered his voice. “Unofficially, it’s where they incarcerate anyone who used to work for Mercile Industries.”
Her respect for her boss lowered even more. She’d be fired and he’d bring her up on charges if she shared restricted information the way he just had. She didn’t pry, not willing to be a party to his breach of conduct. Curiosity tugged at her though, making her wonder where it was located and if the NSO actually ran it.
“Jerry is a good man but he is afraid of them.”
She kept her lips sealed, refusing to be baited. Anyone who was a friend of Mason’s couldn’t be upstanding. She’d wondered how he’d gained the position ever since he’d been transferred to lead her department. He was rash, too emotional, bordering on nuts in her opinion. The only explanation she could think of was that he’d either kissed some major ass, blackmailed his way to the top or was related to someone important enough to call in some favors.
“They also do vile things to women. I think they drug them and get them addicted to something similar to heroin. It’s the only reason women would allow those bastards to stick their peckers in them.”
She decided to try reason again. “Sir, I don’t believe that’s true. I’ve watched a few of those women interviewed on television and didn’t spot any indication that they were drugged.”
He glared.
“Their pupils appear normal, their speech clear and their movements are fluid,” she explained, resenting that she had to. Signs of drug use were taught to every agent.
“Maybe it’s a hormone thing,” her superior muttered, pacing again. “You know, like making them nuts. Someone would have to be insane to allow one of those animals to screw them. It’s sick. Women might as well start going on all fours in front of their dogs and just avoid the NSO completely.”
She flexed her fingers, which were almost itching for her gun again, and hated her boss with a passion. She took that insult personally. “It’s not their fault what they are, sir. They were created by Mercile Industries and didn’t have a say when someone messed with their genes. It was against their will. They are victims.”
He glared at her. “Right. You have a dog. You’re an animal lover. You probably want to protest the standard procedure of putting down dogs that kill people when they attack.”
It depends on who they kill. I’d reward a dog with a juicy steak if he tore into your ass. I’m not forgetting your remark about women who own dogs either.
She silently watched him. Nothing good would come out of her mouth at that point and she didn’t want to be placed on suspension for insulting her superior. She did manage to shake her head, the appropriate response, which she figured he expected.
“I am assigning you to a mission, Special Agent Perkins.” A gleam lit Robert Mason’s eyes. “I’m sending you into Homeland, undercover. You’re going to find out their secrets and expose those animal bastards for what they are. I also want you to locate any information about Jerry Boris. He’s probably a prisoner there. You will assist in his escape if you locate him.”
Surprise tore through her. “What?”
He nodded. “You’re perfect for this assignment. You’re very attractive. They’ll be drawn to you like bees to honey. You look very feminine so they won’t realize what a hard-ass you are.” He chuckled. “You’re going to be very helpful.”
She swallowed back a protest.
“You’re the right man for the job.” He reached out and clasped her shoulder. “They’ll think you’re a harmless set of tits but we both know what you really are.”
She was too stunned to even punch the son of a bitch for what he’d just said. Is he losing his damn mind? It wouldn’t surprise her in the least.
He winked and squeezed tighter. “I did a full background check on you. There’s no reason for alarm. You look a bit pale but it’s perfect. You’re perfect. I’m the only one who knows your secret. We have a hell of a lot in common, Perkins.”
Mason calling her a man with a set of tits suddenly seemed tame in comparison to the new insult. They had no similarities. They both worked for the FBI, in the same building, but that was where the connection ended. She also had no idea what kind of secret he spoke of.
“Those animal bastards are going to want to fuck you but you’ll be immune to them. I’m sure your girlfriend will understand you going on assignment. We’re both the men of our families and I just tell my girlfriend how it is. I need you to pretend to be a real woman while you’re there. I hope that won’t be too hard for you. Hell, in a pinch I could pretend I find men attractive so I’m confident that you’ll be able to play it straight.”
She stared at Robert Mason and just nodded numbly. The moron thought her roommate and long-time best friend was her lover. She had to battle the urge to laugh in his stupid face. Oh, this is just priceless. Wait until I tell Missy.
“Yeah,” she finally got out. “I can do the straight thing.”
He winked. “We’re going to take these bastards down.”
She suddenly imagined what it would be like when his plan blew up in his face. He’d have to explain to his boss why he’d wasted money, time and resources. She had to follow orders but it didn’t mean she couldn’t file a complaint detailing how erratic and unreasonable Mason had become. Her suspicions were confirmed. He somehow knew Jerry Boris and was sending her to Homeland for personal reasons. He’d lose his job over it in the end. She’d make sure of it.
She smiled. “I love helping pin assholes to the wall.” She closed her mouth. Like you.
Chapter One
Darkness stared at the mirror. Steam filled the small bathroom from the running shower but he remained still instead of stepping under the spray of water. A few blood spatters marred one cheek and his forehead.
He glanced down at his hands, where he gripped the edge of the sink. One knuckle was swollen from the force of a punch. Jerry Boris was alive but he needed medical attention. Part of him regretted not killing the bastard. Another part of him was surprised he’d been able to stop. The door opened behind him and he turned his head to stare at the female.
“I wanted to check on you,” she whispered.
He saw no horror in her look, only sadness and worry. “I’m okay, Bluebird.”
She hesitated before stepping into the bathroom and closing the door behind her. “They sent him to Medical. He’ll live. You did what you had to do. The task force will assemble a team and put the location under surveillance. They want more facts before they rescue the Gift. The person who has her might own more homes and they want to locate them and enter all at once in case she has been moved, if she’s still alive.”
He pushed away from the sink, reaching for his bloodied shirt to remove it. “Thanks. I’m going to shower and then I’ll return to duty.”
She didn’t leave. “Do you want help?”
The offer stunned him and he swung his gaze back in her direction. “I can shower myself.”
“How would you know?” He regretted the words as soon as they left his lips. It wasn’t her fault the interrogation had gone that way. The human had refused to give up the location of the Gift until he’d been beaten within an inch of his life. “I’m sorry. That was uncalled for.”
“You’re kind, Darkness. You try to hide it but I know you didn’t enjoy hurting that human. You couldn’t get out of that room fast enough once he told you what we needed to know. It took inner strength I don’t possess to force him to speak. You probably saved a life. That Gift might be recovered because of your actions.”
“I hope so.”
She glanced down his body. “I could make you forget what just happened.”
“You could distract me for a short time but I won’t ever forget.”
She peered into his eyes. “You’re too hard on yourself.”
He kept quiet, not willing to tell her it was deserved.
“You are,” she insisted. “I don’t know much about your background because you don’t speak of it but I realize it was harsher than most of us endured. Do you want to talk? I won’t repeat anything you say. You should have someone to open up to. It’s an important part of the healing process.”
“Some wounds are just too deep,” he rasped.
“It doesn’t help when you won’t even try.” She stepped closer. “Let me soothe you. I’m offering friendship and comfort.”
“I appreciate that but sex isn’t the way.”
Her chin lifted. “Fine. We don’t need to share sex but you should talk to me.”
“What do you want to know?” Anger stirred but he buried it. Her intentions were good. He accepted and trusted that. “I was trained to kill and the violence you witnessed was just the beginning of what I was taught. It made me cold inside. I refuse to allow anyone to get too close.”
“You know the problem then. Change. We’re free now to make anything possible if we want it.”
“I don’t want to depend on others or care overly much about anything. I enjoy being numb.”
“You care about Species.”
“I do but there’s a line I won’t cross.” He pointed to the tile on the floor between them. “There it is. I need to shower and get back on duty. I appreciate your offer but I decline. Don’t take it personally. It isn’t.”
“Am I not to your liking? Everyone has a preference. Do the Gifts appeal to you? Perhaps one of the primates? You were around humans a lot. They are smaller and softer than most Species females. I could speak to some of them to find out if any are interested in sharing sex.”
“It’s not a matter of size or strength, Bluebird. It’s any woman.”
Her eyes widened. “You prefer males?” She swallowed hard. “I don’t know any who are sexually attracted to other ones. We could see if any of the human employees are though.”
“Goddamn.” He ran his fingers through his hair, forgetting that they were bloody. He needed to get it cut. It almost touched his shoulders, longer than he liked, and was just another reminder of a past he wanted distance from. “That’s not it either. You’re the second person to ask me that. I am attracted to females. It’s just that…”
“What? Finish what you were going to say. I won’t judge.”
He dropped his hand to his side and sighed. “I don’t ever want to feel that much again and females are a weakness. I trusted the wrong one once and people I cared about paid the price. Something inside me died and I’m not grieving its loss. I like being solitary and in control. I am free and that’s my choice.”
She accepted it with a nod. “Don’t you ever feel lonely though? Long to hold someone or be touched?”
“No. That’s just a reminder of the past. The only time I’m completely at ease is when I’m alone.”
She stared at him. “I’m so sorry for whatever was done to you, Darkness. Just know we care about you and if you ever change your mind, all you have to do is reach out. We’ll be there.”
“Thank you. It means a lot.”
She turned away but paused at the door to glance over her shoulder at him. “No one would blame you if you ended your shift early and went home. That was intense for everyone.”
“I’m different,” he reminded her. “Give me fifteen minutes and I’ll be back in uniform.”
“You’re stubborn.” She smiled though. “You hold my respect.”
He watched her leave and then stripped off the rest of his clothes. The last thing he wanted was to go home and listen to the silence. He’d relive every moment inside that interrogation room. Boris was a real son of a bitch who deserved everything he’d done but the fact that he’d enjoyed inflicting pain on that piece of shit didn’t sit well with him.
He scrubbed his skin and washed his hair. It only took him ten minutes to dress and return to Security. He glanced around but no one seemed surprised or uncomfortable upon his arrival. Bluebird was the only one who smiled from her seat in front of a bank of monitors that provided live feeds around Homeland.
“What’s going on?”
“Not much,” Flame answered. “We just allowed two trucks inside to deliver food supplies. Justice finished one meeting with a reporter doing a story on us and he’s got another one coming in about fifteen minutes.”
“Poor bastard,” Darkness muttered.
Flame nodded in sympathy. “I’m glad I’m not the one who has to answer all their questions. The task force left to assemble at their headquarters. Do you want to know what we have so far?” He pointed to two males at the far end of the room with their attention fixed on their computers. “They are tracing all information they can gather about the name Boris gave up.”
He didn’t want to be involved. He’d obtained the Gift’s location. It wasn’t his job to go after her. He liked to remain within NSO lands. “What else is going on?”
“Not much.” Flame held a portable electronic device, scrolling as he read. “Oh. The new instructor is due to arrive soon.”
“What instructor?” He frowned.
“A forensic one.” Excitement laced Flame’s voice. “Tiger hired someone to come in to teach us all about police procedures for gathering evidence. It will be fun.”
Darkness arched an eyebrow. “Fun?”
“Don’t you watch those shows on television? We’ll be solving crimes before you know it. I’m looking forward to learning how to take fingerprints.”
“What crimes? This is Homeland. It’s the outside world we need to worry about and the task force handles them.”
Some of the joy faded from Flame’s features. “Tiger asked what we’d like to learn and we voted on a forensic science instructor.”
Regret stabbed at Darkness. He hadn’t meant to deflate the other male’s good mood. “I don’t watch much television but I’m certain it’s very interesting if it earned the majority vote. I’ll be sure to stop in to check it out. I might learn something new and I’m sure we’ll find the skills useful.”
Flame smiled. “It’s fascinating.”
“I’ll take your word for it. Where is this instructor going to stay? Are the human accommodations already prepared? A background check run?”
“It was last minute but I’m sure we’re on top of it.”
“Okay.” Flame hurried away.
The door opened and Breeze entered. She grinned as she approached him. “Good job, badass. I heard you broke that son of a bitch and made him squeal like the pig he is.” She stopped, lifting one palm above her head.
He eyed it, frowning.
“High five. Put it right here.”
He refused to slap her palm with his.
“Kill-sport,” she muttered, dropping her arm. “Reporting for duty. I know I’m an hour early but I was bored. Anything happening?”
“Typical stuff. Deliveries, reporters and some new instructor.”
“Awesome.” She grinned. “The forensics one? I can’t wait. I made a list of questions I want to ask, starting with why it takes so long to get toxicology results after an autopsy. Did you know it can take weeks?”