Saving ms gothel, p.1
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Saving Ms Gothel, page 1

 part  #7 of  Middleton Prep Series


Saving Ms Gothel
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Saving Ms Gothel

  Saving Ms. Gothel

  By Laura Ann

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. October 30, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Laura Ann.

  Written by Laura Ann.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page





  CHAPTER 2 | Ten Months Later




















  Thank you to my dedicated Beta Team.

  I couldn’t do this without you.

  And to Victorine for the gorgeous cover.


  To my quiet but stalwart father.

  Your steadiness and dedication

  To your family have always

  Inspired me.


  “No boys allowed. Ever.”

  Rapunzel Gothel often chafed at her mother’s edict. As she walked around the high school, she saw couples holding hands, putting their arms around each other and sometimes even kissing. Zellie’s daydreams were filled with wonderment at how it would feel to have a boy look at her the way other girls were looked at. How did it feel to touch a boy’s arm? Or his hand? If a boy slid his arm around her waist, would it tingle? Make her blush? For years Zellie had kept her head down and followed the rules of her household, but there came a point where her curiosity and longing overcame her desire to obey.

  Her senior year found her pushing at the confines around her and she gave in to the rebellious streak screaming for release from her mother’s overprotective nature. So when a miracle occurred and the football quarterback invited her to a school dance, she decided to sneak out after bedtime and meet him at the school.

  A sense of freedom rushed through Zellie as she entered the school auditorium. She had put on the only dress she owned, a soft, flowy number that matched her greyish-green eyes and ended just above her knees. She had taken the time to curl her long, blonde hair, wanting desperately to look pretty tonight. When she met eyes with her date, his intense stare made her feel beautiful, wanted and excited.

  After several dances, he leaned close and whispered in her ear. “Want to get out of here?”

  Ooh. A nice romantic walk in the moonlight? Yes, please! Zellie blushed and nodded. Taking her hand, the handsome senior led her out of the side door toward the stadium.

  “Where are we going?” Zellie giggled; enjoying the feel of his roughened, large hand holding hers.

  Zach looked back and grinned. “Not much further.”

  The night was cool and crisp and Zellie felt goosebumps roll up her arms. Using her free hand, she rubbed her arm, trying to create a bit of heat.

  “Come on,” Zach said as he tugged her into the darkness under the metal bleachers.

  Zellie frowned. “What are we doing under here?” She watched the ground; stepping carefully over metal bars and lost garbage.

  With a sudden jolt, Zach pulled her into his arms; wrapping his beefy biceps around her slim, athletic frame.

  Mmm, this feels nice. Zellie tentatively allowed her hands to rest on his strong chest and looked up into his dark, blue eyes.

  “You are so beautiful,” he whispered as his head descended.

  Zellie gasped as Zach gave her a feather-light kiss. My first kiss! Oh my gosh! Zellie sighed at the enjoyable tingles running through her. I’m so glad I snuck out. Mother was definitely wrong about boys.

  Zach leaned in for another kiss, staying longer and adding more pressure than the first. When she didn’t pull away, he raised one hand to the back of her head, fisting her hair and taking firm control.

  At first, Zellie was in awe of the sensations being created and enjoyed the feel of the boy touching her, but after a few moments, things started to change. His grip became tighter and his kisses more hungry.

  “Zach,” Zellie pushed a little on his chest, trying to create a little distance between them. She was beginning to get uncomfortable with the direction things were headed.

  “Hmm?” Zach asked as he kissed her jaw and neck, never breaking his hold.

  “I think—” Zellie jolted as Zach took the opportunity of her talking to come back to her open mouth and deepen the kiss. Stop! Zellie screamed in her mind as fear began to take hold inside her. She pushed at him, but his strength far outweighed hers and she couldn’t get enough distance from him to get his attention.

  “Come on, baby,” he whispered as he went back to her neck. “Loosen up a little. You’re so beautiful,” he whispered against her skin, using his nose to start nudging the shoulder of her dress off.

  “Zach, please! Stop!” Zellie cried. She began hitting his chest with what force she could create in the close confines of their embrace.

  “I know you want it, too. I’ve seen the way you look at me,” Zach growled. Pulling her in even tighter with one arm, he let the other begin to wander.

  Zellie felt a panic attack coming on as she fought uselessly against the large boy. “Stop it, please stop it! I don’t want this!” Mother was right! Boys are only after one thing! As she gasped for air, Zellie saw spots enter the sides of her vision letting her know she was about to pass out. No! She shouted internally. She forcefully sucked in air, refusing to let herself be at his mercy.

  When Zach adjusted his grip so he could pull her dress further down, Zellie took the opportunity to react. Stepping back just enough, she raised her knee with all the power she had.

  “Oof!” Zach released her and held himself. “What did you do that for?” He growled at her.

  “I told you to stop! You had no right!” Tears were racing down Zellie’s face as she yelled at him while yanking her dress back up her shoulder.

  “I have every right! You agreed to come to the dance with me! You agreed to come out here alone!” He grabbed out for her, but Zellie darted out of reach.

  “Stay away from me,” Zellie whispered harshly. I will never break the rules again. Turning from the angry boy, she ran as fast as she could back to her house. After climbing in the window, she threw the dress in the garbage and slipped into her most comfortable pajamas. Laying sideways on her pillow, she allowed the tears to flow freely, soaking the fabric. She felt dirty, used and naive. How could I have fallen for that? Mother has warned me for years what boys were like.

  After several hours of terrified and self-pitying tears, Zellie finally nodded off; determined not to fall for another handsome boy ever again.


  Thanksgiving Day 6 Years Later

  ZELLIE THANKED HER lucky stars that her mother had allowed her to have Thanksgiving at her friend Tia’s house. Her friend was a phenomenal cook and baker and Zellie was enjoying every bite of the luxurious meal.

  The company isn’t too bad either. Zellie thought as she glanced sideways at the friendly, handsome man at her side.

  It had been years since Zellie had been assaulted at her senior high school dance and she had learned much and grown much during that time. But one thing had remained constant. Never again had Zellie broken her mother’s rules of ‘no boys allowed’. However, despite the safety, she found in her strict obedience, Zellie found as time went on that she was lonely. Watching her friends date and marry only emphasized that a part of Zellie was missing. A part of her that she felt helpless to fix. But fear of another situation like high school kept her from exploring a way to ease her longing.

  However, her reaction to a certain handsome guest at their little Thanksgiving dinner had her re-thinking her commitment.

  Brody and Hank both slouched back in their seats, resting their heads on the high back of the chairs.

  As the conversation flowed, Brody reached out and took Tia’s hand; caressing her knuckles in a show of affection. Zellie caught the action and her heart melted a bit. She had been skeptical of her friend’s new boyfriend, but after watching them flirt and watch each other, her fears were put at ease. It’s obvious those two are in love with each other.

  “Will you marry me?” Hank’s lazy but teasing tone broke Zellie’s revery and she darted her eyes in his direction. A ping of jealousy hit her when she realized Hank was speaking to Tia. Stop it, Zellie. You don’t even know him. And you have learned better than to get caught up in a good-looking man.

  “Sorry, Hank, I don’t know you well enough to marry you,” Tia said with a smile.

  Hank rolled his head towards Zellie as if the effort to hold it up was too great at the moment. “What about you? Will you marry me?”

  Excited butterflies sprang to life in Zellie’s tummy and she viciously shoved them down. Putting up her hands in surrender, she replied, “Don’t look at me! I didn’t cook anything, only peeled the potatoes.”

  “What if I like looking at you?” Hank’s originally flirty tone softened, adding a depth of emotion to the words that caught Zellie completely off guard.

  Freezing in her chair, she couldn’t pull away from his penetrat
ing gaze. Zellie barely noticed when her friend and host, Tia, and her boyfriend Brody, snuck out of the house. She was too caught up in the smoldering man at her side. “My mother always said not to believe everything you hear.”

  “Well, she’s probably a wise woman, but seeing things with your own eyes is a bit different.” The edge of his lips curled up in a small smirk and Zellie had to fight the urge to sigh at the movement. What is wrong with me? I’ve never been affected like this.

  “And what are you seeing?” Zellie bantered back.

  “An extremely beautiful woman.”

  Zellie scowled. “Don’t say things like that.”

  “Why not? It’s true.”

  Zellie rolled her eyes. “No, it’s not. Men always say things like that, but they never mean them.”

  Now it was Hank’s turn to scowl. “Says who? And how would you know if they mean them?”

  “My mother has warned me my whole life of men like you. Men who wine and dine you until they get what they want. Then they’re gone,” she snapped her fingers, “like that.”

  “Maybe she’s been meeting the wrong type of men. One bad apple doesn’t mean the whole barrel is a waste.” He sat up and crossed his arms over his muscular chest. “I don’t make a habit of saying things I don’t mean and I definitely don’t throw out compliments only to get something in return. You don’t even know me and yet you think you’ve got it all figured out.”

  Zellie sighed, she hated conflict. “I don’t want to fight. But between my own personal experience and my mother’s rules, I happen to believe what I’m saying.” Even if you tempt me to go against the rules.

  Hank made a face. “Why are you still living with your mother?”

  Zellie’s cheeks heated up and she knew the blush would be visible. “None of your business,” she replied brusquely, then stood to start gathering dishes.

  Hank put his hands up in surrender. “Sorry. You’re right, not my business. Another thing that’s probably none of my business are these ‘rules about men’. But I’m gonna ask anyway.” His grin was charming and carefree and a part Zellie longed to settle down next to him and get lost in the sensations he created.

  “Well, it’s not really a secret or anything.” Zellie set down the dish she was carrying and turned to face Hank; resting her hip against the counter. “It’s really very simple. Stay away from them.”

  Hank blinked. “That’s it? Stay away from them?”

  Zellie shrugged. “I think her official words are, ‘No boys allowed. Ever.”

  “I hate to point out the obvious, but for you to be here, there had to have been a man in her life at some point. Why so bitter?”

  Zellie chewed on her lip. Why am I bothering to explain this? It’s not like it will make much of a difference. Her eyes glanced back to the waiting man; indecision warring within her.

  “You don’t have to tell me,” Hank placated. “But I’ll admit to being awfully curious.”

  Zellie gave a light laugh and shrugged a shoulder. “I was pretty young when it all happened, so all I have are her accounts of it. Apparently, my father and mother were never actually married. When my mother found out she was pregnant, my father promised all the right things. Marriage, a house, being a real family. But he never followed through. He kept putting off the wedding and by the time I was a toddler, my mom had had enough. She gave him an ultimatum and he took the opportunity to disappear into the night.” Zellie tilted her head to the side and gave a sad smile. “So you see, my mother learned the hard way that men will say anything to get what they want. And she has spent my whole life trying to save me from the same heartache.” Only it didn’t work.

  “Whoa. That guy was a Class ‘A’ jerk.” Hank shook his head. “But not all men are like that. Just like there are nice women and mean women. You just gotta pick through them a bit.”

  Zellie turned her back to him and worked on scraping food into plastic containers. “She’s trying to protect me.”

  Zellie’s heart skipped when she felt a heated presence at her back.

  “Do you always follow the rules?” Hank asked, far too close to her ear for comfort.

  “I do now.” Zellie’s voice was soft and breathy.

  “Hmm... something tells me you didn’t share the whole story.”

  Zellie spun around and twitched at his closeness. Oh my ... His brown eyes twinkled with amusement while his chocolatey, brown hair flopped over his brow. Zellie found herself gripping the countertop behind her as her fingers itched to tuck it back for him. Edging to the side, Zellie gulped before speaking. “The one time I tried breaking the rules, I discovered the truth of her words.”

  “I’m sorry,” Hank’s voice had changed and Zellie paused in her retreat to look at him. Genuine concern showed on his face and it made Zellie question the rules all over again. He seems to actually care.

  Stepping closer to her again, Hank leaned forward. “I’ve decided to accept the challenge.

  “W-what challenge?” She squeaked out. His warmth was wreaking havoc on her inexperienced senses. How is he doing this?

  Hank grinned. “To prove that not all men are pigs and to get you to let your hair down.” He tugged on a strand that had broken free from Zellie’s signature bun, then stood up and stepped back.

  Zellie felt herself finally breath as his presence faded with the distance. Get yourself together! Throwing her shoulders back in a fake show of bravado, she replied. “I don’t remember issuing a challenge. Maybe I like following the rules.”

  “And maybe you’ll like breaking them more.” Hank gave her a two finger salute and spun on his heel. “See ya soon!” He called as he headed out the door.

  Zellie felt herself sink to the ground, her back against the cabinets and her knees bent to her chin. “What the heck was that?”

  HANK COULD FEEL HIS agitation and frustration building as he walked down the sidewalk. A scowl marred his handsome features and he couldn’t contain the growl that erupted as he walked. What kind of moron would hurt that innocent woman? He shook his head, frustrated on her behalf of all that had happened in her life. “No matter how brave she claims to be, you can see how soft she is. What kind of monster tries to take advantage of that? Someone has to help her see all that she’s missing out on.” And if that means you get to spend time with a beautiful woman, all the better. His inner voice added. “Her beauty has nothing to do with it,” he argued back. “Yes, she’s a young, striking young woman, but she deserves to be able to enjoy life, rather than hide from it.”

  Determination lit his stride as he continued down the street, striving to work off his

  agitated energy. Rules had always been a grey area for Hank. Being raised in a children’s home had taught him that in order to survive, you had to pick and choose your own boundaries. Now as an adult and a skilled computer programmer, he found it fun and a challenge to hedge his bets a bit.

  He straightened his shoulders and felt a smirk cross his face. “And I am just the man to teach her how.”


  Ten Months Later

  “YOU MAY NOW KISS THE bride,” the priest announced.

  Zellie laughed and let out a whoop with the rest of the crowd when Brody tilted Tia backward and kissed her. Both bride and groom were laughing as Brody righted his new wife and they turned to the cheering group.

  Raising their joined hands over their heads, they began walking down the aisle.

  “The reception will be inside the ballroom if you will all follow us,” Brody shouted over all the well-wishers.

  As the audience stood and began to follow the lucky couple, Zellie stayed put for a few moments, working to put her emotions in order.

  I’m happy for Tia. I am. Her inner voice tried to convince herself to show those emotions, but she couldn’t contain the sad sigh that escaped. Happy for her, yes. But sad and lonely? Also, yes.

  So much had happened in the last year. On Thanksgiving day, last year, Tia and Brody had broken up when Tia discovered who Brody really was. Then Brody had fought for his company and come back to claim Tia when the legal battle was over. Only for them to get engaged a few months later and now Tia was opening a bakery instead of coming back to teach at Middleton Prep with Zellie and their other friends.

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