Tank moonshine task forc.., p.16
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Tank (Moonshine Task Force Book 2), page 16


Tank (Moonshine Task Force Book 2)
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  A part of me had wanted to be there, but he’d assured me he needed to do this on his own and if he failed, he wanted to handle it in his own way. Failure is not an option for him, so I know if he doesn’t pass this test, he will be devastated. Which is why I keep impulsively checking my phone for a text message.

  “Is he really worried he won’t make it?” Logan swings us into a gas station. The radio’s been pretty quiet, and we need to get lunch while we can. Sometimes the best you can do is gas station food, although gas stations out here in the country usually carry decent food.

  “I don’t know that he’s worried, but it’s a definite concern. I mean, he’s been out since Thanksgiving. When he gets reinstated he’ll probably start the week of St. Patrick’s Day, so that’s a long time. I’d be nervous too, if I were him,” I shrug as we get out. “I’m gonna go throw this stuff away,” I indicate the breakfast trash from where I brought us breakfast wraps. “And then I’ll be in there.”

  “I’m gonna hit the head, so you’re good,” Logan waves as he runs off.

  It’s nice to stretch my legs every once in a while. It’s a beautiful March day in Alabama, already hot as hell. If I remember correctly it’s going to be in the eighties today, but the sun is shining and it looks like Trevor and I are hopefully overcoming a huge hurdle in our relationship. When he gets back to work, then we can begin to repair and build our lives. I’m excited for it, more excited than I’ve been for anything else in recent memory. The wind is blowing, so when I put my trash in the can, some of it blows out. Running to grab it, I round the building to where some picnic tables are set up for nice days. Pushing my hair out of my face, I see a young woman sitting at one by herself, blood pouring from her nose as she’s trying to staunch the flow.

  “Are you okay?” I call out as I approach.

  When she lifts her head up, I see it’s Leighton Strather. “I’m good,” she tries to pull into herself, stuffing the tissue up her nose.

  “That’s not gonna work, why don’t you come back to the ambulance and let me take a look at it?” I reach my hand out. She’s not much younger than me in age, but she looks scared to death right now. There’s a protective side of me that hasn’t come out since I had my sister around, and it makes me want to help this girl. I’ve seen her around a few times, and everyone in this town, hell in the county, knows her family is the main target of the Moonshine Task Force guys.

  “I don’t have any money,” she shrinks away from me again.

  Everyone also knows that’s a lie. The Strathers have a shit ton socked back from where they’ve been running moonshine for so long. “This one’s on me,” I smile at her softly.

  She gets up, shouldering a huge bag and picking up another at her feet. Something about this doesn’t sit well with me. Why does she have all of these bags with her? “You going somewhere?”

  Wild eyes look at me, like I’ve accused her of a crime, and her semi-relaxed pose is again rigid. “If you don’t wanna talk about it, you don’t have to, but if you’re in trouble, I can get someone to help you.”

  Leighton shakes her head. “No, I don’t want to get anyone else wrapped up in the shit show that’s become my life. I got myself into this situation, I’ll get myself out of it.”

  It’s on the tip of my tongue to ask what the situation is, but I don’t want to scare her off. I can see a couple more cuts on her arms, and there’s some bruises forming. If this girl’s been abused, I at least want to make sure she’s okay and doesn’t need to be in a hospital. “Okay, then let’s just walk to the bus and get you checked out.”

  We’re quiet as we walk around to the ambulance, and I worry she’s going to bolt. I’m surprised when she gets in after I open the back door. I indicate that she can enter before me and watch as she tries to step up, but can’t. A sharp intake of breath tells me she’s either bruised or broken a rib. “Let me get in before you, and hold you steady as you step up.”

  She nods, tears at the edges of her eyes. We carefully get her up into the ambulance and situated as comfortably as we can. “I’m going to text my partner, who’s inside, my order and I’m going to let him know I have someone out here, that way he doesn’t freak out. Is that okay?”

  She leans her head back against the wall, nodding. Those tears are now streaming down her face. I feel awful for this girl, she’s not in an enviable situation. I fire off a text to Logan and ask him to get one of the Moonshine Task Force guys out here, just to talk to her. I’m scared something bad has happened.

  “Wanna tell me what happened?” I ask as I glove up and go to work on her face, cleaning up the dried blood and fixing up a couple other cuts I hadn’t seen before.

  “No,” she slightly shakes her head. “I’d rather just forget who I am.”

  “You and I both know it doesn’t work like that, honey. Anyone who knows me, knows that even underneath the red hair and tattoos I’m a Coleman, right?”

  I realize we have a little bit of a common ground there, and I try to play it up. “But just because my parents are snobby doesn’t mean I am, ya know? I live my life the way I want to, and if they don’t approve of it, then it’s their problem not mine. My life and reputation isn’t defined by my last name.”

  Leighton opens eyes that had been closed before. Her brown gaze collides with mine. “Do you truly believe that, have people forgotten you’re a Coleman?” She whispers the question, and I can tell she thinks I’m lying.

  “It’s true, most people don’t even know my real name anymore. Everybody calls me Blaze. Sure, my mom, classmates, and people like that call me Daphne, but I’ve managed to find my own identity. I’m not saying it’s easy, Leighton,” she hisses as I clean one of the cuts above her eyebrow. “But it’s worth it. It’s worth it not to have to live under that shadow all the time.”

  She swallows hard as I start doctoring what I can of her nose. I’m pretty sure it’s not broken, but it’s going to be sore for the next few days. “I want out from under the shadow so bad,” she whispers. “I’m not like them,” the tears come again.

  “I know you’re not. You’re a sweet girl who got caught up in a bad situation.”

  “They got me arrested,” she sniffles, rubbing softly against the nose that’s still bleeding slightly. “And they didn’t even care. I spent a night in jail, over something that I didn’t even do. My daddy and brother said they did it to teach me a lesson.”

  Her eyes widen as she glances at the back of the ambulance. Holden’s standing there, his big arms folded over his chest.

  “Before you freak out on me,” I speak softly and calmly to her. “I called him because I know you need help, and if there’s anyone that can help you, honey, it’s Holden.”

  “But he’s the one who arrested me.”

  He grunts as he enters the back of the ambulance and stalks over to us. He slightly pushes me out of the way as he grasps Leighton by the chin, turning her face to the left and right, taking in the bruises and cuts. His voice is gruff when he speaks. “Not because I wanted to. Did your dad do this to you?”

  She nods, biting a trembling bottom lip between her teeth. “I told him I want out – completely. He didn’t like that much.”

  His eyes take in the duffle bags laying at her feet. “So you’re running, that’s your grand plan?”

  “Best one I had,” her eyes flash and I’m so glad to see irritation amongst the sadness. She’s got some fire in her. “Do you have a better one?”

  “Blaze is cleaning you up, and then you’re comin’ with me.” There’s no room for argument with his words.

  “Are you okay with that? If you’re not, I have an apartment that’s empty,” I have to give her another option, strong-arming her is acting just like her family.

  “She won’t be safe there, and you know it, Blaze. They’re going to come after her. Once they realize she’s truly gone, they’ll come. You know secrets that no one else does,” he locks eyes with Leighton again. “You’re worth a lot to them.”

  “What am I worth to you?” She smarts off again, and I can’t help the grin escaping from my lips.

  “More than you can probably imagine.”

  It feels like an intimate moment between the two of them, and I’m the third wheel. I don’t know how well they know one another, but they obviously have a little bit of a past. I finish cleaning her up and then leave, so they can hash out whatever it is they need to. As I jump out of the back of the ambulance, I see Trevor leaning against a squad car, dressed in his uniform. Which he looks so motherfucking fine in.

  “Ahhhh!” I scream as I run toward him. “You did it?”

  He picks me up, spinning me around as I laugh, so happy and excited for him, even before I know this answer. He’s in uniform – what’s not happy about this situation?

  “I did it!”

  His voice sounds so happy, so relieved. I’m happy for him. “So you’re back on shift already?” It seems fast to me.

  “Holden told me he was driving out here to meet you and Leighton. When he said your name, I was ready to go.”

  I frown. “Leighton’s got a long way to go, and I hope you all can help her.”

  “I hope we can, too,” he leans down, kissing me softly before straightening up. His gaze is locked where the ambulance is parked, which lets me know the two of them are probably exiting.

  I turn, seeing them walking our way.

  “Is there anything you can give her for pain?” Holden holds onto her side as they slowly walk across the parking lot.

  “I can’t, but I can place a call to Doc Miller, if you give me a few minutes. She can get you some pain meds and some antibiotics. I don’t think you’d develop an infection from those cuts, but some of them were dirty. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

  “I’d appreciate it,” he directs her to the back of the squad car, putting her stuff in the trunk.

  “Will do, I’ll text you the pickup time Doc Miller gives, if that’s okay with you.”

  Trevor leans down, kissing me, before he lets me go, smacking me on the ass. “I’ll see ya at home?”

  “You most definitely will.”

  As I watch the car full of people take off, I realize I still haven’t had lunch, and I realize exactly how worried I am about Leighton. I hope she can be helped, and I really hope her family doesn’t screw it up for her.



  “Congratulations,” I hear as soon as Blaze comes through the front door.

  My heart explodes with happiness as she runs to me, hopping up in my arms. “Thanks babe, I can’t tell you how excited I am.”

  “When do you get to start?”

  “Tomorrow,” I put her down, smacking my hand against her ass. “I filled out all my paperwork today. I’m good to go back on rotation tomorrow. Renegade and Tank will be burning up those backroads at zero nine hundred. So your lead foot better watch out.”

  “Fuckin’ speed trap artist,” she grumbles as she stands on her tiptoe, kissing me on my jawline.

  “If you’d obey the speed limit, there wouldn’t be a problem.”

  She knows I’m right, but she shakes her head anyway. “I’m gonna go change out of this uniform. It was hot today,” she fans her hand in front of her face.

  It was hot today, but I honestly didn’t care. I was too excited to be back in a police car, even if I did have to transport Leighton with Holden. That situation is really odd, and if I had to make a guess – our fearless leader might care a little too much about what happens to the moonshine girl. However that’s totally none of my business. My business is Brooks. I got a letter today asking me to be present at the trial. I know they won’t call me to testify because I remember nothing, but it’s a tactic prosecutors like to use; have the victim in the court room for the jury to put a face with the injury.

  Going over to the fridge, I open it, looking for something easy to have for dinner. It’s a nice night, and grilling doesn’t sound horrible. “Babe, what do you want for dinner?”

  A throat clears behind me and I turn around, wondering if Blaze needs something. When I do, my jaw falls open. She’s standing in front of me wearing nothing but a pair of the skimpy panties I got her for Christmas, her nipple rings, and a smile. Her wet hair is hanging over her shoulders, teasing by barely covering those pierced nipples, and her belly is going concave with the depth of her breath. “How about we feast on one another?”

  Immediate erection. Like totally involved. It’s been a long time since we’ve been intimate with nothing between us. No cast, no boot, no secrets, and now I need this more than I need the next beat of my heart. “What brought this on?” I ask as I walk across the kitchen, pushing at the athletic shorts I’m wearing.

  “You passed, I’m horny, and you looked delectable in this faded t-shirt. It sculpts everything,” she runs her hands down my pecs, scratching the ridges of my abdomen hiding behind the soft jersey material of the t-shirt I wear. “Plus, I haven’t been able to wear any of my Christmas presents yet. I thought, why not?”

  “Why not is as good a reason as any for me,” I drop to my knees in front of her, pushing her back against the wall in the hallway as she stumbles. Putting my hands around her hips, I kiss along the edge of the panties before moving my mouth up her stomach, appreciating the hard strength she has there as well. Blaze is a strong woman who works out to keep strong and fit, her body is one of the best I’ve ever seen.

  “Trev,” she sighs as she leans her head back against the wall, gripping her fingers in my hair. I love the sigh, love the way she grabs hold of my head and shows me what she wants. When I get as far as I can in my position, she grabs my hand, dragging it up to her tit. And Lord does she have a set of those. “I want your mouth where I’m putting your fingers,” she whines, spreading her thighs wider.

  “Too fuckin’ bad,” I tell her as I grasp the nipple roughly, before I use my other hand to pull down the slip of lace, exposing her body to my gaze. Taking two fingers of my free hand, I move them up to her mouth. “Open for me and get them wet.”

  My cock stands at attention as I feel her tongue swirl around my digits, prepping them to go inside her body. With concentrated effort, I pull my fingers out of her mouth, before rubbing them along the edges of her pussy. She’s trembling, bending her knees, silent signs that she’s dying for me to take what I want. Using those two fingers, I glide inside her core before I lick my lips and lean forward, burying my face between her thighs.

  “Oh fuck,” she lifts up on her tiptoes, trying to put me in a better position or get away from the sensation, which I’m not sure, but I take the opportunity to shove my shoulders under thighs and hold her weight against the wall.

  “Trevor,” she whines loudly. I can feel her fingers fighting with mine at her tit grasping her nipples roughly, pulling on the rings she’s got there.

  “Hmmm?” I hum against her pussy causing her legs to shake. “You need something, babe?” I wrench myself away so I can speak.

  “You in bed with me, I ache for your cock,” she’s running her hands from her waist up to her breasts, grasping her nipples and then running them back down again, making a track of pleasure on her entire body. “It’s been a while since we’ve been able to do it right.”

  As much as I’m enjoying my feast, I know she’s right. We haven’t been able to do it the way we like in far too long. Standing up, I use my core to lift her and carry her back to what’s now our room. Throwing her down on the bed, I reach behind me, gathering my shirt up and over my head, before I cover her body with my own.

  “This what you wanted?” I bury my face in her neck as I feel her legs climb up my back, her heels digging into my waist. Her nails scratch along my neck as I nip at her throat, leaving marks that I know other people will be able to see unless she covers them up. This is one of the things I love about her. She matches me in the bedroom, she’s not shy, she asks for what she wants and does what will get her off. I never have to wonder with Blaze, she lets me know exactly what she needs.

  “Yes,” she moans, widening her thighs, allowing mine to rest in the cradle of hers. With a thrust up, she seats me heavily inside her. My brain is screaming to my dick reminding me I don’t even have a fuckin’ rubber on yet.

  “Goddamn this feels good,” I reach up with my hands, grasping hold of her arms as I put my feet on the floor, to give me leverage. “You’re so hot and tight, and your piercings are rubbing against my chest,” I shiver as her hard nipple catches mine. “It’s the hottest thing in the world, but I gotta get a condom,” I warn her.

  She doesn’t release her feet from around my back and I can’t stop the motion of my hips against her, it feels too good. I’ve wanted her this way, face to face, for far too long.

  “Trevor, grind against me, please. I need the friction,” she gasps as I do what she asks, pushing my hips against hers, able to use both my feet to stabilize us.

  “This what you need babe? Me to fuck you hard?” I grunt as I withdraw and then plunge back in.

  “Yes,” she rakes her nails down my back until she gets to my ass, gripping it hard in her hands.

  I return the favor, letting go of one of her hands to move mine down to grip her ass, so I can go even deeper. We’re grunting and thrusting against each other, and I can feel her opening, can feel her getting wetter, tightening against me. “You coming, Blaze?”

  She nods as I latch my mouth onto one of her nipple rings and pull sharply with my teeth, it’s one of the moves she loves. Her scream is in my ear as she grinds hard against my body. Reaching down in between us, I feel her hand on my cock, jacking me while I’m still inside her.

  Fuck that feels amazing, I love the way her hand caresses me anytime she touches me. I’m still pumping inside her as she helps me pump my cock. She’s breathing heavily, her breath tickling the hair that’s sticking on my face.

  “Come for me, Trev.”

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