Make Me Your VIllain, page 1

Table of Contents
Make Me Your Villain
Other titles by Lani Lynn Vale
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
What's Next?
Make Me Your Villain
By Lani Lynn Vale
Text copyright ©2022 Lani Lynn Vale®
All Rights Reserved
No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the author. The only exception is by a reviewer, who may quote short excerpts in a review.
This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
Once upon a time, I was a poor chick with three kids and a husband who’d just lost his job. This goes out to the old me. The one who wanted better for her kids and found a way to do that.
Golden Czermak - Photographer
My Brother’s Editor & Ink It Out Editing- My editors
Alyssa Garcia - Cover Artist & PA
My mom - Thank you for reading this book eight million two hundred and seventy-two times.
Kendra, Lisa, Laura, Penney, Brandi, Jen, Kathy, Mindy, Barbara & Amanda—I don’t know what I would do without y’all. Thank you, my lovely betas, for loving my books as much as I do.
Other titles by Lani Lynn Vale
The Freebirds
Highway Don’t Care
Another One Bites the Dust
Last Day of My Life
Texas Tornado
I Don’t Dance
The Heroes of The Dixie Wardens MC
Lights To My Siren
Halligan To My Axe
Kevlar To My Vest
Keys To My Cuffs
Life To My Flight
Charge To My Line
Counter To My Intelligence
Right To My Wrong
Code 11- KPD SWAT
Center Mass
Double Tap
Bang Switch
Execution Style
Charlie Foxtrot
Kill Shot
Coup De Grace
The Uncertain Saints
Whiskey Neat
Jack & Coke
Vodka On The Rocks
Bad Apple
Dirty Mother
Rusty Nail
The Kilgore Fire Series
Shock Advised
Flash Point
Oxygen Deprived
Controlled Burn
Put Out
I Like Big Dragons Series
I Like Big Dragons and I Cannot Lie
Dragons Need Love, Too
Oh, My Dragon
The Dixie Warden Rejects
Beard Mode
Fear the Beard
Son of a Beard
I’m Only Here for the Beard
The Beard Made Me Do It
Beard Up
For the Love of Beard
Law & Beard
There’s No Crying in Baseball
Pitch Please
Quit Your Pitchin’
Listen, Pitch
The Hail Raisers
Hail No
Go to Hail
Burn in Hail
What the Hail
The Hail You Say
Hail Mary
The Simple Man Series
Kinda Don’t Care
Maybe Don’t Wanna
Get You Some
Ain’t Doin’ It
Too Bad So Sad
Bear Bottom Guardians MC
Mess Me Up
Talkin’ Trash
How About No
My Bad
One Chance, Fancy
It Happens
Keep It Classy
Snitches Get Stitches
The Southern Gentleman Series
Hissy Fit
Lord Have Mercy
KPD Motorcycle Patrol
Hide Your Crazy
It Wasn’t Me
I’d Rather Not
Make Me
Sinners are Winners
If You Say So
SWAT 2.0
Just Kidding
Fries Before Guys
Maybe Swearing Will Help
Ask Me If I Care
May Contain Wine
Joke’s on You
Join the Club
Any Day Now
Say it Ain’t So
Officially Over It
Nobody Knows
Depends Who’s Asking
Valentine Boys
Herd That
Crazy Heifer
Chute Yeah
Get Bucked
Souls Chapel Revenants
Repeat Offender
Conjugal Visits
Doin’ A Dime
Kitty, Kitty
Gen Pop
Inmate of the Month
Madd CrossFit Series
No Rep
Jerk It
Chalk Dirty To Me
Battle Crows MC
Always Someone’s Monster
Make Me Your Villain
For a complete updated list visit
Flaws—he has them.
Laws? He breaks them.
Dues? He’s paid them.
Scars? He bares them proudly.
Lessons? He’s learned them.
Problems? He has one.
Her name is Iris, and she’s the one thing in his life that he can’t control.
You know it’s time to do laundry when the only thing you have to wear is your prom dress.
-Iris’s secret thoughts
Ten years ago
“Your daughter has what is called schizophrenia,” the doctor said, shocking the entire room with his words. “When we talked with her after the incident, she told us a few details that are related to the disorder. After observing her and her interactions over the last two weeks during her psych hold, I feel safe in saying that she has what you would call a ‘classic’ case of schizophrenia.”
The doctor looked at us with a clinical disregard for feelings.
He was matter of fact.
He was blunt.
He was changing my entire life.
“What does that mean?” my mom asked.
“It means that she hears voices, darling,” my father supplied oh so helpfully.
“Basically, it’s a long-term mental disorder that leads to a breakdown in the relationship between thought, emotion and behavior. It leads to a faulty perception, inappropriate actions and feelings, withdrawal from reality and personal relationships—in this case, that’s congruent with her attempt at hurting her sister—into fantasy and delusion.” He paused to take a deep breath. “When she attempted to hurt Iris, she genuinely believed that her sister had come into her room and tried to murder her first.”
That was… wow.
I’d never…
“And what does that mean in the long term?” my mother pushed.
I didn’t want to know.
Because this all seemed like a dream. My sister had tried to kill me.
“Long term? It means that she’ll be on medication for the rest of her life. If she comes off of it, she could potentially harm someone next time. Her medication will have to be regulated. There’s no way that she’ll be able to just ‘skip’ a day. It’s every single day. For the rest of her life.” He paused. “I also recommend psychotherapy. And, if she doesn’t respond well to the medication, then I also recommend that she be introduced to a long-term care facility that can help with her them and making sure that she continues to do this correctly.”
I looked away.
But it was my mother who said, “We will bring her home. We’ll make sure to always keep an eye on her.”
They were all lies.
Do you think Medusa has snakes as pubic hairs?
-Iris’s secret thoughts
“You are not walking out that door,” Teller growled. “I will not allow you to come back when you realize the fuckup you just made.”
My ex-boyfriend, Teller Kincaid, police chief of Gun Barrel, Texas, looked at me like I was a lunatic.
He thought I was coming back here to get back with him.
In actuality, I was coming back to his house to pick up my laptop that cost a whack, and I needed it so that I didn’t have to watch Netflix on my phone during my layover tomorrow.<
“Teller,” I sighed. “You cheated on me with another woman. I’m not sure what you expect of me here.”
It was true.
The flight I’d been working two months ago from Dallas to Detroit had been canceled due to weather. And, since that had been my last flight of four, that would leave me being off for a week, I’d come home since there was no reason to stay in Dallas.
Meaning, I’d arrived home a day early, only to find my boyfriend at the time, Teller, kissing another woman in his bed.
Granted, he hadn’t been fucking her, but in my book, he might as well have been.
There was something wrong with me.
Every single guy I let into my life left it. But only after cheating on me before he did.
“I wasn’t going to fuck her!” Teller growled. “I was only talking.”
“With your mouth?” I asked curiously. “And why was she in the bed that we share? Teller, honest to God, you’re a great guy. I don’t understand why you would’ve done that.”
I hadn’t stayed long after discovering the two of them together.
In all honesty, I hadn’t given him time to explain, either.
I’d seen the blonde hair. I’d seen Teller’s hands wrapped around a small waist, and I’d taken that as my sign—the one that I’d been asking for for a while—to leave. There was nothing left for us and hadn’t been for a long time.
“It was a mistake,” he argued. “She was here because she didn’t have anywhere else to go.”
“Well, now she can share that bed with you, hoss. I’m not gonna use it anymore,” I told him bluntly. “If you happen to find anything else of mine that I didn’t clear out, let me know. I’ll come by and get it. I’m staying with Davina until I can get a new apartment.”
He sighed. “You could just move back into the one below.”
I felt my eye twitch.
I’d rather choke myself with a toothbrush than move into the separate apartment on his property, but that would just be stupid. There was barely any housing in Intercourse, Texas.
In fact, I’d been searching for a month and had come up with nothing.
He saw my hesitation and grinned. “You can have the mother-in-law suite for the same price that you were paying before you moved in here.”
I would rather pay the extra hundred and fifty bucks.
But, since he was the one who screwed me over, I had good reason to take it for that price.
“Fine,” I replied stiffly. “I’ll take it.”
“Good.” He paused. “It really was nothing, honey.”
I didn’t care.
Not anymore.
I ran my fingers over the back of my neck.
“Teller,” I muttered softly. “You and I were already drifting apart as it was. There was a reason you kissed her, and even if you weren’t going to do anything with her, you did that. And people that love someone else don’t just kiss other people.”
Teller didn’t have anything to say, because he knew I was right.
I would’ve been more upset about my boyfriend kissing another woman, and not about how I no longer had anywhere to live, if I’d loved him like I should have.
Which he damn well knew.
“The keys are still the same,” he said instead of addressing what I’d just said. “You can have whatever furniture the last tenants left behind.”
Probably shit furniture. Because people didn’t leave behind good shit.
Which meant I’d have to get rid of it.
Which also meant that I’d have to ask him to help me.
I didn’t say ‘thank you’ because we both knew that I wasn’t getting anything out of that.
Instead, I turned my back on him and walked out the door. “Bye, Teller.”
The first person I called when I walked out the door was my adoptive brother’s wife, Davina.
Davina was a gorgeous brunette, with flowing brown hair that came down to her ass, brown eyes that looked like caramel and hot chocolate, and skin that was bronze all year long. She also had the most beautiful, curvy body that a woman could ever want.
Then there was me.
I was ice blonde with long hair down to about mid-back, it was curly as fuck, and half the time decided to be curly, while the other time it decided it liked being one with the frizz.
I had a muscular body and no ass, with barely any tits to speak of.
But, like I liked to tell everyone that commented on my lack of ass, the reason it was so small was because my thighs were just that big.
They were thick with muscle, and every single woman that worked out near me always commented on them.
What they did not comment on was my ass.
Because I didn’t have one.
No matter how hard I tried to build it up.
“Tell me you got your computer,” Davina pleaded.
I laughed. “I got my computer. He also let me have my old apartment back.”
“Ugh,” Davina scoffed. “I would rather you live here.”
“You might,” I agreed. “But Anderson wouldn’t.”
Anderson and Teller Kincaid had been good friends. They’d both been in the law enforcement community and had known each other before Davina and I came along.
We’d gone out on a double date, and things had just meshed from there.
And, until about six months ago, things had been going great.
Then Teller started to change, and I started to not like that change, and we’d grown apart.
Now, Anderson was in a precarious position with allowing me to stay with them, even though his best friend had been dumped.
“You’re right,” she agreed. “But he also understands that if he wants some happy, he’ll allow you to stay on my couch as long as I want.”
I snorted. “I’m coming home to get my stuff and then running past Walmart to get an air mattress. Then I’ll be heading back to the apartment.” I paused. “I might ask if Anderson will help get some of the old tenant’s shit out, though. If he doesn’t help, I’ll have to ask Teller.”
“He’ll help,” she assured me.
I sighed. “Thank you.”
“Do you want to go to Bubba’s tonight for a drink?” she asked. “Just us?”
I thought about that. “Sure.”
• • •
“You have got to be shitting me.”
I felt the headache that I’d been able to keep at bay by sheer force of will start to throb at the woman’s voice.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about,” I admitted. “But Lindy, I’m tired. I don’t want to do this right now.”
“Well, then you should’ve found another way to your room,” she snapped.
Maybe I fucking should have.
Living in a house that you shared with your ex-girlfriend was strange.
But, since the housing situation was the way it was in our small town, I’d had no other recourse but to stay. Or be homeless.
I could stay with my sister, of course, in one of her cabins, but those bitches raked in a thousand dollars a month, and there was no way that I was taking that income out of her hands.
I was literally looking everywhere for a new place, but for the last four and a half months, I’d come up short.
Literally, there was nothing out there, and it was getting to the point where I was considering building a damn house if it took me far away from Lindy and her annoying voice.
“There is only one way to my room,” I pointed out. “And that’s through the main living area. You may be able to use it as yours, but you still have to give me access to it.”
We shared the kitchen, but the main living room was hers, while the game room in the basement was mine. We each had our own bathroom and our own bedroom.
The only problem was, I had to walk through ‘her’ living room to get to my bedroom.
And, unless I wanted to climb in my window—which was sounding better and better every day that passed and I had to deal with her screechy self—I had to figure this out.
“What is it this time?” I sighed.
“You left your peanut butter knife in the sink again,” she growled.
I felt my eye twitch. “And?”
“And you need to wash it, or it’ll dry onto the silverware,” she snapped.
It felt like we were still together at this point.